Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Another Republican Reality Star/Congressman comes out as an anti-vaxxer. Hang on I'm to go check my calendar and make sure it is REALLY 2015.

So Republican Sean "I can't live on a Congressman's salary" Duffy was on MSNBC this morning talking about Obama's new budget, when host José Díaz-Balart introduced a "gotcha question" about vaccination children.

Here is more courtesy of TPM:  

"I want that to be my choice as a parent," Duffy, a father of seven, said said during an appearance on MSNBC's "The Rundown With José Díaz-Balart." "I know my kids best. I know what morals and values are right for my children. I think we should not have an oppressive state telling us what to do." 

The Wisconsin congressman explicitly defended vaccine critics, saying: "I think a lot of parents who are smart, well-read — they're the ones who are choosing not to vaccinate. And oftentimes, those who may not be as well-read — they are vaccinating. So to say you just have a bunch of crackpots who are choosing not to do this to their children, I just don't think that's actually true." 

Duffy, a former attorney, said that he prefers to "pick and choose" which vaccines his children receive. 

"I vaccinate my kids on most things, but then there are some things where I'm like, 'This may not work for me and my values and my family,'" he said.

I have to wonder exactly which "morals" and "values" conflict with vaccinating his children?

Is he afraid that the vaccinations might make them live too long? Or perhaps he is simply worried that they may not be free to infect others if they are not allowed to catch the measles, small pox, or mumps?

I mean that would be a shame.

For instance does anybody remember the good old days before we had the polio vaccine?

Boy those were the days weren't they?

I have to admit I am completely flabbergasted by this sudden argument over vaccinations.

I used to work in an office at a child care facility and I remember that there was simply no discussion tolerated. No vaccinations, meant no childcare. Period!

And if you were late with a booster shot you were turned away at the door until you had an updated shot record in hand. There was no argument entertained, and there was no pass given to those whose "values" prevented them from inoculating their kids.

It is not fucking about you and your paranoia, it is about all of us.

And all of us are going to kick your ass if your kid makes our kids sick.

P.S. By the way for all of you confused about my reference to reality shows in the headline, Duffy was indeed a participant in The Real World:Boston.

Which just goes to show that the line of separation for Republican politicians and reality shows is pretty thin. Either they come to politics from reality television, or they end up there after their political careers crash and burn.

Right Sarah?


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Well, damn, I just opened up your new thread Gryphen, and saw that gif of Sarah and promptly spewed my afternoon coffee all over myself! Hysterically funny, whoever did that one. It's so accurate.

  2. Anonymous4:43 PM

    What do you think about this, G?

    British lawmakers in the House of Commons voted Tuesday to allow scientists to create babies from the DNA of three people — a move that could prevent some children from inheriting potentially fatal diseases from their mothers.

    The vote in the House of Commons was 382-128 in favor. The bill must next be approved by the House of Lords before becoming law. If so, it would make Britain the first country in the world to allow embryos to be genetically modified.

    The controversial techniques — which aim to prevent mothers from passing on inherited diseases — involve altering a human egg or embryo before transferring it into the mother. British law currently forbids any such modification and critics say approving the techniques could lead to the creation of "designer babies."


    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      a move that could prevent some children from inheriting potentially fatal diseases from their mothers.
      what about inheriting fatal diseases from their fathers?

    2. Otto Katz7:04 PM

      anon 6.09, the diseases they are working to eliminate are from the mitochondrea that are only present in the mom's germ cells. I am sure other people are working on fatal diseases only spread by dads. Could you name some? I thought not.

    3. Anonymous7:26 PM

      I'm not 6:09, but hemophilia comes to mind...or is it only that males are susceptible?

    4. Anonymous7:38 PM

      I think it's fantastic! Why bring a child into the world knowing it might have problems when there is a method of prevention?

    5. Sounds like the plot to the movie "Gattaca".

    6. Anonymous7:26 PM
      I'm not 6:09, but hemophilia comes to mind...or is it only that males are susceptible?
      Males are susceptible. Hemophilia is an x-linked recessive disorder. Males (xy) have only one x chromosome, from the mother, and if it has the hemophilia gene, they will have hemophilia. A woman has two x chromosomes and if one of them has the hemophilia gene, she will be a carrier.

      Hemophilia is not passed on through mitochondrial DNA, but through nuclear DNA, although as the poster above noted, mitochondrial disorders are also passed on through the maternal line.

      The x chromosome is large and carries many genes. The y chromosome and carries only a few genes, which is why y-linked disorders are very uncommon.

  3. A J Billings4:52 PM

    Refusing to vaccinate your kids for MMR and smallpox may be fine as long as you home school them, they are never allowed off your own property, and you put them in quarantine if you have visitors.

    But then they'll grow up, and unless they are like unmarried Duggar girls, they'll want to leave home and associate with others who may give them measles!

    Vaccines are a life saver in so many ways. It's a risk worth taking in nearly all cases.

    Oh, and O/T, over on Brancy's fake blog, they have a POLL up to vote on whether $arah should run for President!!

    Hey Granny Grifter, I thought polls were for strippers, right?

    I guess Nancy French didn't see that memo from the Big Boss :)

    Anyhoo, I do believe that anyone can vote in that poll, so have it it. Just google Bristol's first/last name + blog, as I don't want to link to her from here.

    The poll is right on the front page

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      If you take that poll, they're harvesting email addresses, so I'd advice not doing it. They're just trying to build a database of people so they can solicit money. Don't be fooled. She doesn't even show the results. You can always vote and put in a fake/throw away email address, but why bother since there's no way she will expose the results in case they are dismal in their support of her messed up mama.

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      "may give them measles"

      Even worse the un-vaccinated little darling could give rubella to a woman that is pregnant or will become pregnant causing the fetus to be born with birth defects.

