Sunday, February 15, 2015

SarahPAC has been given a new look. You know what that means. Yep, nothing at all.

Yeah out of curiosity I visited the site earlier today and it now has video in the background of majestic Alaskan mountains, Sarah Palin giving a speech, Sarah Palin giving another speech, Sarah Palin given yet another speech, a bear, an eagle, Sarah Palin waving to a crowd, Sarah Palin waving to another crowd, Sarah Palin standing on a boat, Sarah Palin shaking hands, Sarah Palin looking threateningly at a baby, it was quite a busy looking place.

So if Palin is willing to have her PAC waste money on upgrades to the page it can only mean one thing......she really needs to get people to start sending her money again.

But they won't.

I mean the usual morons will, but I seriously doubt that too many new folks will think that is a good place to throw away their hard earned money.

Especially after the speech in Iowa, and hauntingly non-presidential moments like this one.

Look at me, I want to be President!

Hey believe me, I understand her sense of panic.

SarahPAC is now hemorrhaging money at the same rate that Bristol goes through baby daddies. It's bad!

If this keeps up Palin many have to do something drastic.

Something once considered completely out of the question.

Something that would terrify her close friends and family.

Sarah Palin might actually have to throw her roadkill wig into the ring and run for President in 2016.

I know, can you imagine?

It would literally be the worst thing to happen to the many years old fake Sarah Palin political pole dance. This time the paint chip eaters might expect a little more than a just tease, this time if she wants dollar bills stuffed into her g-string they might expect her to go all the way.


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    This post reads like troll bait to me, Gryph.

  2. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I'd break out the caramel corn for a 2016 run! And now the trolls will arrive and Sarah will write another piece about the sanctity of life and Todd will buy another truck and Bristol will attempt a run at college! Fir the life of me, I don't understand why Bristol won't step up, didn't Sarah say she was an outstanding student? Sheesh.

  3. Anonymous2:46 PM

    And the most curious thing happens when you post a photo of her chest. An ad pops up for how to remove spots on the face, hands and chest. Too funny!

  4. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I can't believe the way she she is acting in that ''fuc_ you Michael Moore'' picture - biting her lip, leaning into the young guy behind her, and staring at the other guy's crotch, like she would really love getting into that!!!!

    1. You know, I think rather than the guy's crotch, I think she is admiring her brilliantly witty "Yeah, FU Michael Moore" with the giant SARAH PALIN signature.

      What's his name isn't looking at her, but at the camera. I think she'd be happy to stare at a guy's "personal regions" if the guy could see her doing so, in order to maintain her "me so hot sexy mama" creds, but other than that I don't think she would bother. She doesn't like men and has nothing but contempt for them, and nothing about her indicates she likes sex other than as a tool.

    2. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Well, as a narcissist, she still likes and wants the attention from men, especially young ones, but whether she would act on it or not is debatable

    3. Anonymous4:19 PM

      That Las Vegas really gets to her. Now there is this.

      She left the poor sucker speechless. At least he can still grin.

    4. Irishgirl4:32 PM

      Nefer, I agree. She was admiring her own handiwork.

    5. Anonymous5:55 PM

      She is looking at the back side of the sign. She must be superwoman to admire her own handiwork on the front.

    6. Anonymous8:37 PM

      I think she's just looking very proud of herself in that photo.

    7. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Denial much? LOL She is showing off her handiwork signature with that awful expression while looking at his crotch.

  5. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Her fans are convinced that the 40th anniversary show of SNL is where Sarah will announce that she is running for president. (Stop laughing, they really believe this). The roll out of the new PAC website is timed to coincide with this announcement. Never mind that PAC money cannot be used for her presidential campaign. She has to have presidential campaign fund that is separate.

    palin45potus • 11 minutes ago
    Imagine what fun it would be if Tina Fey as Sarah Palin announces a run tonight

    isabel matos • 12 minutes ago
    Just a reminder 2nite 7-10 pm SNL. Have Twitter on hand during after Sarah's appearance to counteract the chaotic negativity to PDS that will follow @nbcsnl via Michelle

    PalinRepublican • an hour ago
    Ha! I'm retweetING all the tweets with #SNL40! My handle will drive some nuts! Lol

    What are these people drinking?

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      It's a secret recipe of Koolaide. They got it from the estate of Jim Jones.

    2. What are they drinking?

    3. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Hint to the PeePond: if Tina Fey as Sarah Palin announces a Presidential run, that is a JOKE. Although I suspect that Tina would make a pretty damn good President.

  6. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Under contact on her site it has an request an appearance.Do you think she will do children's birthday parties? We were thinking of hiring a clown but Sarah would be a lot funnier, willing to pay extra 10 bucks if she jumps out of a cake.

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      I'll help. Maybe we can get her to make balloon animals or serve the cake? She isn't good for much else.

