Tuesday, February 03, 2015

FCC to save the internet from greedy service providers.

Courtesy of BGR:  

Verizon’s lawsuit against earlier net neutrality rules is about to backfire in a spectacular fashion. The Wall Street Journal reports that the Federal Communications Commission will propose new net neutrality rules that will reclassify ISPs under Title II of the Telecommunications Act and thus open them up to being regulated more like utilities. 

“According to multiple people familiar with the agency’s plan, Mr. Wheeler intends to change the way both mobile and fixed broadband firms are regulated,” the Journal writes. “Rather than being lightly regulated information services, they would become like telecommunications companies, which would subject them to greater regulation on everything from pricing to how they deploy their networks.” 

This would give the FCC the power to stop ISPs from blocking traffic from services that rival their own and from setting up paid prioritization schemes where they would charge money to Internet companies to ensure that their traffic got delivered faster than other companies who don’t pay up.

This of course has angered many service providers like Verizon and AT&T, who had hoped to make huge profits by charging large companies like Netflix more money to allow them faster connection speeds while limiting regular users.

I have to tell you as somebody who relies on the internet for my livelihood I welcome this news with open arms.

I currently pay through the teeth for my internet here in Alaska from GCI, and I really hope that these new regulations will help improve our overall access to bandwidth and also reduce costs.

By the watch to see which politicians start calling this government overreach, big brother tactics, and an attack on capitalism. Because those are the politicians who are in the pocket of big business.


  1. Anonymous3:32 PM


    Top Koch donors speak out publicly
    By ADAM B. LERNER 2/3/15 5:03 PM EST Updated 2/3/15 6:34 PM EST
    A group of top donors in the Koch brothers network have come out of the shadows to bemoan special interests’ power in Washington — a move that showcases the right wing group’s defiance of critics on the left.
    “Special interests have never been more powerful in Washington,” Holly and Doug Deason wrote in an op-ed for the Dallas Morning News. “Both Democrats and Republicans hand out corporate welfare like it’s candy.”

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/02/koch-brothers-donors-holly-deason-doug-deason-114877.html#ixzz3QjLdHXzk


    Well, It's Starting...

    The next phase of their marketing strategy to wipe out the unwashed masses is underway. Now they are going to get other wealthy people to say how wonderful the 1980's VP platform of David Koch is and why they support it. Of course they would! They would be part of the chosen few that would get to enjoy access to fresh water, healthy food and clean air. This isn't a conspiracy theory, he wrote it himself and publicly shared it with the world.

    Get ready to see an onslaught of wealthy, like-minded Koch-cheerleaders come out the woodwork now that they've got both houses of congress under control. And here's a long shot....since they rejected Romney, who's to say he's not ready to spill the beans on their diabolical plan and partner with Hillary. That would explain his meetings with her and Chelsea and his sudden decision to drop out. Personally, I think it's to announce a run for POTUS later on.

    Mitt Romney's new campaign slogan -- White House-Bound by any means necessary.

    Connect the dots people. Connect. The. Freakin. Dots.

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      /Romney met with Hillary? More reason for me not to trust her. . I want someone to run on the Democratic ticket who is not a Repub-lite.
      The only reason Romney would partner with Hillary is if Hillary is a closet Republican.

  2. Balzafiar3:39 PM

    "...which would subject them to greater regulation on everything from pricing to how they deploy their networks.”

    ..which means prices will go up, because...

    ...have you ever tried to decipher a phone bill and figure out what the hell all the government surcharges are for? If so, just wait...

    ...because it will happen and the ISPs will be making even more money. Their lobbyists are probably pushing for this "regulation".

    Regulation is fine as far as the definition goes, but when the government camel sticks its nose under the tent, expect more costs.

    On a side note, an apology to Brisdull for using the word "tent"; there wasn't any choice. Sorry you got all wet 'n sticky. Anticipation will do that.

  3. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Sarah's already come out agin' it.

    Regulation under the FCC will be infinitely better than the winner-takes-all rules that are the alternative.

  4. Anonymous11:37 PM

    This is good news. I can't tell you how much everyone in the city of Seattle HATES Comcast and their overpriced monopoly!!

  5. Halleluia!

    It's about time someone in the FCC grew a pair.

    Watch for funding for the FCC to be cut off in the new Republican Congress budget.

    Also look for some lame@$$ lawsuit to take this to the supreme court as a "they can't do that to us it's our free speech yadda yadda".

    In point of fact the FCC is perfectly within the bounds of it's operation to do exactly what it is doing and it's about time they did.

    Oh, and I want all my everything that I don't use rolled over forever, never to expire. Suck on that ATT one month and then it's gone.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.