Saturday, March 07, 2015

Apparently Sen. James Inhofe gets his climate change information from the Bible. Because you know THAT'S filled with undeniable facts and stuff.

As you may remember that Sen. Inhofe attempted to disprove the existence of man made climate change by throwing a snowball on the Senate floor.

And for that he was widely mocked. As well he should be.

However as it turns out that will likely have little impact on the Senator's point of view because he is taking his scientific cues from that great scientist in the sky.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Those concerned for themselves and future generations should take heart though. Inhofe doesn't misunderstand the science; rather, he doesn't need science as his guide, because God has already assured him there is nothing to fear. 

In his recent book on climate change, which he titles The Greatest Hoax, he assures readers that the scientists -- which he refers to as "alarmists" throughout the book -- can be ignored because a greater Authority has already spoken. 

"I take my religion seriously," Inhofe writes. "[T]his is what a lot of alarmists forget: God is still up there, and He promised to maintain the seasons and that cold and heat would never cease as long as the earth remains." For those still skeptical of his climate change skepticism, Inhofe quotes from the source material, "one of my favorite Bible verses," Genesis 8:22: 

As long as the earth remains 
There will be springtime and harvest 
Cold and heat, winter and summer 

Inhofe was asked about this particular piece of Scripture during a radio interview when his book came out. The passage, he said, is so conclusive that it's simply outrageous that scientists continue to address the matter. 

"The arrogance of people to think that we, human beings, would be able to change what He is doing in the climate is to me outrageous," he said.

First of all let me say that I am no Biblical scholar, but even I know that Genesis 8:22 is a pretty pathetic quote to list among your favorites. 

Second this is the problem with arguing science with somebody who puts faith above facts. They think the planet is a gift to mankind from God, and why would God give us something that we could break?

And thirdly we don't get to be all "let's just pat this retard on the head and simply leave him to his religious rants," because the moronic motherfucker is the chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee. You know the guy in charge of what we do about the climate change that he does not believe in.

I know that sometimes I can be a little strident in my arguments against religion, but dammit this is what we get when we elect people who believe in an ancient book they believe was written by  a magical man in the sky.

(P.S. Allow me to apologize for my harsh language earlier, I hope I did not offend anybody's tender sensibilities. Next time I will use a less sexist word than "chairman." Perhaps "chairperson" or simply "the chair" would be more appropriate when referring to that motherfucker.)


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I wonder when David Vitter was banging prostitutes did he leave the bible in nightstand next to him?

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Banging prostitutes? The impotent little prick was having them change his dirty diapers.

      Who can ever forget the mortified look on his wife's face when he dragged her on stage for a public....something. She looked like she wanted to die.

  2. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Chaplain Loses Job After Suggesting ‘Selma’ More Christian Than ‘American Sniper’

  3. Anonymous12:26 PM

    What is it that makes these people want to believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old, that Jesus rode on dinosaurs, that archeology is a sham, that their environmental evidence is incontrovertible?
    They must have such a child-like psychology, needing Daddy to tell them all about the world, and never being able to grow up and find out about the world themselves. They're stuck in age 6 or 7, before they can start to ask questions themselves.

    They'd psychological dwarfs (no offense to real dwarfs) who can't learn and grow beyond what they read in a 5,000 + book that was written in different languages over different centuries.
    What God would send his eternal word in such a mixed-up, indecipherable pamphlet with contradictions in every chapter?

    And this guy wants to rule the Science arm of our Senate today A guy who believes in magic books and angels and fairies.

  4. Caroll Thompson12:26 PM

    Calm down Mr. G, you're going to give yourself a heart attack.

  5. Anonymous12:37 PM

    You just can't change stupid.

  6. Balzafiar12:41 PM

    Gryphen, please feel free to call the motherfucker whatever you wish. I am not offended by words but I am offended by Inhofe's continued existence and the ignorance of the zealots that voted him into office.

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Visit c4p on any given day.

  7. I'd like to make a civil comment but all I can come up with is . . .
    Shouldn't the state of Oklahoma stop encouraging siblings to marry?