    3. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Why is this a political issue? Well for one thing the CDC is not gov own anymore.
      I'm from the generation that I know people who had polio. We had "sugar cubes at school" for polito When we grew up Measles was a yearly thing... they passed around a paper keep your kids home if they have it. I did have Chicken pox when I was 28 yrs old!
      But there is something about the Vac issue. I worked in Veterinary clinic all Rabies were given IM meaning Intramuscular. We never gave a RABIES vac SubQ. NEVER. Now they are given that way and and multi-dog families are coming down with Degenerative myleopathy. When I asked the Vet about this she said "oh you gave the 'old fashioned vac'".! Really? And none of my dog got DM except my last dog who got a Rabies vac SQ! This is not a political problem but private interests taking over the CDC is! I am still waiting on results about my dog. Yes she was healthy and within a month receiving a SQ rabies died. The CDC that WAS is not the same CDC that IS now!
      But it is not a political issue! Well maybe it is b/c the CDC is not longer funded by the gov but funded by Big Pharma.

      Its a "privatization " issue.

    4. Anonymous6:39 PM

      The CDC is a government agency, funded by the U.S. government. It's not a private organization and never has been. I'm not sure where rabies comes into this discussion. We're talking about human vaccinations,

    5. Anonymous7:26 PM

      6:09 is parroting the notion that big pharma is driving the government mandates, and not health officials that know we can stabilize this nation's health. 6:09 sounds insane. You know that?

    6. Anonymous7:56 PM

      Anonymous7:26 PM

      6:09 is parroting the notion that big pharma is driving the government mandates, and not health officials that know we can stabilize this nation's health. 6:09 sounds insane. You know that?
      really... fucktard?? Really? I am the one who told Vetmed (human vet techs) to LOOK AGAIN! You know nothing! trying to spew fear. What I'm trying to say is... CDC is not independently owned now...that is why the Ebole bs and meal-seals bs. CDC been taken over over by kock suckers and its all political. Boooyaaa!!! !!!
      Thanks Repubs, thanks!

    7. Anonymous9:53 PM

      There are no government mandates!!!! Vaccination is completely optional, has been for decades. No one is suggestion otherwise.

      School districts and states can bar unvaccinated kids from participating in school and activities, but NO ONE is advocating government mandate of vaccination.

      Seeing this totally inaccurate mass panic is making me crazy.

    8. Anonymous3:49 AM

      Smallpox has not been eradicated worldwide yet. Just imagine the devastation if it came back. People die or are physically disfigured for life. Diphtheria kills. Our generation never saw the Spanish flu - imagine people who were well in the morning but dead by the next morning. Polio kills or leaves people disabled in one way or another for the rest of their lives.

  4. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Just when I thought we could not be paying legislators (RWNJ's) for more stupid, ignorant, asinine blithering - today the need to wash hands by restaurant workers is being considered to be an infringement on the employees' freedom.

    Tillis - North Carolina legislator making the most noise says the free market will take care of the issue.

    Hepatitis anyone? It can be transmitted through the urine!

    Should we have the doctors start doing surgery without rubber gloves?

  5. Jesus wept.
    (After he said, Suffer the children to come and be vaccinated.)

  6. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I had the MMR vaccine as a child, but evidently I was one of the ones where it didn't take. When I had my 2nd child, they gave me a booster before I left the hospital. Both my kids had their shots on schedule, zero problem.

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      We weren't allowed to see our new granddaughter without a Tdap booster. Good for mom!

    2. Anonymous2:49 AM

      I just had a titer test to see if I needed a booster. I do not, but in 10 years I can test again to see if I'm still good.

  7. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Boy oh boy! How do the Republicans and Tea Party members think they have any chances of winning in elections of 2016?!!

    They've been nothing but show us jokers in their parties for the past few years. Chris Christie, Sarah Palin and the little Paul guy?

    Hillary - don't commit to run until you absolutely have to! Let these idiots continue showing themselves as they are already! They are becoming the laughing stocks of the nation right along w/the House leaders in the U.S. Congress!

  8. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I was a special ed teacher for medically fragile and multi-disabled kids for 20 years. Not once did I ever come across a child who was born normal and became mentally disabled, autistic, blind, or deaf because of an immunization. I find it fascinating that so many politicians and anti vaccinators all know someone whose child developed problems. I call BS, they are gullible and liars to boot.

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      I've worked with kids and adults with physical disabilities and I DO know of some older adults who are deaf or have other physical challenges because of those same diseases that can now be prevented by vaccines.

      My former boss had polio when she was a child and has gone from using a crutch to having to use a motorized scooter because of the physical stress her body's been under for so many years.

      I currently work with children who are deaf and hard of hearing. The number children and young adults who have lost their hearing from diseases like measles or meningitis has gone down significantly in the past few decades. I'd rather not have job security because some parents are too misinformed or downright stupid to do what's necessary to protect their children from potentially devastating diseases.

    2. Anonymous2:50 AM

      I have a profoundly autistic cousin who was diagnosed *without ever being vaccinated* because her parents are anti-vaxxers. Obviously you can't blame vaccines in this case.

    3. Anonymous8:27 AM

      2:50 am: nobody says that autism comes *exclusively* from vaccinations. There was autism around for eons. Just not as prevalent as now. Even in the '80s, the incidence of autism was something like 1 in 10,000 or so (don't quote me on this, but research). Today, it is 1 in 68. Actually 1 in 46 for boys.

    4. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Don't quote you on it? How about you provide a citation for your numbers instead of demanding that WE research. And then show us any empirical, scientific study that proves vaccination causes autism.

      I'm not talking about prevalence of autism before and after some arbitrary period of time. Not only are we not sure what the prevalence rates were because we have better ways to identify and classify autism than we did before, there is no proven causation (even if we could show correlation).

      Vaccines DO NOT cause autism.

    5. Anonymous3:54 PM

      "Vaccines DO NOT cause autism."
      Tell that to a mother of a vaccine injured child. Tell that to a parent whose kid was able to read at the age of two, and after a flu shot became a vegetable and is now unable to talk or walk or socialize.

