Monday, February 23, 2015

Louisiana man attempts to fix gun which accidentally fires and kills the babysitter. Well at least he knows his gun works.

Courtesy of The Advocate:  

A Baton Rouge man was working on his handgun Saturday night when it accidentally discharged, killing a 13-year-old boy who was baby-sitting his kids. 

The incident began when 25-year-old Adonis Forbes was out celebrating an anniversary with his wife. The couple decided to check on their kids at about 9 p.m. before heading out again, said Cpl. L’Jean McKneely, a Baton Rouge police spokesman. W

hile they were at their house at 2014 Tennessee St., Forbes decided to check on his gun and found it was malfunctioning — and while trying to fix it, the gun fired, McKneely said. 

The bullet struck the baby-sitter, Murrain Hawkins, of 3405 Myrtlelawn St., in the abdomen. 

When police arrived, they found Hawkins lying on the ground with a bullet wound and Forbes trying to administer aid, McKneely said. The teen was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Well the one thing good that can be said about this incident is that at least the man was charged with negligent homicide and is now out on $10,000 bail. 

I have to say that there are a lot of weird circumstances surrounding this "accident."

Such as why did this guy decide to check on his gun right after arriving home with his wife? How did he know it was malfunctioning? And why didn't he unload it before starting to work on it?

Personally I think the cops might want to take a very careful look at the facts of this case. 


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I agree about the guys motives. It doesn't make sense to stop at home to check on the kids and then check on his gun, too. I think they stopped at home specifically to pick up the gun.

  2. Balzafiar12:37 PM

    Hmm. Something's not right. Why does a guy take a gun along when he's purportedly going out to celebrate an anniversary with his wife?

  3. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Very suspicious story. But, why is the bigger picture overlooked? We have DAILY shooting in our country, whether it be accidents, or intentional and we accept it as part of our society. If terrorists were randomly killing our loved ones, it would be the lead story on the national news and we would demand action! Thank goodness the NRA isn't a terrorist organization!

  4. Anonymous1:16 PM

    my guess is one of the kids found the gun and the dad is trying to take responsibility rather than admitting the gun was accessible?

  5. Anonymous1:51 PM

    So how drunk was he? Obviously too drunk to realize you never point a gun at someone unless you intend .... oh, right.

  6. Grrrr !2:18 PM

    Totally O/T: some interesting historical documents from the National Archives posted on Tumblr.

    Shown first is a 6-page telegram Sen. Joseph McCarthy sent to President Harry Truman in 1950 in which he rants about Communist infiltration of the State Department.

    From its tone, it could have been written by any of the modern-day Republicans who barely conceal their contempt for Obama -- as, for example, when McCarthy demands Truman take action because "Failure on your part will label the Democratic Party of [sic] being the bed-fellow of the inter-national Communism."

    Also shown is the half--page, typically "Give 'em hell, Harry!" reply Truman wrote (though it's unclear if it was actually sent), the refreshing bluntness of which is exemplified by its last paragraph:

    "I am very sure that the people of Wisconsin are extremely sorry that they are represented by a person who has as little sense of responsibility as you have.”

    1. Anonymous4:46 PM

      Same goes for their givernor today.

  7. Anonymous4:57 PM

    And yet none of these shootings are looked at for murder charges. I guess infanticide is common for the area.

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      It all depends on the race or ethnicity of the culprits.

  8. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Not coincidentally, NRA claims it's easier to find a babysitter on short notice than it is to find 1000 magnum-load .50 caliber teflon-coated hollow point rounds at your local Kwik-E-Mart.

    And THAT'S what's wrong with Amercia under Obama.


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