Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Joe Biden blasts Senate Republicans over letter to Iran.

Courtesy of HuffPo:

"In thirty-six years in the United States Senate, I cannot recall another instance in which Senators wrote directly to advise another country -- much less a longtime foreign adversary -- that the President does not have the constitutional authority to reach a meaningful understanding with them. This letter sends a highly misleading signal to friend and foe alike that that our Commander-in-Chief cannot deliver on America’s commitments -- a message that is as false as it is dangerous," Biden said in a statement released by the White House. 

"The decision to undercut our President and circumvent our constitutional system offends me as a matter of principle. As a matter of policy, the letter and its authors have also offered no viable alternative to the diplomatic resolution with Iran that their letter seeks to undermine," he added. 

"If talks collapse because of Congressional intervention, the United States will be blamed, leaving us with the worst of all worlds," Biden argued. "Iran’s nuclear program, currently frozen, would race forward again. We would lack the international unity necessary just to enforce existing sanctions, let alone put in place new ones. Without diplomacy or increased pressure, the need to resort to military force becomes much more likely -- at a time when our forces are already engaged in the fight against ISIL."

The Vice President was not the only one to express his anger and disappointment. President Obama had this to say:

"I think it's somewhat ironic to see some members of Congress wanting to make common cause with the hardliners in Iran," Mr Obama said in response to the letter. "It's an unusual coalition."

Even the Iranian Foreign Minister was quick to lambast the Republican Senators who authored the letter:

"In our view, this letter has no legal value and is mostly a propaganda ploy. It is very interesting that while negotiations are still in progress and while no agreement has been reached, some political pressure groups are so afraid even of the prospect of an agreement that they resort to unconventional methods, unprecedented in diplomatic history. This indicates that like Netanyahu, who considers peace as an existential threat, some are opposed to any agreement, regardless of its content."

There are others here in America that are calling the letter what it is, treason:

As you can see I am pretty pissed off about this. Right now it is almost impossible for me to imagine the Republicans doing ANYTHING that does not undermine this President, or helps this country avoid war.

And that is beginning to really terrify me.


  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Sign the petition here:

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Everyone please sign this petition!

      It is very close to the 100,000 signatures needed to force the White House to respond!

    2. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Done! Let's send them a loud message from REAL Americans!

    3. Anonymous6:10 PM

      wonder if the 47 treasonous dipshit republicans are part and parcel to sarah and todd's AIP ? - sure sounds like they could be ...



  2. Anonymous2:55 PM

    You may want to sign this petition at the whitehouse.gov site calling for charges against the 47 senators:


    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      It's up to 90,000--in ONE day!

    2. Anonymous3:56 PM

      I signed the petition.

  3. Anonymous2:57 PM

    The U.S. deserves to be nuked! It's the only way to get rid of 250 million of the 350 million arrogant and ignorant assholes here while clearing out the religious nut jobs!

  4. Fuck calling them out, manacle them.
    I want to see a Cotton Perp Wlk!!!!

  5. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Iran Schools GOP Senators On International Law


    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      It really is revealing and truly sad when the Iranian Foreign Minister has a far better grasp of our Constitution than a tea bagger republican senator.

      Our country's congress ha reached a whole new low!

    2. Anonymous4:15 PM

      I love how our "illustrious," moronic representatives were so condescending to the Iranian leaders and then those same leaders showed how worldly, rational, and intelligent they, themselves, are.

  6. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I signed the petition.

  7. physicsmom3:13 PM

    When I first saw this yesterday, I was appalled. Now, 24 hrs. later, I'm outraged that this incident isn't getting more coverage in the MSM. Agree with you and Thom H. this is treason! I don't know if you can expel 47 Senators at once, without causing a Constitutional crisis, but I'm willing to take that chance. The Republicans have gone too far! Will they never be stopped? I think that until the media takes the position that this stunt was sabotage against the US, and treason, there aren't enough people to rise up and discipline these traitors. I still can't believe this happened.

    1. I want to see the Justice Department arrest and indict the ringleader and writer of the letter. That will send a message to the other 46.

