Monday, February 02, 2015

The most recent SarahPAC filings show a continued trend toward eventual bankruptcy. Update!

So the most recent SarahPac filings were posted the other day, and they continue to indicate a trend toward reduced support and deficit spending on the part of the once powerful PAC.

In a nutshell:

Total Receipts   $2,790,849 

Total Spent   $3,115,232 

Begin Cash on Hand   $1,149,939 

End Cash on Hand   $825,556 

Debts   $0 

Date of last report   December 31, 2014

As you can see the PAC is still taking in far less than it is spending, which I think puts that whole "Sarah Palin is a fiscal conservative" argument to rest.

I did a little wading through the filings and it appears that the same players are still present as in years past.

There does seem to be some change in the numbers with consultants earning more than was spent on "postage" this time around. (Though important to keep in mind that this only covers the time between November 25 and December 31st.)

For instance the PAC paid Consultants around $60,000 in this time period.

However it only paid $15,000 for "postage." (It should be noted that this does not include the $2,193.95 they spent on Christmas cards.)

The PAC also spent $453.37 on pins. And I have no idea what that means.

If you are looking for the biggest waste of resource ever that might be the $7,000 the PAC paid for speechwriters. Considering how Palin's speeches are received it seems that somebody is being robbed blind here.

$6000 went to Aries Petra Consultants which is really RAM, and $1,000 went to Jessica Gavora.

You can compare this filing to the one back in April, and see that Palin is essentially hemorrhaging money faster than her supporters can open a vein and refill her coffers.

At this rate SarahPAC may be history by 2017. If not before.

Yeah I know, it breaks my heart too.

Update: Somebody pointed out that Open Secrets was combining 2013 numbers and 2014 numbers, which is true.

So for the record in 2014 SarahPAC brought in $1,623,039 give or take a dollar or three.

And spent $1,904,773 give or take a dollar or three.

You can check the numbers yourself here.  (If there are any accountants in the house feel free to weigh in.)


  1. Hey, Gryph, someone on Politico the other day said that it had been two years since anyone from Alaska had donated to SarahPac, can you confirm or deny that? Seems too good to be true...

    1. No the numbers from Open Secret are all from this year.

      She is earning less, but she is still earning millions of dollars off of the paint chip eaters.

    2. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Actually there is one donor from Alaska, Dale Christofferson, a fisherman from Kodiak AK donated $5000 total during this 2014 election cycle, which covers 2013-2104. He donated $2500 8/13 and $2500 5/14.

      I found this by going to the open secrets link above and searching the donor list for AK.

      So one Alaskan donor 2013-2014, that's it. Poor sap, he's the only Alaskan that's still into her!

    3. But what about Alaskans? Are they still donating for this reporting year? That was the question.

    4. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Actually Gryph the Open Secret numbers are from 2013-2014. They do their accounting per "election cycles" and each election cycle includes two years. It's because midterms are held each two years and each congressional session lasts two years.

      Election cycle 2014=2013-2014
      Election cycle 2012=2011-2012
      Election cycle 2010=2009-2010

    5. Anonymous5:41 PM

      The PAC also spent $453.37 on pins. And I have no idea what that means.
      Flag pins? Also too didn't she just spend $ on secret decoder "membership cards" for her sagging (tits) I mean numbers in pac?

  2. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Bankruptcy isn't really the correct term. Her PAC doesn't have any debt, instead her PAC will simply run out of money and no longer have the ability to pay her staff or purchase goods and services. Bankruptcy refers to organizations or individuals who have incurred debt which they are unable to pay back and file to defer their debt payments or have their debt forgiven by creditors.

    SarahPAC has no debt. Instead of going bankrupt SarahPAC will just simply run out of money and cease to exist.

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      No, the correct statement would have been "sarahPac does not have any debt at this time" they may well at the end and go bankrupt.

    2. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Insolvent is the word we're hoping for.

    3. True, but I wouldn't bet a nickel that the Palins themselves have no debt. They've just been funding it out of the PAC.

    4. Anonymous4:15 PM


      The problem with the PAC is that every expenditure has to be itemized on the FEC Schedule B. It would be hard to actually take cash money from the PAC.