  9. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Probably the HPV vaccine they're so freaked about.

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      You're right. The HPV vaccine means that parents admit that their daughters may become sexually active.

      Denying the vaccine doesn't prevent sexual activity of course, and could result in dire medical problems for the daughter. But "morals" stand in the way of disease prevention.

  10. angela5:15 PM

    I don't have a problem either if all of these idiots homeschool their children. So Mr. Duffy thinks ninety percent of Americans are dumb--huh? That will make a great campaign sign next go round. These assholes are out in full daylight. The congressman needs to keep his herd of children at home too.

    So when did vaccines have "moral" implications? Moron.

  11. Anonymous5:17 PM

    This guy is a real putz. He knows what morals and values are right for his family? What the hell do morals and values have to do with vaccines?

  12. Anonymous5:18 PM

    "Morals and values" always refers to HPV vaccination when right wingers are talking. They don't like the age that girls are supposed to get vaccinated. Instead they risk their daughters' future.

  13. Anonymous5:34 PM


    Bradley Cooper is talking like he failed with his movie. No one is talking about vets and their coming home problems. Kyle's ego and fake history wins.

    "Cooper told NPR’s Terry Gross his intent was to create a “character study” about Kyle and his place in the Iraq War, not to get into the intricacies of American foreign policy and why the U.S. went to war in Iraq in the first place.

    Cooper said if anyone has a problem with Kyle or certain things in the movie, they should take it up with the people who make the decisions about war.

    He also bemoaned how no one is talking about veterans amid all this political sniping:"

    American Sniping

    1. Anonymous8:54 PM

      That's Bradley Cooper's stiff cheese, isn't it? Too bad nobody appreciates his art. Perhaps he should have chosen a better director than a demented old wingnut who speaks to chairs.

    2. Anonymous3:45 AM

      I was thinking the same thing, Anon. at 8:54 pm. Clint Eastwood has said that it was an "anti-war" movie but his political track record belies the statement. It's a little late to change the focus. Why did they make the movie anyway if they were anti-war? It's obvious that most of the viewers did not come out of the theaters thinking "what a great anti-war movie"; they came out thinking that Kyle was a "great guy." Super miss, Clint and Bradley.

    3. Anonymous7:26 AM

      I have no intention of seeing this movie. But, have to admit that I'm one that has never attended war movies. It's just never been appealing to me.

      Plus, my brother was in the Viet Nam war which he still never mentions!

  14. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Speaking of reality shows and Palin, Bristol has a post up about what Sarah meant by her comment of being interested in running for President with a poll, -should Palin run or not? The grfting continues!!!! They are disgusting but especially Sarah with the way she uses Bristol!

    People have to leave their email if they vote--- money, money, money. They are after that money.

    1. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Well, Bristol, let me put it you this way. This is the presidency, not a reality show as Bill O'Reilly told your mom.

      Do you honestly think "rill" America would have your family anywhere close to the White House, except a guided tour like the regular folk we are? Security cameras would be on you like a hawk to make sure you didn't pocket something. Joe Lieberman was right to push your mom out of the way at the one dinner Greta invited her to.

      The answer is not only no, Bristol, but HELL NO. May I suggest, at 23, that you stop rearranging your face, stop riding mommie's coattails, raise your son to be a decent human being, and make something of yourself in your own right without OPM. You will never be happy until you do.

      In other words, GROW UP.

    2. Anonymous3:42 AM

      I don't think they'd get in on a tour. I know I wouldn't let any of the Palins into the White House. Period.

    3. Anonymous7:23 AM

      I'm sure Sarah, Todd and Bristol Palin would not be allowed in the White House on a tour.

      Cannot imagine their getting through the security that they have. I've done it and loved it. But, they are very careful and I'm sure even more so than went I did it!

      Plus, if I was standing in line and saw the Palins (as noted above), I'd make sure the security folks knew who they were and that they were there!

  15. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Here’s a look at anti-vaxxers’ monstrously bad measles math


  16. Anonymous5:42 PM

    This little dick is my congressman. I wish he had met my old boss and an Uncle who bother were crippled for LIFE from polio. WTF sean WTF, go back to cutting trees down and performing as a lumberjack, where all the unvaccinated vacationers can come and infect you, you little dickhead.

    1. I think he may have been referring to the HPV shot given to females and males going into puberty to prevent cervical cancer. I just hope his wife over-rides his decisions.... .

  17. Anonymous5:56 PM

    It's the Republican campaign policy called:"No vote left behind!"
    You can't be too stupid or too ignorant not to be included in the GOP's big tent.

  18. Chenagrrl5:57 PM

    These knuckleheads love to talk about common sense, but they clearly have no concept of the common good, which helps and protects all or most members of a nation.

  19. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Fuck these anti-vaxxers. If I can't send my kid to school with a peanut butter sandwich these paranoid fundie-tards shouldn't be able to drop off their little jeebus shielded, measle infested typhoid marys anywhere.

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM


    2. Anonymous6:56 PM

      I volunteered in MS after Katrina and spent 2 weeks with Project Hope. I worked in a clinic RE-vaccinating kids whose medical records were lost. This was so they could attend school in the fall.

    3. Anonymous7:16 PM

      You did Project Hope, 6:56 PM?
      I applaud you!

    4. Anonymous7:59 PM

      I totally agree, no vaccinations no school, period.

  20. Anonymous6:01 PM

    These people are psychologically stunted. They're stuck at the age of three.
    You cain't tell me to wash my hands!
    You cain't tell me that I have an obligation not to spread measles to sick children or those without strong immunity.
    So what if measles can kill children, or leave them blind or paralyzed?
    It's my right to pass on a lethal disease to others. It's the moral thing to do. And I'll stamp my foot until you let me do whatever I want to do, and to hell with the rest of the world.

    1. Anonymous10:19 PM

      Measles is normally NOT a deadly disease. NO child has died of Measles in the US since at least 2003.
      Over ONE HUNDRED have died since then from the MMR shot. Check out the CDC stats.

