Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hillary Clinton addresses e-mail "scandal."

(Hillary starts talking about e-mails at the 3:00 mark.)

Courtesy of Yahoo News:  

Hillary Clinton broke her silence Tuesday on the scandal surrounding her use of a private nongovernmental email address while she served as secretary of state, saying it was "a matter of convenience," that she "thought it would be easier to carry one device," and that it was allowed under the rules of the State Department. 

"Looking back, it would have been better if I had simply used a second email account and carried a second phone," Clinton said in a brief press conference at the United Nations after delivering a speech on women’s rights. "Using one device would be simpler, but obviously it hasn't worked out this way." 

The "vast majority" of her emails," Clinton said, were sent "to government employees at their work email addresses which meant they were captured and preserved by the State Department." 

State Department officials said that Clinton provided some 55,000 pages of documents — a fraction of what exists and a statistic that reveals little about what she shared, what she withheld and why. 

"I took the unprecedented step of asking the State Department to make all of my emails public," she said. 

Clinton said she withheld personal emails — including messages about "Chelsea's wedding plans" and her mother's funeral. 

The potential Democratic presidential front-runner said she has no plans to turn over her personal email server, despite calls from Republicans and some Democrats to do so. 

"The server contains personal communications from my husband and me," Clinton said. "The server will remain private."

I think this is going to break right along party lines. If you are a Democrat and a supporter this explanation will be more than enough.

However if you are a Republican there is literally NOTHING that Hillary could have said that would put this issue to rest. 

I actually really liked the beginning of her remarks where she verbally spanked those Republicans who sent that letter to Iran much better than her explanation. But of course none of this will cost her my vote.


  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    She has my vote! She explained the email side of things perfectly, was within the law, others have used the same method and STILL the media asked her idiotic and redundant questions about the matter.

    Especially happy she came down on the Republicans that signed that letter! Have to say that I was shocked Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska, didn't pen her signature to it! First thing she'd done correctly while serving Alaska and the U.S. Congress in many years! But, she still won't win my vote when she comes up for reelection! Her record in Congress is awful and she is a part of their disliked, and poorly rated, do nothing group!

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      The problem is that she broke the law. She is mandated to use and store her emails, being Secretary of State. I don't care R or D! She is also to store those emails! If she insisted on using a personal account as her "Official email address, then ALL emails are subject to review. If she wanted privacy, then she should have kept her personal and business emails seperate. Period.

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM

      She did NOT break the law. How many times do you need to be told this? What is now in place was not when she was SOS.

    3. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Screw Lisa Murkowski, I hope she's planning on retiring in 2018. She won't be able to find many friends.

    4. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Exactly 1:45.

    5. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Ditto on my end here as well.

      and...fuck the Republican Mafia!

    6. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Criticism of Hillary for doing the same thing that other SOSs have done is just being petty.

      Hillary used a "private" e-mail to conduct business as Secretary of State? So fucking what? Colin and Condi did the same thing? The answer is still, so fucking what?

    7. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Most transparent administration in history, my ass!

    8. Anonymous3:48 PM

      3:28, you only make my desire to see Hillary Clinton as POTUS grow with every TRANSPARENT comment you post!

    9. Anonymous5:08 PM

      ok...given circumstances as such...let's look at it mechanically...we are driving along in USA... ...oopsy daisy...the engine blows...we call Sarah Palin...she comes out and yaps and yaps and yaps about 'how to fix' the engine.the engine is not operable and the vehicle is down...we pause...
      we call Hillary Clinton...she shows up with a team of mechanics who replace the engine and detail the car...hmmm...so who would you call???
      Politically Hillary is a Master Mechanic...
      Politically Sarah is a Master Yapper...

    10. Anonymous5:36 PM

      But, Sarah would stand in the middle of the road with her thumb out...you cummin?