  7. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I wonder whether they actually purchased rights to any of that footage....

  8. Hey there - sorry O/T but
    I just saw Screech at the opening of the SNL red carpet
    pre-show. She's wearing the same white sequined off-shoulder mini-dress that Bristle wore in her worst fish-lips picture.
    Made an idiot of herself interrupting Alec Baldwin...

    I look forward to everyone's reviews. - V

  9. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Saturday nite live just on, and Palin was first up on the red carpet! She did her best babble, and everyone just stared her down, till Alec Baldwin cut her off. Jesus Christ, the woman is a MORAN. I'm wondering if they're going to spoof the epic fight, or the f.u. Michael moment... She's too stupid and narcissistic to realize people will be laughing at her and not with her.

    1. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Alec Baldwin and Sarah Palin Pretend to Like Each Other on SNL40 Red Carpet

    2. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Did you see how she was flirting with Alec; rubbing on him? Alec had to grab & kiss his wife because it was so obvious & he didn't want to have nothing to do with that nasty skank. But seems Alec's wife wasn't worried about that air head. I was surprised she didn't burst into laughter at the babbling fool.

    3. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Did you see how SHE looked at his wife's belly and said "Ewwwww...." and made a face?
      She is a disgusting old wannabe cougar.
      Bet Bristles & Tawrdy are enjoying the free food and DRINK.... BRAWL!!! Wait for it!
      There is also a pic of her (screech) and the Rev Al circulating...
      Ya know how SHE h8's Liberal from Hollywood.... {eyeroll} she'd blow a dead man to get what she wants...I swear!
      Disgusting inbred family of grifters!

    4. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Check out Mrs. Baldwin's yoga. Remember Sarah Palin's yoga.

    5. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Mrs. Baldwin looks pregnant. I betcha, unlike Sarah, she actually is pregnant.

      Or should I say, like Bristol on DWTS? Thanks to the person who a few threads ago had the link to the photo buckets full of Bristal DWTS belly photos.

      Amazing the things they get away with. Do they really think nobody noticed?

    6. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Being pregnant (not in an empathy belt) did not stop Mrs. Baldwin from doing yoga. She is amazing.

      Sarah and Bristol can't do shit.

    7. Anonymous9:24 PM

      She looks like a prostitute tonight. And not the kind you have to save up for.

    8. Anonymous4:11 AM

      @9:24, Thanks for a good Monday morning laugh. I laughed so loud I scared the dog!

  10. Caroll Thompson3:09 PM

    Sarah better think twice before throwing anything into the ring. The big boys don't want her making a mockery out of the Presidential nomination process. They will make moose meat out of Sarah.

    That being said, did Sarah go to Las Vegas to visit Sheldon Adelson? She might be desperate enough to run because the PAC grift is not working for her anymore.

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Sheldon Adelson's being investigated for a variety of grafts and grifts. She'd better watch out which dirty money she accepts, or she'll end up getting investigated, too. Can't wait.

    2. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Someone is sure paying for an expensive shindig. I have never heard of an office traveling on the expense of one of the worker's mother.

      People in Anchorage have a clue.
      I can't believe it is not being investigated.

      Sarah will pretend and play out the SarahPac as if she is running but most know there is no run. Unless she can figure out how to scam that show.

      As it is now, she is showing off what she calls her "little team".

      I think it was Hannity that asked her about an exploratory team. We are witnessing exploration and Sarah's little team.

      Todd is head of trafficking. Or sure it is just coincidence that this team all have other jobs and activities that include 'modeling', erotic dancers and whatever.

  11. London Bridges3:27 PM

    What about tonight's SNL 40th anniversary special? Is Sarah going to grace us? Any word? 8PM EST Live!

  12. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Mediaite already has a video of her red carpet appearance with Alec Baldwin, she lept trying to but in on him, she's flying high!

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      She's wearing the same dress that Bristol wore 5 years ago to the Washington Correspondents Dinner, and then Sarah has worn to DWTS! She was just fucked up and running on at the mouth and I think the only place we'll see her is on this red carpet, she is not part of the show.

    2. Anonymous5:56 PM

      I remember that fur bag from the last century. She is dressing vintage.

    3. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Surprised that Toad, with his shirt untucked, wasn't standing there holding her upright

    4. Anonymous8:04 PM

      She is so out of her element and totally in over her head with that SNL group. What a dufus.

      And carrying a seal skin purse so someone will ask about it and she can go all Alaaaaaska on them.