    2. Anonymous10:44 PM

      Nope, not true.


  21. Chenagrrl6:02 PM

    In the beginning of this vaxinsanity, the culprit was thimerosal, the disinfectant that cleansed the needle before the vaccine was drawn. At the time, a good 10 years ago, thimerosal was removed from use. The issue was never the vaccines. Here is the CDC FAQ on it. I recommend staying away from whine online for reading about this issue.

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      Chenagirl, according to the article you cited, thimerosal is a preservative used IN the vaccines. It wasn't used to clean the needle. Needles don't need cleaning, as they all come sterile in individual packaging. They are all disposable today.

  22. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Interesting article, Jesse, in line with your posts about religion in this country:

    The stubborn myth of the Christian country: Why the U.S. has always been “one nation, under gods”


  23. So the same people that say this:

    "I want that to be my choice as a parent," Duffy, a father of seven, said said during an appearance on MSNBC's "The Rundown With José Díaz-Balart." "I know my kids best. I know what morals and values are right for my children. I think we should not have an oppressive state telling us what to do."

    are the 1st ones to deny a woman's right to decide what happens to her own body....

    I ronic isn't it??

    1. Anonymous3:42 AM

      Great comment Nolaredhead, thanks.

      It is my hope that much is made of a woman's right to chose what is best for her own body. What adults (parents) decide about protecting children (and adults) after living children are born is 'choice.'

      As living breathing human beings relative to other living, breathing human beings, should not there be 'legal protections' (or removal of 'choice') for vaccinating our young?


    2. And the first ones to shriek that their religious freedom requires that your children only be taught science, math, and history that their religion approves of.

  24. Anonymous6:07 PM

    This is a public health issue and these morons are turning into a political issue.

    It is hard to believe that people listen to Jenny McCarthy, a celebrity or politicians instead of the medical community.

    The reality is the scientific community has not found the "cause" of autism and the rise is probable due to more comprehensive diagnosis.

    Since they are now finding out that "defects" can also related to the sperm, maybe Jenny McCarthy should look into the drug use by her ex- husband, maybe that is the cause of autism.

    Bet you can't guess which state is #1 in vaccinations

    Mississippi has the highest vaccination rate for school-age children.....
    Currently, West Virginia and Mississippi are the only two states that don't allow children in public schools to forgo vaccinations for religious or "philosophical" reasons. And it makes a difference. ....


  25. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Better Sean Duffy links here

    Links to youtube clips captioned as follows:

    #1 Real World special with the Road Rules Cast. Each member is given a camera for a weekend trip to learn about public speaking skills. Sean strips down to his underwear, pretends to be putting on a strip show. He then steps in front of a window and moons people watching from across the way. Sean asks Elka if she masturbates.

    #2 Sean and Montana come home drunk after being at the bars. Sean takes his pants off, dances on the pool table and dances with a pool stick.

  26. Anonymous6:38 PM

    OK, so what's all the bullshit about not vaccinating, when it was only a few months ago that people were insanely freaked out about EBOLA and begging for a vaccine. So now they say they wouldn't take an EBOLA vaccine? Or are they saying only CERTAIN vaccines? Or is it because measles is such a known named disease and EBOLA is a big, scary foreign named disease? This makes no sense. Public health is part of a civilized society. Infectious diseases are a threat to public health. Period. Why the fuck is this even being discussed? So the whole Ebola scare was all about the midterms, eh?

    1. President Obama said people should vaccinate their children.

      So in addition to parents with more money than sense following McCarthy, and fundies convinced that the HPV vaccine turns 9 year-olds into sluts, we now have the baying at the moon raving racist birther loons all caterwauling a la Hannity that we shouldn't trust President Blackenstein to make decisions for our children. Fucking morons, every last one of them.

    2. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Republicans are going to 'eat it' in 2016 and I can hardly wait to watch!

  27. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Gee Sarah, I could not help but notice your experiencing the recoil from a gun even though your finger isn't anywhere near the trigger.

    Is there anything genuine about you, I mean, besides your chronic stupidity?

    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

      There is NOTHING genuine about her at all.

    2. Maple8:13 PM

      Beg to differ. Her stupidity is genuine.

  28. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Too bad there isn't a vaccine against stupid because the republican party is having an epidemic outbreak.

  29. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Ugh, stupid people like this guy overbreeding make me sick. 7 kids, 7 fucking kids, no one should have 7 kids in this day and age, and 7 little festering virus factories to boot!

  30. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Loving Sarah's gun orgasm.

  31. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Reasons not to give some vaccines:
    1.Chicken pox - lifetime immunity if you get the disease and it isn't a terrible thing in a healthy child.
    2.Pneumonia vaccine - don't need it if you don't have a compromised immune system.
    3. Flu - don't need it unless you are in a risk group
    4. Shingles - poor efficacy in spite of what they say. Take L-lysine if you get shingles.

    Giving combo vaccines is very hard on the immune system in spite of what most doctors say. Tetanus should absolutely be given as well as MMR but not in combo. Polio and smallpox have been eradicated in US. Why stress the immune system?

    1. Anonymous9:56 PM

      If you've had chicken pox (like I have) you are very susceptible to getting shingles in old age, unless you get a vaccination against it. Shingles are very very painful.

    2. Anonymous10:30 PM

      Reason not to give the above shots: neither one of them are up-tp-date anymore.
      To wit:
      The flu shot this year is a total miss. CDC admits it - yet still pushes it.
      The measles 'outbreak' we have is from a strand that is NOT in the MMR shot. The CDC finally admitted it this week. The strain in the shot is type 'A', the strain in Disneyland is type 'B3'. That is actually the more prevalent type since at least 2004. The CDC admits it, but has not pushed to develop a shot for that strain (there are a total of 19 Measles strains all over the world)
      The pneumonia shot also does not include the most prevalent strain anymore. The CDC admits it, but still is pushing for people to get the old strain. (I know several people at work who got the Pneumonia shot a year or two ago - they ALL came down with pneumonia, and now are saddled with Asthma from that, needing an inhaler on a regular basis, and Prednisone treatments over and over. They never had problems before they got that shot.
      I work in a hospital.)

