Sunday, March 08, 2015

Pastor dares to give sermon criticizing the "American Sniper" movie, loses his job. Just a coincidence of course.

Courtesy of Alternet:  

On February 10th, MidAmerica Nazarene University's (MNU) chaplain Randy Beckum gave his morning sermon, which wasn't unusual – it was his job. But what was different that day was the response to the sermon – as one student paper put it, the sermon sparked an “outcry” and a torrent of criticism particularly on social media. The criticism ranged from complaints that Beckum had politicized his sermons to the idea that he had insulted Christians who served in the military.


Beckum's sermon that day was about America's addiction to violence, citing the film “American Sniper” as a symptom of that, and how this was problematic for Christianity, a religion founded on the ideals of nonviolence. Here's an excerpt: 

"As you know two movies came out recently. Selma, the story of one of the 20th century most influential Christian leaders, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who led a non-violent movement that changed the course of American History forever. And American Sniper, the story of the most deadly Navy SEAL sniper in American history. Selma has made 29-30 million so far. American Sniper made over 103 million in the first 4 days. Gives you an idea about who our heroes are. I don’t think it is an under-statement to say that our culture is addicted to violence, guns, war, revenge and retaliation. Unfortunately, so are a lot of Christians."

He went on to say that we have to “be very careful about equating patriotism with Christianity,” and implored his flock to be “controlled by love, compelled by love for everyone.” 

Shortly after Beckum's sermon, it was announced that he would no longer be the vice president of the university's Community Foundation.

Of course the university president claims that the sermon had nothing to do with Beckum's job loss, and that he was thinking of retiring from that position anyhow, but the pastor's daughter calls BS on that assertion.

Of course this should surprise none of us.

After all in this country you can suggest from the pulpit that Atheists are destroying the fabric of America, or suggest that Barack Obama is the antichrist, but when you dare to suggest that super duper sniper Chris Kyle was a violent thug, well then my friends THAT is when you cross the line!


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    No words.

    1. A Superfan In Atlanta3:40 PM

      I struggled too. Still nothing. I served in the military and was not offended. Another reason why the shine off my "Christian upbringing" has completely faded.

  2. Boscoe2:42 PM

    This is what happens when a pastor actually preaches what Jesus taught, instead of reinforcing the ugly facade of a "Republican Jesus" that loves guns and country and hated Muslims.

    It's always fascionated me the way the conservatives have embraced the King of Progressives and try to ignore his actual teachings. Kinda like what we're seeing them fdo with MLK. I think it speaks to deep seated self loathing and cognitive dissonance. Deep down somewhere, they sense they are terrible people, so to cover it up, they act out even more heinously.

    It is no coincidence that conservatives ALWAYS latch onto the ugliest, most mean-spirited angle on any issue and compulsively double-down on it if called out.

    In the end, I think they want to be punished.

    1. ...and their behavior in Congress seems politically suicidal. Attempting to shut down the government, again. Voting a hundreds times to repeal Obamacare. Working only a few days a month. Disrespecting Obama. Inviting Bibi. Only one of the Repubs going to Selma. They are like children trying to see how far they can go without rebuke.

      And their voters STILL reward them. Sick.

  3. Anonymous2:46 PM

    A very courageous pastor. More of them need to speak out.

  4. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Totally agree with the pastor and wish more were like him.

  5. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Completely agree with the pastor and wish there were more out there like him! Sorely needed!

  6. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Dog forid a pastor or priest preach jesus' love. It's not religion in this century unless you are preaching hate.

  7. Olivia3:39 PM

    Benjamin Corey wrote an article about Christian persecution of other Christians who promote peace.

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Yes. I attend a Brethren Church, and we are one of the three peace denominations..Mennonite and Quaker are the others. One would think that believing in the words of Jesus would be kind of mandatory when you call yourself a church, but we are losing members (mostly to old age) and have very small voices. By the way, those kidnapped girls in Nigeria were mostly members of a Brethren group that we started over there.

  8. Caroll Thompson3:42 PM

    Wow. A preacher preaching the actual gospel of peace and not the false gospel of the 'conservatives' is fired.

    I have no words.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      No kidding! Love your comment.