      These senators think they are untouchable. They're not. And they need to be reined in. They are treading very close to usurping the office of the President and overthrowing our govenment. They are certainly violating the Constitution and committing treason under the Logan Act.

      But if they are allowed to get away with it, they'll just do something more outrageous and damaging the next time.

      Inviting Netanyahu wasn't enough. Then we have this letter. What next? Evict the President and his family from the White House?

  8. Anonymous3:13 PM

    And or yea.screw Jindal! Traitor!

  9. imnofred3:16 PM

    We have every reason to be concerned. The GOP doesn't want a deal, they want "regime change" (war). God help us if we get a Republican President.

    1. fromthediagonal6:07 PM

      @imnofred, may the Fates forbid a regressive president in 2016, but if this should happen, there will a compulsory draft in 2017 which will exempt those who can afford to "buy out".

  10. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I want to see them arrested and tried for treason, and then hung.

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      with the pertinent palin/heath's dangling right next to 'em

  11. Anonymous3:37 PM

    God bless President Obama and Vice President Biden. They are two Americans who are intelligent and sane, attributes totally missing in the 21st century GOP gene pool.

    I was wondering today if Bibi N. had anything to do with the composition of the treasonous letter. It was an outrage and all Americans, no matter what their politics, should be offended that members of the Senate would have done such a dastardly and blatantly illegal thing.

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM

      Leaked cables show Netanyahu’s Iran bomb claim contradicted by Mossad

      ...Binyamin Netanyahu’s dramatic declaration to world leaders in 2012 that Iran was about a year away from making a nuclear bomb was contradicted by his own secret service, according to a top-secret Mossad document.

      It is part of a cache of hundreds of dossiers, files and cables from the world’s major intelligence services – one of the biggest spy leaks in recent times.

      Brandishing a cartoon of a bomb with a red line to illustrate his point, the Israeli prime minister warned the UN in New York that Iran would be able to build nuclear weapons the following year and called for action to halt the process.

      But in a secret report shared with South Africa a few weeks later, Israel’s intelligence agency concluded that Iran was “not performing the activity necessary to produce weapons”. The report highlights the gulf between the public claims and rhetoric of top Israeli politicians and the assessments of Israel’s military and intelligence establishment.


  12. Anonymous3:39 PM

    How despicable! These senators put everyone at risk, and not to mention the U.S. Iranian pastor in prison, who right-ringers DEMAND President Obama do to something about? They put this man and others at risk by provoking Iranian leaders to make more arrests. WTH are these guys thinking?

    Undercutting the black man in the White House is a higher priority to them than keeping U.S. citizens and the world in danger from nuclear war.

  13. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Given Vice President Biden's long experience in the Senate, i'm sure he remembers how the Democrats cooperated with Ronald Reagan when he was elected president. In early 1981, Mike Mansfield, majority leader (I think), said that while the Democratic majority in the Senate did not agree with Reagan's economic plans they were willing to give the "trickle down" theory a chance because Reagan had campaigned on it and it seemed that's what people wanted to do. Of course, when the "trickle down" failed so miserably after a few months, the Democrats and the Reagan administration itself deep fixed it. Only to rise again from the depths of oblivion when the next Republican took office. Democrats do not deliberately try to sabotage presidencies and they would never undercut years of delicate foreign policy negotiations. I just wish that more Democrats would call out the GOP, using the T-R-A-I-T-O-R word specifically.

  14. Anonymous3:45 PM

    With the number of right wing nutjob TPers who have been elected in the last few years who think they know better than everyone else, I'm not surprised that one of them decided to do this. I would expect this kind of national betrayal from the likes of Cruz or Ernst.

    What does surprise - and disgust - me, however, is the number of veteran Senators who signed this letter. Hatch, Grassley, McCain, Graham, Cornyn and, of all people, Majority Leader McConnell signing this atrocity is just beyond comprehension.

    I'm glad that the Iranians don't seem to be taking it very seriously, but this is, without question, an international embarrassment. The 47 traitors need to be held accountable.

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Cruz and Ernst signed it.

