Saturday, March 21, 2015

Bill O'Reilly defending Fox News over claims that it is a conservative cable news outlet is both the most awkward and ridiculous thing you will watch all day.

So the interview starts off with guest Bernie Goldberg making the case that the conservative media will hold President Obama accountable in ways that the liberal media will not, but also that Fox News will play down conservative screw ups as well.

This gets under O'Reilly's skin and he interrupts Goldberg to claim that Fox is NOT a conservative news outlet.

Here is more courtesy of Mediaite: 

O’Reilly objected to that, citing his show in particular. He touted all the fair, independent-minded people he brings onto The Factor, who are more than willing to criticize Republicans when they deserve it. Goldberg responded, “This program is not all of Fox News.” 

They tussled a bit over other shows O’Reilly argued are fair, and Goldberg didn’t dispute that Bret Baier, Chris Wallace, and Megyn Kelly are great, but they’re not all of Fox. O’Reilly said, “That’s most of Fox.” Goldberg shot back, “No, not even close.” 

Goldberg was a bit incredulous when O’Reilly denied that Fox is not a conservative network, remarking, “Well, maybe you don’t watch.” He insisted that “conservatives on this channel will only blame Barack Obama for what’s happening in the Middle East” and will leave out what George W. Bush did in that region.

I swear the hosts of Fox News must be the  ONLY people on the planet that would even attempt to claim that their network is not a conservative news outlet.

And the fact that O'Reilly brought up Bret Baier, Megyn Kelly, and Chris Wallace only underlines the fact that there are a handful of folks who are willing to occasionally confront conservative guests to provide cover for the attack dogs like Sean Hannity, Eric Bolling, and Jeanine Pirro.

However the idea that the first list of hosts are not carrying water for the Republicans is ridiculous on its face, as demonstrated by how many hours they each gave to the Benghazi, IRS, and Fast and Furious non-scandals. And that does not even take into account their current feeding frenzy over Hillary's e-mails.

Considering his inability to recognize and obvious truth, I will assume that next week O'Reilly will claim that water is not wet and the sky is not overhead.


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    This passes for constructive criticism of Fox? You bring on one of your reliable shills as a guest to try to throw some softball criticism out there to suggest "balance", then you have the lead liar shoot it down. Maybe someday O'Reilly will blow enough smoke up his own ass that he floats away like the bag hot air that he is.

  2. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Billo: The lying clown. I wonder how he can even show his face in public after all his self-aggrandising lies.

  3. hedgewytch9:54 AM

    Its very simple people. Its in their contracts. They must continue the charade of "fair and balanced" for as long as they receive a pay check.

    Why do you think no one has spoken about Bristol's DWTS baby - or her just plain outrageous behavior? Contract

    Why do think no one at FOX news has spoken out about how Sarah Palin has "performed" on the network? Contract

    See how that works? With the carrot and stick of money and threat of law suit and destruction of career. And you have people who are supposedly intelligent enough to realize the shit they spew is crap, but they do it vehemently and with a smile on their face.

  4. Anonymous10:24 AM

    o/t Comments from Dakota's facebook when he announced his engagement.
    Gryphen, sure you probably cannot post but thought I would forward to you.

    Kelley Price Leopold I hope you treat Bristol better than you treated my best all broke up a month ago, right?!

    Like · Reply · 9 · March 15 at 12:32pm · Edited

    Melissa DiMartino lol really? That's funny stuff

    Like · March 15 at 1:23pm

    Tara Kleinhenz It's actually pretty sad, I wouldn't use the word funny.... I believe in karma that's all I'm gonna say on this.

    Like · March 15 at 2:40pm

    Jessie Wright I'm sure karma has plans for Dakota: crazy in-laws, drunken brawls, unsupervised children and guns in a chaotic environment... it won't be pretty.

    Like · 1 · March 18 at 7:30pm · Edited

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Actually Gryphen they are right. Conservative does not fit that bunch. The term for them is the "Insane Loony Party" of ABUNDANCE. They took the word conservative and trashed it. Conservative for instance. I like to conserve natural resources. I like to conserve our social programs, Maybe conserve money or many things. So this makes me a human that is considered a conservative with liberal agenda and living life fully in hope for a bright future for all. Im so fking sick of labels. NO labels on humans... how about A human or A bag of FOX MEDIA trash....Fox Media Party of shame.

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      So the romance that Sarah Palin claims that was going on for a year, actually started when Dakota broke up with his 'real' girlfriend last month? Bristol and Joey Junker were still together last month? Can't those Liars get their stories straight?
      Is Bristol racing the time clock to avoid appearing pregnant before getting married? Bristol, that will make 5 bastard children by a born again virgin.

    3. Anonymous6:20 PM

      'that's just how we roll, haha'

      Bristol Palin’s fiance pictured playing with baby next to unsecured handgun

      Dakota Meyer loves kids, guns, girls and Sarah Palin

      Wild West Guns. Alaska reality TV star Jim West charged with 17 hunting violations

  5. Anonymous4:19 PM

    A few weeks ago he was yammering about Book TV pre empting his scheduled interview because the cops killed an african american teen and Obama told them NOT to run the segment. Anyone ever hear someone on mainstream media so immature and full of himself to even think the President has that kind of sway with public TV? He's one of the worse on Fox Propaganda Station.


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