      Some of the most pro-war people I know are Christians. It bugs me how quick many are to glorify war. Isn't life supposed to be sacred? According to their own beliefs, even our enemies were created by God, right? I understand that sometimes military action is necessary but many of Chris Kyle's comments and excerpts from his book really bothered me.

      I wondered why so many people thought of him as hero, when he quite obviously enjoyed killing people. It seemed to me that he was not morally conflicted whatsoever by the number of people he killed. And yes, I understand that killing is sometimes necessary in war, but it should not be glorified.

    2. Anonymous9:12 PM

      Chris Kyle is part of the propaganda mill. They feel obligated to create heroes and justify war crimes.

      Remember how they made up stories about Jessica Lynch? So much of what we are told about war is a lie, someone's made up something.

      America can't face the truth.

      Now instead of dealing with facts and truth about Iraq and Bush Administration we are going on and piling on lies.

      Suckers like Chris Kyle and Dakota Meyer are just prolonging the agony with those fantasies.

      They use patriotism to justify violence or soliciting violence, like when Dakota marked Michael Moore. It is ok to lie about someone and to infuse violent concepts if you think you are a patriot standing up for your hero or a war against some perceived enemy with the wrong skin color. It doesn't have to have anything to do with reality. It is like a fantasy game.

    3. Anonymous3:50 AM

      ANYONE that would put gun sights on a sign and SMILE over it is a flucking @sshole! I've long said that whomever marries into that tribe would be a real "winner," and I've yet to be proven wrong.

      Trash begets trash.

  9. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Olathe, KS. The home of Mid-Am-Naz. We were pleasantly surprised the pastor spoke out as he did but not surprised that he was "relieved" of his position. The locals refer to Olathe as the city of god. It's a very fundie place.

    RJ in BBistan

  10. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Thank you Pastor! and so you see folks …not everyone is fooled by wolves in sheep's clothing

  11. Anonymous4:33 PM

    MidAmerica Nazarene University

    An Open Letter To The MNU Community

  12. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Jesus was a liberal.

    1. Jesus was a radical!

    2. Also an atheist was he--if he even "was."

  13. Anonymous7:53 PM

    at least Eddie was convicted of killing Chris and Chad. small favors.

    1. Anonymous9:02 PM

      Eddie Ray Routh was always going to be convicted of the shooting. it was never denied he shot them. He was mentally ill and a victim of PTSD. Ironic that Kyle was doing that stupid therapy of going with a troubled vet to shoot guns. Kyle thought he was hot stuff and could handle anything or maybe Kyle had a suicide wish and was too cowardly to take responsibility. Kyle was the responsible party for anything that went down that day. It looks like he gave himself the death penalty and killed his friend Chad.

      Kyle is as dumb of a coward as they come. Dakota Myer may be some like him. Anyone who has Kyle for a hero is not playing with a full deck. That doesn't say much for Texas big wigs that want to give him a day.

      It should be a day for vets that commit suicide in strange twisted ways.

  14. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Didn't this man shoot children? I mean, how is that justified anyway? Even in war, I have never heard a soldier who really fought brag about killing anyone, anytime. No one I have known that fought in a war has said that and decent human beings would not brag about killing. How can you shoot a child anyway?

  15. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Bristo has a new trial daddy.

    1. Anonymous10:20 PM

      Bristol's dowry is her crazy-ass family, more specifically, Ms. Todd Palin (look at me me me) and the creepy Chuckies.

      Maybe they'll be happy. Apparently, grifting (huckstering) pays well for selling cheap pseudo-christiany to the fearful for the greedy?


    2. Anonymous3:41 AM

      Works for me, dowl. I can "hardly" wait for the summer nuptials.....yawn.

  16. Anonymous2:47 AM

    I hope Chris Kyle rots in hell as we speak.

  17. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Certain people in the world are war mongers hiding in the church. These are difficult times for them. War and abuse go together. Those that feel comfortable hurting, killing another living breathing thing? are of that "special" breed of human. It is not brave, nor honorable, nor does it make them a hero. It has been an acceptable trait. It is now a party. The current republican party. Full of terrorist, abuse, war and ignorance.


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