      There is always lots of travel and hotels that are paid for with the PAC fund, private jets, meals, etc, but those are within the FEC guidelines of accepted PAC expenditures as she can always say that she was going to a campaign or political event. Her PAC is more a "fringe benefit" type of thing, whereby she doesn't actually receive any cash money from it but it is so loosely regulated that she can use it for most, if not all, of her travel. What is nearly impossible would be for her to use PAC cash to do something like pay off her mortgage, she wouldn't be able to get away with that, but given the loose PAC regulations she does enjoy a rather liberal use of the fund, within certain parameters.

    5. Anonymous4:23 PM

      Depends on how you define 'debt.'

    6. Anonymous4:57 PM

      She pretty much has to travel by private jet she is not popular in Alaska.

    7. Anonymous7:21 PM

      @ 4:45PM, But what about the money paid to "consulting" firms that are really owned by her, isn't Northstar .. one of her "companies”?
      What about her "wardrobe" for these political events?

      Not pay off her mortgage, just because she isn't suppose to, wouldn't stop her from doing it.

    8. Anonymous8:38 PM


      NorthStar Strategies is Jason Recher, a leftover from the McCain campaign that is still on her payroll. He was in Iowa with her recently.

  3. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Considering Sarah and her family have done absolutely nothing to earn this income, they are still doing very well in my opinion.

  4. Anonymous2:49 PM

    What is truly amusing is that she spent $932,350 with HSP direct, which is a fundraising/direct mail outfit. She spent nearly a million dollars to raise $2,790,849. SarahPAC spends 1/3 of the money collected to raise more money.

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Even grifting takes some expenditures.

    2. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Actually it's even worse than that, the graph on the Expenditures page shows $1.4 million spent on Fundraising for $2.7million collected, so the PAC spent slightly over 50% of its earnings on fundraising!

    3. Anonymous3:03 PM

      If she was what the Pee's claim she is, the cash would roll in. Her knowledge would be the fundraising. Yeah, not so much, Palin Worshipers.

    4. Anonymous7:44 PM

      These names familiar to anyone? Jamie Hogan, Matt Schenk and Amy Paul. Founders of HSP.

    5. Anonymous7:55 PM

      and i would bet HSP is the barometer for the GOP to see who is pulling in donors and who isn't. Those that can't/don't get cut loose. Bye, $carah.

    6. Anonymous10:59 PM

      info on 'Best Practices' for non-profits:

      'The WGA recommends fundraising costs not exceed 35 percent of related contributions...'

      From a Non-profit Industry publication:

  5. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Also this report and the figures you listed are for the entire 2014 Election cycle, not just this last quarter.

  6. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Not much of a fiscal conservative there Sarah. Even with OPM you got to have something coming in.
    OI' Brisket will be doing tricks for Tawd in the near future.

  7. Aunt Ethel3:04 PM

    "If you are looking for the biggest waste of resource ever that might be the $7,000 the PAC paid for speechwriters. Considering how Palin's speeches are received it seems that somebody is being robbed blind here."

    She's paying $7000 for screechwriters? Why pay that much for gobbledygook when her fans would write it for free?

    Sure, she'd have to give them a bag of her trash to cuddle with, but it's still cheaper than what she's paying right now.

    1. Anonymous4:31 PM

      The $7000 goes to Trig for writing her speeches for her. He's saving up for the therapy that his parents are too negligent and cheap to get for.him.

  8. Anonymous3:07 PM


  9. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Good. The meth or whatever drug she is on is probably a consultant.

  10. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Bristol's latest blog post is asking for posters emails, you just know they want a list of fools so they can try to raise money from a new group of idiots just in case there are some untapped nuts who they can con out of some spare change.

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      It's expensive to purchase those lists so they are trying to build their own list and then they can sell it to others.

    2. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Yeah, she needs something else realigned, medically necessary, of course. I'm surprised she isn't on the Batchelor standing in line for her chance to pose and swap spit with the same guy. Over and Over and Over and Over until she finds his mouth.

    3. Anonymous11:11 PM

      Know nothing about the Twitterverse...can someone with a bajillion followers somehow convert that info into 3D reality mailing addresses?

      Making something out of nothing and getting wealthy at it...several nieces and nephews are making that work for girls prefer solid investment of their real skills into the real needs of the young and the underclasses. There is a convergence of interests and technical knowhow that was making them all buzz alot over the holidays.

