Sunday, March 08, 2015

SNL piles on potential GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson. Not that he didn't deserve it.

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

SNL‘s Weekend Update piled on Dr. Ben Carson tonight for his comments about how prisons show being gay is a choice, because some people go in straight and come out gay. 

Like, as Michael Che put it, how “in that last sentence, Dr. Ben Carson went in as a neurosurgeon and came out as a complete idiot.”

You know I hate to break it to Ben Carson, but when your name becomes a running gag on SNL your political aspirations are just about shot. 

And if you don't believe me, you can just ask this woman.


  1. Balzafiar4:37 PM

    That video was wonderful! It's almost enough to make me want to watch SNL again, but I guess the rest of the show will never again be that funny.

  2. Anonymous4:59 PM

    One of the funniest lines I have read came from c4p in the last 24 hours. A cult member assured another that the pious Mrs. Palin does not partake of distilled spirits. Bwahahaha....."don't cuss, Swillow".....bwahahaha!

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Could be that Barbie Palin doesn't need much booze, considering she has a daily cocktail of RedBull, Dr Pepper, Adderall, and cocaine, and a night cap of vicodin and percocet

    2. Anonymous12:13 AM

      oh folks it's cocaine...and her happy hap is on it again too...gee better not give him a gun...he's a psych patient with VA...perfect target for Sarah...
      show em your titty's Sarah...he'll do anything for getting someone to 'change their oil' and have Barstool stalk them...what was the point in that? Damn didn't freak em out...well let's try slicing the power steering and tampering with a shit that backfired...well then let's get someone to go to the bar...oh kid goes we got a workplace robbery...
      Am I leaving anything out Sarah? Head tilt...

      It's the Cocaine...and it's gonna bring in the DEA!

      AWESOME...get em Copper...get those mice!

    3. Anonymous7:41 AM

      12:13 AM

      The DEA, FBI do not go to Wasilla. Only if McCain/Palin need them to take out a Johnston.

      Drug and human trafficking is big business. Not everyone can have the DEA and FBI looking out for their interests (which can just mean ignoring what goes on).

  3. Sally in MI5:04 PM

    Speaking of "this woman," how come she and the totally independent and freedom loving daughter of hers made on mention of International Woman's Day, let alone the 50th anniversary in Selma of the freedom walk? I guess they were too busy vibrantly walking the dogs, re-introducing themselves to their children, and fawning over loser Todd. That must be it. Surely two such American patriotic women would not forget to salute the women who came before, who made it possible for them to live their lives with no direction, no morals, and unlimited ability to take money from strangers.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      This is the weekend that Dakota Meyer was supposed to visit Bristol. Willow couldn't wait to meet him, even though he was in Alaska last year, filming an episode of Sarah Palin's Amazing Reality Show. Funny that they didn't meet then, or when he came to Alaska to go hunting.

      As for Sarah and Bristol advocating for woman, they don't. They stand up for the unborn as opposed to the rights of women to make their own decisions regarding their reproductive health. When Sarah was Mayor of Wasilla, she made rape victims pay $300. for a rape kit. Bristol's concept of birth control was ??????? until she began preaching abstinence for a little while.

      Sarah couldn't be bothered mentioning the historic march on Selma or anything to do with voting rights. But her fans write some of the most racist crap possible.

    2. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Well. You're spending today slandering women so it looks like you're a disgrace to the women you admire who paved the way for you to slander

    3. Anonymous5:45 PM

      SARAH did not make anyone pay for a rape kit. And no offense but if you have no idea what you're talking about why are you talking? The world needs less stupidity.

    4. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Sally, your slander is getting worse. Maybe instead of wasting your life hating, you can go research institutions, get well, and start living happily for once?

    5. Anonymous6:00 PM

      5:45 PM You are the one that is WRONG! Sarah Palin did have anyone raped have to pay for their rape case should one be used. I'm an Alaskan and that is FACTUAL and on the record!