  13. I think Palin will actually run, now that she has painted herself into a corner by stating she is "seriously interested" in running. She knows if she pulls the same tease crap she did in 2011, she will be abandoned by everyone of her idiot supporters. Here's how it will go: First she'll announce she's in and put some minimal efforts into organizational infrastructure in the very early primaries only, mostly with volunteers from the C4P morons. Then she'll push hard to be visible in Iowa and NH, making speeches and firing up her base. She will not actively take part in any debates, faking illness or scheduling conflicts as reasons for her non-participation. She'll tour those states and talk to small crowds at the local diner or coffee shop, "just chattin' and bein' among the average rill Americans." That's the running of her "unconventional campaign" she has referred to in the past. Once the primaries take place and she ends up well down in the pack with the votes, she'll suspend her campaign do to lack of funds and a victim of the biased media coverage. "I tried but the mean GOP establishment and LSM conspired against me" she will tell her supporting morons. Now I need money to pay off my campaign debts.

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      I got a big can of whoopass to open if this happens.

      Go ahead and run.

    2. Anonymous4:44 PM

      I think Palin will actually run...

      I never thought that would be until now. They keep her so drugged up that now I do think it could happen that they will have her announce that she is running.

      She could always immediately quit, saying she needs to be with her family. Suddenly they will need her or something.

      Bristol (Nancy) can pour it on about her Mama and all she sacrificed yada yada....

    3. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Oh, and if the 'family' doesn't work out, she can always blame the media and Obama again. Or mean bloggers. Or the GOP machine that wouldn't help her. Or something. Nothing is EVER ever her fault, so if she accidentally announces, it will last just long enough to rake in some more cash so she can then quit.

  14. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Ugh, she's getting play on the SNL red carpet

  15. Anonymous3:47 PM

    1) So the SarahPAC site is taking the place of Sarah Channel, it appears. The Quitter quits again!

    2) I've known someone who was mauled by a grizzly bear and almost died -- so I've never understood why being a "mama grizzly" is supposed to be something attractive. They're marauding, vicious, rapacious creatures who attack without warning and often without cause. If I didn't already think Sarah Palin was nuts, I would conclude that she was deeply disturbed by her joyous personal association with this carnivorous wild animal.

  16. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Now we know what she pissed away $10,000 for in December in PAC funds.

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Waste of money. Someone spent a small fortune on sending all of Bristol's friends from Anchorage along for the ride to Las Vegas, that money was better spent.

      Actually, they do that and think nothing of it. would Sarah pay for all Bristol's friends like that? What about Track's buddies? Willow's gang? Piper's team?

  17. Anonymous3:58 PM

    It's great that SNL is only three hours, anything past four and Palin's male worshipers would be needing a fleet of ambulances to get them to the hospital for their erections.

  18. Anonymous4:03 PM

    She won't run, she can't. Even though she's insane.

    But at least we have the beautiful memories of 2008.

    And now that Republicans know what America will be angry with them but still laughing at the them for decades if they choose another unvetted ignoramus as potential VP, those memories are all we'll have for a very long time.

    Sarah Palin isn't going anywhere. God has nailed that door shut and Sarah Palin has nowhere to go.

    And her website? Even the cheapest whore has to buy new panties sometimes.

    Can Trig say FUC_ YOU yet, Sarah?

  19. Anonymous4:23 PM

    HOLY SHIT!!! Check out her complete outfit... three-peat dress, do-over fur purse, crappy jewelry, and SHOES/BOOTS.

    Look for Kathy Griffin to tear into Sarah on Fashion Police tomorrow.

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      omg what a joke she is 4:23!!! those shiny pantyhose!! baawaaahhhh

    2. Anonymous4:53 PM

      I saw an old photo of Phyllis Dillar in performance the other day. She looked almost identical to Sarah Palin, only in character Phyllis had better taste when she was trying to go for ugly. This was the 60s or 70s and she wore shoes like Palin is just getting around to wearing.

      Sarah might want to start wearing hats. It could help a great deal.

      Phyllis wore wigs and they never got goofy like Palins. They were to be in character but she didn't lose control.

    3. Anonymous4:55 PM

      She truly has no fashion sense, none, you would think just for once she could have hired a fashion consultant for something like this,it almost reminds me of Phyllis Diller! i was waiting for her to refer to Todd as Fang.

      That woman is an idiot.

    4. Anonymous5:13 PM

      If you can't wear black, paint your fingernails!

    5. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Bristol and her little team are her fashion consultants.

    6. Anonymous5:44 PM

      I cannot stop laughing......ranks right up there with the Bristol fish lips pic. Again, does anyone advise her ever?! Who would show up to such a gala looking like that?

    7. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Fang for Todd..That's hilarious , you should write for SNL. With all the millions in grifted social Security checks that Palin pays consultants, you would think she could find a
      decent stylist instead of her typical Fredricks of Hollywood clearance items.

    8. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Yes. She gets advise.

      Check out who Bristol has with her on the Las Vegas trip. They are all in the business. Beauty, fashion, style is their game.

      Of course she has advise. It is just bad advise. But it is what those people have to sell. It's their business. If they have good advise, does she listen? That is the question.

