Saturday, March 14, 2015

Barack Obama for the Supreme Court? I can hear the conservative heads exploding already.

This from Robert Reich's Facebook page:

If Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat wins the White House next year, Barack Obama should be their first Supreme Court pick. He's been a constitutional law professor. He has the right temperament and values. He's a superb writer. The average age of newly appointed justices is 53; Obama will be 55 on leaving office. Even a Republican Senate would be hard-pressed not to confirm a former president. There are precedents (William Howard Taft was appointed to the Court after his presidency). 

What do you think?

I am totally interested in what all of you think as well.

But for my part I have to say that while it would be a great idea in theory, that in reality it would be unworkable.

For one thing the republicans would fight this appointment to their last breath.

And secondly I don't think the President would want the job when he has the opportunity to create an impressive "after the presidency" legacy that might make him even more popular and admired than Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

I think the President will go on to do great things, and though he would clearly be a great asset to the Supreme Court, I think he would find that too limiting.

Just my opinion. Care to share yours?


  1. SallyinMI2:44 PM

    I think he would be wonderful, but I suspect Michelle and the girls want to return to Chicago until the girls start college, and try to have a little more normal life...
    That said, he will be awesome no matter what road he chooses...he is loved around the world for his calmness and unwillingness to jump the gun and start wars, unlike every damn GOPer out there. And no matter what the RW media says, he has NOT hurt our foreign policy, nor has he alienated our allies, unlike the aforementioned GOP war hawks. So, I guess I want him to do what he chooses for the rest of his life, and may it be very very long!

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Sally, the man will have earned a rest and a chance to 'refill the old coffers" as Obama's predecessor and unindicted war criminal GWB inelegantly put it. Unless you're Clarence Thomas, the SC is a lot of work. Plus, I'm pretty sure the Obamas have no intention of resettling in a midwestern backwater town like Chicago. They may visit the presidential library if it comes to the WC (windy city) but the smart money says they'll live in NYC or LA unless MO wants to run for Senate in Illinois.

    2. I don't think so.

      The girls will have spent 8 years in D.C. They have made friends. And they'll be very close to college by that time.

      If this opportunity comes up, I can see Michelle going along with Barack and selling the Chicago house for something in Virginia or even Maryland.

  2. Anonymous2:52 PM

    This will happen in his later life. He has goals and ideas and libraries to finish first. It has happen before:
    It will be EPIC!!!

  3. I think after office he will avoid the Hill, who could blame him.

  4. A Superfan In Atlanta2:56 PM

    I would absolutely love, love, LOVE to see that happen!!!

  5. Anonymous2:59 PM

    It is somewhat hard in this day and age of ultra partisanship, that any former President would be considered or be able to push thru the ringers of the process. That being said he would prob be ok if it were to actually happen. Another opinion, I would love it if people would stop using the term 'liberal heads explode', 'conservative heads explode'. et al.. It isn't the violent connotation, although that isn't really appreciated, it is the overuse. It is a bored overused term, not funny or clever anymore. All sides have over used it non-stop over the opposite sides of the same issues for years, presumably everyones heads must have exploded at least 10 million times at this point. I am a believer in smarter conversationas and arguements. Both sides are in the toilet.

    1. Maple7:55 AM

      I tended to agree with you until you decided to use that overworked phrase "in the toilet".

  6. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Would love to see it happen, but I think he will want to go back to private life.

  7. Anonymous3:08 PM

    He will of course continue to do great things. He is a scholar and and a great man that humbles me. He is a broad thinker and despite insurmountable odds by zealots trying undermine his efforts, he gets results.
    I believe him to be overqualified to be a supreme court jester.
    Whatever he chooses to do will be positive and impactful to the bigger picture to this
    great country that he loves and has so tenaciously protected.