    6. Anonymous6:02 PM

      5:43, mocking ONE woman is hardly slandering women and Palin is not a woman who paved the way, nor is she admired.

    7. Anonymous6:05 PM

      5:45, agreed- the world does indeed need less stupidity, which is why everyone on this site wants the Palin family to go far, far away.

    8. Anonymous6:18 PM

      5:45pm, you tell 'im, sister!! And while you're on a roll, see if you can get Gryphen to answer the ONE question that completely baffles me!!


      Even gerbils and wombats know this rule! But somehow Gryphen just keeps writing about people he doesn't even know!! Hello!!! What's up with that!!

      (in fact, you should ask him twice. First in your regular voice, and then a second time in a high pitched squeally sort of shriek with a little bit of a fake British upper crust accent to add gravitas to your question. Seriously, do it now. I bet you catch Gryphen off guard and he answers you especially since Gryphen probably ins't even his real name. Ask him!)

    9. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Might want to take a little time and watch this...I think he knew about the Palin's pretty well.

    10. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Care for a Palin Day.

      If you are concerned about a Palin, please, please find out about this thing growing from Bristol.

      It is creeping me out.

      Dakota won't notice or care because he has other things on his head.

    11. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Alicia from Florida, you are a disgrace. You are defending the secret service over on Malia's blog just like you defend rapist Bill Cosby and pimp Todd Palin. Then you have the nerve to suggest institutions for others? Considering you've already had the police called on you for stalking, how crazy do you have to be to continue your obsessive commenting here and on other blogs?

    12. Anonymous7:21 PM

      5:43/5:45 PM The blogosphere needs less Juvenile comments from a Troll with 40 different names. Your ability to research before posting is non-existent. You worship the Palins and you get nothing in return. You don't know any of the Palins, so why do you comment on all of their activities from Facebook? Grow up, kid. Go find a job, if there is a company out there stupid enough to hire you, mrs messy/mandingo/kryptonite/manlover4ever/the joke's on you.

    13. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Lies of omission are lies. Fact is Sarah Palin did nothing. Which is the same as standing up for charging women for rape. She was too much a coward to speak up, if she did, PLEASE SHOW SOME RESPECT AND LEAVE A LINK.

      Other chicken poop supporters had the gull to say an elected Mayor knew nothing about what was going on in her state. That is dumb and disrespectful not to learn about women's issues. But she could support having poor women pay for their own rape kits if she played the game like she was a moron. I think that is worse than if she wrote and passed the law herself.

      Sarah gives a lot of lip service wrapped in her incomprehensible word salad. How does that help anyone? She also has no respect for women's health. She has no respect for her own health or she would not be skeletal.

      Just this week end she insulted Gold Star Wives when they went to her house for a photo op.

    14. Anonymous7:27 PM

      And how can you 6;18 talk for someone you don't know. The comments are based on facts and public knowledge. You are posting on here about someone you don't know and if by some weird chance you have some first hand knowledge well share with us. You see your problem is we have read and seen what Miss Thang is and any sane person has come to the the conclusion that she is a narcissistic side show.

      Are you C4P? What are you going to do and what excuses are you going to make when she doesen't run AGAIN. Big bad media? Mama Grizzley can't handle ii? Tell your hero to get shit or get off the pot. She can't claim her family as an excuse this time because it has never stopped her from traveling or promoting her own ass then or now.I ask you how can you have faith in someone you don't know?You really need to look beyond the surface, do you think she is going to come off as a bitch when she meets her audience? She is a celebrity and a brand, nothing more.

    15. Anonymous7:28 PM

      5:45 PM How are you hearing someone talking from written comments? It must be the voices in your empty head. Do you really believe that anyone here cares about your opinions? You are an Elementary School 'convo' on an adult blog, 'obvi' you don't get it. Trolling blogs all day and all night must be very boring, since you have no significant other. Your pursuit of Bristol Palin has hit a wall. You don't qualify as a Trial Daddy.

    16. Anonymous8:32 PM

      7:27 PM -

      The comment at 6:18 is tongue-in-cheek.

