Saturday, March 07, 2015

Bill Maher mocks the Republicans for suggesting that President Obama "does not love America."

I swear this bit was worth watching simply for the picture they used to represent Rudy Giuliani.

Here is more from Raw Story.


  1. Boscoe4:33 PM

    I was not expecting THAT... LOL

  2. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Tens of thousands protests against Bibi in Tel Aviv

  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Dear whoever writes Obama's statements,

    Fuck you.

    It is LUDICROUS for you to think we the people believe Obama had no idea Hillary used another domain for writing CORRESPONDENCE. YOU, sir, would have been on the receiving end of said correspondence.

    Like I've said, this whole email thing is stupid for one reason.

    NO MATTER the domain or server or whatever, if one needs to hide shit, they will. EVERY administration hides shit. EVERY human has secrets.

    If Obama and Co used govt email, they'd have some smart person go in and "fix" things mark my words.

    Let is not deny this is happening and get over it.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Who cares?

    2. Anonymous5:53 PM

      It is LUDICROUS for you to think we the people believe Obama had no idea Hillary used another domain for writing CORRESPONDENCE. YOU, sir, would have been on the receiving end of said correspondence.

      So? I run my own mail server, but I routinely send out mail with the From: address being my account on a colleague's system, since I prefer to have replies come back through his spam filtering. A recipient would have to dig into the Received: headers to tell where my mail originated. I really doubt that the President, or anybody else, would spend the time to dig into the routing information in Hillary's—or anybody else's—emails, stuff that most mail agents by default don't display.

      But don't let me stop you. Go ahead and SHOUT some more. Let the world know you little you know about email.

    3. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Dear $arah Palin,

      Fuck YOU! How much was erased from hard drives, church records destroyed, so you could flummox your way through a failed veep bid?

      Think you're impervious? Guess again.

    4. Anonymous6:19 PM

      4:48 PM Fuck Off, wannabe genius. You don't know shit.

  4. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Rudy lost his significance - we won't be seeing much of, or about, him anymore. Think it wonderful! Kinda like Sarah Palin in Alaska - what a joke!

  5. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Funny bit. Thanks for posting.

  6. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Bill Maher Destroys Myth Of Liberal Media (VIDEO)

  7. Anonymous8:07 PM

    That was the funniest thing I've seen in years. Brilliant!!

  8. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Maher sure hit the nail on the head with his mocking of a rightwingnut whining, "The Pwezzident doesn't WUV me!"

    Reminded me so much of the same sniveling act that Lindsay Graham put on, back when they were trying to pin something on Bill Clinton: "He lied to us...he lied to me. Wahhhhhhh."

    Good god, these are not only supposed to be grown men, but supposedly the cream of the crop of national "leaders."

    I've seen four year olds rolling around on the supermarket floor that seem more mature.

  9. Anonymous4:00 AM

    4:48pm.fuck you too. people who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones.

  10. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Republicans are such insufferable idiots. WITH evil hearts.

  11. I am so tired of republicans and media types whining that "the President doesn't love me, the President is aloof, the President doesn't seem to care if the press loves him, the President isn't warm enough, can you sit down for a beer with this President? waah, waah, waah..."

    For fuck safe, he is the President of the United States of America, Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces, and the leader of the free world. He's is not your ^%&*$ mommy. Go find David Vitter's prostitute if you want to be treated like an infant.

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      For the love of sanity, Thank you. This current republican infant whiners have been the worst group of infants in history.

  12. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Now I must admit. As I listened to the president say "No" I did not know that Hilary had a private account? My first thought was, What? But. as a legal professional? the answer must be NO. But for the shit and giggle part.....watching the repuklicunts faces when he said it? priceless.....they wont shut up for months over it. just like playing chest. BRILLIANT.

  13. Anonymous1:04 PM

    This was hilarious. Thanks for sharing.

    Jennifer K


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