  8. Sharon12:57 PM

    Now we all knew this was coming, the chairs were announced last year....Boehner did this on purpose. If you take that verse literally it says the planet will survive, just like it did when the dinosaurs went by by. Does it occur to him that human life is what is gonna be gone next when we can't grow food or have clean water? The more the sea level rises the more people get shoved together and I dunno, can the oceans eventually cover the earth? Guess we need to send him that great Costner movie "Waterworld". I think the 2 years this moron has this chair will prove very unpleasant, Obama is gonna push push push along with the rest of us, so lets see what the rest of the committee does. Bill Mahr has that series VICE which airs after his show & man was it scarey Friday seeing how Antarctica is melting super fast. These scientists are from NASA ffs, I mean they did all that space stuff.....are they wrong too? I would love to see a panel of them asking him about climate change....that would be a hoot.

  9. Anonymous12:58 PM

    So a verse from someone's bible book of Genesis means humans are entitled to destroy the earth's environment without regard for future generations.

    hmmm, sounds damn Christian to me.

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      I went to an unbelievably conservative Catholic college (not my choice--I was 16 when I graduated high school--and yes, the place was, and is, funded by the Koch brothers.)

      At this place, they were very big on braying that "ideas have consequences!!" It apparently never occurred to them that ACTIONS have consequences, too....even more immediate ones!!!

      As in--carbon emissions. Global warming. But no!!! Those conclusions are too inconvenient, and will prevent them from making unconscionable amounts of money.

      Therefore, according to their orthodoxy: We (humans) were given dominion! We can do whatever we want, and God will make everything just hunky-dory for us, forever and ever!

      Sorry for the rant---can you tell I'm bitter? But I also read the actual science. How about that.

  10. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Well, I believe in "the magical book" and I can tell you these people are full of shit. It's no wonder so many are atheist/agnostic and I don't blame any ONE of you for being so, given what you see and experience.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Thank you for not blaming me. How kind of you.

  11. Read your bible verse again, Mr. Inhofe. You yourself quote it: "As long as the earth shall last. ". So with global warming causing massive climate change, how long will the earth last?

  12. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Imhofe was also a nutcase about the 9/11 attacks and divine retribution.

    From wiki:
    In March 2002, Inhofe made a speech before the U.S. Senate that included the explicit suggestion that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were a form of divine retribution against the U.S. for failing to defend Israel. In his words: "One of the reasons I believe the spiritual door was opened for an attack against the United States of America is that the policy of our Government has been to ask the Israelis, and demand it with pressure, not to retaliate in a significant way against the terrorist strikes that have been launched against them."

  13. Anonymous1:06 PM


    Read the full transcript of Obama's rousing, emotional speech in Selma

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      A single photo that tells the powerful story of the 50th anniversary of Selma

  14. hedgewytch1:06 PM

    Inhofe should be thrown out of Congress on his fucking ass. He's clearly put his religion ahead of the needs of the Nation. But he won't be.

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Of course he won't. The majority of his constituency agree with him.

  15. Most theologists agree that Moses, the world's worst tour guide, wrote Genesis. So bonehead Inhofe believes a dufus who wondered around in circles for 40 knows how the environment works. What a asshole.

  16. Leland1:20 PM

    Well now Gee Golly Gawrsh! I think maybe that little ass has one minor problem with his thinking. (Well, one on this topic, anyway.) The book he likes to read might say there will always be heat and cold, but it doesn't say HOW MUCH heat.

    The actual temperature is the question fool! If the climate gets too far out of whack, only certain areas will be able to grow crops decently - but it will still be heat and cold and springtime and harvest. What it doesn't say is HOW MUCH harvest!

    You think there's war now? Wait until the US and other first world countries can't raise enough food for its populations!

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Thank you, Leland, it's coming sooner than later.

  17. Are people like Inhofe actually this stupid, or do they pretend to be because they believe that is what their base wants to hear?