    3. Anonymous10:38 PM

      Did you get your medical degree from the back of a bubble gum wrapper? I'm a nurse. I'm 75 years old, but have 4 children (all vaccinated but before the chicken pox vac.) they all got chicken pox. Chances are very high the will get shingles in their lifetime. I've had shingles - still have flareups 20 years later. I had polio when 7 (rt side of body paralyzed) - tendon transplant in hand so I could hold a pencil and pick up a glass, use scissors, play the piano, use a typewriter and hold utensils, etc. Have a bad curvature of the spine. Now 50+ years later, have post polio syndrome and losing the use of my muscles again with extreme pain walking so have to use a walker. Can barely use a fork to eat. But I'm one of the lucky ones who lived. While in nurses training, in "59" we had one of the largest polio epidemics in 100 years and had 50 iron lungs working in just our hospital. Most died in the lungs. People didn't think they wanted to take the vaccine! I had breast cancer 8 years ago. They had to give me so much chemo and radiation I almost died! I can't take the new vaccines because they are cultured in egg yokes. Got the flu at Thanksgiving and still coughing and so weak and tired. Great grand nephew (5 yrs old) has been taking chemo for a year for leukemia...he would die if he was exposed to measles! Measles isn't a sore throat. It can be a deadly disease! A simple vaccine can eliminate that threat. I wish I would have been born after they developed the vaccine. I remember the measles, it was terrible. Lights hurt your brain! Chicken pox hurt and itched. Shingles are the worst pain you can imagine! Mumps were so painful and hard to swallow. You wish that on children? You are one sick, stupid puppy!

    4. Anonymous11:30 PM

      I am not talking about no shots at all. I am talking about the fact that the CDC is admitting that these particular shots are USELESS for the strains that are prevalent now. I had the Measles. Yes, I was kept in a darkened room for a day or two. Nowadays you can protect the eyes of a child with Measles by giving him/her two high doses of Vitamin A. I also had the chickenpox. And Mumps. I also know of many instances of young children getting shingles nowadays - soon after they get the chickenpox shot. So much for that...

    5. Anonymous12:11 AM

      You just wrote my exact story 10:38, down to the tendon surgery in my hand, the curved back, extreme pain in it now, etc.

      My kids also had most vaccines but before the chicken pox one was developed, they both had thel "pox." I did get the Shingles vaccine, had to fight for it because it's relatively new. I've strongly encouraged the boys to get their vaccine too.

      These anti-vax idiots drive me crazy. Pat Robertson just issued a statement supporting them. These people care nothing about their children or how they adversely affect the vulnerable among us. It's all about them & their wacked out notions.

    6. Anonymous3:15 AM

      Well,dumb ass,keep your unvaccinated kids home,home school them,don't allow them out in public where they can spread their little diseases that don't hurt them to the elderly,other young children,those with compromised immune systems,etc.It's not so much that your little monsters will survive ,it's them being Typhoid Mary'sand spreading their diseases. While you're at it,keep yourself home too,stop spreading the diseases you carry around from them to unsuspecting people wherever you go.

    7. Anonymous3:40 AM

      It's interesting, Anon at 12:11 am, how so many of these public figures now suddenly become anti-vac. supporters, are also vociferously pro-life, that is, life in the womb but not beyond.

      And chicken pox, like other "childhood diseases," can have serious side effects other than the shingles that frequently afflict adults.

      You don't want a flu shot; don't get one but then stay away from everyone if you get the flu.

    8. Anonymous3:53 AM

      Thank you! I'm sure you love pie too because that's special.


    9. Anonymous4:42 AM

      The flu shot is not a total miss. I swear, the hyperbole around here is astounding.

    10. "1.Chicken pox - lifetime immunity if you get the disease and it isn't a terrible thing in a healthy child."
      My grandmother had chickenpox as a healthy child, no big deal. Decades later, she lived her last few months in excruciating agony with shingles. I wouldn't wish shingles on my worst enemy. I have had shingles, but fortunately it was very mild.

    11. Anonymous7:07 AM

      I have always heard that if you had chicken pox as a kid that you would not end up with shingles - that you'd be immune to it.

      I recall having chicken pox and still have some of the pox marks on my arms because I scratched when I wasn't suppose to!

    12. Anonymous7:22 AM

      No, shingles is caused by the chicken pox virus that lays dormant in your body for years and years. If you ever had the chicken pox, you are at risk for getting shingles. Now there's a shingles vaccine that is recommended for people when they turn 60. From what I've read, it reduces your chance of getting shingles by half.

    13. Anonymous7:46 AM

      "Reasons not to give some vaccines:
      1.Chicken pox - lifetime immunity if you get the disease and it isn't a terrible thing in a healthy child.
      2.Pneumonia vaccine - don't need it if you don't have a compromised immune system.
      3. Flu - don't need it unless you are in a risk group
      4. Shingles - poor efficacy in spite of what they say. Take L-lysine if you get shingles."

      So, let's allow healthy children to get Chicken Pox, and to hell with those UNhealthy children who end up being collateral damage. Too bad for those who have cancer, or babies under one year old who can't be vaccinated. Too bad for the pregnant women who get exposed...right?
      2. You've never HAD pneumonia, have you?
      3. If you work in a hospital in NYC, you either get a flu vaccination or you will be required to wear a mask every day, every hour during flu season. But that's okay for YOU, I'm sure you don't have any medical expertise.
      4. You've obviously never had shingles. I'm all in favor of you taking your chances!

  32. Anonymous8:22 PM

    The good news is that anti-science-based non-vaxxing just gets us to "optimum world population" that much faster.

