Monday, February 23, 2015

Georgia Republican is determined to keep scientists from making glow in the dark humans. Which raises the question, "Is somebody trying to make glow in the dark humans?"

So that guy in the above photo is Georgia Republican lawmaker Tom Kirby, and he recently introduced this bill:  

We in Georgia are taking the lead on this issue. Human life at all stages is precious including as an embryo. We need to get out in front of the science and technology, before it becomes something no one wants. The mixing of Human Embryos with Jellyfish cells to create a glow in the dark human, we say not in Georgia. This bill is about protecting Human life while maintaining good, valid research that does not destroy life.

Okay is it wrong that I kind of think making glow in the dark people sounds totally awesome?

Think how easy it would be to find your car keys when you drop them at night.

However as it turns out Kirby is not really concerned so much with glowing people as he is with keeping lab coated scientists away from the business of messing around with human DNA.

Another bill that Rep. Tom Kirby has recently sponsored says the following:

"It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to intentionally or knowingly create or attempt to create an in vitro human embryo by any means other than fertilization of a human egg by a human sperm. 

So much for scientifically modifying people so that they can breathe underwater after the ice caps melt. Bummer, I think having grandchildren with gills would be cool.

Oddly enough it does not appear that Kirby has actually heard of anybody trying to mess around with human DNA.

This from HuffPo:

 A reporter from a Georgia news station caught up with Kirby to ask for an explanation of his bill and why someone might want to mix human and jellyfish DNA. 

"To make them glow in the dark is the only thing I know of," he told Channel 2. 

He also said he has not seen evidence that anyone in Georgia is trying to create human-jellyfish hybrids. "I've had people tell me it is, but I have not verified that for sure," Kirby said. "It's time we either get in front of it or we're going to be chasing our tails." 

This is apparently not a new concern for Kirby. In a 2013 video posted on YouTube, he talked about banning human-animal hybrids. 

"We're going to stand up and say that Frankenstein-type science is not going to happen in Georgia anymore," Kirby said. "That's something that we really need to get rid of here."

Do Republicans today believe that ALL scientists are crazy ass megalomaniacs working to take over the world or destroy mankind?

Gee no wonder they keep trying to undermine science education in public schools.


  1. I'm with Kirby. You've got to nip these things in the bud. Next thing you know, we'll have a court saying I have to make wedding cakes for these glow-in-the-darkers and allow them to marry.

  2. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I bet he really hates that the CDC is located in his state. They probably do too!

  3. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Sweet Holy Mother of God! Where do these people come from?

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Well, it looks like this guy came from Kentucky originally.

    2. They are human-pet rock hybrids.

    3. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Who here has a degree in the sciences.
      I thought not.
      Must be why you sound like retards, commenting on what you know you don't know.

    4. "Anonymous8:20 AM Who here has a degree in the sciences. I thought not. Must be why you sound like retards, commenting on what you know you don't know."
      Well, I have a graduate degree in biology, and now coordinate the graduate program in chemistry at a highly regarded midwest university.

      I know that Tom Kirby is both ignorant and demonstrably stupid, and unless your comment was snark, so are you.

    5. Anonymous8:41 AM

      8:20 BS in physics and an MS in engineering. Exactly what are you criticizing here? Comments so far are usual snark, more civil than usual actual. Admittedly only a handful to this point, but no "retard-ness" I can see.

    6. hedgewytch9:23 AM

      AS in Wildlife Biology and BS in Zoology. And your point was...?

    7. Anonymous2:27 PM


      If, unlike us, you're not a "retard," if you're privy to information the rest of us are not, then go ahead--enlighten us. I know you repeatedly just had your ass handed to you, but don't let your chicken-shit hit-and-run cowardice discourage you from blessing us with your genius. Whip it out-- let's see.