  18. Anonymous1:47 PM

    "They think the planet is a gift to mankind from God, and why would God give us something that we could break?" Well, gee, according to the Babble, Gawd created people, too, and he had no problem destroying us when we didn't meet his expection. We broke ourselves, and he wiped everyone off the planet--babies, pregnant women, infants (so much for the "pro-life" message).

  19. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Somehow I've never found time to worry about the Illuminati, but the Ignoranti, now that's another story.

  20. Anonymous1:55 PM

    One of the problems, Sen. Inhofe, is that the "[c]old and heat, winter and summer" will become more extreme with cold not alternating with heat and with heat (and drought) eventually winning out. It seems to me that, for religious people, taking care of Planet Earth and doing our best to protect it and all of nature means recognizing signs that something is amiss and needs to be changed. Attending to "that something" should start with Sen. Inhofe realizing that we had better start addressing the issues or St. Peter will not greet him with a big welcome at the Pearly Gates. I guess he may find himself in a permanent hot place.

  21. Anonymous2:08 PM

    What is up with these people and their fingers?
    I give my middle one back to you.

  22. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I know this is because Hillary is at a national level and her correspondence is actually important, but it IS interesting that it's now coming out that pretty much EVERYONE uses private email.

    Notice it didn't come out in 2011, 12, 13, 14.


    I, on the other hand, said all along that it's common sense that people use their own email system. And the more people obsessed over inconsequential Sarah Palin, who affects no one, the more time everyone who holds actual national-level power had to cover THEIR tracks even better.

    1. Leland2:46 PM

      Have you a link to the statement you made in Paragraph 1 about everyone using their private email?

  23. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Well, it's not so much what you know, it's what you don't know. Global warming and it's causes are known and solutions are known and possible. These shills are bought and paid for by the fossil fuel industry. Look at the states they represent. OK? The simple but complicated solutions will never happen. All of us....everyone, drive automobiles and enjoy warm and cozy homes, A/C in summer. Warming will be gradual but we will adapt.
    But something will poison us and render us sterile before we bake or drown. It will kill us all....and I'm serious about this.
    Three mega nuclear reactors have melted down in a "Never to be mentioned" place in Japan named Fukashima. The remains of these reactors, called Corium (which is a mixture of white hot fuel rods and containment material) has reached the underground river flowing under this facility and is flowing unabated into the pacific. Radiation levels in this water are rising and the Japanese current carries this poison into Alaskan waters, then south to waters off the west coast. Why don't we hear anything about this ongoing and increasing disaster? Because they don't have a clue how to stop it. They are trying to build an ice dyke around the facility to divert the ground water....not much luck. What happens to an ice cube on an electric burner....I needn't say more.
    Google it folks....lack of info is startling. Remember China Syndrome? This is three reactors....not one. Engineers can't even enter the buildings ...... Radiation levels are immediately dangerous to life and health. Chernobyl was a blessing....the core exploded scattering the fuel ..... these three reactors have concentrated the fuels and are burning and melting deeper and deeper. Startling lack of public information.....Startling lack of everything. I encourage everyone to try to find any news about this....You will be surprised...and shocked. This is what will poison us all. It is unstoppable. I'll take three helpings of global warming ...... rather than radiation poisoning.
    Only good thing I learned, if there is such a thing. Wild Pacific Salmon will be somewhat safe to eat for the short term. Couldn't figure that out .....till I realized Salmon die after they reproduce.... The time they have to uptake radioactive particles is limited. How long do Halibut, Pacific Cod and Crab live? Please do the research for yourself. Hope I'm wrong ... really really hope I'm wrong.

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Frightining stuff, could you please give us a link or two to find out more of this nightmare.

  24. Anonymous3:56 PM

    This asshole has alcoholic written all over his gin blosssomed face. His quotes from his chessy bible are so far from the realm of reality it shows him as the lunitac he is. That pasty faced bought and paid for by big oil prick cant die fast enough for me. He really get's under my skin.

  25. Anonymous8:01 AM

    As long as the earth remains
    There will be springtime and harvest
    Cold and heat, winter and summer
    "As long as the earth remains" It's not going to remain for long with what's going on with climate change.


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