Saturday, March 14, 2015

Jeb Bush has been openly critical of Hillary for using a private e-mail account and selecting which ones to release, which is the exact same thing he did as Governor of Florida.

Courtesy of The New York Times:  

Jeb Bush has rebuked Hillary Rodham Clinton for her use of a private email account as secretary of state, holding up his own conduct as an example of transparency in government. 

But it took Mr. Bush seven years after leaving office to comply fully with a Florida public records statute requiring him to turn over emails he sent and received as governor, according to records released Friday. 

Mr. Bush delivered the latest batch of 25,000 emails in May 2014, seven and a half years after leaving the Statehouse and just as he started to contemplate a potential run for the White House, according to a newly disclosed letter written by his lawyer. 

A Florida statute governing the preservation of public records requires elected officials, including the governor, to turn over records pertaining to official business “at the expiration of his or her term of office.”

Seven years to follow a law that was already in place when he was Governor? That is a pretty fragile glass house there Mr. Bush.

Perhaps equally damning is the fact that Bush also used a private e-mail address as Governor and  then personally selected which ones he would release to the public.

This from Politifact:  

Bush famously used the personal email address for all eight years of his two terms, from 1999 to 2007. He cultivated an open and tech-savvy image by announcing in December 2014 he would post more than 250,000 emails from his time as governor, ahead of a possible 2016 presidential run. 

In February 2015, went live with a quarter-million emails and the first chapter of an e-book Bush was writing about being governor.

Next, and this gets to the heart of what American Bridge said, is that the messages sent to the archives and subsequently posted on Bush’s website are only a portion of all his correspondence during his term. Bush in 2007 said that he had received 550,000 emails through the address -- plus another 2.5 million through his public email address -- so obviously plenty were not included in the batch of about 250,000 that the Bush team posted in February.

Now as it turns out the state of Florida has no rule telling governors that they cannot edit, or sort out which e-mails they think might be classified or politically problematic, so on that count apparently Bush is free and clear.

However if Jebbie is Hillary's opponent in 2016, and I think he will be, then this renders any potential political fallout from her so-called e-mail "scandal" moot.

Not that it would have been all that effective in the first place.


  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Just like Palin did. These a-holes think the rules only apply to Democrats.

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Bingo! 12:08PM

    2. Anonymous4:19 PM

      IOKIYAR !!!

  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    And don't forget Daddy's big email controversy, right before he left office. 5 million emails just 'disappeared' --

  3. Anonymous12:35 PM

    You know, I've heard people talk about the Clinton baggage. Do you not think there is a whole lot of Bush baggage? Seriously, Jeb's brother is way more liability to him than Bill is to Hillary. In my opinion, Jeb won't even get the Republican nomination. Too much baggage.

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      I'll leave this baggage here for ya......

  4. Anonymous12:46 PM

  5. Anonymous1:09 PM

  6. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Maybe I'm not remembering correctly, but didn't some of Jeb's emails include social security numbers in them?

  7. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Keep deflecting all you desire, the Hill is sinking further into the muck, all her doing and poor response.

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Yeah, and we'll keep waiting for the phoenix Queen Heifer to rise up from the ashes ti save us all.

      RUN, $arah, you've got your new prop!
      Let's see what rill Mruika thinks, shall we?
      Here kitty kitty kitty......

    2. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Oh I see 1:40, it's OK if Bush and Republicans do it, it's only wrong and illegal if Hillary and the Democrats do it. Now I understand.

    3. Anonymous3:02 PM

      2:51 who said it is ok for anyone, did you read that somewhere in my post?

      2:25 what the hell does this have to do with Palin? Your obsession with Palin might be a little extreme, not everything is Palin in this world little guy.

    4. Nope.

      The voters have a short memory and an even shorter attention span.

      By the time the 2016 campaign rolls around for real, no one will care about Hillary's e-mail except those that would never vote for her any way.

      They'll go back to BENGHAZIBENGHAZIBENGHAZI! or Monica or Whitewater or something else.

      Those that are undecided will see through this like they saw through the Iran GOP letter. This is just another grasping at straws to keep Hillary out of the White House.

  8. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Hillary Clinton will beat Jeb Bush in 2016! I have zero doubt about it folks! She's far, far superior to him in education, experience and knowledge!

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Has the video been wiped clean where Babs states the last thing this country needs is another Bush running it?

      Mother knows best!

    2. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Lol. Ok sycophant.

  9. Anonymous2:31 PM

    1:40 PM:
    Let them that are free of this 'sin', cast the first stone.


  10. Anonymous2:58 PM

    This is insightful:

  11. Anonymous3:19 PM


  12. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Don't forget Ronny Reagan and the Iran - Contra deal.
    It all plays into where we are now 1/2 a century later. Put the factual pieces together. We have a HERD OF NAKED ELEPHANTS wallowing in quicksand made of elephant dung in the room. It is the GOP Congress.

  13. He wasn't the only one...

  14. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Hmm wonder if Jebby Shrub Jr. would have brought it up had he been, say, a female? Jebby got bit in the butt with his own asp, and the race hasn't even started.

  15. LOL. My Mother (who is a Republican but doesn't follow politics) asked me about Hillary's e-mails and if I'd still vote for her.

    I said I have no interest in reading about her daughter's wedding, she handled her e-mail the same way her predecessors, Colin Powell and Condeleeza Rice did. And that Jeb Bush did the exact same thing.

    That shut her up.

    I am hoping it is giving her something to ponder.

    I've tried to tell her that the Republican Party today is not the same party she joined back when Eisenhower was running for president but she won't hear any of it. She heard Eisenhower speak and that is the end of it.


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