  8. Anonymous3:11 PM

    President Obama would make the very best addition to the Supreme Court. He does not make snap decisions, he considers all aspect of any decision he has made. He would be terrific. I hope this goes ahead. Do you think he would be happy, spending days confined with those wierdos like Roberts, Scalia and the black giy?

  9. I think he would prefer to return to his family, to something of 'normal' life, to do-ing former-President things, but the power of the Supreme Court has been in scary evidence, and he would, I'm sure, step up to the plate and do all he could to wrest sanity and justice into the SOTU's decisions. It would be a real sacrifice for him, but I think it's one he would make "for the people".

  10. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Would I like to see Pres. Obama nominated and confirmed to be seated on Chief Justice Roberts' court? No!

    And it's still a 'no' if the Democrats succeed in taking back the Senate in 2016 so that his confirmation would be less contentious. I'm not keen on the idea of nominating any politician from any party for the SC. Plus, I can't wait to see what private citizen Obama will do with unlimited opportunities to be a powerful, positive influence on both the national and international fronts.

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      He is going to make a lot of $$ speaking. A lot. And of course there will be an Obama 'foundation', like the Clinton's, that will be a feel good look good 'non profit' earning close friends and family very healthy salaries. That is pretty much it in a nutshell. They will be worth 50-100 mill in 15 yrs.

    2. Anonymous3:43 AM

      Anon at 7:47, you mean like SarahPAC? Troll.

    3. Anonymous6:40 AM

      What 3:43 you dont like the truth? Second, Are you actually comparing Obama to Palin?! Holy shit you are stupid. I'm not bashing the millions he will make, I'm just giving you the reality of what he will do. Third- Are you still one of the assholes who think you are accomplishing something using the word 'troll'!? Are you a big troll hunter are you? Just like the C4Pers? Are you going to go to Sunday worship and trell Mavis and Betty Lou how you battled an internet 'troll' lol? Moron.

    4. Maple8:00 AM

      Unlike many politicians who make the big bucks BEFORE they run for office, Obama chose to basically work for peanuts to help the inhabitants of South Chicago. I suspect he'll write a couple of memoirs from his two terms in office, and the proceeds will allow him to go wherever he deems the need most urgent.

    5. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Maple your innocent naivete is adorable.

  11. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Even though I think he'd be superb on the Supreme Court, I would prefer him doing his continued service outside of it. He's been a wonderful POTUS and I'm sure will do many, many outstanding things as his life progresses.

  12. Well you know GD well he has no intentions on fading into the wallpaper, that's not what Dem Ex-Presidents do. YES!!!

  13. Anonymous3:48 PM

    He would make a superb justice. However, Taft aside, I think it would set a bad precedent. The president is by definition a political person, and his direct and sometimes controversial involvement in constitutional issues makes him/her problematic. I know, I know, Scalia, Roberts, and Thomas are about as political as you can get. And I think former Senator George Mitchell would have been outstanding. But although it isn't necessary that justices come from scholarly legal backgrounds, I think it's best when they do. In any case, I look forward to Obama's post-presidential career, whatever he chooses to do.

    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      President Obama is a Constitutional Lawyer at the highest level. He knows what difficulties are ahead for this country. All in due time....He could be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in his golden years if he so choose that path.

    2. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Better yet, With Michelle working right along beside him as a Supreme Court Justice herself. Proud of the daughters they raised. GO Girl(s)....

  14. I have to agree that President Obama would make an excellent Supreme Court justice. But, looking at how the Republicans have acted over the past 6 1/2 years trying to undermine and stifle anything that Obama wants to accomplish, I wouldn’t expect it to happen without a fight. The Republicans don’t even seem to be concerned anymore about how their actions will be perceived by the voters, or even if what they’re wanting to do is in the best interest of our country.