    9. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Well, she can't do the slit to there boobs dress, now can she. Apologies for the visual in your heads, IM.

    10. Anonymous6:52 PM

      It's not like someone couldn't afford to find Sarah a new dress for an event that will be influenial with so many people. One minute and more people will see her on SNL than will ever go to the waste of SarahPac site.

      Nothing but the best for Bristol.

      Here is one of the fashion consultants for Sarah's Las Vegas trip. That may be what went wrong.

    11. Anonymous9:20 PM

      Yikes Anonymous 4:23...thanks for the link! Palin's appearance is even worse than I anticipated.

      Absolutely everything is wrong with Palin's dress, shoes and jewelry. Years ago, Sarah would read gossip magazines when she was supposed to be governing. Now, to get a clue as to how to dress on the Red Carpet, she should have glanced at a couple issues from 2015.

      Why must she again recycle her daughter Bristol's out-dated, well-known dress? Sarah is way too old for it! Maybe she thinks it's cool (and young) to wear her daughter's clothes. She should ditch the fugly black shoes, crappy black jewelry and offensive purse.

      If Sarah just had to wear that same old dress she should have gone with dainty, light colored shoes and sparkly accessories. Palin just can't seem to leave the color black alone.

      My guess her panty hose is shiny because it's support hose. Many years ago I sometimes wore them to work when I was on my feet a lot.

      You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's true.

  20. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Hold shit Palin is wearing Bristol dress to the SNL . Bristol showed this dress with her ' new plastic face' debut the world.

    1. Anonymous4:48 PM

      She thinks she looks better than Bristol did in it. That's why she's wearing it. Look! I can wear my daughter's dress (and don't I look svelt?). This is a mother who competes with her daughter. This is a narcissist.

    2. Anonymous5:04 PM

      I hope they got the cum stains off it since the last time Bristol wore it

    3. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Sarah also wore that dress a few years ago to the Kentucky Derby. At the Kentucky Derby, women wear beautiful garden outfits, big hats, a jacket and long lovely skirt, but not Sarah. She showed up in what looks like a cocktail dress-- in the daytime.

  21. Anonymous4:30 PM

    SNL 40th Anniversary Special is on and they keep showing clips of Tina Fey as SP!! LOL

  22. A J Billings4:35 PM


    $arah is just the fugliest, underdressed, sadly faded Granny on the "red carpet"

    This must fulfill the wildest dream she had when she was so "Desperate for glamor and culture" from her Ivana Trump wanna be days

    Of course, it would be relevant to point out that she has to go all "Ricky Hollywood" and consort with starlets to get her disgustingly fugly self on the tube.

    God what a hideously FUGLY outfit, and about as pathetic as a silk dress on a boar hog

  23. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Wow. Sarah is actually going all 'Ricky Hollywood'? The nerve!

    1. Anonymous10:15 PM

      Quite the little hypocrite isn't she! But then, we have always known that.

      I watched the first 1minute and 24 seconds of a 2 minute video, where Sarah was standing with Alec Baldwin and his wife. I hated that the interviewer referred to Palin as Governor since Palin voluntarily gave up that office to seek money and stardom.

      Palin was giddy with excitement, tossing her hair and snuggling up to Alec. She made some rude comment about liking his brother better. I assume she's referring to actor Stephen Baldwin who is into "Christian" roles and activities. I doubt very much that Palin knows that there are two additional Baldwin brothers who are fine actors...Daniel (remember Homicide: Life On The Street) and William "Billy".

  24. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Palin must have officially embraced her new title
    as a comedian other words ..someone who makes people laugh.
    She appeared on the SNL pre show red carpet with Alec Baldwin and his elegantly dressed and pregnant wife Hilaria.
    Palin wore a white sequined Vegas style prom dress with slit sleeves circa 2000.
    She carried a black and red striped pocketbook with long straps instead of an evening clutch.
    Hilaria maintained her classy silence as did Alec for the most part as Palin chewed the scenery with her hyper antics.
    It was cringeworthy , even for Palin.
    She then draped herself all over Baldwin in some grotesque imitation of a flirtatious coquette .
    Her Walmart pocketbook kept slapping Baldwin in the back as she grabbed him.
    Hilaria maintained her elegant and silent demeanor beside Baldwin while Palin made a fool of herself.
    Baldwin looked straight into the camera , saying a thousand words with his stoic silence , as Palin mugged him.
    I do not understand why Palin was included in the cast of accomplished actors, musicians
    and comedians except as a practical joke.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      She was a joke.

    2. Anonymous7:49 PM

      I think that she begged Lorne to be on the show. She hasn't got much else going on.

  25. Anonymous4:41 PM


    Big pic of Granny' s SNL outfit:

    She's wearing hose with open-toed shoes again.