    Current world pop: 7 Billion
    Optimum World Pop: 2 Billion
    Necessary Deaths: 5,000,000,000 (that's more than the combined populations of China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Bangladesh,, Nigeria, Russia and Japan)

    C'mon,nutbags!!! Embrace your impending demise and that of your children!!! STOP VACCINATING TODAY!!!!

  33. Anonymous8:30 PM

    here in canada, the only way your kid gets into school is with a up to date immunization card.
    no card ..no school..and a visit from the children's aid to see if you have the IQ points to be a parent.

  34. Anonymous9:09 PM

    These people make me embarrassed to say I live in Wisconsin. Scott Walker, Reince Priebus, Paul Ryan, Ron Johnson, Glenn Grothman, and now this idiot! I've got to move.

    1. Anonymous5:39 AM

      Me too! Considering they are supposed to be small government people, why is our state so oppressive?

  35. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Let's have a reality check here, folks. NO ONE is suggesting that vaccination be mandatory, or that the government should mandate it. Vaccination has been optional for DECADES. School districts and states regulate whether vaccinated kids can attend public schools (so, I imagine, do private schools) - which is the "local control" that conservatives seem to crave - but NO ONE is suggesting that the government mandate it.

    The right wing nut-cases going into high dudgeon over supposed government-mandated vaccination are either STUPID or deliberately and cynically exploiting the issue-of-the-week for their own purposes.

    The only thing that is being suggested is that, for chrissakes, people, CHOOSE to vaccinate your kids, for their and everyone else's health.

    1. Anonymous6:43 AM

      Vaccination should be mandatory for people who live in the human community. We are so lucky in the US to have all but eradicated some diseases. Failure to vaccinate will bring some of them back.

  36. Anonymous9:48 PM

    I think we should not have an oppressive state telling us what to do

    Look, asshole!! The state is not telling you what to do!! No one is suggesting the government mandate vaccinations!!!!!

    I can't say this enough.

    1. Anonymous10:40 PM

      Well, if the government is not mandating vaccinations, then what do you call this witch hunt being pushed against people who choose not to vaccinate or to delay some vaccinations for their kids?
      Do you realize that in the 1980s, kids got something like 24 shots for around 14 different diseases, and now they get SEVENTY-EIGHT in the same time period?
      I believe THAT is what many if not most of these 'anti vaxxers' are objecting to. Each shot has PROVEN cancer causing agents in them. The more you give, the more you get.
      Look at childhood leukemia going through the roof.
      Look at childhood allergies growing by leaps and bounds.
      Look at childhood asthma and childhood diabetes skyrocketing.
      Check probable cause and effect. Never before have NEWBORNS been given shots on their FIRST DAY out of the womb. We are not giving their immune system ANY TIME to grow and become strong.

    2. angela1:45 AM

      Why do you want to lie??

    3. Anonymous3:35 AM

      Back when I started school, around 1949, you can bet that all children had to have their DPT shots. It was mandated by the school system and was a requirement for public and private schools. And, later in the 1950's, families literally lined up for the polio vaccine, such was the much warranted fear of that dread disease.

    4. Anonymous3:57 AM

      Anonymous10:40 PM You don't help your cause by lying. You just sound more crazy.

    5. Anonymous4:40 AM

      Babies have strong immune systems that are tested the minute they come out of the birth canal. They are exposed to more potential "toxins" when their mom and dad breath on them for the first time then any vaccine.

      "Check probable cause and effect"
      This statement means absolutely nothing in the real world. There is no evidence of any causal effect.

    6. Anonymous4:58 AM

      Well, if the government is not mandating vaccinations, then what do you call this witch hunt being pushed against people who choose not to vaccinate or to delay some vaccinations for their kids?

      A public discussion, among politicians, media figures, celebrities and the public.

      That's what I call it. All that's happening is that PEOPLE are asking other people to CHOOSE to vaccinate their children.

      Are you too stupid to distinguish between an issue being blown up in the media, and actual government policy?

    7. Anonymous5:28 AM

      Newborns get one vaccine.
      Each of those diseases can be attributed to other changes in our environment. Processed foods, unhealthy diet, chemicals in our foods and cleaning supplies, plastics, etc.
      And I did carefully read about vaccines and the stats. The good outweighed the risks.

    8. Anonymous5:57 AM

      78? that's a lie!
      Everyone knows kids get like 150 vaccinations before they even turn a year old.

      Big pharma! (rabble, rabble).

    9. Anonymous7:03 AM

      I remember, in elementary school, all of us kids standing in lines to get our vaccinations. I was the one that would always cry when getting a shot and embarrass the hell out of myself!

      But, have to say, I've never been sick with any of the diseases I was vaccinated against all those years ago and rarely even get colds. Lucky gal, I know! And, I'm a senior!!

    10. Anonymous8:00 AM

      @10:40 PM, you gave no citations for your ignorant statements. "Each shot has PROVEN cancer causing agents in them. The more you give, the more you get." Oh. My. God. What a MORON you are. You wouldn't know "cause and effect" if it bit you on the nose! "Never before have NEWBORNS been given shots on their FIRST DAY out of the womb. We are not giving their immune system ANY TIME to grow and become strong." Babies can not get vaccinations until they are one year old. You are clueless!

    11. Anonymous9:09 AM

      8:00 am: you must not have a child of your own. Babies CAN and DO get shots before one year old. They get their FIRST shot at the ripe old age of twelve HOURS!
      And yes, I was wrong. Kids don't get 78, but rather 'only' 69 shots nowadays.

      The title-template in this article shows all the vaccinations kids get nowadays and at what age:

      In the 1980s, kids got a total of 24 shots.

    12. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Angela: check the CDC schedule of vaccinations for infants below 1yr/old and maybe you will weep.

    13. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Babies' immune system can handle their first HepB shot when they are hours old.

      As for your comparison between the 1980s and now, please tell me EXACTLY why and how there is any kind of negative impact of having more vaccinations (not what you believe, not what you think, not what you read on Mercola, but actual empirical, scientific evidence). And, by the way. In the 1780s, kids got NO shots. By your logic, we must have been MUCH better off back then, right?