    Obama is probably going to need a vacation when he leaves office in order to get away from the antics of the Republicans before he even considers starting anything new in politics. Hopefully, a Democrat will win the next Presidential election. Having another Democrat elected as President in 2016 will probably make conservative minds explode even more than when Obama was re-elected in 2012. There were all kinds of crazy conspiracy theories by the conservative after that election to help sooth and explain for them how Obama was re-elected, because none of the narrow minded conservatives, particularly for those in the far right, could believe he was still popular with the majority of the voters

  15. Anonymous4:13 PM

    I think not right away. This country needs President Obama to go to bat in so many ways for equal rights in this country. Personally, I’d like to see him focus on women’s and civil rights as these issues seem to be losing steam.

  16. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I'd love to see him on the Supreme Court, but only as the Chief Justice. I can't imagine that he'd sit still for being subordinate to Chief Justice Roberts.

  17. AKinPA4:29 PM

    He's too young to be saddled for the rest of his life with those right wing ideologues. I also think the senate GOP would love nothing more than to grill him mercilessly during the hearings and then to vote gleefully against him. (Immature brats that they are.) They'd finally have their revenge for their inability to make him a one-term president. The ugliness would be unbearable.

    I also think, as others have mentioned, that he has way too much to offer as an ex-President.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      By the time this possibility might even happen, the senate GOP numbers should be in decline. There are a lot more GOP senators up for re-election in 2016 than there were in 2014.

  18. I think he has broader potential for good outside of the Supreme Court at this point in his life. He'd make a great judge after he finishes kicking some ass in politics in his particularly wonderful subtle but effective way.

  19. Anonymous4:47 PM

    The supreme court is too confining for a man with such a brilliant mind, it's a huge commitment and I honestly believe the rwnj's aren't worthy of any attention he gives them. OTOH I would LOVE to watch the heads explode if he does choose that route.

  20. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I suspect that he and Michelle will set up a foundation like Clinton did.

    I have no doubt they will continue their involvement in public service of some sort, and a foundation gives them the perfect outlet. It would give both of them the ability to make important contributions to the world in whatever ways they choose AND give them the flexibility to respond to the greatest needs as world events occur.

    While I think he'd make a great justice, I think he's had enough of being limited by the constraints of the Presidency, especially since he's been blocked from so many of his goals by the Republicans in Congress.

    1. detroitsam8:18 PM

      The Barack H. Obama Foundation is in the works and expects to be operational by the time President Obama leaves office in 2017. This foundation is developing plans for the future presidential library. This is the official foundation.

      There is a second foundation set up by brother Abon'go Malik Obama, which I think is run out of Keyna. Don't think this one is linked directly to the President.

  21. It's so far beyond obvious I've seen and said this since early 2011.

  22. Balzafiar8:11 PM

    As much as I agree he would make an absolutely wonderful Supreme Court Justice, first of all he must consider that he would be lumped in with the likes of Clarence Thomas and his scandals. President Obama can do much more good for the greater number outside of government.

  23. Anonymous9:59 PM

    After his term is over, I am looking forward to our
    president's book, and what an explosive book it will be!
    Writing books take time, if one doesn't get someone to
    write it for one, as Palin does. Our brilliant president will
    write his own book! He will be in such demand, and being
    free from presidential constraints, he is going to knock our
    socks off!

  24. Anonymous6:54 AM

    I hope so. This would be great. Lincoln on my brain.

  25. Anonymous7:27 AM

    He would be GREAT against idiocy in law and the right-wing slime level that’s trying to take over the SCOTUS building.. He WOULD be the great equalizer… Roberts and his Klan of neo-nut thugs would be on the run every minute of their remaining existence.

  26. I am for it.

    And I while the Repub1%can'ts would fight it, if the Democrats also have a majority in 2016 (as they should), President H. Clinton shouldn't have any problem with his confirmation.

    Those GOP that fight it will only be exposed for what they are. It will have nothing to do with his qualifications and little to do with his political party. It will have everything to do with the color of his skin, which has been their choking point since he was elected.

    It's just too bad she can't make him the Chief Justice.


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