Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Could Tina Fey be the next host of the Daily Show?

Courtesy of The Hill:

The public wishes Tina Fey could be the next host of “The Daily Show,” according to two separate polls. 

When asked who should take the reins of the long-running Comedy Central faux news show after Jon Stewart exits later the year, respondents in polls conducted by Quinnipiac University and by chose the “30 Rock” and “Saturday Night Live” alum as their top pick. 

Fey garnered 19 percent of votes in the Quinnipiac poll released Monday, while comedian and Fox News Channel personality Dennis Miller came in second place with 16 percent. HBO “Last Week Tonight” host John Oliver, a former “Daily Show” correspondent, snagged 8 percent of the vote, and suspended “NBC Nightly News” anchor Brian Williams and former CBS late-night host Craig Ferguson both brought in 7 percent. 

The poll had similar findings, with Fey topping the list and Oliver taking the runner-up spot. "Daily Show" alum Steve Carell, “Parks and Recreation’s” Amy Poehler, and comedian Lewis Black rounded out the top five slots in the website’s poll of more than 6,700 people.

Well I didn't get polled but allow me to weigh in now with a  very exuberant voe for the amazing Tina Fey.

I like both Steve Carell and Craig Ferguson too, but no way should it go to Dennis Miller who became to terrified after 9-11 that now he is one of the most ardent right wingers out there.

Besides let's face it if Tina Fey got this job we might see a return of our favorite version of this person.


  1. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Geez, if anyone thinks Dennis Miller would be a suitable host to replace Jon Stewart, they might as well add that idiot Victoria Jackson to the list, too.

  2. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Sarah Palin would claim that Tina Fey's appointment was a direct result of Tina's SNL depiction of Palin. Then she'd demand that Comedy Central pay for more of her kid's orthodontia.

  3. Anonymous4:48 AM

    THAT is an AWESOME idea !!!

  4. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Dennis Miller???
    The thought alone makes me laugh hysterically, and not in a good way.


  5. Anonymous5:10 AM

    OMG.....please, no Dennis Miller!

  6. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Tina Fey could have some real fun on that show playing Palin, the comedy material is endless.

    For example Sarah just made a huge sacrifice donating a signed America By Heart book to help raise money for a veterans cause and the Chucks donated a copy of their book to! I tell ya those Palins and Heaths go out of their way to help don't they, it must of cost them all of ...can we say free?

    At least Todd got rid of another copy off the shelf in his garage.

    1. Anonymous6:47 AM

      That donation is an absolute joke and embarrassing. Why would Breitbart even mention such a cheap ass thing.
      Looks like Dakota is getting some flack for posting Bristol's latest on his site. Read the comments and their not all Sarah fans. I wonder if Dakota has met "Uncle Ted" yet?

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      6:47 AM: Because it's Breitbart? They've got their head clear up her nethers.

    3. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Suspect Tina Fey is sick to death of Sarah Palin and would not want to play her anymore. She's moved way beyond that! Plus, Sarah Palin is not in the headlines any longer. This blog and her Facebook page is the only thing keeping Sarah Palin alive today.

    4. Anonymous11:01 AM

      6:47 I don't see any photo there. Am I missing it or did he take it down? If he took it down, that says a lot, so tell us more, please.

    5. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Oh he took it down! It was the same picture that was on Bristols site. It was about Hillary's email scandal compared to Sarah multitasking with 2 phones and a baby on her shoulder...Comments on Dakota's were not all complimentary of Sarah!

  7. Anonymous6:06 AM

    I was kind of hoping at the SNL 40 year celebration we would see Tina Fey dressed like Sarah Palin does now. Imagine her tottering around in 5-inch heels, wearing a stuffed bra and black jeans and a big-ole obvious wig. Then again, I was also hoping they would just ignore Sarah Palin.

  8. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Sarah palin is a miniscule part of tina fey's career

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      We all know that, but $arah thinks she made Tina Fey what she is today. Narcisstic twat.

  9. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Dennis Miller? AYFKM? He's an asshole.

  10. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Dennis Miller? NO!

  11. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Tina Fey is so busy and involved in so many other things, I just don't see her having the time to do a nightly show. Love her though. I vote for Craig Ferguson....use to watch his show and loved it!

  12. Dennis Miller? Seriously? Gag me with a spoon. No way should The Daily Show be handed over to that right wing close minded hate monger. He's not even funny any more. And he's certainly not smart enough.

    I was one of the first to suggest Tina Fey when I first heard Stewart was stepping down. I had my doubts she would do it but would certainly want it to be offered to her first.

    John Oliver is under contract.

    Brian Williams will be too soft. Sorry, but I don't think he'll ever hammer home the hypocrisy the way Jon does. He's spent too long in main stream media where you never call a spade a spade or point out the obvious lies and call the perpetrator a liar in public. He would mince too many words.

    Craig Ferguson is a real possibility. As long as he doesn't treat it too much like a comedy show. The reason Stewart is so strong that under all of the humor there is a very serious bite.

    Yeah, I get my news from The Daily Show (and used to from the Colbert Report.) I need it to continue to be honest and entertaining news, not some comedy show with a political influence. I need it to continue to be what it is.

    Yeah, I'm all for Tina Fey. She has the brains and the chops. But would she want to see her career limited this way? Maybe they can work out a schedule where she has breaks to do other things?

    1. Craig Ferguson does have a serious side. Check his monologue on why he was not going to pile on Britney Spears when she was going through a meltdown.

      Also, he is very proud of his US citizenship and what he had to learn about our government to earn his citizenship. I can only imagine his reaction to the ignorance of our government and constitution displayed by the 47 traitors and how they had to be schooled by the Iranians.

      I think he could do a very good job indeed.

  13. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Admittedly,I'm a fan of conspiracy theories.........first Colbert......then John.......How about Al Franken?

    1. Al Franken is busy in Congress right now.

      But....he would be awesome. He has the smarts and the knowledge. And, unlike Dennis Miller (who has neither), Franken is funny.

  14. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Thanks for reminding me of Sarah's amazing musical talent. I did a Google search and one again watched her performance. Always makes me laugh...she is so bad! The orchestra behind her keeps playing louder and louder, but you can still hear the shrill squeaks of wrong notes. And..OMG..her wonky eye goes crazy. Makes me wonder why her great parents didn't take her to an opthomologist in Canada to correct it.
    Then I spent more time hitting some of the links along the edge of her stupidity. I needed a refresher course of what an absolutely horrible choice John McCain made.

  15. Anonymous12:58 AM

    I used to love Dennis Miller's acerbic humor, and bought all his "Rant" books to read.

    Next thing I know, he's not doing standup for smart college kids anymore, but a gathering of what looks like Branson, Missouri motorhomers.

    His main joke is: "What about that Obama, huh?"--which sends the motor scooter crowd off their seats, rolling on the floor, swallowing their tongues in convulsive laughter (at least, I think that's what it was...maybe they were all having a mass stroke, I don't know).

    But it caused me to wonder just WHAT in the hell could have happened to cause a sarcastic, very hip comedian, to turn into a skinny Rush Limbaugh?


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