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      They shiny hose looks tacky.

    2. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Bristol's dress again. Sarah wore it to the Kentucky Derby, too...Now SNL! That white dress has been around!

    3. Anonymous8:27 PM

      That whole outfit is so tacky!!! And those shoes!!! GAWWWDDD!!! A formal event and she shows up looking like this??

      Bristol, is this your doing?? You let your mother attend this event looking like this?

    4. Anonymous8:55 PM

      It was always an ugly ass dress. I am glad she has such bad taste. No one will take her serious even if they pay little attention to her.

  26. Anonymous4:54 PM

    M Joseph Sheppard is an arrogant blowhard that likes seeing his name in print anywhere they put up with him and he also trolls here.

    Sorry, buddy, your queen is not running. That voice is your wife calling from the kitchen to take out the garbage.

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      They think that Donald Trump would pay for their campaign even if he ran as Sarah's VP. Right, LOL!

  27. Alec Baldwin and his wife were both chewing gum...

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      It may have been protection against being so close to that voice.

      I saw him kiss Hillaria as they left. As if to say they survived.

      She and Sarah would have so much to talk about with the yoga and all.

    2. Anonymous10:20 PM

      I noticed that, but perhaps they were using the gum to keep from vocalizing their true feelings to and about Palin.

  28. Anonymous5:41 PM

    I think the "bent back" Iowa speech was intended to evoke a groundswell to launch Sarah Palin into a campaign (however fake) for president. The blowback was so overwhelming that her handlers have been scrambling to find another venue for Sarah to somehow stir some interest in her running.

    Maybe they are hoping Cambridge Union will be a miracle of lucidity, so that Sarah can get at least some more money flowing back into the back.

    The PAC is dying and Sarah doesn't have a miracle left in her... Maybe they should try for another faked pregnancy.

  29. Anonymous5:45 PM

    All the images in the video are from 2008.

    Very telling.

  30. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Scroll down for Palin on the red carpet at SNL speechless in viewing her outfit...

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Are you f*ckin' kidding me??!!!

      Adults wear clothes. Children wear costumes--$arah lives at the Halloween Store. What a hot mess!

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      ...and $arah needs to stay off the Crunch Wraps. Gettin' a little chunky there $ista

    3. Anonymous7:46 PM

      I thought that the camo dyed calf hide shoe-boots were bad. These are even worse.

    4. Anonymous10:46 PM

      Agree Anonymous 5:49 and appreciate the link! The outfit is horrid, just like Palin.

      Scroll down to the pic of Eddie Murphy and his date and you'll get a side view of Sarah, off to the right.

  31. Anonymous6:07 PM

    oh, where's the fugly red white and blue bracelet, sneakers, pins, blah blah.

  32. Anonymous6:10 PM

    The look on her face in the fuck you Michael Moore picture makes me wonder what the guy behind her is doing with his .......hand, yeah, that's it.

  33. Anonymous6:28 PM

    She always wears the ugliest ass shoes

  34. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I guess they passed on inviting Victoria Jackson thinking one crazy assed nutcase named Palin was enough.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Nope, Victoria was there. With that stupid bow in her hair. I saw her on the red carpet pics.

    2. Anonymous6:45 PM


    3. Anonymous6:59 PM

      She's a nutcase

    4. Anonymous8:37 PM

      I don't know anything about Victoria, but she sure looked a LOT better than Sarah. Nice, party dress with matching party bag. Shoes and bag matched her outfit.

      Unlike Moosecakes who carried a big ugly brown fur bag to go with her cocktail dress.

      She's either being a charactature of herself and trying to be funny or is a very sad, very sick woman.

      (Sorry, I know that's spelled wrong but the spell checker wants to insert architecture.)

    5. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Victoria looked like a fat little dumpling with too many frills and feathers. Melissa MacCarthy knows how to dress appropriately for her figure. She looked gorgeous. And Victoria has turned into one of those hate-mongering right wingers.

    6. Anonymous9:36 PM

      8:37 -- And it would cost very little to buy an evening clutch. She could get away with a cheap one, since it wouldn't be seen very much. Any old store at the mall would have something on sale -- small, discreet, pretty.

      Oh, I forgot. Sarah doesn't do "small," or "discreet" or "pretty." She probably thinks those are for stuck-up, snobby types. She needs to take a fur-covered thing from the '70s. Maybe her daddy shot the animal that provided the fur. What a rootin' tootin'
      mama grizzly she is! That'll show 'em.

  35. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Have you ever noticed that SP likes to wear huge fugly bracelets on her right wrist. .. The flag bracelet, the one tonight ... Ever wonder if she's hiding something on that wrist? Like a scar?

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      I've wondered the same thing. I am pretty sure I saw a scar there in a picture. Was she a cutter or attempted to slit a wrist?

    2. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Maybe there's an AIP tattoo.