    2. Anonymous7:00 PM

      4:02 - I know. That's why I mentioned them.

      My point was that you would expect this kind of action from the Tea Party faction but one would hope that the more experienced Senators would know better than to proudly sign their names on a document bordering on treason.

      However, as we have learned all too well since 2008, their hatred of President Obama is far greater than their love of America.

    3. Anonymous4:31 AM

      I agree. I watched the video of Thom Hartman in the post above, He talks about some previous examples of Republicans sabotaging diplomacy. His first example was Nixon telling Vietnam not to sign an agreement in fall 2008 because he could give them a much better deal if he were president. Well, over 24.000 more American soldiers died in Vietnam after Nixon got in office. (After listening to Hartman, I googled the Vietnam war fatalities from 1968 to the end and then reduced the figure for 1968 by a quarter. No matter, one additional death was enough to make Nixon's actions heinous.) One interesting thing is that Everett Dirksen, longtime GOP senator, agreed on tape with Johnson that Nixon's actions were treasonous but nothing could be done to stop the damage done. (Personally I think the nation should have been told at the time.) Later, when President Carter successfully negotiated the release of the American hostages in Iran, the incoming Reagan/Bush administration intervened clandestinely and got the Iranians to put off acting on the agreement until Reagan's inauguration. I guess Democrats simply have to expect that Republicans have no respect for the law or for the Constitution. When Republicans take oaths of office, they are lying.

  15. Anonymous3:58 PM

    I signed the petition. I can't believe that we have such idiots in our Congress.


    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      It's embarrassing, not to mention insulting to our President and the Iranians.

      There are a bunch of jokers in congress the likes we may have never seen before.

  16. Caroll Thompson4:11 PM

    The new idiot Senator from Arkansas Tom Cotton is trying to make a name for himself a la Ted Cruz by being absolutely outrageous. No doubt he has dreams of running for President and thinks himself quite clever for his treason.

    After reading various news accounts of this treason, I think that even for them (the Republicans), this is a bridge too far. Americans are outraged. The New York Daily News has TRAITORS in big letters across the front page. The Wall Street Journal has even come out against the wisdom of sending such a letter.

    This goes right along with their bringing Bibi to the Congress to speak. Bibi of course, would like nothing better than to have the Americans do his bidding and bomb Iran. Didn't that idiot John McCain sing the song a la the Beach Boys, bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.

    I am hoping this hurts Bibi and he loses his election. As to the traitors, I highly doubt they will be charged with a crime (as they should be), but they are a great many of them are up for election in 2016.

    In the interim, it looks like, for once, the media is on the side of sanity and this juvenile stunt is back firing big time.

    I have followed politics all my life and I have to say I am shocked and deeply disturbed that anyone would put politics ahead of the security of this nation.

    So, I guess the only thing I can do is to spell the 47 traitors. A pox on all their houses. An ill wind will blow and do none of them any good. An ill wind that damages no one but the 47. One by one, blow them down ill wind. Blow a straight line wind like an arrow into the hearts of the 47 traitors.

    1. Anonymous4:34 AM

      Why does it not surprise me that a junior senator from Arkansas, who obviously has no clue about how diplomacy works or how anything in international relations works, would have been chosen to author this traitorous letter. I wonder if anyone ever told him about the roles of the branches of the US government. He obviously didn't learn it in civics class in school.

  17. Anonymous4:19 PM

    It would make an interesting presidential candidate debate question. Is the President of the United States empowered to conduct foreign policy negotiations?

    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      The answer is "yes." Do you think it's really up for debate?

    2. Anonymous4:44 PM

      I don't think the presidential power up for debate. But it would certainly be interesting to watch one of the signers of the this infamous letter have to defend it in a live debate.

  18. Anonymous4:26 PM

    On The View, everybody jumped on Nicole Wallace for defending the Republicthugs.

    1. Anonymous4:36 AM

      Anyone who would expect anything better of Nicole Wallace is dreaming. Remember her guy -- John McCain with the "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" song. She probably thought he was so-o-o cute.