    11. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Anonymous1:45 PM

      The problem is that she broke the law.
      She did not.
      IF YOU had WATCHED the video G posted.... instead of faux news, she explained that she knew all of her emails were being preserved the the other party who had a (dot)gov account.

    12. So, after all the years she was Secretary of State, all the correspondence that was sent throughout her term, no one once noticed that she was using an email address that was not a "government issue"? Details, details......

    13. Anonymous3:38 AM

      And so 24hrs later the big talkin heads have declared. We don't want 2 more years of this. NO. we don't. 2 yrs and 4 yrs and 4 more yrs and then and then .....NOTHING FUKING GETS DONE. I am a bit tired of clowns on BOTH side of this media circus act WASTING OUR TIME AND MONEY. The cling ons must go go go. Who? is Hilary dillary trying to fool? seriously. no mo clowns please.or repukkklican Viagra commericals. Aint no difference from Arkansas hillbillies to Alaskan hillbillies. Some folks should not be in leadership roles. Period. No disrespect. Fact. vote and vote them out, American's have a Future. And the future eliminates toxic waste and people.

  2. Anonymous12:13 PM

    OT Gryph, look at what's happening in my neighborhood.

  3. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Hillary will be a great president. The lady is smart and worldly. Come on Hillary.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      That's what they told us in 08. She didn't even make it out of the primary, because she has issues.

    2. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Everyone has "issues."

    3. Anonymous3:27 PM

      2:14, she didn't make it out of the primary because of our choice of President Obama. Unless there is another strong choice, she will be the Democratic choice.

    4. Anonymous6:43 PM

      She was on cruise control in 08 with no apparent competition. But the Public didn't want her. She was shown the door. Nothing has changed to make the public want her now. She will again be shown the door. Too many negatives and it doesn't help when she shoots herself in the foot.

    5. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Dream on. Even on cruise, she would beat anything the gop or baggers have

    6. Anonymous8:37 PM

      Exactly 6:43, the Hillary lovers hate to hear that though and put on the earmuffs. Why sure everyone loves her just like they do! She is despised in the south. The Clintons are scandal ridden, it is part of being a Clinton, there will be much more.

    7. Anonymous11:47 PM

      "despised in the south" unlike Obama? Seems to me the crackers must be losing their grip. Nobody here is asking someone like you to vote for Hillary, you are free to vote for Candidate Palin. Nobody cares who you vote for, Sarah.

    8. Anonymous4:55 AM

      Why do you insist on claiming Clinton supporters don't know there are people who don't like her or who even hate her? Yes, we are well aware of the fact.

  4. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Just when we thought we were safe from high-falootin,' rootin' tootin,' moose shootin,' lives next door to Vlad Putin - Sarah Palin - she jumps back into the national news/debate in her continued effort to stay relevant and newsworthy with yet another facts-lacking ‘opinion piece’ written for her by her ghostwriter, Rebecca Mansour. What, Sarah? You couldn’t share your thoughts(?) off the cuff on your Internet channel on this subject? Those highly rated little vignettes show Sarah at her best – imitatin,’ insinuatin,’ and lib-hatin.’ No matter, she's got Hillary Clinton in her gun sight ... whoops! I mean surveyor's circle. Don't be fooled for a second, folks, Hillary has committed an email sin worthy of sending her to Leavenworth.
    Sarah always practiced pure transparency when it came to her use of email while on the government dole. Sarah claims those very open emails were studied as if they contained clues to where Jimmy Hoffa is buried. This, according to her, helped bring all that touristy stuff to the great state she claims to love so much. Yes, she loves that state so much that she bailed on it and its voters when reality TV money dangled in front of her - cause you know: principles, patriotism, pride, platitudes, proverbs, promises and such ... mean everything to sister Sarah!

    Blue girl Liz...living in a red state

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      I like the cut of your jib, Blue girl Liz!

    2. Anonymous1:00 PM

      That Sarah Palin is a dumbfuck.

      Right Glen Rice?
      Right Brad Hanson?

