Monday, February 02, 2015

It looks like the pundits are still trying to make sense out of Sarah Palin's Iowa speech. Update!

I like that the pundits are remarking that this is really not that unusual for a Palin speech. The only difference seems to be that since she was teasing a 2016 presidential run, people were listening.

"Did anybody ever think she was ever going to run for President?" Asks one panelist.

And the answer to that is "Yes there were." That is how we separate the morons from the rest of the of us.

I will also disagree with the last pundit who seems to believe that the Republicans have five or six actually qualified candidates to run for President in 2016. I think that is seriously fudging the numbers.

Did you notice that the brawl was brought up? Yep that is now part of the Palin family brand.

As is, unfortunately for Palin's future as a political grifter, the Iowa speech.

By the way the title of this Spin Cycle segment was "Palin Pounded by Pundits."

Not the kind of pounding that her former male supporters used to fantasize her receiving I'm sure.

Update: Apparently Kurtz received so much blowback about this segment that he felt the need to kinda sorta apologize for it.


  1. Cracklin Charlie5:12 PM

    Does that say Pimpin'???

    Oh, my.

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Howard Stern Rips on Palins ass calls her a Quitter and a idiot

  2. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Something else regarding Palin; check out this editorial cartoon regarding McCain-Palin's legacies.

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      LMAO. She looks like Steven Tyler in the cartoon!

  3. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Palin ... dumb, dumber and dumbest. It's a package deal.

  4. Anonymous5:24 PM

    These cartoons are getting better. I hope some day they just depict her as the cowardly yapping chihuahua she really is.

    1. Anonymous2:30 AM

      The Cartoon published in Sarah's "Hometown" newspaper,the "Frontiersman" is Comedy Gold!!! It depicts a frumpy,fugly Palin,speaking ":PIG"LATIN.....for the words "Word Salad".This brught back fond memories of my childhood,when my parents would speak "Pig Latin" to keep us nosey children from knowing what they were saying.Being that we were "very brilliant".we broke the code very early on! Do people in Alaska speak "Pig Latin".Regardless,the Cartoon's comedy will still fly over silly Sarah's gigantic head!

  5. Grrrr !5:26 PM

    I don't want to be a vindictive person or sink to Palin's level but ... I must confess that it sure is great FINALLY seeing her get buried under all this long-overdue criticism -- and from her 'fellow patriots' no less!

    But I really, REALLY want to know the whole behind-the-scenes story of why it's suddenly being unleashed now.

    Seems to me like whoever's been pulling the strings all these years to keep her idiotic 'opinions' on the front page and her bony ass out of jail has decided to cut her loose.

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      I said much the same thing down thread once Grpyh updates. I would sure love to know who's behind it.....and believe you me, they found their whore.

    2. Anonymous7:02 PM

      It's hard to defend stupid.

    3. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Anon@702pm: they sure tried, for 6 long years!

    4. Anonymous7:37 PM

      It's the GOP. They want $creech out of the picture heading into 2016.

      The GOP will not allow people to be distracted by this Adderall-addled fool who reflects poorly on the whole party. $he is done.

    5. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Before she quit as governor, Rupert Murdoch's yacht was anchored off the coast of Alaska. He's cut her completely loose now.

    6. Anonymous8:39 PM

      I wonder if any Israeli film makers are going to be covering Palin's downfall the way they covered her "pregnancy" with Trig?

    7. Anonymous9:07 PM

      People have speculated that Lowell Bud Paxson was behind the scenes and forced McCain to choose Palin. Palin did name "her" son Tri-G Paxson Van Palin. Bud Paxson died January 9th, 2015. So he died less than a month before the right wing cut loose on Sarah? Coincidence?

    8. Anonymous9:41 PM

      Yes to answer your question. And it is a very stretched coincidence at that.

    9. Anonymous10:08 PM

      I have to think it's because she pulled the prick tease stunt four years ago and this time around they don't want to play her game. She, of course, is too stupid to realize that normal people learn from their mistakes, and she figured she could just keep running this con every four years.

  6. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Concerning the update, why do you think that is, $arah and fans? She's painted herself into a corner all of her own accord.