  19. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Anonymous4:26 PM

    On The View, everybody jumped on Nicole Wallace for defending the Republicthugs.

    Starts at 12:10
    The View Full Episode Tuesday March 10 2015: http://youtu.be/qqBT7ZBkUEw

  20. Anonymous4:48 PM

    New York Daily News

    Senate GOP’s Iran letter sparks outrage, #47Traitors trend

    Twitter has turned on the nation’s 47 traitors.

    Outraged Americans on Tuesday blasted the overwhelming majority of Senate Republicans for sending a letter to Iran’s leaders, sparking a top trending #47Traitors hashtag on the social media site following the Daily News’ front-page coverage of the unprecedented missive.

    “We have met the enemy, and they are ours. #47Traitors,” user @Normsmusic of California wrote.
    “Judas got thirty pieces of silver. What did you get? @SenJohnMcCain #47Traitors,” New Jersey resident @annmariepoli added....



  21. Anonymous4:53 PM

    “We have met the enemy, and they are ours"


  22. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Check this out. Picture lists the 47 traitors


  23. Anonymous5:04 PM


  24. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Imagine, just IMAGINE had Queen Heifer been veep.
    OMG. Love me some Joe Biden.


  25. Anonymous5:24 PM

    This whole thing pissed me off so much that I spent about four hours today writing a letter to my Senator who is one of the 47 who signed this letter. I doubt if it will do much to change his mind, but I think it's important for everyone who can to contact their Senator and let them know we are watching what they're doing and that they will be held accountable.

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Ack! I'd better find out if my Senators signed this thing. Bill Nelson I imagine didn't. Marco Rubio ... who knows?

      If Rubio did sign it, man, how is he going to stand up to that if he runs for president?

      Oh wait, he won't run for president against his Godfather Jeb. And if he ran in any circumstance he'd lose.


  26. Anonymous5:28 PM

    looks like from the list of the 47 that "Senator" Sullivan is on it. Seditious Traitorous Sullivan.

  27. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Irony: bush went to war circumventing congress and congress doing the same thing to the White House. Republican Party and its constituents will destroy America. America will go the way of Rome. 1776-2016 RIP

  28. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Anonymous5:22 PM

    Imagine, just IMAGINE had Queen Heifer been veep. 
    OMG. Love me some Joe Biden.



    If Sarah Palin was veep, John McCain would hire someone just to keep Sarah Palin busy and maybe out of the country. My guess would be in John McCain's first week of his presidency, John would tell Sarah Palin here's some per diem, go to Wasilla and I will send for you when hell freezes over.

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      If Sarah Palin was veep, John McCain would send Sarah and her combat vet sonTrack to Alaska and tell them to personally keep an eye on Russia.

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      What do you mean your daughter wants to get married in the White House? Doesn't she have to first find a husband?

  29. This could have easily been foreseen if we just examined recent RWNJ behavior.

    You see, they always precede their own egregious wingnuttery by accusing an adversary of the same behavior they're about to commit even when there's zero evidence of that behavior ever being committed by the adversary,

    In this case, they laid the groundwork for this act of treason by claiming that President Obama doesn't love America. That was front page news for two weeks. Then self-appointed traitors in the GOP commit this act of aggression against America, which under any normal circumstances would elicit charges of giving comfort to our enemy and displaying utter contempt for our institutions, our president and the American people. But there are not normal times and when someone - say, me, for example - calls them out out as traitors who truly hate America, their supporters can shake their heads ruefully and say "Everybody is accusing everybody of not loving America these days. Who knows who's right and who's wrong? Pass me another piece of pie, will ya?"

    How do these bastards sleep at night (answer: they sleep soundly and guilt-free, just like Ted Bundy used to) and look at themselves in the mirror in the morning (answer:"hey you handsome devil, YOU should run for president!")?

    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Well said!

    2. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Marry me, Beldar!

  30. OT
    Imagine if this douchebag had been black and pulled this shit:


  31. Anonymous7:44 PM

    How I view the Rublican letter to Iran... 47 Senators are telling Iran the (N word) in Washington doesn't speak for us. It's as simple as that, folks.