      I would ask Curt Menard Jr but someone made sure he wouldn't be able to answer.

    3. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Blue girl Liz...what does that mean exactly?

    4. Anonymous5:35 PM

      That Liz is too clever for your comprehension?

    5. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Anonymous5:35 PM

      That Liz is too clever for your comprehension?
      apparently so!
      cons do not "get" snark. if they cracked a smile...they might miss a pox poutrage, doncha know...

  5. Anonymous12:43 PM

    It is not so much of a party line thing with Hillary, it is break along Hillary lines really. about 50% of the Democrats I know simply cannot stand Hillary, about 50% of the independents I know can't stand Hillary. This email business really changes nothing about who likes her or not, and who would vote for her or not.

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      I'm afraid I don't agree with you, Anon at 12:43 pm. I am a strong supporter of President Obama, always have been, and I will be equally happy to support Hillary Clinton should she decide to run. I must say that she is looking very good, much better than Sarah Palin despite the age difference.

    2. Anonymous1:59 PM

      I don't agree either. I voted for Hillary in the primary only because I didn't believe for one minute that America was ready for a black president. I was surprised that Obama got the nom, but I worked hard to get him elected.

      Now I look at the Iran thing and I know it's only happening because the president is (half) black.

    3. Anonymous2:02 PM

      I totally agree with you, 1:23 PM Hillary Clinton is looking physically wonderful! She has such a lovely smile and presence. She's a great speaker too. Classy lady!

      Can hardly wait for cast my vote for her. She would represent women throughout our country in an outstanding manner!

    4. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Well 1:23, 1:59, and 2:02 you all just proved my point. You guys are all wearing the 'I love Hillary' rose colored glasses. You really have no idea how much Hillary is despised even within her own party. Honestly you may as well be a bunch of blind Sarah fans. Same thing.

    5. Anonymous2:15 PM

      I had a really hard time decided between Clinton and Obama in the primaries because I liked both and would have gladly voted for either in the general election.

    6. Anonymous2:39 PM

      You have no clue what you're talking about 2:13. Do you really think we don't know there are lots of Dems who don't like Hillary? Some of us are old enough to remember when she was First Lady and even then she got shit from some dems. Get off your fake high horse and stop with the false equivalencies.

    7. Anonymous3:29 PM

      12:43/2:13-Darn, you can't convince anyone that a vote for Clinton would be wasted! Nice effort, though.

    8. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Hillary has my support!

    9. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Maybe Hillary can get another reset button and use it for the American people! I am going to laugh so hard at you fools when she does -not- become the next president, probably not even the nomination, if she even runs!

    10. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Laugh all you want. At least we aren't AIP Palin supporters!

    11. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Anonymous2:13 PM

      Well 1:23, 1:59, and 2:02 you all just proved my point. You guys are all wearing the 'I love Hillary' rose colored glasses. You really have no idea how much Hillary is despised even within her own party.
      Well, well, well...You just outed yourself as a troll.
      Prob a paid one at that. Hilliary just warming up....I can't wait until she announces. Send you little kockroaches scurrying back under the rock that Ms. AIP called out you out off, time to go home, hide your treasonous little head for another 8 yrs....By then the GOP/Baggers will have gone the way of the Dodo....
      Bye,bye! :)

    12. Anonymous8:31 PM

      Sure thing 8:02. Still using the 'troll' word are you, still in 1997 are you? Think you are all internet fancy, just like the c4pers fighting off the 'trolls' lol. Big internet troll battles is it? lol you're a moron. Hillary is screwed.

    13. Anonymous12:00 AM

      745...you mean Sarah's API supporters....

  6. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Why bring up Sarah Palin? She has little relevance - only a minor, minor segment support the idiot! All she does is bad mouth others, spread hate and racism. She's been doing it for years and is no longer the big slayer!