      Healthy, multi-degreed young people happily working together in some kind of 'syzergy' for the greater good! Real fun to hang out with them for a few days...gave me ideas about how us 'grones' as they call us (grones = grownups) might find new ways of collaboration. Exciting times!

      And, also too: Imbolc Blessings on us all...

  11. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Her big donors gave about $538,000, while she gave just $210,000 to candidates. The donors would have had more bang for their buck if they gave directly to the politicians.
    One of her big supporters is writer Dean Koontz (have never read him but know he churns out best sellers) and Koontz's wife.
    Most of her money came from the "under $200" donors -- the retired folks who send her their children's inheritance, in dimes and quarters. They must be inundated by all that direct mail and the Christmas cards to send so much money her way.

    I think "pins" is probably for a gross of American flag lapel pins (made in China) that she can give out or send with a thank you for the $38 donation from Mr. and Mrs. Jethro Dull of Arkansas, Arkansas.

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Lol on the Dull family!! And I will never read a koontz novel. What a moron!

    2. Anonymous4:21 PM

      I'd love to think Koontz was donating, not because he supported Palin's politics, but because he wants to keep her around to continue studying her for a role as a psychotic villain in an upcoming thriller.

    3. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Are donors from Alaska reflected?

    4. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Koontz writes about sociopaths in most of his novels. I am in agreement that Sarah must be one of his favorite subjects. I avoid his books as they are truly creepy.

    5. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Dean Koontz is the poor man's Stephen King. You may not like Stephen King's books, but he's a good, often very good, writer. Dean Koontz writes pap.

    6. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Sarah tried to ban Koontz's books

    7. Anonymous5:12 AM

      Wow, thanks for the heads-up on Koontz. I will never read or buy any of his books, and I will pass the word on about him.

  12. Anonymous3:20 PM

    What could they possibly be spending $3 million on? We know that it isn't candidates and you never really hear about them. Is this just a pass-through to family/friend bank accounts?

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      It appears that she gave $210,000 to candidates.

      This is clearly a scam, on a big scale. And she's probably being robbed blind by those consultants -- she's not savvy enough to know what a big business this is, and how much she's been fleeced herself.

      She's just the go-between, with her bots sending her money, and her sending money to the consultants. She gets to rake off some from the top. Soon, the consultants will have to be pared down or fired altogether, and the machine will come to a grinding halt.

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Election cycle 2014 (calendar years 2013-2014) she actually did spend $218,500 on state and federal candidates, her biggest candidates expenditure ever in the history of her PAC.

      Still, that's less than 8% of her total take for election cycle 2014.

      This page is generated each quarter and lists all of the recipients of PAC dollars. You do have to look it up for each quarter as there is no conglomerate done per election cycle. This one is from 4th quarter 2014 which, for some reason, ran 11/25-12/31, 2014 instead of as a standard 3-month financial quarter.

      Mostly it's the same people being paid each quarter, with travel and miscellaneous expenses thrown in. There are a few people who have done quite well for themselves through the largesse of SarahPAC.

    3. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Election cycle 2014 (calendar years 2013-2014) she actually did spend $218,500 on state and federal candidates, her biggest candidates expenditure ever in the history of her PAC.
      Most likely because of the scrutiny she got last time about not donating enough.

      4:01 mentioned a few who have done well through the pac, and I'm sure they have other clients/income, but didn't RAM move up to AK? What else could she be doing.. $6000 is hardly a living salary.


    4. $6000 a month is a living salary, Mildred. :-) and I believe that's what RAM has been pulling in per month. Possibly to keep her silent about the various pregnancies?

    5. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Yes, you would think Ram would have been axed after the comments she made about Brisdull.

    6. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Oh Liz, no kidding! I've been a little under the weather and guess I'm still a little fuzzy. What was I thinking? I'll stick to reading till I'm back fully up and running.


    7. Anonymous5:36 PM

      She 's not being robbed, "consultants" is another word for FREE money she GIVES to the family for "working." There's trick or track, barstool, wallow, pip, trig, toad, mom & da, chuckie, etc etc etc

    8. Anonymous5:38 PM

      How much is the money she gets from he state of Alaska for being a quitter governor, I read somewhere that the salary from Alaska is one million dollars a year? that can't be right..