    17. Anonymous8:40 PM

      6:18 PM

      How well do you know Gryphen?

    18. Anonymous8:40 PM

      6:53, I saw that lump on Brissy's cheek, too! What is that?!!

    19. Anonymous9:21 PM

      8:40 PM

      What is the name for "that"? Lump? that's it. She goes to the doctor and they say Brissy, you have a lump. No one cares if your or your friends are injecting you with bad things and causing you health problems. Brissy should care that thing is ugly.

      If not yet, after she is finished with doing Dakota.

    20. Anonymous11:06 PM

      It looks like a butt coming out of her cheek. What an appropriate visual. I hope she will leave it. She will never be Kim but she can always have the next best thing. It's not even padding like her mama needs, it's the real Bristol.

    21. Anonymous11:27 PM

      5:45 PM:
      You're not from Alaska, are ya?

    22. Anonymous2:28 AM

      What if it is a MRSA infection or a flesh eating bacteria. That would be so funny after all the work she had put into that a shyster!! Ya get what ya pays fer Barstool ya cheap dumbass.

    23. Anonymous6:40 AM

      Sally, Miz Contrary and brood loves them some division. They can't possible allow themselves to be seen as standing with International Woman's Day. International? Big words don't It add up for them. Selma? They would have to use a map.

    24. Anonymous6:59 AM

      I suspect she didn't mention the March in Selma is the same reason she never mention Nelson Mandela, which both included President Obama

    25. Anonymous10:03 AM


      What is it with Sarah and Bristol and facial lumps? Are they trying to save SarahPAC money by using bargain basement cosmetic surgeons?

      Bristol-skin school dropout!! Looks like Tripp met the new trial daddy- poor kid, must be confusing keeping track of all these guys.

  4. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I love Dan Savage response to Ben Carson, suck my d..k see if you turn gay

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      5:06 -- I enjoy jokes but Savage has become a caricature of himself. No longer funny.

  5. Anonymous5:09 PM

    A bit OT but has the skinny on the C4P New Zealand connection.

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      I just read it! Almost 70% of the traffic is from New Zealand? What does that tell us?

    2. Anonymous6:06 PM

      It seems most of c4p is indeed paid trolls from NZ?

    3. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Maybe M. Joseph Sheppard, palin supporter from New Zealand, blogger of palin4president2016 and recovering-liberal websites, is behind this. Does he visit c4p, erase his cookies, a hundred times a day to skew stats? Bounce rate on Alexa (percentage of visits to the site that consist of a single pageview) is 78%. This is how palinbots kept preggo Bristol on DWTS.

    4. Anonymous7:54 PM

      I know phillip_James, Craig Phillips & patriot1776 are all New Zealanders. I suspect several others, as their back stories don't pan out. They are either paid posters or Palin family/associates.

    5. Anonymous8:15 PM

      Suspicious all around....hmmmm, someone mentioned brianus hasn't been heard from for quite a while and poof he logs in within minutes! Vg suspects his wife had a stroke, but posts comments before rushing her to er! Tbo and sp69 get pissed and say they won't be back-ever-and always return within hours. A commenter here has the same back story as a c4p'er. Interesting.

    6. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Exodus_Exodus (or something like that) was also from New Zealand. Weird. Why are New Zealanders so interested in American politics and particularly Palin? It almost seems like a set up. BTW, Facebook is going to drop 'likes' of closed accounts. That may be interesting.

    7. Anonymous8:31 PM

      That was the business that Rebecca Mansour's nephew was in. Teaching people tricks about the internet. How to inflate things. He moved to Malaysia or somewhere at one point. I am not sure what happened with him.

      Those kinds of maneuvers would be typical for the Palins to use.

    8. Anonymous8:41 PM


    9. Anonymous9:27 PM

      Meyer can help Bristol with her amateur and unprofessional social media garbage. Whoever does his sites is much better. They keep up his Facebook. Even when he is off frolicking with Bristol.