    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Because I, for one,will not cut that bitch one BIT of slack. She and her "godly, righteous family." We all know she can't run, and she KNOWS she's done, she's been told.

    2. Anonymous3:31 PM

      1:30: Well said! As long as Palin has a platform, I will speak out against her. I think this poster wants us to lay off for other reasons....

    3. Anonymous3:59 PM

      I agree, 3:31 PM, and I applaud Gryph and Malia for keeping her front and center. If anyone thinks she's going to take "you're done," lying down.....

  7. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Yes, it makes a lot of sense to just have one phone, especially when you're constantly traveling. I notice that (unlike Sarah) Hillary didn't take an entourage everywhere with her, no hangers-on ever got to travel with Hillary.

    Sarah Palin used to carry two phones but used her many private email accounts on both of them.

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      I don't understand how having two email accounts necessitates having two phones. I have one iPhone and 4 different email accounts but am able to check them all on just my one iPhone. What am I missing in regards to her needing two phones for two accounts.

    2. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Was that available in 2008? I am asking, because I don't recall how tech friendly phones were in '08.

    3. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Yes. It was very easy to have multiple email accounts for one phone.

  8. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I'll tell you one thing, and this is going to be rude, the pee pond can go FUCK themselves. $arah's post brought on this press conference? Sure it did....

    "She bled herself out on television and had to be dragged off the stage." "Too bad the bleeding out wasn't fatal."

    YES, let's call fr someone's death just because their political ideology is not the same as yours, quote bible passages, and somewhere that evil bitch is licking her herped lips in delight!

    My GOD, what evil EVIL people!

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Here is a IMer comment from the recent Palin/Hillary email post:

      "Jonathan Sands2:59 PM

      I'm just so GD sick and tired of hearing your name,
      and seeing that grizzled face of yours in the news.
      Please, please, please, crawl back under a rock
      somewhere and die, I mean really die!!!
      We're sick of your shit!!!"

      You guys all deserve your equally crazy peepond cousins.

    2. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Jonathan Sands is not a regular IMer but thanks for playing. Please continue to the c4p site and participate in the newest contest of when Palin will declare her candidacy. lmao

    3. Anonymous1:56 PM

      If you read there, that's what you see. Rest assured they're small and meaningless number, they're not very bright, and they will switch loyalties on a dime in their slavish following of Stupid Sarah.

      If Sarah tells them tomorrow to vote for Hillary, they will love Hillary and vote for her. They are hollow human corpses with not a genuine emotion among them. Nor a brain.

      Their bitter hatreds are different every day; the only constant is their bitterness.

    4. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Just as no one c4p'er speaks for all, no one IMer speaks for all. The main differences are that IM allows anyone to post and this site is uncensored. C4p does not allow non-Palin comments and disqus censors the comments.

    5. Anonymous4:41 PM

      The best part of the C4P crowd is the small group of us that have been there stirring up dissent amongst the ranks since that damn site first came to be. It's gotten kind of boring since there are only a couple of people left over there and we don't do it much anymore but boy, in their hey day they sure were fun to troll, especially since they thought we were all "friends".

    6. Anonymous5:16 PM

      And, it seems cruel to pick on memaw and papaw, what with their heart conditions and breathing problems and bladder control issues and senility. As VG would say, "jist ain't no fun no more."

    7. Anonymous6:37 PM

      What about poor old 'bo? She makes the effort to visit and is ignored.

  9. Anonymous1:16 PM

    The chatter...

    It's Not About the Emails: Clinton's Fate Hangs on Bigger Questions


    Secrecy, sex, Hillary and Bill


    The Return of the Clinton Media Persecution Complex


    Emails May Be a Key to Addressing 'Pay-to-Play' Whispers at Clinton Foundation


    1. Anonymous1:42 PM

      They'd better be careful, because most of the Republicans, and many Democrats, dance to the tune of the fiddler who's paying.
      "Pay to Play" is just business as usual in U.S. politics now.

