Sunday, February 15, 2015

The 25th anniversary of "The Pale Blue Dot."

Courtesy of Penny4NASA:

NASA’s Voyager spacecraft captured one of the most memorable images in the history of space exploration 25 years ago today. 

On Feb. 14, 1990, the Voyager 1 spacecraft was commanded by NASA at the suggestion of Carl Sagan to turn its camera around and take a picture of Earth one last time before it headed on its way out of the solar system. The photo is now widely recognized as the “Pale Blue Dot.”

Actually I'm a day late. The anniversary was yesterday, but I am such a fan of that video and this picture...

 ...that I could not let the anniversary pass without comment.

Personally I think there should be a way to mandate that religious, political, or business leaders be forced to watch that video whenever they begin to get a little too arrogant or feeling self important.

I find it to be quite humbling, and at the same time inspirational.

Someday we will break our bonds to this planet and courageously head off into the vastness of space to forge a new future. I can only imagine the wonders that lay before us which are as yet undiscovered and feel a little jealous that I will not be among those to witness them for the first time.


  1. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Jess, thank you for posting this! The video is awesome!

  2. Anonymous5:20 PM

    It takes my breath away! Thank You!

  3. A J Billings5:36 PM

    The thoughtful elegance and profound nature of Mr Sagan's comments are truly moving.

    Sadly, I fear it will be thousands of years before human societies will evolve enough to care for the planet and each other with the same wisdom Carl Sagan expresses.

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Yes, Sagan was ahead of his time. A thoughtful, intelligent human being, sharing his immense love of science and care for his fellow humans. A man who passed away way too soon. What wonders of the human existence he could have helped enlighten the rest of us on.

  4. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Awesome. We humans are our own saviors...and our own executioners. We celebrate life and then condemn it at the same time. We want great things for our futures, and yet stubbornly cling to our past mistakes. We deify imagined gods and ignore hard realities. 'It's not that life is too short, it's that being dead lasts so long.'

  5. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Sarah's crossed into the reality of MSM celebrity hobnobbing of different walks of life - she's just betrayed all her most devoted fans! A photo op with Al Sharpton.

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Sarah threw the last of the palinbots under the bus in 2012.

      They just haven't figured it out yet.

  6. Balzafiar7:45 PM

    "...feel a little jealous that I will not be among those to witness them for the first time."

    That isn't true, not at all. You will be back, without question. If you have any say in the matter, try and put it off until around 2300 so the coming drought (Google NASA drought article) will be behind us all. That period in time is going to be one hell of a rough ride.

  7. Anonymous8:11 PM

    All of his books are fantastic. In her first semester of college my daughter was reading "Our Demon Haunted World" before her Speech class started. The class Instructor blurted out "Hey! I've read that book. We read the same books!"

    She got an A+ in the class.

  8. Anonymous12:53 AM

    In the words of Dave Chappelle as "Black George Bush"



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