    9. Cracklin Charlie5:42 PM

      Has anybody actually seen RAM lately?

      Is it time to get worried?

    10. Anonymous6:19 PM


      Her Governor's salary was $125,000 per year. Governors who serve their entire term(s) receive state pension and insurance benefits, however I do not know if Sarah was extended these benefits due to her resignation.

    11. Anonymous6:37 PM


      Really? Who would want to look at her more than once.

    12. Anonymous12:30 AM

      6:19 and 5:38

      I don't know anything about having to serve your full term to get state money. Got a link?

      Remember, in Alaska, the state pension plan is not just for state employees. Municipalities, boroughs, non-teacher school positions all are part of PERS, which is the state retirement system.

      Teachers get something call TERS, which is very similar. Usually people refer to it as PERS-TERS.

      Anyway, the point of this is to say that Sarah's short time as governor isn't all that counts toward her pension.

      Sarah did have previous years that contributed to her state pension as a city council member and mayor. Depending on when she started she could have vested in just 5 years or in 10.

      Most Alaska communities provide for PERS benefits for elected officials such as school board, borough assembly, city council. Payout is based on income (thus the amount paid in). Most of those are local things are "stipend" positions, so money isn't much, but if you get vested you are eligible for state health insurance, which is a great benefit.

      I'm no expert on PERS benefits, but final payout is based on your top payroll amount, so her stint as governor drastically raised the amount she'll get in retirement.

      Looks like retirement it at 55.

  13. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Sarah Palin Robotic Speech Generator
    The following is an automatically-generated speech created by our Sarah Palin 2.0 Artificial Pseudo-Intelligence Robot.
    Most experts agree that it is indistinguishable from any of Sarah Palin's actual speeches.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:01 PM

      They use my second fave "Zombie Sarah" photo from waaaay back when gravity was more kind and she hadn't yet pulled all her hair out.

    2. Anonymous4:29 PM

      it is funny as hell the automatically-generated speechs
      you can almost see palin saying these things

  14. We all know the Griter has it down ....
    Spend more than you make/beg
    File for bankruptcy, blame liberals, Trump Business Model, the GOP way

  15. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Here are the 4th quarter numbers from 2014. It's a shortened quarter for some reason, only a bit over a month, 11/25-12/31, 2014, regardless expenditures outpace receipts by nearly double. This ship is indeed sinking, which is why she so desperately is mailing out "SarahPAC" membership cards like crazy, trying to get anyone to donate. Just like a lot of other mail scams if you send someone a "membership card" with your name already on it you feel more obligated to donate.

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Sadly, many political and interest groups use the membership card ploy, including the Democratic Party and some women's rights groups. I throw the cards away and am less inclined to donate money that largely goes to marketing costs and political consultants. They make enough money off of me by selling/renting out my contact information.

    2. Anonymous4:22 PM

      I have never felt obligated to send in money when I receive a donation request including a card with my name on it.

      I always get my scissors out of the drawer and slice the card to ribbons - tear up everything else and throw it all in the garbage.

      Doesn't influence me one bit and assuredly wouldn't from someone like the beggar, Sarah Palin!

    3. Anonymous5:45 PM

      the only dumbos or retards to fall for the donate to get a membership card scam are obviously palin's followers.

    4. Anonymous10:42 PM

      what about when they send unordered return address labels? does that ever get any one here motivated to make a caught me with the guilts a couple of times...Audobon and such...

    5. Anonymous3:31 AM

      Heck no I don't feel obligated. Ididn't ask for the labels, but i'll use them. I don't feel the least bit guilty.It/s like finding a dollar on the ground with no idea who dropped it - sort of.

  16. Anonymous3:45 PM

    It scares me to think that anyone would part with even a dollar for SarahPAC. Just think how looney you would have to be!

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      I'm bothered by anyone giving any money period to politicians or pacs no matter what side of the fence.

    2. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Fear generated by the 'news' sources they trust is a large part of it. These folks are rubes. They are isolated from the cultural diversity that exists in major urban areas (and elsewhere). Guns, bibles, and survival seeds occupy their minds (because the undeserving 'takers' are destroying their 'Murika'). The power players on the right play that fear up to the max. It's simply the Southern Strategy in the 'modern' era.

