Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Question of the day kids. How long do you think it would have taken for this guy to get shot by the police if he were black?

Courtesy of Freakout Nation:  

Shawn Nixon, part of a group called ‘Hell’s Saints,’ chose a fashion ensemble consisting of camouflage because, freedom. Also, it scares little kids more so it’s effective. Yay. 

Police were inundated with calls from frantic parents because school shootings are a reality. 

Naturally, the school was placed on lockdown. 

When the police confront the Open Carry freedom dude, he refuses to identify himself, and chooses to engage in verbal arguments with the officers. 

One officer’s hand is resting on his holster. Shawn takes offense while he himself is being humped by a semi-automatic rifle on his back. 

“Are you gonna shoot me?,” Shawn asks several times, while the officers appear to be in disbelief of this guy’s dumb fuckery. He then starts shouting over them. 

“You’ll probably pull your gun out and point it at me, amirite?,” Shawn asks the extremely polite and patient police officers, who in no way indicated that they were a threat.

You know I usually do not advocate violence, but part way through this thing I was kind of hoping that one of the cop's guns might "accidentally" go off. 

I really do not understand what these idiots hope to accomplish with these stunts.

I have to imagine that if there were any pro-second amendment parents who had children in this school that they are seriously reexamining their position.


  1. angela2:19 AM

    Man outside of school with a weapon.
    Tazer his ass.

  2. A. J. Billings3:25 AM

    This IDIOT is just asking to be arrested, if not shot.

    Saying to the cop that "I have the same rights that you do" is as bold faced a lie as I'd expect $arah Palin to tell.

    The cop is LICENSED TO KILL, and the punk 2nd amendment idiot is treading on thin ice.

    Approaching the school after being warned just shows what this fuckwit really wants, and that's a confrontation so he can use his penis extender.

    Guaranteed he's a Teaparty Christian church goer.

  3. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Had the person been black, the policeman would have shot within seconds of arriving on the scene. Of course, one might hope that the policeman who was talking to the culprit would have been as smart with anyone he encountered.

  4. Anonymous4:13 AM

    10 seconds, max. There would have been no words, just cops pouring out of their vehicles with their guns blazing.

  5. Anonymous4:20 AM

    If it had been a black person, he would have been shot ON SIGHT, no questions asked (or answered!)

  6. Anonymous4:49 AM

    White privilege at it's worst............................

  7. Anonymous6:09 AM

    He's lucky he didn't get shot by a parent.

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      No,it's too bad he didn't.

  8. Anonymous6:10 AM

    This guy is obviously mentally ill. How did he get a gun permit to begin with?

  9. Anonymous6:12 AM

    He's lucky a parent didn't run him over with a car. After what happened in Newtown, that might have been my first instinct.

  10. Anonymous7:11 AM

    He is armed and combative. Disarm him, hog tie him, confiscate his camera, and toss him in jail. There isn't a jury in this country who would not find him guilty of disturbing the peace.

  11. Anonymous7:48 AM

    There's plenty of angry, lunatic raving on the audio with which yon Travis Bickle-wannabe tries to comfort himself. Pretty sure this guy spends a lot of time in his basement, in his underwear, cleaning his guns and watching "cute girl firing machine gun" videos on YooToob

    He sounds like a good candidate for a "ramrod" injury which is inundating rural emergency rooms as growing numbers of NRA members commit acts of "Second Amendment Love" and wind up unable to extract their own members from the barrels of their beloved weapons.

    (classic military cadence call)
    Sound off! 1, 2
    Sound off! 3, 4

  12. Anonymous7:57 AM

    This is the display of the spirit of the times. To provoke law enforcement to their fullest and be a pain in the ass.

    These guys are the usual culprits that hate government, hate police, hate liberals, and are time bombs ready to go off. Laws have to change to protect innocent civilians.

    This show the stressful duties of police officers and how difficult it must be dealing with crazy idiots. Politicians should have to be the ones dealing with these mental cases, then, let them see how fast they'll reconsider gun laws.

  13. Anonymous8:00 AM

    If he had been black, Hispanic, Native American, Asian, or any other race but white we wouldn't be seeing all those officers in the background because the first one would have unloaded their service weapon into him.

  14. Anonymous10:44 AM

    That video is owned by Nunya Beeswax. (not his real name) .
    Look up his name on YT and see the rest of his videos.

  15. Anonymous5:36 PM

    If he were black he would have been killed before the first cop got out of his car.


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