    2. Anonymous1:51 PM

      You wish.

  10. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Since when do you need a separate device for each email account? You don't. You can set up more than one on a smartphone. Stop playing us for fools, Ms. Clinton.

    If I have to vote for her I will, it's not as if all politicians aren't liars. But this is such an easily disproved whopper that it does enter Sarah Palin level bullshit territory.

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      One secure server of her own is exactly what the US SoS should have. And that's what she had. You don't think every man and his dog in China were trying to get into it - and failed? Save your amateur criticism and go vote for Ted Cruz.

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      "One secure server of her own" -- how so, 1:50? Which U.S. government security apparatus was in charge of Hillary Clinton's server security? Oh, that's right - NONE. Because they didn't even know about it. So why don't YOU stop sounding like the Clinton version of a Palin leghumper.

    3. Anonymous3:44 PM

      My goodness, our concern troll sure wants to sway our thoughts. Hey troll, unlike c4p, we can decide who we support without someone guiding us. Try it sometime.

    4. Anonymous3:50 PM

      3:07, yes they did know about it, if you'd have listened you'd know that. It was also legal. The server was secured, and all emails sent to gov entities were obviously saved on those gov sites also.

    5. Anonymous9:55 PM

      She was required to save and store her emails. This is not about - the other party saved them- this is about her being responsible, and doing what she should be doing.

  11. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Nothing new .Hillary = class.


    Regardless of popularity for either.

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM


    2. Anonymous5:03 PM

      lol...yeah I think she figured out years ago that it's all recorded...so I am sure her 'private words' so to speak are like listening to Grandma cuss politely...
      eye roll...so what I would like to see is the emails that Captain Zero blotted out for her...ya know to continue "God's Will'...so how's that working out?

  12. Anonymous2:29 PM

    "You know what's really ironic about this Republican letter to Iran? Those 47 Senators are spitting nails because President Obama is attempting to negotiate a pact with Iran—the very same country that Ronald Reagan secretly sold 2,500 TOW missiles and 20 Hawk anti-aircraft missiles to, yet they revere Reagan as the greatest president of the 20th century.

    So let me see if I have this right...

    Ronald Reagan violated the law, sold weapons to Ayatollah Khomeini behind Congress's back, got busted red-handed. Republicans: "He's our hero! He walked on water! Slew commie dragons! Farted Chanel No. 5! Don't you DARE diss St. Ronnie!"

    Barack Obama legally, openly, in accordance with U.S. law along with our P5 allies, tries to negotiate a pact with the more moderate Ayatollah Khamenei: Forty-seven Republican Senators interfere, side with more extreme factions who oppose ANY talks with America, send letter to Khamenei warning him that when Obama's gone, the pact gets nullified. Obama must be stopped at all costs! He hates America! His middle name is Hussein! Why can't he be more like Reagan and just sell them arms behind our backs!?

    There's only one rational explanation for their behavior: War with Iran is their objective."


  13. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I can envision Hillary's speech. She'll stare squarely into the camera, wag her finger and say "I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again:

    I did not have textual relations with that Server. And now I've got to get back to the business my donors are paying me to do."


    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Made yourself laugh, did ya? Good! Now scurry back and tell the pond!