    So, what are you going to do, $arah? Keep up your ankle-biter speeches that you have all the answers? Seems to me, you run or else, after eight years of this nonsense. It's called "put up or shut up," really, it is that simple. You are pop culture and it s to laugh at.....that this is the "fame" you wanted is yagaddabekiddinme worthy. Whatever brings in the money, right?

    Best comment I saw all day on Brancy's blog post, can't remember which site, "when you start out, Mom says....try your own thoughts, you're an adult now," or something to that effect.

    You just have to LAUGH. You GO, $arah, you have no one but yourself to blame or who, in your god forsaken world, is advising you.

  7. Anonymous6:19 PM

    The Kurtz apology makes me wonder if everyone who finally spoke the truth is going to start backing off their criticism now. Sometimes I wonder if Palin threatens to blow the lid of baby gate and other scandals herself, exposing the depth of her instability and the seriousness of the mistake the Republicans made in selecting her as McCain's running mate.

  8. Anonymous6:27 PM

    The lowest form of whale droppings ever found on the planet...

  9. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Well, it looks like Fox's official stance on the vaccination issue is DO IT. When you've got Kelly AND Bill supporting and encouraging it, it's official. I suspect Tundra Twat will break with that and go rogue and tell people not to just to 'stick it' to Fox. She's that pigheaded and vindictive.

    Fox’s Megyn Kelly Tells Parents to Vaccinate Their Kids: Some Things Require ‘Big Brother’

    ...As a mother of three, Kelly wanted to make sure to go “on the record” and state that she “vaccinated all of them. on time as the doctor prescribed.” She said she sympathized with parents who have been “given bad information” about vaccines supposedly causing autism and other problems. “Now there is good information,” she said, calling the science “certain” on the issues and saying she does not oppose mandatory vaccinations for children.

    O’Reilly seemed to agree with Kelly, noting that 90% of parents “do the right thing” by vaccinating their kids while only 10% don’t. But that 10% is enough to cause some major problems.

    “This is going to be a big issue for politicians going forward, because it’s about Big Brother,” Kelly said. “But on the other hand, some things do require some involvement of Big Brother.”

    Watch video below, via Fox News:

    And then the otherwise politically nutty right winger doctor puts on his doctor hat and suddenly sounds like an adult person.

    Dr. Ben Carson Weighs in on the Vaccination Debate

    ...“Although I strongly believe in individual rights and the rights of parents to raise their children as they see fit, I also recognize that public health and public safety are extremely important in our society,” Carson told The Hill in a statement.

    “Certain communicable diseases have been largely eradicated by immunization policies in this country and we should not allow those diseases to return by foregoing safe immunization programs, for philosophical, religious or other reasons when we have the means to eradicate them,” he added.

    And here's some staggering numbers for ya.

    Vaccination Has Saved 732,000 Children's Lives Since 1994

    Vaccines bring 7 diseases under control

    And since there's a media lie about President Obama's stance on this issue, suggesting that he said it causes autism, here's the video to refute that stuff out there in the cybersphere, in exactly his own words.

    1. Anonymous9:50 PM

      “This is going to be a big issue for politicians going forward, because it’s about Big Brother,” Kelly said.

      Wow, so now the government has no right to protect it's citizens from disease?? Just what exactly do these assholes think the government SHOULD have a say in?

  10. Anonymous6:33 PM

    6:19 the kurtz apology is no apology. he started with "sorry but i have to disagree" and then went on to explain he was quoting con writers. it was an explanation of his show not an apology.
    now they are working on getting skank's few followers to follow them and cut her it!

  11. Anonymous6:34 PM

    The Sno Ho isn't going to run and she's on her last 6 months of grifting.

    Tick ...tock...tick...tock....Not long until they start selling off property. My bet is Ol' Brisket will have her house yanked out from underneath her firs.

    1. Anonymous10:15 PM

      Yep, when the money dries up is when we are really going to see Palin go crazy and the whole bunch of them will turn on each other. No doubt Toad will hightail it out of there promptly.

  12. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Besides the brawl, the FUC_ sign has to be having an effect on this pounding of Palin. Both episodes underline Palin's utter lack of gravitas.

    Tthe pundits have a growing sense that it is safe to laugh at Palin because the blowback as been minor or non-existent. People in power in the GOP have no problem throwing their weight around, but the fact is the seem indifferent even though in the 2008-2014 period, they sprinkled Palin with fairy dust.