    1. Anonymous8:24 PM

      And Iran answered back with a big FUC_U to them, right $arah and Dakota????.

  32. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Here ya go: The Complete Dishonor Roll
    Tom Cotton, R-AR
    Orrin Hatch, R-UT
    Charles Grassley, R-IA
    Mitch McConnell, R-KY
    Richard Shelby, R-AL
    John McCain, R-AZ
    James Inhofe, R-OK
    Pat Roberts, R-KS
    Jeff Sessions, R-AL
    Michael Enzi, R-WY
    Michael Crapo, R-ID
    Lindsey Graham, R-SC
    John Cornyn, R-TX
    Richard Burr, R-NC
    John Thune, R-SD
    Johnny Isakson, R-GA
    David Vitter, R-LA
    John A. Barrasso, R-WY
    Roger Wicker, R-MS
    Jim Risch, R-ID
    Mark Kirk, R-IL
    Roy Blunt, R-MO
    Jerry Moran, R-KS
    Rob Portman, R-OH
    John Boozman, R-AR
    Pat Toomey, R-PA
    John Hoeven, R-ND
    Marco Rubio, R-FL
    Ron Johnson, R-WI
    Rand Paul, R-KY
    Mike Lee, R-UT
    Kelly Ayotte, R-NH
    Dean Heller, R-NV
    Tim Scott, R-SC
    Ted Cruz, R-TX
    Deb Fischer, R-NE
    Shelley Moore Capito, R-WV
    Bill Cassidy, R-LA
    Cory Gardner, R-CO
    James Lankford, R-OK
    Steve Daines, R-MT
    Mike Rounds, R-SD
    David Perdue, R-GA
    Thom Tillis, R-NC
    Joni Ernst, R-IA
    Ben Sasse, R-NE
    Dan Sullivan, R-AK

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Anyone that has one of the traitors representing them, should send them a letter and give 'em hell !!!

      Thankfully both my senators are democrats.

  33. Why do these supposed "Christians" hate the prospect of peace?
    Only the faithless would want to start a war with a Iran, to hurry the End. Kind of funny really since they won't make it through the "End of Times" since they don't have faith in God.

  34. Anonymous10:13 PM

    A blatant attempt to overthrow the government of the United States, and the lead story is about someone's freaking emails.

    If Justin Beiber gets arrested again today, even THAT will be pushed out of the way on the evening news, so we can hear Beiber's reaction.

    1. Anonymous5:52 AM

      It's the latest version of "Benghazi, etc.) I fear. Hillary Clinton's press conference should have put the non-issue to rest permanently but even the New York Times couldn't give her proper credit. Their headline "Hillary Tries . . . "; she didn't just "try" she succeeded, media. Why doesn't the media go after the 47 traitorous (and ignorant) US senators who signed to letter to Iran's leaders? Now there's a genuine story that includes racism, years of seditionist behavior and now, outright treason, by US senators, some of whom have/have had presidential aspirations.

  35. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Isn't it totally ironic that the number of signers is 47%?

  36. Anonymous4:54 AM

    It is time to deal with our Treasonous Congress and charge 47 US Senators with violating the Logan Act...

    3 years in prison with a felony for 47 Republican Senators could fix a lot of what is wrong with this country!

  37. If they keep this up, the Democrats will sweep the White House and both houses of Congress in 2016.

    You can't fix stupid but sometimes you can use it to your advantage. I hope the Democrats keep reminding the public of the sedition of the Republicans right up to the election.

    "Are you going to vote for a traitor? Are you going to elect someone that will undermine and usurp the Office of the President?"

    Yeah, I can see the campaign slogans now.

  38. Anonymous3:38 PM

    If I lived in Washington DC I would organize a riot at the Justice Department to get these a$$holes investigated and thrown out of office.

    When are people going to wake up to the damage the Republicans are doing to all of us.

  39. Anonymous3:48 PM

    At the nationalreview.com a post said Cotton was absolutely right in sending the letter, and Cotton is the only one who understands the Constitution.

    I have a hard time believing Cotton had a right to send a letter like that.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.