  14. Anonymous2:54 PM

    All emails were preserved, the need for a separate server arose and was set up under the guidance and protocols in place with the State Department. Much of it had to do with mobile devices and multiple emails not being an option on the .gov server, and being that MOST of her work was going to be done on mobile devices due to all the TRAVELLING she was expected to do, this was the route suggested and set up. This was common knowledge, this route had the blessing of the State Department, Obama didn't need to sign of on this as it was State Department business. The fact is that for the Hillary haters out there and for the sound byte TWITTER based news cycyles, no explanation will do or satisfy them....it will always be a sliding ruler of standards when it comes to Hillary. Will she address this? OF COURSE, but I'm not holding my breath that it will stop the attacks or further discussion on this matter. No matter what, the Republicans and KOCH BROTHER SMEAR MACHINE will ALWAYS say 'what if, what if what if" and they will always do everything they can to demean and diminish her contributions and accomplishments, highlight her failures and shortcomings, and lie lie lie. Anyone can claim "well, how do we know something wasn't deleted?'" Go to the Benghazi Committee government page and this line says it all "The non classified versions of this final report, as well as any interim reports, will be published on this page." FOIA rules only apply to things that unclassified, classified material, which I'm sure much of what her emails may be, will never be officially released until after a certain grace period, and even then that doesn't mean some of it won't be blacked out....so when REP GOWDY says there are gaps...the gaps are referring to the parts of the report where emails were determined to be CLASSIFIED.Rep. Gowdy is using and abusing that reality for political grandstanding and the AP are full of idiots who fail to, or are unable to delve deeper. Rep. Schiff nailed that yesterday on Andrea Mitchell.

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Bullshit. She violated SOS regs.

    2. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Horseshit, 3:09 PM.

    3. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Tell sp69 I am glad she recovered....

    4. Anonymous3:42 PM

      And tell heart unhealthy vg that showing his children and grandchildren a memes of Hillary as the wicked witch is un-Christian.

      Wonder why SAE is in trouble? The likes of these. It's LEARNED.

    5. Anonymous4:19 PM

      As tk assured r88, Christians aren't perfect and from their examples, apparently striving to be Christlike isn't even a realistic goal. But, god forgives-unless you are gay or liberal or black or brown or ......

    6. Anonymous4:21 PM

      She did NOT violate any regulations. Those regulations were put into place after she left the job.

    7. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Anonymous 4:21 PM:


    8. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Anonymous 2:54 PM:
      BRAVO!!! You hit the nail on the head!

  15. Anonymous2:56 PM

    This is the classic kind of inside-the-Beltway, process story that politicos and reporters get in a lather over but that resonates very little with average voters. Most Americans don't know or care what happens to the old emails of public officials. But chasing shiny objects is an occupational hazard for political journalists during odd-numbered years, because of the infrequent developments of real significance.

    And, for that matter, Clinton's fate won't hinge on Benghazi either. I have yet to hear a swing voter, or anyone who has contemplated voting for a Democratic presidential candidate in years, up in arms over that one. Fox News viewers and Rush Limbaugh listeners are convinced it is the most important thing on the planet. No one else cares.

    No, Hillary Clinton's challenge will be determined by how she performs, what image she projects, how she is perceived—whether she comes across as likable and relevant to the future, someone who can plausibly address the challenges facing the country. Having been largely out of the game of politics since losing the Democratic nomination to President Obama in 2008, she is akin to a professional athlete who has been sidelined by injuries for several seasons. Does she still have—to borrow a phrase from the legendary political author, the late Richard Ben Cramer—"what it takes," or Tom Wolfe's "the right stuff"? In 2007 and early 2008, Clinton was pretty good, and she got better as her contest with then-Sen. Barack Obama headed into the middle and final stretches. But does she still have it? Maybe she still has the touch, and maybe she doesn't. But no one, even her own team, knows for sure right now.


  16. Anonymous3:20 PM

    She's Presidential. I thought she handled the issue well. Now republicans are just going to keep hammering away with this non issue and get nothing in return.

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      The return they will get is voter turn-off. Voters don't like the much ado over nothing attacks. It will hurt the GOP & conservatives.

  17. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Oh we are SO screwed. Secretive e-mails on one side, the Bush machine on the other. What will we do? What WILL we do?

    And like a dove from heaven, here is $arah, the Queen to save us from all our iniquities....


    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      here is $arah, the Queen to save us from all our iniquities....
      Right because Sarah turned over all her emails, even the ones that no one asked for and all of them, none of them had been redacted, because of American transparency and exceptionalism.
      Hoohah !!