    Sarah Palin must be in a state of shocked disbelief at her loss of Teflon coating. That bodes well for a spectacular debacle at Cambridge University.

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Anyone that was seriously running for office would never be photographed behind a FUC_ You sign and grin, I don't care who it is. Isn't she the babe. NOT.

    2. Anonymous2:19 AM

      Also, too she signed it!!

  13. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Totally O/T but Gryphen, as a huge supporter of women, I thought you'd find this article of interest:


  14. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Here's the extended video:

  15. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Did that guy on FOX accuse Sarah Palin of doing a "tease act" in 2012?

    Is he saying Sarah is flirtacious with almost any member of the opposite sex and pretending this tease is only innocent behavior, often with the primary intention of getting these old men to donate money to SarahPac, buy a yearly subscription to her internet video show, buy her books, go to her book signing events, pay to hear her word salad at her speaking engagements, beg her to run for president on her Facebook and religiously kiss her ass on her Facebook by telling Sarah she is qualified to lead the free world?

    I never looked at it that way, I guess Sarah Palin is a tease?

  16. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Where have these "pundits" been living, under a rock? Maybe if they had done their job in 2008 they would have figured out the woman is mentally ill. It would have saved us 6 years of her derailing the legitimate political discourse in this country.

    The best part is she did it all to herself. My mother kept saying let her keep talking, she will be her own downfall. I just wish she had lived to see this day.

    1. Anonymous4:44 AM

      My condolences for the loss of your mother.

  17. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Those three female panelists tore into Sarah. She's going to be fuming at them. It's obvious she's served her purpose at Fox and said goodbye.

    It's great that Joni Ernst is now getting Fox's praise and is their new girl. She's getting great reviews from Republicans and doesn't have a brawling family to load her down, nor has 'gutter' language. She remains a lady.

    Huckabee is giving clues as to what sort of presidential candidates one should be, and the Anchorage Saturday Night Drunken Brawl won't cut it. Poor Bristol, desperately holding on to a thread, pretending she's all about national interests, but couldn't even find a babysitter for Tripp while she cussed and drank like a sailor.

    1. Anonymous9:57 PM

      Joni? A lady? Hahaha

  18. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Love the drawing of Sarah's eyebrows arched like the McD's sign.

    She is looking like her own caricatures. They aren't even exaggerations anymore.

  19. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Sarah can't stop destroying herself. She can't let anything go. She has made herself a laughing stock and still wants to remain relevant.

    Yet she feels no remorse or guilt or has a conscience for all the destruction she's done. No one wants to have anything to do with her. Her defenders are gone; she's hurt so many people with her tongue. She can't even remain loyal to Fox News. She has to swipe at everyone. Her family use her, her kids seem to loathe her, and she obviously uses them and politically pimps them out for her personal ambition. She can't work like an average person, as she has to keep at least one child on her leash, pulling them with her everytime she goes somewhere. She can't be seen alone, or work alone, or give a speech alone; she can't speak or contribute without naming one of her kids or her husband. They are included in the whole package of Sarah.

    If the nation wanted Sarah to be POTUS, it's a package deal. Can't get just Sarah, oh no, it has to be the whole fan-dang family entourage, constantly sucking attention, latched onto her coattails, dressing up like models, sucking their lips up like pouty fish for the cameras, getting plastic surgery, hopping on the free private jets and cashing in on the Palin name. Todd must have his own office wherever Sarah works; she has to have at least one adult Palin/Heath with her at all times.

    Every middle class working stiff has to go to work by themselves, and survive the long working hours by themselves, and get from A to B by themselves, for meagre wages. They don't have people send them money, gifts, and praises every day. They don't drag their kids with them to work and demand their employers and employees to serve their kids as babysitters and entertainment. They have a work ethic that the Palins never understood.

    1. Anonymous2:27 AM

      $carah is keeping Bristles in the public eye, with a view to her running for office in the future. Imagine, Bristles in political office maybe mayor of Wasilla or even Governor of Alaska? $carah must be even more delude than we know. Bristles had no talent to break into TV or movies with her reality shows. Everything she did flopped big time. No talent whatsoever and no personality. So, what's left - politics? ALL her pregnancies would be exposed, plus all her one night stands, trial husbands. After the fiasco of her mother, no Palin will get a free pass ever again. It is too destructive.