    8. Anonymous4:24 PM

      "unlike us, you're not a "retard,"

      Absolutely spot on. Sorry about your condition

    9. Anonymous5:32 PM

      I think it's hilarious that 2:27 assumes nobody here has a degree in the "sciences."

      But also that a person needs a degree in the "sciences" to mock the guy for focusing on these issues.

    10. Anonymous6:43 PM

      I have a BS in Microbiology as well as a degree in CyberSecurity so I can mock all I want, you moron.

  4. Shouldn't he be wearing s white suit and sipping mint juleps on the veranda of his plantation?

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      "That was sniowlady. That was my wife!"

      (Apologies to you and to Henny Youngman and/or Rodney Dangerfield. Couldnt resist)

  5. angela6:59 AM

    Are they letting sisters and brothers marry in Georgia?!

    1. Only if they don't glow in the dark.

  6. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Kirby said. "It's time we either get in front of it or we're going to be chasing our tails."

    Wow, this man really is scientifically ignorant.

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Perhaps he has a tail. Inbreeding causes lots of deformities.

  7. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Sounds like Tom "Mr Science" Kirby saw Sheldon Cooper's GM goldfish nightlight on The Big Bang Theory and has been thinking about the horrors of glowing humans ever since. Takes his mind off that scary thing that hides in his closet at night.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      I know, right? People think TV is real. But…but…but… I saw it on a Bewitched rerun!

  8. A J Billings7:12 AM

    This guy has probably heard about that "science" thing that will some day eliminate most of the human diseases that cause so much suffering and pain.

    But that's all just bunk, because either faith, or the return of Jesus will solve the problems, and fuck global warming shit.

    Stem cells, DNA mapping, embryonic science, and genetic research is all just from Satan.

    Science can't be trusted, cuz librul commies could create mice with fully functioning human brains, or maybe cross humans with jellyfish, or something God and baby Jesus wouldn't like.

    DNA and genetics isn't in the bible, so who needs it anyways?

  9. Head meet Desk.

    Great Gaia, where do they get these people?

  10. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Off topic but yeah Julianne Moore!

  11. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Letting them? I thought it was mandatory. I laughed but seriously folks, other explanations? Toxic emissions, tainted water, frick and frack gas leaks, unregulated everything, (I bet they don't even have safety instructions on ladders) aliens, brain eating bugs from the illegals?

  12. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I know southern Christians fear the perceived threat posed by a more enlightened population, but obviously this one misinterpreted the memo.

    1. hedgewytch9:24 AM

      Ha ha!

    2. hauksdottir3:13 PM

      And here I thought it was huffing the helium that made the people he associates with light-headed!

  13. Anonymous7:35 AM

    They're Pinkys, Pinkys without a brain, brain, brain, brain.

  14. Anonymous8:07 AM

    They are probably just trying to prevent having more people born like Kirby with that misshapen head.

  15. Anonymous8:10 AM

    We all know that this is a way to give embryo's right's. But my question is, that since they are taking rights against women that are already born, are female embryo's going to get these special rights or just the male one's? Or will the female embryo get right's and then have them disappear at birth?
    I'd like to write more, but it's daylight and it's harder to find my glow in the dark pets, so I must run off and check on them.

  16. I've been trying to make myself bio-luminescent for some time. I don't appreciate this a-hole trying interfere. I am going to look fabulous.

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      I THOUGHT I noticed a certain glow about you!

  17. why someone might want to mix human and jellyfish DNA. "To make them glow in the dark is the only thing I know of,"

    "In a 2013 video posted on YouTube, he talked about banning human-animal hybrids. "
    This gentleman thinks way too much about the possible consequences of human-animal hybrids.

    I would keep pets and small helpless marine creatures away from him.

  18. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I guess this guy wants any cross-breeding to happen thru bestiality -- the way God intended.

  19. It was difficult to read this post, what with the banjos being so noisy.

  20. Suesahn8:28 AM

    I think this guy gets his knowledge of science from comic books. He probably thinks Talladega Nights: The Legend of Ricky Bobby was a documentary.