    2. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Ya know, I may have to switch parties, and vote for Saint Ronnie Reagan incarnate, Sarah Palin....naw. I think I will hold out for Bristol Meyers (how funny, the Palin's pharmaceutical company) run in 2020! Hoohah!

    3. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Please, please, PLEASE, new power political dynamo couple Dakota and Brissy, name your first kid Squibb!


    4. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Good one! And not farfetched, considering.

  18. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Chris Matthews on MSNBC is hollering for Hillary to release her server. What an ass. I hate our media today. They create problems and do not report truthfully or fairly. No wonder MSNBC has dropped so horribly in their ratings! I once watched them all the time!

  19. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I think I will still vote for her too. Just don't like no transparency is all. But, I mean how can you not use a private email at work, you have to to do family business, especially if you have family.

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Transparency is important, especially when posting on IM!

  20. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Don't worry about it. Voters don't care about this.

    Charlie Cook:

    "This is the classic kind of inside-the-Beltway, process story that politicos and reporters get in a lather over but that resonates very little with average voters. Most Americans don't know or care what happens to the old emails of public officials. But chasing shiny objects is an occupational hazard for political journalists during odd-numbered years, because of the infrequent developments of real significance.

    And, for that matter, Clinton's fate won't hinge on Benghazi either. I have yet to hear a swing voter, or anyone who has contemplated voting for a Democratic presidential candidate in years, up in arms over that one. Fox News viewers and Rush Limbaugh listeners are convinced it is the most important thing on the planet. No one else cares."


    The media, and the republicans are making fools of themselves.

  21. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Hillary Clinton Uses Email Press Conference To Annihilate Republicans Over Iran Letter

    .... Clinton’s logic was flawless. There are only two potential reasons for the Republican letter. Either the Republicans were trying to help a regime that they claim to hate, or they were actively trying to undermine the President Of The United States....

    ... The email obsessed Beltway media will likely ignore what Clinton did in her press conference, but her statement was a significant warning shot to Republicans who are thinking about making 2016 a campaign about foreign policy.
    If Republicans think that they can beat Hillary Clinton on foreign policy, they are flirting with disaster. Clinton masterfully led the American people to the conclusion that Republicans are either siding with a country that sponsors terrorism, or they are working against their Commander In Chief.....

  22. Anonymous4:12 PM

    As a fellow IMer pointed out the other day, more than 70% of c4p traffic comes from New Zealand. Below is a post from today from a new Zealand poster. My question is why do New Zealanders have any interest in posting about American politicians-especially on a pro-Palin board? Anyone?

    3 hours ago
    Hillary Clinton just said to everyone... " I did what I wanted and I hid everything I did because I did not want anyone of you to know what I was doing and I deleted all the PERSONAL emails so you will never know what was on that server and you can't access the server and I am keeping a private server.... so... F YOU."
    I see Gowdy throws up his hands and says... "well, nothing we can do about it... lets get her in here to answer questions about other things... but we are screwed on getting any info on ALL the emails because she just got us to bend over and we did"
    Why? Because an Obama Attorney General will never go after her and the Republicans only have one ball and are too pussified to do anything and the media is really really reluctant to attack the Clintons because a lot of them have benefited financially from them as long as they did not go after her... if anyone did, they were blackballed and bullied and shut out.
    And, she wants to be the next Dictator... oops... President of the United States.

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      PhilipJames is also not an IMer.
      C'mon, coward, run your queen!
      We're waiting!

    2. Anonymous5:01 PM

      may be because that is all that is left when she threw them all to the wall...those New Zealand are all that is sticking at this point...or their being paid by post???

    3. Anonymous5:24 PM

      5:00, Never said phillip_james is an IMer.

  23. Anonymous4:21 PM

    nonsense: govt employees have communicated via blackberry for years. i assume they have internet access which provides access to one's "personal" fundraising account.