  36. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Well there she was on SNL -- 2 1/2 hours in, with just a question from the audience. "How much would Lornee [it sounded as she pronounced it] Michaels pay me [WHAT???] if I ran for President in 2016?" Jerry Seinfeld replied "something or other...."
    Palin: "What if I picked Donald Trump as my running mate?"
    Seinfeld: something about "I'll see you at the party."

    In other words, she made herself into a joke -- for a real politician. there would be an undercurrent of reality to the exchange. For Sarah, in her strange, short hooker's dress, pretending that she was a celebrity, when she'd been flown in as a big joke, it was simply a big joke. These were sophisticated, professional people. She was a hick, has-been from the past.
    Anyway, why was she cavorting with all those East and West Coast elites when she hates their guts? Hypocrisy, thy name is Sarah! You wouldn't see Michele Bachmann cavorting with those godless people.
    I didn't see who she was sitting with. It was an A-list audience, in black tie. It's unclear if Todd was there and if he's got a tie, black or not. If she brought Bristol, then what could her daughter wear when Sarah stole the only dressy dress either one of them owns?
    What I'd give to be a fly on the wall at that party -- how many ways could all those black ties and well-dressed women figure out to avoid the Wasilla winding?

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      That's it? What a joke (her, not the joke).

      It's obvious she didn't understand why she was there.

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      I was hoping this was a liberal plot to set her up and convince she is somebody and must run for President. Everyone wants her. Traffic to SarahPac will blow up like Bristol and all her new goodies on insta game.

    3. Anonymous7:37 PM

      She brought her nephew who lives in NYC and LOVES comedy. Dream come true

    4. Anonymous11:25 PM

      Re: Sarah's little SNL 40th skit in front of all those celebrities and the whole world - she knows, we know and now they all know there will be no run for president or any other office. "Because it's all about the bucks, bout the bucks bout the bucks (no pennies), it's all about the bucks, bout the bucks, bout the bucks (no pennies)..... Apologies to Meghan Trainor.
      I'm just sorry they made Seinfeld play along - Trump would have been a better choice to do "the honors". Then the sideshow would have complete.

  37. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Yes, I say it too...creepy exchange. I wonder if she wrote it or if they wrote it for her. Her 'bots will be certain that this is the BIG announcement. What's funny is that "What's in it for me?" started off with "How much will Lorne pay me if..." So very Palin. I think this was not off the cuff, but scripted. And that dress...OMG. Sarah, go home and look at some fashion mags. Even Miley looked way better than you have in the past decade.

  38. Anonymous7:02 PM

    She's Norma Desmond.

    Except, instead of a has-been, she's a never-was.

  39. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Al Sharpton proudly tweeted a photo of them together and smiling at the red carpet tonight. Someone else posted a photo of her listening to Alex Baldwin. No smiles from either. .

    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      I saw Sarah Palin on the red carpet and we talked to Xtra together. I urged her to run in 2016 and help the Democrats out.

    2. Anonymous8:51 PM

      Sarah's fans are so upset that Al Sharpton posed for a photo with Sarah. You know, that's what happens if you want to hang out on the red carpet.

    3. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Like he forced her to pose for a picture. Maybe he put her in a headlock.

    4. Anonymous11:19 PM

      Sarah was schmoozing with the liberal elite.

      There may have even been a few atheists with lawyers.

      She couldn't have been more charming, like kiss assy wimp. I can't wait until until Limpballs explains it to the low-info brigade. That is if he still finds them worthy of his know nothing vast expertise.

      Sarah, why did you quit on the impeachment series you promised?

      Your impeachment channel is now a dismal failure.

      Sarah is in a free fall to total annihilation.

      This new do on the SarahPAC is going to be the worst of all.

      I hope Todd has her bunker ready, she will need it.

  40. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Geez -- her last chance to appear on a national stage and she couldn't spring for a new dress? That says it all.

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      I could see Sarah Palin wearing that old thing to a PTA meeting but I would have thought she or whoever paid for the jackpot trip to Vegas, would spring for something to make her look presentable for this big exposure.

    2. I think she wore white so she would stand out in the sea of elegant black formalwear. She did stand out - like a sore thumb.

  41. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Oh, yeah, Sarah will run for president, if someone pays her to run. That's not the right spirit, Sarah, begging for someone to pay for you to run just for the ratings. We get to laugh at you for free. Why pay?

  42. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Still slandering Bristol I see

    Your victimization isn't hurting anyone

    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Haha....trying to be funny again Bristol? You bombed out. Go play with someones skin.

    2. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Did you mean this?

    3. Anonymous8:50 PM

      You can't slander Bristol. She has designer handbags. That means that she is bullet proof.