      He also knows to credit Sarah Palin's photographer with credit.

      dakotameyer0317 Looking forward to spending the weekend with @bsmp2 !!!!! @shealahdcphoto 4d

    10. Anonymous5:44 AM

      He better stay away from her mouth, looks like some raging infection going on based on that big lump.

    11. Anonymous9:07 AM

      5:44 AM That is why she piles on the lip gloss so heavily. Her sores just won't go away.

  6. Anonymous5:11 PM

    How much money would Lorne Michaels pay Sarah to run for president? Even if her running mate was Donald Trump?

    He doesn't need to spend a penny. Sarah just writes the jokes every time she opens her mouth.

  7. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Sarah Palin IS the friggin' joke!!! Thank god the majority in America finally figured the idiot out!

  8. Anonymous6:00 PM

    O/T but Gryphen, did you see this? What an awesome photo!

    1. Martha again8:11 PM

      Thank you. It definitely is awesome.

    2. Anonymous9:28 PM

      The Obama daughters are so beautiful!

    3. Anonymous10:08 PM

      Thank you Anonymous 6:00 for the link. Tears in my eyes.

  9. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Dan Savage to Ben Carson: ‘Think Being Gay is a Choice? Suck My D*ck and Prove It’

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Dan Savage has become nothing but a dick that invites or courts controversy to stay relevant, much like Palin. He is not a problem solver or a uniter, not that he has to be, but at the end of the day he just pokes people in the eye and doesn't really help anyone but himself and that is about it, he is a selfish idiot.

    2. Anonymous7:31 PM

      6:47 -- Ditto

  10. Anonymous7:54 PM

    5:16 PM

    Yep, What is it with Dakota Meyers? Did he have to wipe Willow from his memory bank so he can get it on with Bristol?

    Not that Bristol, who attacks her own fathers penis area, would not be alright as a swinger, if it is kept in the family.

    Dakota did hang out at the Christian school that gave him an honorable degree. He may want to act like a Christian and say he has only fuc_ed one Palin. Although Bristol may be the third one.

    Something is sure fishy and people should speculate. I don't trust the fake Christians that are nothing like Christ.

    1. Anonymous2:32 AM

      I thought the EXACT same thing. Too much highlighting of the fact he hasn't met Willow yet....makes me think they did hook up last time he was in town lol They are so pathetically transparent.
      YUCK also too!.

    2. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Willow must have been busy.

  11. Anonymous8:12 PM

    GOP Family Values in Action: Kansas Staffer Arrested Thursday on Multiple Charges of ‘Child Sex Crimes’

  12. Anonymous8:16 PM

    The Troubling Story Of The AP's Flawed Clinton Email Report

    After the Associated Press waited over 14 hours before changing an erroneous story about Hillary Clinton, without issuing an update or correction, ZDNet's David Gewirtz has questions about the integrity of the outlet's reporting.

    'What worries me is what this sort of drive-by journalism means for the future of news as a source of well-researched, vetted, and transparent reporting.

    AP's behavior with this story was a disappointment. It syndicates stories to a great many outlets, and I've always considered it to have the highest journalistic integrity. Now? I'll just chalk this one up to a bad editing mistake; but in the future, if it doesn't clarify substantive and important changes like it made to their Clinton article, we may have to question their credibility in other reporting.'

  13. Grrrr !9:34 PM

    O/T: A "national Republican message and media strategist" named Rick Wilson has written a piece for Politico about Hillary's emails.

    Wilson's basic message is "Hey, fellow Republicans? COOL it ..."

    More specifically, he suggests:

    "Stop talking unless and until you have a plan.

    "... the press is waiting breathlessly for (and in some cases, actively trolling for) Republicans to blow it. An intemperate remark from Congressman Jackass would fit the bill perfectly. Don’t be the squirrel. Don’t give them a shiny object. Don’t give them an excuse to turn this into 'Krazee Republicans Sure Hate Hillary Because She’s a Woman' ..."