      My kids were vegetarian from birth, I breast fed them for multiple years, we co-slept, they ate only organic food. And they were (and continue to be) vaccinated on schedule.

      I'm thankful my kids can get all those shots so they can grow up healthy and protected.

  37. Anonymous10:44 PM


  38. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Has anyone here ever read the package inserts of any of the vaccines?
    Below is the one from Merck's MMR. Page 6states the possible adverse reactions - amongst them:
    Measles (...)
    Aseptic Encephalitis


    Here are some more package inserts for popular vaccinations:


    1. Anonymous4:35 AM

      Please get some perspective and learn about the likelihood of side effects and the process by which a company has to include certain side effects.

    2. Anonymous6:59 AM

      It is the same for drugs. Just watch TV when they advertise a specific one. They tell you what good it does and also list possible reactions (even though they are not the norm!).

      People need to educate themselves and dig into facts. Measles were not around years ago because all the children were 'required' to be vaccinated against the disease!

      And, now that some parents have decided not to immunize their children against it, they are coming down with measles throughout the country! And, that is harmful to the population!

      Perhaps it's going to take kids dying before their parents figure it out? Tough way to learn a lesson though!

    3. Anonymous8:07 AM

      And if you take an over the counter cold medication, you can get serious adverse effects. If you need an antibiotic, you can have life-threatening side effects. So you can take your chances of dieing from a serious infection, or take a chance on whatever side effects come from the medication. EVERY medication has side effects, and those have to be weighed against the damage the medical problem can have if not treated. I'll bet you are one of those people who run to the doctor begging for an antibiotic when you get the sniffles and a mild cough.

  39. Anonymous11:34 PM

    If your kids aren't vaccinated keep them at home! Teach them at home and keep them the hell away from the rest of us.

    1. Anonymous3:32 AM

      Keep them out of the general population for the rest of their lives! Now there's a life sentence!

    2. Anonymous6:51 AM

      We so need to go back to the 'old' days where you could not get into school unless you had proof of your vaccinations.

      It was simple and known and kids didn't get sick from these varied diseases. What is wrong with some of Americans and Republicans? This is not a political issue!

  40. Anonymous12:01 AM

    I remember the days before the polio vaccines well. I lived it. I had polio when I was 9 Yrs old. The most traumatic time of my life. Those were also the days when they didn't believe in telling a child anything about his/her medical condition. All I knew was that my Mom dropped me off at Children's Hospital, & that was the last time I saw her until I was released, months later. No one explained about mandatory quarantines, I thought she had abandoned me. No one would answer my questions, tell me why they came in multiple times a day & wrapped me in wet, boiling hot wool blankets, put a cast on my hand, they refused to talk to me except to give me orders, & all but ran in & out of my room like they were on fire, and only when they had to. One night the little boy in the room next to mine died. There was a high window in our common wall so I could see the crowd in his room trying desperately to save his life. Then I could see them carrying his bed & all the furniture in the room out. The only conclusion I could come to was that he had died. I asked about him & got - silence.

    I promised then that I would always be totally open with my future children & tell them every little detail of what they would be going through. I kept that promise.

    All these assholes that deny their children the same protections mine had just infuriate me. That they endanger their own children is one thing, but to put other people's babies, the elderly & those with immune disorders at risk is criminal.

    1. Anonymous4:14 AM

      I am so sorry for your experience! I can't imagine how difficult that must have been. Thank you for sharing.

    2. Anonymous6:49 AM

      Wow! I'm so sorry you went through those horrible experiences as a child. Cannot imagine the fear you must have had.

      I lived across the street from a Shriner's Hospital as a child (I'm a senior today) and remember my folks not answering my questions about it. I knew it was for children only and had many questions.

      Being open is the best policy as long as it's done with gentle words, hope and lots of love!

  41. MariaT12:55 AM

    There are 2 sides to every story. Here's an article that questions the way the pharmaceutical companies test their vaccines: http://vactruth.com/2013/09/26/how-pharmaceutical-hide-dangers/

    Food for thought...

    1. Anonymous4:33 AM

      There are not two sides to this story. There are facts and then there are people who don't understand science.

    2. Anonymous8:09 AM

      @4:33, DING! DING! DING! We have a winner! Thank you!

    3. Anonymous5:54 PM

      There are two sides: reality based and delusional.

      Anti-vac "logic" is delusional paranoid ignorant nonsense.

  42. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Vaccinate Your Fucking Kids


    People Who Doubt Vaccines Need to Be Shamed


  43. Anonymous3:31 AM

    For the GOP politicos, it's to gain libertarian traction. And maybe secretly please the Koch brothers enough that they'll donate even more to their next campaigns. It's just as goofy as yesterday's GOP vote (- three of their members) to end the ACA. To me it's absolutely insane that any educated American would not want all of his/her fellow citizens to have access to good healthcare. By the way, good old "Dr. Dan" Benishek whose television ads all sport his stethoscope voted to end the ACA, despite how it has helped people in his district and state. What hypocrisy. I bet Rep. Duffy got all of the shots available when he was a child. And what are his medical credentials to pick and choose vaccinations for his kids? Next we'll have a Facebook rant by SuperMom Sarah Palin. 3 ... 2 ... 1.