    4. Anonymous1:48 AM

      Bristle's reputation was EARNED in high school. It is a rep. that NEVER fades away, unless a person moves out of state and starts a new life. Bristles is desperate to be a "starlet" even as she gets older, just like her mother. Can not buy CLASS, or a good reputation.

  43. Anonymous7:36 PM

    You know she doesn't have a clue who Francisco Franco was or what the joke was all about. Or that it was a joke.

    True, much of SNL's fame was its success with baby boomers, and it has had peaks and valleys since then. Nonetheless, some of its most famous bits have become legend. But Sarah's so unschooled that she not only wouldn't have known about a 1970s SNL joke -- she wouldn't have known who Francisco Franco was, either.
    He was a Fascist dictator in Spain, Sarah -- which is in the country they call "Europe."

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Spain is a country. Europe is a continent.

    2. Anonymous7:57 PM

      7:51 -- It was a joke.

    3. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Duh. The joke is that Sarah thinks Europe is a country.

    4. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Back in the days when Francisco Franco was dying, there were constant reports from Spain that he was still hanging on, barely. Finally, after weeks and weeks of these announcements, Franco died. SNL made fun of all of those "dying" updates and continued to report on their Weekly Update that Franco was still dead. And, they repeated the joke after many years because it is still funny and he is still dead.

  44. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Gryphen loves to think he knows her close friends. He can't even name the kids friends. But he will try to stalk them all as others do because you all are adults with no lives.

    Bristol will never be the slut you want her to be. She will always be a great mom

    Get over it. Your ignorance doesn't matter

    1. Anonymous7:53 PM

      We don't want Bristol to be a slut. She does that all on her own. We want her son to be healthy and happy..not a bad mouthed little divo who gets posed for photo shots for Mommy's blogs. And if she's no slut, why all the live-in boyfriends, the drunken brawls in short dresses, and the need for attention? Why did she not finish high school?

    2. Anonymous7:57 PM

      OMG....did you really just say that Bristol? Your ignorance of your family is what should be questioned.

    3. Anonymous8:05 PM


      best snark of the week!

    4. Anonymous8:10 PM

      Oh, you are back, Troll. Bristol has been a slut since Jr. High School. Ben, Dylan. Levi, Gino, Joey? Pregnant in the November 14, 2007 Palin Family Photo, Pregnant again in 2008, pregnant in 2009 on DWTS, and pregnant for the Disneyland trip with Junker and Tripp. Now she is posting on the Brancy Blog asking for a Lumbersexual Trial Daddy. Slut is written all over Bristol. Why do you post as Anonymous, we all know who you are, Alicia/kryptonite/queenie/quartz/mandy/mandingo/michelle/chels/just no/lucy in the sky/manlover4ever/60 other JUVENILE names. Get a life, loser, the Palins don't want you around. They have enough scandal to hide without your unwanted help!!! You think that you know the Palins and their friends because you STALK their Facebook pages 24/7. You are a sick, deranged parasite, who is living off of your parents.

    5. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Link please.

    6. Cracklin Charlie8:18 PM

      Willow didn't get to go to the party? Blogging her fingers to the bone here can't be nearly as exciting as Bristol's weekend.

      Maybe next time, little sister.

    7. Anonymous8:19 PM

      We don't want Bristol to be a slut. She already is. Can't rape the willing.

    8. Anonymous8:48 PM

      We know how great Bristol is. Every time that she buys another designer purse or pair of shoes, she gains 15 IQ points and they raise her salary another $1,000. a week to cover her expenses.

    9. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Why would Gryphen want to know her close friends or name the kids friends? That is totally ridiculous. If that word is too big, that is totally ridic. Comprehend, slow one?

      Next you mention Bristol/slut. Is that who you mean when you say "her". This post is about SarahPac and Sarah Palin on SNL. You sound out of control like a nonsensical nut case with too much luggage, while all her coworkers have to use cheap copy knock offs of the high class elite brands.

    10. Anonymous11:02 PM

      Isn't Bristol the daughter that kicked her father in the nuts?

      There are plenty of girls that can understand the reasons she would do that. No one wants her to be anything but an honest and healing person one day. Sluts are not healing or healed.

      All the money from a sugar daddy or anyone else is not going to be able to buy enough to heal a giant crater of abuse and pain like the size of the Grand Canyon next to an ant.

    11. hauksdottir5:18 PM

      No, she reportedly *grabbed* her father's crotch. A kick could have been accidental.

      You may notice that she is looking for a lumbersexual, not for a fisherman, despite the family's business...

      IOW, semen, not seamen.

  45. Anonymous7:59 PM

  46. Anonymous8:39 PM


  47. Anonymous9:25 PM


  48. Anonymous10:29 PM

    I thought Scarah HATED Hollywood people and yet here she is climbing all over them like she is their best friend.