    Nearly 1900 comments so far -- VERY few of seem posted by Repubs willing to consider Wilson's advice.

  14. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Glory be! Mama Grizzly is happy and proud of her daughter. One day she could be the First Lady!

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Not as long as the brawl audio exists.....did Bristol ever find her fuckin' $300 sunglasses?

    2. Anonymous7:51 AM

      7:04 AM - Dakota will threaten another Tucson massacre and target you if you bring up the brawl.

    3. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Meyer will just be another Palin Pussy Punk if he doesn't take care of business. He is the man, he will rise to the occasion. It is Meyer's job to help clean up Bristol's image now. He has to clean up any and all trace or mention of the Anchorage brawl because Bristol shows how cheap and trashy she is. The worst mother in the world, the second worst that is.

      Meyer, the world is watching you, are you going to pussy foot around?

      You can only ignore reality for so long and it will come back to slug you in the throat.

    4. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Dakota has his own drunken brawls to worry about.

    5. Anonymous10:31 AM

      9:05 He has to man up. Deal with his own shit and clean up all the Palin shit.

      He has to fix Track also, too. Take him to a shooting range and cure him. He can't just fuc_ Mama Grizzle and cubs forever. It is time he becomes a Christian man. Put a ring on one of them. Protect and clean up the family. Especially the part about being Hoohah working for the pimp girls.

      Getting loaded and drunk.

      Brawling with PTSD bro.

      Allowing Tripp to drink beer and run around on a tarmac.

      Sleeping with Tripp and Junker in a motel.

      Bristol has marked her family as the worst trash and it is time they found a man for her.

      One that isn't too scared to do what needs to be done.

  15. A Superfan In Atlanta10:05 PM

    O/T An Arkansas scandal of biblical proportions
    Justin Harris is a godly Republican member of the Arkansas House of Representatives. At the heart of his problems lies the rape of a six-year-old girl.

    You will read he was dismissive of the children he was fostering so he decided to hand them over to his pedophile staff member. Then, the article gets even more ironic/moronic:

    Harris is a small-government conservative who likes to say that government spending never created a single job – and whose daycare business depends almost exclusively on taxpayer-subsidized tuition.

    Harris’ business operates on almost $900,000 a year and serves about 150 kids. Of that, all but about 6 percent comes in the form of state and federal dollars in a program aimed at developmentally disabled and poor children. The money provides Harris and his wife almost $60,000 a year in salary and benefits.

    It also covers the mortgage on his privately owned building and rent payments to the Harrises. So the government spending hawk lives on government spending, a double dip of payroll, perks and rent payments.

    Perhaps a dozen undocumented students among his 150 pre-schoolers … It’s rather rich that Harris was seeking to deny benefits to some undocumented people while collecting taxpayer money for others.

    And Wonkette quoted columnist Max Brantley as saying:

    An anti-tax, anti-government-spending, anti-illegal-alien legislator is living off a government program that includes payments for kids who haven’t produced proof of citizenship.

    1. Anonymous4:17 AM

      Scratch the other side of the scandal, the adopted daughter being farmed out to a pedophile, and you will see that this is an industry. Adopted kids can be shuffled off to anyone without any investigating or background checks. Children from foreign countries (Russia, eastern Europe) are especially vulnerable. Is it any wonder Putin put a halt to Russian children being adopted by US religious groups. I can't stand the guy but maybe he knows something we don't.

  16. Anonymous10:33 PM

    6:18pm I gaurentee gryphens reportiing is far more factual and intelligent than anything palin has or could EVER manage to pull out of her Ass.

  17. Anonymous1:49 AM

    ot/ but go have some fun


  18. Anonymous7:52 AM

    my sister worked for the house of appropriations at whitehouse hill. she was sent to russia to investigate the. adoptions coming out of Russia. it was a very sad and shocking situation that she described. thank goodness they shut it down!

  19. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Not many women can pull off the "psycho squirrel" look, but our Sarah sure can. Love that photo ;-)


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