Saturday, March 07, 2015

President Obama's full speech in Selma, Alabama on this the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday.

Damn, that was an amazing speech!

How nice it is that one Republican lawmaker actually made the trip to hear it.

Here is the transcript courtesy of Vox.


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Boehner, McConnell, McCain - assured members of the KKK - thankfully were not in attendance. They would have marred the entire celebration of the 50th Anniversary on the bridge in Selma.

    President Obama gave a terrific speech and it will be one of his that will go down in history!

    No Republicans are making speeches in our world today that begin to provide what what President Obama always delivers to America! None of them - to include those in the U. S. Congress or in the states and communities across the nation.

    Republicans are a disgrace to our nation!

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Apparently, according to the clapping and standing-ovationing by the mostly Republican audience in the halls of Congress, the best speech given by a Republican lately was on Wednesday by Netanyahu.

      How sad is that?

      Republicans outsourcing what little moxie they have left to a foreign country. Sounds about right.


    2. Anonymous2:54 PM

      As is noted, Republicans, as a whole, are a disgrace to our nation and many of them need to be replaced by American voters in 2016!

    3. Boehner played golf - didn't see the WHPC reporting same

    4. Anonymous12:00 PM

      Yes indeed. I noticed the USA repricklicunt party of nothings rolled out the red carpet for a uninvited foreigner vs a historic day in America and silence on the ugly right. Wow. just wow. These people are shameful evil terrible usa citizens. Vote them out. We cannot allow such ignorance to roam our halls.

  2. I thought no speech could ever equal MLK's "I Have a Dream", but this speech by President Obama does indeed stand side by side with Dr. King's.

    I am so proud of my President.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      My sentiments exactly. It was a beautiful speech, truthful and profound. I often wonder whatever we did to merit having Barack Obama as our president. He is a great man. I'm also very glad that the two Obama girls were in attendance. They witnessed a memorial to greatness and they saw greatness in action. Well done, President Obama.

    2. Anonymous1:00 AM

      Me too.

  3. "That’s what America is. Not stock photos or airbrushed history or feeble attempts to define some of us as more American as others. "
    Ha. Hey, little Ms. Rill 'Murkins, doesn't that just scramble your giblets?

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Excellent speech and can't wait for the Republican rebuttal.
      I also am very proud of our President.
      Laughed at the way he gave GWB the brush off the 2nd time GWB approached him.

    2. Anonymous3:51 PM

      I have a little story...
      Back in 2007 my mother who was in her 80's passed out in her kitchen when I was there. When the firemen arrived she was on the couch and they asked several questions to see if she had her wits about her. They asked her "Who is the President of the United States". She looked at me and asked " What is that idiots name!"
      Even they laughed.

    3. Anonymous4:47 AM

      Anon at 3:51 pm. Something similar happened to me in the late 1980's. We were in a car accident and I was taken to the hospital because I was unconscious. Almost there, I started to wake up. And attendant asked me what year it was and then who was the president. I started to say, "That idiot, Reagan," but thought better of it and said, "Reagan." When I realized that I had changed my mind about what to say, I knew I was okay. But I still regret a little that I had not said my first thoughts. Our political feelings must really run deep.

    4. Anonymous12:04 PM

      351....sounds like that dumb story told over and over on fox news. I get it. A completely lame old person does not remember. nor get it.

  4. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Great Speech from a Great Man. Gotta go something in my eyes.

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      President Obama is the best!!! The Republicans cannot match him with anyone they have in their party! And, it drives them nuts! Love it, love it!!!!

  5. AKinPA2:51 PM

    The speech was wonderful. I really liked that he described what American "exceptionalism" means.

    On the other hand, it's hard to believe that the GOP didn't show up after the nearly obscene reception they gave to a foreign leader earlier in the week. They've given up every pretense of not being a party of uneducated, immature, racists. Are they that terrified of their wingnut base? Since they can't gerrymander the entire country, how are they ever going to win the White House again? Jindal was right: they really are the Stupid Party.

  6. Anonymous3:01 PM

    President Obama spoke truth and that's why his speech is so powerful and resonates with all people who value equality and justice for all no matter skin color, race, or creed.

  7. Anonymous3:42 PM

    The National Reviews article about the GOP not attending and the consequences they will suffer. Lol

  8. Olivia4:16 PM

    To my total surprise and shock, Michele Bachmann's successor, Tom Emmer, went to Selma. The teabaggers are NOT happy with him.

  9. Leland4:23 PM


    Okay everyone. It's time to have the popcorn ready to cook because you just KNOW the IDIOT is going to be absolutely livid and accuse POTUS of having no idea of what he speaks.

    It should prove to be quite entertaining. Wait for it....

    1. Leland, what are you talking about?

    2. Leland1:13 AM

      Jude, I look forward to the day when EVERYONE says WHO? when her name is mentioned.