    2. Anonymous9:53 AM

      7:21 What a great comment! I agree 100%. All these fools sending her their hard earned money should resent her taking advantage of them and soundly reject her and her shiftless family.

  20. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Todd Palin, you done goofed-Samuel Mudd

  21. She has to at least hang the possibility of running out there, doesn't she?

    I mean, she is getting diminishing returns for her antics. She needs to up her visibility, and running for President is the only game left in town for her.

    1. Grrrr !8:38 PM

      IMO she's done such a great job of squandering the flyspeck of cred she once had, the only 'run' Palin will ever make is in another photo-shop'd half-marathon.

      But hey -- maybe we could help kickstart her presidential campaign by producing a campaign spot for her free of charge -- using the police audio from the brawl!

      "Vote for DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM??? for President in 2016!"

    2. Anonymous10:21 PM

      Katy A - That may be how she sees it, but no one else.

    3. Anonymous2:34 AM

      Bristol aka "Fertile Myrtle" is being groomed as the next generation of politicians from this family. Make a great living off other people, not much actual work involved. Perfect for lazy arsed Bristles. Nancy French shows herself to be a fake Christian with every post she writes as "Bristol" Low lif people attract others just like them, don;t they? I wonder how soon $carah will be let go from her latest TV gig?

    4. Anonymous10:02 AM

      uhm, the palin family political dynasty ain't happening now or ever. Our country will never sink to a level where some trashy family like that has a prayer of being elected to a national office. They'll just keep coming up with scams to take advantage of the most gullible.

  22. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Anonymous7:13 PM

    Anyone that was seriously running for office would never be photographed behind a FUC_ You sign and grin, I don't care who it is. Isn't she the babe. NOT.


    Anybody who thinks they're presidential material wouldn't party with their intoxicated children especially when they are angry violent drunks.

  23. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Fox news must be finished with Palin's word salads too. However I did not hear any unfair nor harsh criticisim from the panel who were factual. The panel did not mention Palin brought her kids into the spotlight including reality shows unlikeother politicians. Palin even had Bristol on the Oprah show to nationally pledge no more sex until marraige.

    Too bad the brawl was dismissed in reference to the CNN reporter as if her speaking out the revirginized Bristol cold cocked a man while cursing up a storm drunk as a skunk.

    The Palin kids are not entitled to reverance and doing as they please while grabbing or thrust in the spotlight. Damn Palin even featured them in her garage holiday videos, posted bikini pictires to swimdle more money.

  24. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Having lurked on this site for several years, i appreciate Griffin keeping me informed about SP. The GOP has finally abondoned her. It is because of Joni Ernst. She is yunger, elected, not Bachman, and talks about BALLS. Not footballs but testacles. She gives GOP faithful the hope of a real sexual teabag. There is no need for Sarah anymore...finally.

  25. Anonymous1:45 AM

    People talking about Sarah's "interest " in running for POTUS is like people who aren't farmers talking about the weather. She's just a distraction from everyday politics no more than daily weather is really of no major consequence for those who aren't bringing in a crop or tilling the soil. Nobody who matters really gives a damn other than the other grifters who are afraid of a few bucks being wasted on her PAC, and she's not worthy of being considered a stalking horse for any of the likely candidates.

  26. London Bridges3:50 AM

    Sarah is a mean spirited "Chance, the gardner," from Jerzy Kosinski's "Being There." There are many parallels between the two: both characters were given fancy clothing to wear by their benefactor, both had/have low IQ's. Both spoke gibberish that was interpreted as being meaningful, and both were erroneously thought to be intelligent by the fools in positions of power.

  27. Chef Smirnonn10:38 AM

    No one, not one single person, not the most robust supercomputer, not Einstein himself will ever make sense of the fatuous twaddle that spews forth from the lipsmackered maw of $error. Just a little peek behind the curtains: here's how her "speechwriters" accomplish their almost complete butchery of the english language:

    Get out your Boggle set, write some red meat wingnut talking points on each die and shake it up.

    Read them, in any order, with or without conjugating verbs, with multiple tenses and ignore all rules of syntax and grammar.

    Punctuate with high, screechy words, smirks and base sexual innuendo.

    Toss with a bullshit vinagrette and derp-grift croutons.

    Viola! Enjoy your word salad!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.