    3. Anonymous4:23 PM

      I agree, I've never donated to a candidate and never will. I vote. Also the real slap in the face is that political and campaign donations are NOT tax deductible! Thanks but no thanks!

    4. Anonymous7:41 PM

      I donated $15 to the Obama campaign in 2012. It's the only time I've ever made a political donation. The next week, I got one of those "donate $3 or more for a chance to win a trip to NYC and meet Obama, Beyonce, and Jay-Z." That felt like a slap in the face. I understand the rationale--cool incentives presumably cause more people to donate--but I have no interest in funding someone else's trip to hobnob with celebs in NYC. I won't make a political donation again.

    5. Anonymous12:23 AM

      I agree. We taxpayers pay their salaries, why do they keep needing more? Huckerbee paid relatives of his over $400,000 from his Pac. Who donates to that fake religious scam artist? He is supposedly running again, knowing he has no chance, but he WILL raise more money for himself and family.

    6. Anonymous5:33 AM

      Anonymous3:50 PM

      """I'm bothered by anyone giving any money period to politicians or pacs no matter what side of the fence."""

      Some PAC's and politicians are worth giving to, SarahPac and the other GOP are not worth it.

  17. Anonymous3:50 PM

    This Jessica Gavora?

    Jan Brewer's writing a book -- with a Sarah Palin sympathizer.

    Jessica Gavora is married to Jonah Goldberg. But she has significant conservative bona-fides of her own, including “assisting” on Sarah Palin’s own book, America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag.

    1. Yeah, America by Heart is the book you can get for $0.90 new or used at

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Yes, Jessica grew up in Fairbanks.

  18. Anita Winecooler3:55 PM

    Love the photo, It shows, when it comes to being debt free, she certainly plays the part, and pretty well. If I saw some crazy lady sitting in front of a fast food restaurant, I'd buy her a happy meal or two. But she better change locations, I don't "Do" Chic Fil A.

  19. Anonymous4:01 PM

    That would explain all the noise she's making: she's working that pole extra hard so that they can all keep porking along on all that PAC money.
    M from MD

  20. Anonymous4:08 PM

    All Sarah has to do is read a prepared speech her minions paid for for 45 minutes and she gets nice vacations, in private jets on their dime... such suckers.

  21. Anonymous4:14 PM

    SarahPAC uses creative accounting whenever it's time to file financial reports. They didn't pay all their Dec. expenses, notably 8 of 11 monthly consultants didn't get paid for Dec. services. I wonder what other bills were ignored.

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      The income taxes on that money can be deferred into their 2016 returns.

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      The PAC could have paid out Christmas bonuses to help cover income taxes if that was a concern. The point is the PAC's financial reports, taken individually, are deceptive.

    3. Anonymous6:10 PM

      there were no Christmas cards...those are the cash cards for her KKKlan

  22. Anonymous4:33 PM

    She's hotter and smarter than any of the broads on the left. Paul Ryan will take it and he should put her in charge of the Department of Law after the election.

    orlin sellers

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      'Orgy Sellers' you must be sniffing her panties, because what is left of your brain is clouded. Sarah Palin and smarter are not a match. Was your Mom Drunk when she named you?

    2. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Orlin, you must be even more ancient than I if you think that mess is "hot".


    3. A J Billings5:20 PM

      Orlin, I think you are catfishing us, spoofing as a palinbot, or are just a plain old wacko bird.

      1st off, maybe you're just as ignorant as $arah herself, because there IS NO DEPT OF LAW in the Federal government. That only exists in the state of Alaska

      Watch and learn my little Palinbot

      2nd , and more importantly for a self proclaimed redneck Palin worshiper, do you really want to go with Hotter and Smarter?

      I refer you to these pictures of your idol, the hot babe that so many 80 year old Teaparty dudes are lusting for

      Those are recent photos of your centerfold.

      Care to comment?

    4. hahahahahaha

      "Broads"? What are you--part of the rat pack?
      Ryan---not running 'cause he said so.
      Department of Law--Palin speak.

      Great snark--I guess.

    5. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Did the ghost of Ayn Rand tell you that?