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Praise little baby Jesus!

  21. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Wait till he finds out that we can now make gametes (sex cells) from human skin and embryonic stem cells. That means sex to procreate is no longer necessary an two men or two women can have a biological child.

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Please don't tell him! If he can't handle kids with internal night lights, I don't think he is ready for reality.

  22. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Just google and there are plenty of conspiracy theories out there, including mad scientists carrying out human-animal embryo experiments, mixing DNA and creating hybrid humans, etc. There may be some truth to some claims that some institutions are testing things, but who knows. It seems to tie in with those who are waiting for Planet X to make it's fly-by near the earth next year, blaming it for increased weather madness, polar shifts, increase in sinkholes, space debris, meteors and strange cloud formations, increased earthquake swarms. They reject climate change caused by man, rather caused by a strange new planet entity and it's strong magnetic influence on earth.

    Now, conspiracy theorists, with all that, add the alien theory to the mix. Also, there could be government secrecy to keep the masses from panic, the underground bunker tunnels being built for the elite and leaders who will survive the great cosmic meteor that will pass, from that debris field, and the rest of humanity on one side of the planet will die.

    This all ties in with mad scientists trying to clone humans, create new hybrids of superhumans. I can't imagine a GOP politician trying to get ahead of this and admitting it.

    If this is all true, we're toast.

  23. Who does he know who has a tail? Or maybe it's just him.

  24. hedgewytch9:27 AM

    And yet - how much do you want to bet this guy has absolutely no problem with Genetically Modified plants and animals. Mixing plant and animal genes together, mixing chemicals and living organisms gene's together.

  25. Anonymous10:26 AM


    US prisons outsource inmate healthcare to private companies. My son died in their care

  26. Why hasn't this man been institutionalized for the safety of the nation?

  27. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I glow. Not just in the dark, either.

    Ok, I know I should have something more intelligent to say, but really I'm exhausted from the stupidity coming from the right.


    1. AKinPA2:57 PM

      Mildred: "I glow. Not just in the dark, either."

      You're certainly living vibrantly. But we won't let the gentleman from Georgia know. He might start chasing his tail. Or worse, he might want to quarantine you.
      We'll keep your secret.

      AKinPA, BS, MS, PhD (for Anonymous at 8:20 am)

  28. Nice try, Gryphen, but you literally could NOT be more wrong. You're mocking the honorable gentleman because that's what you do, but you won't be laughing some day when you're swimming at the beach and you feel something slimy brush against your leg and you look down into the dark water and see some kind of hideous glowing Obama-loving human-jellyfish hybrid monstrosity with the body of a jellyfish and the face of say... D'nesh D'souza! And to make matters worse, it's glowing!

    Oh! All of the sudden science isnt so awesome, Dr. Gryphen Degrasse Tyson, is it!!!

    We must stop science NOW!!!! VOTE REPUBLICAN!

    Only the GOP can return us to the pre-sciency utopia that was the 14th century! (Except for syphilis because that was bad.)

    And bubonic plague, also too.

  29. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Rep. Kirby may have some serious competition in the Clueless Legislator category.

    "An Idaho lawmaker received a brief lesson on female anatomy after asking if a woman can swallow a small camera for doctors to conduct a remote gynecological exam."

    This yahoo is on the board of a crisis pregnancy center.

    Be afraid, be very afraid.

  30. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I am not a dark human, but I would like some glow, too!

  31. Anonymous9:57 PM

    What? You've never heard of pGLO recombinant DNA?
    It ACTUALLY does come from glow in the dark (i.e. bioluminescent) jellyfish.
    Though it does serve a scientific purpose other than making glow in the dark people.

  32. Anonymous6:40 PM

    I am being to think the gene pool in this country is in serious jeopardy.

    Do they stay up nights thinking this crap up or is it drugs and alcohol?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.