      To answer your question, however, I am talking about what that damned fool from Wasilla says about this speech. You just know Palin is going to want to slam this speech as pure "Hate America" talk.

    3. Anonymous4:49 AM

      Jude, at 8:57 pm, I think what Leland means is that Sarah Palin will have epic conniptions when she realized that President described American "exceptionalism" correctly, not the way the right-wingers do.

    4. Anonymous10:15 PM

      Sarah is planning her daughters wedding and a new campaign. She will have a new outlook on the America. I hope she is not more vicious.

  10. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I'm so proud to have voted for that man. I'm so glad that a man like him was elected president and a hateful shrew like Sarah Palin struggles for money, relevance and attention.

    THIS is a leader. He stands up for what he believes in. He may not agree with everybody, but he doesn't insult, belittle, and be all around vicious and nasty like so many in the Republican Party.

    Carry on, Mr President. Forget the pettiness and know that history will remember you with the respect you deserve.

  11. Giuliani can just dry up and crawl under the linoleum after this one.

  12. Anonymous5:12 PM

    The struggle for respect and equal civil rights in the face of horrific oppression, today's anniversary, and Pres. Obama's profound and inspirational remarks leave me in awe and mostly speechless.

    If anyone's interested, the White House posted audio of memories from some who took part in the 1965 march.

  13. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I am a 65 yr old white woman that was so unaware of the oppression of the black population until "Roots: was
    shown on TV. It was the most moving picture I ever saw.The struggle of the "black man" to be accepted was outrageous.
    What a beautiful ending to have "My President" Barack Obama in office today.

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      I too am a 65 y-o white woman. I think my awakening was the pictures of dogs and fire hoses turned against black people. I couldn't make sense of it...kind of like I couldn't make sense of the pictures of piles of corpses in Nazi death camps. Even at my age I was shocked at the events depicted in 12 Years a Slave. Just never fails to amaze, how horrible humans can be to each other, to animals, and to the planet.

    2. Anonymous12:06 PM

      Watch the movie Amisted. A true account and history galore.

  14. Anonymous6:58 PM

    A great speech given by our first African-American President. The GOP chose to ignore the memorial for those who marched for civil rights 50 years ago, let's not forget in 2016 to vote them out of office. Intolerance of minorities should never be forgotten

  15. Anonymous8:27 PM

    The greatness of America is espoused by those who comment on this blog. As a new citizen of this great Nation I am proud to have my certificate signed by Pres Obama and to be led by him. America is great inspite of people like Boehner and because of people like John Lewis and those that made Pres. Obama happen,

  16. I was a teenager in Alexander City, Alabama, when these events transpired in Selma.

    My response at the time was visceral and confused, but the real significance was lost on me for decades.

    Like many Americans, I wept with astounded gratitude when Obama was elected.

  17. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I love our president.

  18. Caroll Thompson4:52 AM

    That has to be the best speech I have ever heard in my entire lifetime. The kind of speech that has the potential to move the dial on the civility and the content of our national conversation.

    1. Leland7:34 AM

      Caroll, I'm sorry, but I happen to be a pessimist. That way I am pleasantly surprised when things go right. So allow my to say you are right about moving the civility of our conversation. The repubes will get even more angry.

  19. Anonymous6:38 AM


  20. "All men are created equal" -- what is so friggin' hard to understand about that? Yet everything the gop
    thinks and does is trying to undermine that. Having an "unequal" Other in the White House unhinged them -- it colors everything they do -- it is the poultice that has brought their poisonous intentions to the surface.

    Americas surely can see the inhumane evilness we are dealing with -- just hope there are enough progressives to actually vote them out in 2016 -- if that is still possible in this apathetic, voter-suppression era...

    Great speech, great man. Dangerous man. I weep in pride and fear for America at a crossroads.

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Hey and don't forget about woman. These evil clowns are trying to beat, abuse, control and trash ALL women of ALL ages. Over and Over again they try to butt in womens issues and place their toxic hateful evil poison. It is time to throw the bums out of office for good. Spread the word. NO MO REPUKKKLICUNTS

  21. Anonymous3:12 PM

    A very excellent speech except for the religious pandering that was so over the top. Considering the Alabama audience, maybe that was just playing to the listeners, but it religion is still terribly divisive and has no legitimate place in politics.

    Another low point was the shout-out to George W. Bush sitting beside the President.

    Bush was indeed a guy who signed the extension of the Voting Rights Act, but was also the guy who appointed the judges who overturned it.

  22. Anonymous10:07 PM

    In an exclusive with Roland Martin’s NewsOne Now during the fiftieth anniversary of “Bloody Sunday,” MLK lieutentant Diane Nash tells why she refused to march across the bridge with former President George W. Bush —in her mind, he was a man who condoned violence.


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