Friday, February 13, 2015

The KKK comes out in support of Alabama's Chief Justice Roy Moore's attempts to stop the legalization of gay marriage. Well of course they did.

Courtesy of AOL:  

A Mississippi chapter of the Ku Klux Klan is supporting Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore's stand for state's rights and called for members to protest against the legalization of gay marriage. 

"The Mississippi Klan salutes Alabama's chief justice Roy Moore, for refusing to bow to the yoke of Federal tyranny," Brent Waller, the United Dixie White Knights' imperial wizard, wrote on Stormfront, the largest online white supremacist forum. "The Feds have no authority over individual States marriage laws."

Boy you know you're on the right side of history when the Klu Klux Klan gives you a big high five, don't you?

These guys always seem so pathetic in their desperate attempt to stop the inevitable. 

And Alabama seems to ALWAYS be the place that simply refuses to move forward until they have no other choice. How proud they must be of that legacy.


  1. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Q: Do the states of Alabama and Mississippi recognize and consider valid each others' drivers licenses?

    If yes, then, why not also recognize and consider valid their marriage licenses?


    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Marvin, I'm not sure that is correct. The reason I say this is that different states don't necessarily accept another states gun licenses. But I'm with you, why not accept them.

    2. Anonymous4:24 PM

      2:15, Article IV, Section One of the US Constitution reads as follows: "Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state."

      Gun licenses don't fall under that; marriage records (as well as drivers licenses) do.

    3. Anonymous5:18 PM

      With all due respect, how do you explain states not recognizing same-sex marriage licenses from other states.

    4. They were forced to accept marriages between different races. This should be no different.

      If a marriage between a black and a white person is valid in one state, it is valid in all. That's already crossed the bridge.

      Too many states now recognize gay marriage. If you are legally married, then you are legally married. Period.

      They can't force churches to perform ceremonies, but that is different than the state legally recognizing the relationship. That is a civil matter.

      Fed has always trumped state so if the Feds say you're married, you're married.

  2. Mississippi gives Alabama a run for its money in ignorance and obstruction. Yeah, Alabama was where George Wallace tried to stop black students from enrolling in the University of Alabama in 1963. And where four young girls were murdered in the bombing of a Baptist church in Birmingham. But Mississippi was the site of the terrible murder of four civil rights workers in 1964 (and subsequent coverup by the conspirators, which included not just the KKK but the local Sheriff's office and police department). And the comparisons could, sadly, go on and on.
    So, comparing the violence and violations of rights committed in Alabama and Mississippi makes me think of Robert Frost:
    "Some say the world will end in fire,
    Some say in ice.
    From what I’ve tasted of desire
    I hold with those who favor fire.
    But if it had to perish twice,
    I think I know enough of hate
    To say that for destruction ice
    Is also great
    And would suffice."

  3. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Off topic.


    Governor John Kitzhaber announces his resignation

    "Kitzhaber's resignation does not end the criminal investigation against him and his fiancee, Cylvia Hayes, or the state ethics review.

    Kitzhaber did not appear in public on Friday and neither did his fiancee, Cylvia Hayes. Instead, he issued a page-long statement that was released Friday that made clear his pain and frustration with having to abandon what was to be a historic fourth term. Yet, he wrote, he understood why the move was necessary."

    Looking at you Lou Sarah!
    Still have to tell some missing truths about why she quit...





    1. Anonymous3:44 PM
      "Gov. John Kitzhaber's Office Sought To Destroy Thousands of His Emails
      Records show state bureaucrats refused to carry out the request"

      "Gov. John Kitzhaber Announces His Resignation
      "His political position weakened Jan. 30, when he held a 20-minute press conference to speak a previously undisclosed $118,000 contract Hayes received in 2011 and 2012, and the possibility she failed to report the income on her tax return. Kitzhaber's evasiveness at the press conference started the drumbeat that led state leaders to consider he might be forced to resign."

    2. Anonymous10:12 PM


      Feds Issue Criminal Subpoenas For Gov. John Kitzhaber's and First Lady Cylvia Hayes' Records
      FBI zeroes in on Hayes' consulting contracts

  4. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Are there REALLY people who believe the right owns the media??? REALLY REALLLLLLYYYYYY?

    EVERY network that is not Fox has head hauchos who are huge contributors to democrats. Besides that, if the right REALLY owned the media, Bill clinton wouldnt be a thing and obama wouldnt be anywhere near a public office.


    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Prove it, jackass. And, please stop shouting. It makes you sound even nuttier than you already are.

    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Is Fox not part of the media?

    3. Anonymous1:46 PM

      12:47 PM Trolling is addictive. FACT! Palin panties sniffing is a contagious disease. Being Stupid is natural for you, little kid.

    4. You are an idiot. FACT.

    5. Really? Do you have any proof of those allegations besides what you heard on FOX?

      In point of fact, all of the major networks are owned by right wing corporations that contribute much more to Republicans than they do to Democrats. And yes, they contribute to both. Just to hedge their bets.

  5. angela12:58 PM

    Way to go Roy!
    There will be a Klan Christmas card in December with your name on it. It will be a picture of a blizzard---very white.

  6. Anonymous1:42 PM

    That cartoon is brilliant.

  7. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Actually, we are moving forward. Read about George Wallace's 1968 presidential campaign. It is very similar to Sarah Palin and her following. And, although we still deal with racism, we have made progress. Gays were still very hidden and had no rights regarding their relationships. So, it is progress, but hatred is always going to exist among man.

  8. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Really, Alabama, Mississippi? As far as I'm concerned only the people that were unfortunate enough to have been born in these hell swamps of idiocy find a reason to ever set foot in these ass backwards southern swamp hells. I know some have escaped but the rest of us, really, have you ever had a desire or a reason to set foot in either of these states? (unless you were kidnapped by a swamp person and had a gun held to your head I can't think of any reason to visit these places!)

    Let's just let, them, the denizens of these swamps which are soon to be swallowed by the rising polluted waters of the gulf, live their awful and sad lives in these terrible places of hate and double and single wides (and mosquitos and other insect and waterborne diseases and also too alligators...they can keep those too)

  9. Anonymous8:05 AM

    In which state do you live? I'll bet it's a utopian society and always has been.

  10. Anonymous8:08 AM

    "The Feds have no authority over individual States marriage laws."

    I wonder what these fucking retards thought of DOMA.

    1. And yes. They do. Once the Feds pass a law it supercedes the states. That is why mixed race marriages are now legal in ALL states.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.