      (don't quit your day job, Orlin, you're not that funny)

    6. Cracklin Charlie5:33 PM

      I wasn't aware that Paul Ryan had climbed aboard the clown car. Good...another big phony to ridicule.

      Isn't Ryan the one that wouldn't let Sarah anywhere near his nominating convention in 2012? I'm sure he'll have a really plum appointment for her this time, though.

    7. Anonymous5:59 PM

      after looking at that chi-fil-a photo someone thinks she's hot?!PFT lol...I think the guy is joking

    8. Anonymous6:06 PM

      The guy sees $carabas a "broad" therefore he can't help calling women broads. The man doesn't know any better.

    9. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Broads? Oh..that must be creepy know how the low-life family talks...they can't help it. The have no decorum and have no idea on how to express themselves.

    10. PalinsHoax6:10 PM

      Anon @ 4:33 pm says
      "She's hotter and smarter than any of the broads . . ."
      - - -
      Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh that's hilarious.

      The reason Palin is "hot" is because of her hot flashes during menopause.

      And Palin's "smart"ing from the public spanking she has received for her idiotic Iowa speech.

      Say what do you think of Palin's cottage cheese thighs and the falsies that she straps onto her chest?

    11. Anonymous6:26 PM

      That "Department of Law" statement tells me that old Orlin has been punking you guys this entire time.

    12. Anonymous7:31 PM

      That's what I was thinking: gotta be snark.

    13. Anonymous7:51 AM


  23. Anonymous4:34 PM

    If Sarah doesn't announce for 2016 she will be done. Even Mr and Mrs Jethro Dull (Thanks to @anon 3:18 pm). will quit sending her $$$$$.

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      C4P is already steeling themselves for her running in 2020, they'll never give up!

    2. Anonymous4:03 AM

      Yeah, after the big 2012 disappointment, those cretins' cognitive dissonance became permanently entrenched.

  24. Anonymous4:38 PM

    The way that Sarah's PAC works is that you have to spend money to attract money. Sarah has to travel first class, along with a companion or two, private jet, five star hotel room, unopened bottles of water and bendy straws, a thousand dollars for someone to write a speech that Sarah doesn't follow.

  25. Anonymous4:45 PM

    So, I suspect we'll be hearing alot of this new buzz word coming from the right side of the spectrum...

    Fox's Tucker Carlson: 'Christianphobia' Is 'Super Common Among Educated'

    Fox News host Tucker Carlson decried the "educated" people who perpetuate "Christianphobia" -- the fear of Christians -- during Sunday's "Fox & Friends."

    "It's appalling and it's, it's super common among educated people," Carlson said. "The people I live around, they all kind of have contempt for Christianity."

    Carlson, who graduated from Trinity College, then turned to his guest the Rev. Jonathan Morris who provided an analysis on the types of people who look down on Christianity, during a segment called "The Fight For Faith."

    "There is this Christianphobia in some elite sectors of our society," Morris said. "One is in the news media, at some, to some extent. Number two in Hollywood. And number three, I think, and this is the most important and dangerous one, in academia."

    "Among some of the most educated there is this, I wouldn't, you know, it's not phobia, I don't think," Morris continued. "They call it 'Christianphobia', I think it's more, it's disdain. And almost embarrassment."

    Morris also provided an explanation for the "disdain" people have for Christianity.

    1. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Tucker Carlson has a very ugly heart. He is very capable of drumming up a false narrative to energize his fan group.

    2. Anonymous6:27 PM

      It's time to make the distinction that it is the far right, end times, rapture ready, funduhmentalist, xtian zionist, esther annointin', anti-science, anti-enlightment, dominionist/reconstructionist, bull crappy of the new apostolic reformation and their ilk that are the subject of a lot of that contempt, and not necessarily all of the other flavors of the brand.

    3. Anonymous9:34 PM

      Carlson is a buffoon who has very posh roots. He probably receives a lot of blowback for his opinions among the people he grew up with and the only way to shake it off is to find someone to blame.

    4. Anonymous10:38 PM

      hmmm... the three arenas that have traditionally been owned by and/or employed many of the Jewish culture, even if they were no longer practicing.

      Is this hidden Semitism?