  24. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Observation: Hillary only had one email account...easy breezy!
    Sarah had nine email accounts...dizzy dame thinks it's smarts!

    We need to get Hillary a t-shirt...I'm with Stupid...pointing to...

  25. Anonymous5:05 PM

    For you to call this a "scandal" is as biased as those who call it a scandal.

    I'm a life-long Democrat, and huge fan of this site, who still cannot believe that Palin hasn't been exposed nationally and completely for the Trig scam.

    But I thought Hilary came across as dismissive, imperious, and unconvincing today. As a lawyer she knows how important issues of the retention and production of information are, and she simply decided, from day one, that she was going to be the sole arbiter of whatever, and whenever, she decided to turn over information that is supposed to be public. For her convenience, no less.

    Instead of any shred of apology for creating this unnecessary issue, she trumpeted her unprecedented disclosure, telling everyone what an "interesting" peek into the rarified atmosphere of high gov't. officials it will provide. Incredible!

    Everyone here seems pretty rah rah about all this, but I'm profoundly disappointed by how callously and arrogantly she handled this today.

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      She didn't create the issue. It was also not the law at the time. Colin Powell himself explained it, a Republican, and we are not party to international negotiations. How hard is this for you to understand?

    2. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Perhaps, like many Americans, Clinton has grown weary of the witch hunt antics of the GOP, going back to her husbands administration and the blatant disrespect that has been shown to the current administration? Hillary has endured a LOT of personal and professional attacks and was defending her actions to the same group that signed the Iran letter and attended the Netanyahu speech! I can see how she might find this a bit ludicrous!

    3. Anonymous6:01 PM

      To whom does she owe an apology?

      As a lawyer, she knows she shouldn't allow herself to be put on the defensive or cop to a "crime" that wasn't even against the law or against regulations.

      I'm glad she didn't show any weakness. That's what her opponents want.

    4. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Hillary Clinton "deleted over 30,000 emails that she claimed were private, and is releasing another 30,000 that she deems work related. The problem being there is no way to tell if the private ones were really private or more work related e-mails she doesn't want seen. We are expected to trust her and many don't. This is part of the problem with mixing the two on one account. It shouldn't be her or anyone on her staff or any supporter doing the deciding. There should be an independent board deciding this.

      Remember Tricky Dick Nixon? He was brought down for deleting tapes of his meetings. Remember the missing 18 minutes? That was what brought him down. This is the same thing but different technology.

      Hillary doesn't get to decide what is public and what is private on her WORK e-mail account. It is all public if she uses it for work.

    5. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Nice try, but any email sent to other government employees would be preserved through their address. This is a non-issue to most voters and no matter how hard you try, it isn't going to affect their choices. Kind of like how the ACA was supported, no matter how hard the gop fought it. The gop & tea party are self imploding with crap like this!

    6. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Very eloquently stated 5:05pm and I agree with you.

    7. Anonymous10:29 PM

      8:53, what if she emailed something work related to somebody else with a private email? If they are all doing this nothing is saved.

    8. Anonymous11:03 PM

      You're no Democrat, you're just the usual lying troll.

    9. Anonymous8:26 AM

      5:05 it is classic Hillary Clinton. She is above everything else, and the standard rules don't apply to Clintons. It is exactly why they have created so many enemies even in their own party over the years.

    10. Anonymous8:46 AM

      So, don't vote for her, 8:26.

    11. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Well duh 8:46. But gonna keep talking about her and her scandals and general royalty attitude, so others who don't know, can see her for the snake she is.

    12. Anonymous10:28 AM

      So, 8:59, who would you like to see run for the Dems in 2016? Whom would you vote for?

  26. Anonymous7:46 PM


  27. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Why wasn't the media crying out to see the emails from Condesleazy Rice?

    I think the scheming about all the lies to get us into Iraq is far more interesting than Hilliary's emails. Also too her server may have been more secure than the governments, since the hackers probable didn't even know it existed.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.