  49. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Ha... They are so mad about that pic. Time to wake up people, she is a class A hypocrite

    1. Anonymous5:44 AM

      From the comments, it looks like some of her fans are finally "wiping the scales from their eyes!"

      What we've been saying all along for seven years!

  50. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Of Topic - but just went through the 56 photos of those arriving for the 40th Anniversary of SNL - 55 photos came through loud and clear - but the "Sarah Palin arriving" came through as a tiny broken square. Was she there or not?
    Phuket Tom

  51. Anonymous12:39 AM

    They were very kind to her on SNL and gave her little to do, nothing. She looked like a fool but it wasn't over the top obvious so her crowd can spin it to their fantasy world.

    I am most interested in the obvious facts about the way she chose to dress. Bristol made it obvious that there are plenty of funds to afford the best the world has to offer.

    Sarah alleges she is to run for President.

    No one that is going to launch an exploratory committee for such a highly prestigious position would fart around. That includes the impression one makes with wardrobe choices.

    So why is she parading around in public, where the most people will see her and get to know her, in a tacky used dress? People who paid no attention before might want to check her out. She looks like she is wearing a thrift store reject in that old rag of Bristols.

    Why? Sarah, why? You are not that cheap, you know how to get money from others. You know that SNL is an opportunity of a lifetime. It will be all downhill after that. Cambridge is not the same and without the vast audience.

    At the same time as Sarah is playing the part of the cheapest idiot in American history, her daughter is posting over the top luxury expense items. It is sick and pathetic and needs a full comprehensive explanation.

    The media is useless, I sure hope the people will not let the Palins slide on these discrepancies.

    Seinfeld got the point across she is a tease. It really isn't funny but as good as any way to get the message out , I suppose.

    I hope the people will take her on about the severe hypocrisy with her family. That family that hardly looks like a sound unit.

    Why is mother going to the major event of a lifetime in a rag?
    While daughter is out of control crazy on a gravy train and collecting goodies.

    Who knows where the cash is coming from or why?

    Why is Sarah getting the big shaft up her butt as Bristol is staged to look like Queen Esther in all the glory of worldly goods?

    What would you do? Help your mother out or sell your soul to the devil?

    1. Anonymous4:02 AM

      She took the thirty pieces of silver years ago. There is something very VERY wrong in that family, and it shows.

    2. Anonymous6:21 AM

      She's convinced she wears the dress better than Bristol did. Probably a few nincompoops have even told her as much. Bristol was still working on losing baby weight when she wore it, whereas 50something Palin is now the teeny tiny starlet she always aspired to be.
      You know how Dubya led a country into war to prove that he's a better man and president than his daddy? Yeah, it's like that.

  52. Anonymous12:51 AM

    There is a good practical reason for redesigning: Google has signaled it may, probably will, start marking sites down for not being responsive to different sized screens. It will cost her search traffic if they don't comply.

  53. Anonymous2:25 AM

    I haven't read the comments yet but gotta say IMO, there's no way in hell that SP will throw her wig or the Belmonts or her bony a** into the GOP primary race. It'll never happen.

    Now I'm going back up to read the comments which I expect to be both entertaining and funny.

  54. Anonymous4:19 AM

    From the pee pond this morning:

    Moderators Note (iizthatiiz)
    Several comments from regular posters had to be deleted last night. Insulting visitors to the site is a violation of C4P’s terms of service.

    If people can’t mind their manners, they may find themselves banned.
    H/T to "Robin" who commented on $arah's SNL choice of dress and lack of presidential acumen. If it's one thing the pee pond doesn't like, it's being told to shut up and sit down!

    Happy Presidents' Day, IMers!

  55. Anonymous5:06 AM

    From Sarah's Facebook:
    "Aren’t you the same anti-beef screamers blogging hate from your comfy leather office chairs, wrapped in your fashionable leather belts above your kickin’ new leather pumps you bought because your celebrity idols (who sport fur and crocodile purses) grinned in a tabloid wearing the exact same Louboutins exiting sleek cowhide covered limo seats on their way to some liberal fundraiser shindig..."

    Sarah was sportin' $1300 Louboutins last night...

    And Bristol showing off her Louis Vuitton collection at the Vegas airport this weekend...

  56. PalinsHoax5:33 AM

    Hey Ol' Disco Diva, the 80's called.
    They want their dress back.
    They want their hairdo back.
    They want their makeup back.

    Oh no wait. It's the hotel that called. They want their towel back, you know, from the 2008 campaign, when you opened the hotel room door to campaign staff while you were wearing nothing but a towel, with your scuzzy Tawdry lurking in the back of same room.

    Yep, that flour sack dress sure reminds them of that towel.

    Dip sticks. The Palins are nothing but dip sticks.

  57. Anonymous6:11 AM

    'Now you're just teasing us!'

    Tina Fey developed a popular skit impersonating the Tea Party poster mom.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.