    5. Anonymous8:16 AM

      lol...well hate to break it to those in social attempts to 'sway the many' in terms of religions...the newbie generation is into God...not any form of religion...they have electronic technology...they seek and find answers you won't give them...your rhetoric is nonsense to them...
      they are compassionate but wet behind the ears...
      and if their 'sense of self' or 'surroundings' is in danger? they will find you and they will destroy...
      so far as religions on a grand scale to 'scheme' the new generation? Lol...good luck with all that!

  26. Anonymous4:55 PM

    It's interesting to look at other PAC income and distributions. I tried to find a comparable PAC, (one that gives to other candidates), but I wasn't sure what to look at. I would like to know if another comparable PAC has the same expenses, etc.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Most PACs have 'employees' and pay the related taxes. SarahPAC pretends its employees are consultants to avoid payroll taxes.

  27. Anonymous4:58 PM

    The $7K for "speech writers" is amusing. I've been retired 10 years, so my numbers may be a bit low, but I charged $2K/day plus expenses as a corporate communications consultant, i.e. speech writer, for CEOs. So, $carah basically threw down for two days of someone's time to write ALL the speeches she was to give in a year. It shows. What a maroon! ;D

    1. Anonymous9:32 PM

      I thought it was a low number, too. The speechwriting is poor but honestly, do you think she would be able to tell? Ms Palin is a backwater politician from the meth capital of Alaska. Sheesh.

    2. Anonymous4:01 AM

      She might have only paid for one or two speeches and just cribbed from them for the rest of her speeches. They do all sound alike. Assuming the "speech writers" item isn't a mask for something else.

    3. Anonymous8:09 AM

      gee she should call who she imitates...might as well!
      Then may be her 'speeches' will be original...

  28. Anonymous5:57 PM

    hey any word on how her tevee show is doing

  29. Anonymous6:19 PM

    A couple of years ago way back in the paleo-palin daze of yore, I opined that at the end of the line she'd be passin' out free samples of them tasty bits of moose nuggets at the mercantile & grocery. Now, I think I most likely aimed too high.

  30. Anonymous6:34 PM


    Huck PAC took in a similar amount of money during the 2014 Election Cycle.

    Huck's has an additional tab at the top labeled "Industries" because he received PAC to PAC and professional organization donations, as well as individual donations.

  31. Anonymous6:39 PM

    More on Huck PAC

    See, if Sarah really wanted to she could "hire" her family and pay them from the PAC.

    1. Anonymous9:36 PM

      She already does that. She calls them Postage and Handling.

  32. Anonymous8:56 PM

    The pins are for the special order voo doo dolls that were made in the likenesses of her perceived enemas. (see what I did there?)

  33. Anonymous11:58 PM

    I was trying to look up whether or not Palin receives any portion of her Governor's pension and came across an article, published in The Atlantic in April, 2011 when she was beginning to sashay her first 'tease' around gatherings of Republican presidential hopefuls.

    What I found most useful was it's in-depth and (what seemed to me) objective recitation of her achievements working together with others for the benefit of the State of Alaska. The author seems to slip into a bit of wistful yearning that her approach took such a turn to the hard right when she was put on the 2005 ticket.

    Some may rate this tl;dr but here it is:

  34. Anonymous12:01 AM

    This is a post from an older IM story, containing the full picture of the image above.

    Who is the woman on the left and WHAT is she saying that 'wigs out' Ms Palin so thoroughly!

  35. Caroll Thompson4:07 AM

    The above link features two of Sarah's "inner circle" Jason Recher and Douglas Mcmarlin. Jason operates NorthStar Strategies, LLC and Douglas operates Grey Strategies, Inc. Both these corporations are being paid tens of thousands of dollars by SarahPac.

    My guess is that some of those funds going to these two corporations is being kicked back to Sarah as expenses of these two corporations.

    Follow the money as they say......................

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      now your getting RED HOT...the money lead to....

    2. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Wouldn't be a bit surprised there's money laundering going on. However, one distinction: An LLC is a limited liability company, not a corporation which is "Inc." instead off "LLC".

  36. $2,000 on Christmas cards?

    I'll bet a few cards and the rest of it on presents for the family.

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Some old lady out there sent SarahPac her food money so that Sarah can send out a bunch of Christmas cards.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.