  44. Anonymous3:43 AM

    I think the measles Disneyland outbreak was a deliberate false flag event (Disneyland did not have to be involved, Walt!) to get everyone waving their pro vaccination flags and to insure ongoing massive profits by the drug companies. If you notice, as a result, all the news coverage is 100% pro vaccination, and is one sided except for letting only the irrational "anti-vax wack-jobs" help the pro-vacs make their case. Many vaccines don't work, are not tested and there is quality control lacking. More research on the optimal age for each vaccine is also critical. Many congressmen own stock in vaccine companies and enrich themselves. What is needed is fewer vaccines, no bundling, more testing, and banning toxins like mercury from vaccines, and limiting big pharma profits on vaccines. Every year they make flu vaccines. Very often the vaccine is a crap shoot that fails to protect against the dominant strain. Why? They want to sell all their failed research and product even knowing it is nearly worthless. They never even try to make the vaccine that is effective against the dominant flu for the year, once they discover what it is. (Maybe they make one for Dick Cheney!) Money. Profits. First, do not harm - to the big pharma profits, that is.
    This is not a black and white issue, but creating the false flag is succeeding to marginalize any anti-vax factual discussion, once and for all. Just like invading Iraq after September 11.

    It interesting to see the right being pro-choice! ha ha!

    Weren't many of the kids that got the measles vaccinated for measles?

    1. Anonymous5:54 AM

      That's satire, right?

    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      I'm afraid it isn't.

  45. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Anti-vaxxers are like AGW deniers.
    Their entire nature is encapsulated in one word ... Dumb.
    Guns, bibles, conspiracy theories, survival seeds, and idiocy ... it's a regular staple for these folks. They live in an echo chamber of like minded anti-science (science is too hard for them to understand) goofballs and post links to their stupidity. There are an insidious bane to our survival as a species.

    1. Anonymous5:53 AM

      Anti-vaxx ignorance comes from both sides of the political and ideological spectrum. Many of them are actually well-educated (in the arts or social sciences mainly) but think their Google degrees in medicine and immunology make them smarter than real doctors and scientists.

      It's maddening to read all the lies and half-truths these people believe and perpetuate.

    2. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Yes, lots of anti-vax sentiment among the affluent, well-educated yuppie crowd -- who for the most part are liberal and pro-science. Odd bedfellows, them in agreement with Tea Party kooks on this one issue.

    3. Anonymous6:21 PM


  46. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Thank goodness there are people who are still here to recount the horror stories of polio, smallpox, and measles. I can remember my own grandmother talking about the flu of 1918. Sick people were also starving in their homes and her mother would drop food at the front doors of her neighbors. An estimated 50 million people died worldwide.

    As for measles, hundreds died worldwide every year--in places where people don't have access to the vaccine. I suspect as the right takes the country back, it also wants to reclaim the illnesses too. Why not? Those were the good old days of yellow fever, diphtheria, smallpox, tuberculosis, and polio. Plus once they repeal Obamacare we can be assured that no one gets treatment. Now that's an economic policy the Koch brothers can get behind.

    Why is it that the urgency attributed to the Ebola "scare" does not translate to the measles? Does it have to do with the race of the people associated with each disease? I have to wonder. Chris Christie went apoplectic when he quarantined the nurse in N.J. Yet now he's waffling about choice. Conservatives are such hypocrites. Families have choice about vaccines but women don't have control or choice over their own reproductive health.

    No wonder other countries look askance at the U.S.

  47. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Pretty sure the vaccine that goes against his "morals,values" is the the one for human papilloma virus.

  48. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Remember Abigale Adams? Had her children vaccinated dunning the 1770's or so. Very dangerous but she felt it was important to try something new . I just can't believe people are so stupid today. We live in a global world anything at anytime can spread. Just listen to the Tv, and every drug has a long list of things that can go wrong.

  49. Anonymous5:08 AM

    When I was a kid, they called them the big measles and the 3 day measles. I can remember having the big measles. I had the most terrible headache anyone could imagine, before they broke out. I can remember being so sick.. for days. You always had to worry about polio. Just think how bad that would be nowadays with all the swimming pools and water parks and such. Stupid is as stupid does. plain and simple.

  50. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:13 AM

    Meanwhile, the numbskulls at the C4Playpen who want to "take their country back" to the wonderful world of the 1850s, don't realize that most of them would be either gravely ill or dead from conditions or diseases that couldn't be cured or halted at the time. Ah, the good old days! That also counts for the millions of fetuses that they want to "save". Would they consider deadly childhood diseases as thinning the herd, or God's will?

  51. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Duffy is from a city just 10 miles from me. There are a lot of anti-vaxxers in the area and a lot of tea party, republicans too. Not sure if there is a correlation...

  52. Anonymous9:29 AM

    From the comments above, I can see that many of you either have no kids, or their kids are adults already. Here is a very simple comparison chart - no comments, nothing, just comparison - between 1980 shot schedule and 2007 shot schedule. Mind you, this is the schedule from 2007. Nowadays there are 'a few more' shots added. It just 'might' be an eye opener for some here.


    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      So what? Science has, thankfully, advanced to the point where we can protect ourselves and our children from these diseases. As I wrote above, in the 1780s there were NO vaccines. Were people better off?

      (I have two kids under the age of 12, by the way. Fully immunized on schedule, including the flu vaccine)

  53. Anonymous11:24 AM

    He is referring to the HPV vaccination. Because all girls who have sex before marriage deserve to play Russian Roulette with their cervixes.

  54. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Maybe this will give you some cause for pause: since 1988, the vaccine producers cannot be sued anymore. Instead, the US government has set up a fund for vaccine injuries. Since its inception until late last year, THE US GOVERNMENT has paid out more then $1.8 BILLION for vaccine injuries. (http://www.justice.gov/civil/vicp )
    That is only payment to a couple of thousand people. The majority of people do not know about the program, and/or do not have the stamina to try to go to court.
    Instead, the TAXPAYERS - that is YOU and ME - are paying out around $100,000 PER VACCINE INJURED CHILD PER YEAR for the care of said child.
    Think about that. And then think about the fact that in the 1980s, there were very few autistic children - something like 1 in 10,000 or more - and now there are 1 in 68 autistic children. (And, yes, I know that not ALL autistic children are vaccine injured!) By 2020, the estimates by government are one in 50 will be autistic. Think about the staggering costs to our government - having to pay for 50 or more years for each individual.

  55. Anonymous6:18 PM

    An eye opening, short video:



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