Tuesday, April 07, 2015

John McCain announces he will run for a sixth term.

Courtesy of NBC News: 

"I have decided to run for re-election," the Arizona senator told NBC News in an exclusive interview revealing his plans to pursue a sixth term on Capitol Hill. "I'm ready. I am more than ready. In some ways, I am eager." 

McCain is currently 78 years old but will be 80 by Election Day in 2016. He defended his vitality, saying that he is "just getting started" when it comes to his Senate career. 

"I say watch me," he said. "Take a look. Take a look at my 18 hour days. Take a look at the hearings we have. Take a look at my legislative accomplishments." 

With a smile, McCain also cited the longevity of his mother, Roberta. "I am happy to tell you my mother is 103 years old and she is doing well," he said. 

McCain finally landed a dream job this year as chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. From that perch, he can continue the committee's long tradition of bipartisanship. But the post also gives McCain an even bigger megaphone on national security, which he uses often to criticize President Barack Obama. 

"I have never been more concerned about the security of this nation because of the feckless leadership of the president of the United States," he said.

So we keep the failed Republican presidential candidate in the Senate where he can continue to bitch about the guy that kicked his ass in 2008. Oh joy.

I have little doubt he will win. And seriously considering the offerings from Arizona, that might not be the worst thing in the world.

However I think the world knows that nobody should trust McCain's decision making these days.

He proved that beyond a shadow of  a doubt back in 2008.


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Geez! Why would anybody vote for him? Even Republicans! Seriously, why McCain?

    1. It's Arizona.

      Because everyone else is even worse.

  2. Sharon2:44 PM

    Is this really a surprise? What would this media whore do without the Sunday shows??? He would have to actually spend time with Cindy and choose what house he lives in. This man is a legend in his own mind....he should donate his salary, he clearly doesn't need it. It is all about bad mouthing his mortal enemy right till the end....pathetic. Wanna bet he wins?

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Exactly. I'm sure Cindy is perfectly happy to have the old geezer in DC while she does whatever it is she does in Arizona. Funny how these lifetime government leeches are the first to whine about 'big government,' and "government is the problem." Yes, McCain you ARE the problem. The problem is that you wiggled your way out of the Keating 5 scandal and managed to get a lifetime appointment in DC. Hopefully, we'll take back the Senate, and his 'dream job' will go to someone with a brain.

    2. Anonymous5:31 PM

      After all, Lumpy called Cindy a cunt so why wouldn't she be perfectly happy to have him somewhere else?

    3. Anonymous4:41 AM

      Cindy paid off a huge gambling debt Lumpy owed to the mob. It was not the first time, and she told him it would be the last one she would pay. He is a gambling addict, so he needs every $$$$ he can grift.

    4. Anonymous7:12 AM

      His photo on Crooks and Liars looks like he has been to the tanning salon, telltale white eye rings. Plus, looks like he had some "work done on his eyes. Pathetic old bastard. He never grew up, his pop and grandpop always bailed him out. Without them he would have been court martialed years ago. Any other pilot would have been in trouble after the first crash, let alone 5. One time he flew too low between two villages in France. Cut all the utility wires to BOTH villages. Showing off. Not a man who inspires respect.

  3. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Here's TBogg with a look at the 2016 contenders and, since the world is on fire, their flaming logos:



  4. Anonymous2:48 PM

    He is harmless fool/hypocrite. Maybe best to let those pasty retirees vote him back in.otherwise could get worse. No one in the wings?
    Don't get me wrong as I despise the bastard!
    Signed, A Viet Nam vet.

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      In Arizona you are either an overly tanned retiree scooting around in a hover around or you are a total freaking crazy meth head young person. I've been to some terrible third world countries but Arizona takes the cake when it comes to fucked up people living in a desert environment from hell that no sane person would call home!

    2. Anonymous3:24 PM

      He is nasty. He blocks investigations that need to take place. For those he doesn't like politically, he supports bogus investigation claims. He is old and senile but Republicans can still use him. He does great harm to the country.

      He 'wins' Az elections bc it is a corrupt state.

    3. Anonymous4:24 PM

      No GOP member of Congress, either the Senate or the House, is "harmless." He chairs a very important committee and remember he appears weekly on national news programs and gets to spout his nasty comments-of-the-week about President Obama. John McCain, at best, is a nasty hypocritical excuse for a human being with a vitriolic temper and a vile tongue.

    4. Anonymous4:49 AM

      It is a miracle that that temper of his has not resulted in a heart attack. He can thank the taxpayer funded health care for THAT. His jealousy of our President knows no bounds. Our President is highly intelligent, achieved his position through hard work and BRAINS. He is handsome, even tempered and has a terrific family. Lumpy fails in every one of those catagories. If not for his father and grandpa, he would never have made it into office. Cindy's father needed a voice in DC for business contacts, so Lumpy was bought and paid for. This had to be a pact made in HELL for Cindy. In her place, I would have dumped his floppy little arse and faced the music with my father. Just not worth it to live a lie the way she has all these years. What is in it for her, just saying her husband is a senator? He is a JOKE. Maybe he is afraid if he retires she will divorce him? No love left, but she is wealthy and he needs her for political functions when Miss Lindsey just is not enough.

  5. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Will he call on Sarah to show up and declare "he's one of us!" in front of the tea party crowd? She did it last time.

  6. Anonymous3:08 PM

    "I say watch me," he said. "Take a look."
    Oh, we've watched and looked at you all right, John. To think that back in 2000, I actually liked you, but then Dubya was chosen as the GOP nominee and "entitled" you went off the rails. Or showed your true colors. I turned independent and haven't looked back. Your crotchety "get off my lawn" attitude and foul mouth deserve no respect, "senior statesman" or not.

    I won't even mention your totally haphazard, irresponsible choice of a running mate in '08, your desertion of your terminally ill wife, your school records, or Vietnam aid to the enemy. Frankly, sir, you are a prick.

    Of course AZ will re-elect you. Sheriff Arpaio still has his job!

    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      John McCain may be a "senior" but he is no "statesman."

    2. Anonymous4:38 PM

      That's why it was in quotes. He calls himself that, I'm good with self-serving arse.

    3. Anonymous5:34 PM

      His first wife was disfigured, not terminal. Don't get me wrong he's an asshole but just to be accurate.

    4. Anonymous6:06 PM

      You're right, that was Newt.

    5. Anonymous4:54 AM

      His first wife was a model. She was in a terrible car accident, did not tell him so he would not worry while he was a POW. He got home, she was on crutches, so he looked for a replacement. Cindy's dad bought him for his daughter, so he would have some "pull" in office. The Reagans paid his first wife's medical bills, and NEVER forgave him for abandoning her. I take great pleasure in knowing that his life has not been a happy one. He is a compulsive gambler, ugly as sin and not attractive at all. He is so jealous of President Obama, he can taste it, and is on TV each Sunday spouting off. He just makes himself look even smaller than he already is. A vile man.

  7. Balzafiar3:11 PM

    I despise McCain but maybe he's doing us a favor. If he doesn't run, Sarah might. I know he's a feckless self-serving asshole, but better to deal with that than what Sarah might bring to the table.

    At least he's not running for President again, although that would be fun for us.

    1. Anonymous5:41 AM

      If he doesn't run, Sarah might.
      Don't be so sure. After all he would not endorse if she ran for president, so she might decide to eliminate another from her haters list and run against him for senate.

    2. Isabella6:40 AM

      Sarah Palin will never again run for any office, not ever! How is it possible that anyone with any sense can think she might?(excluding her cult of course).

  8. Anonymous3:12 PM

    The guys is an old fool! AZ folks are nuts in giving him more time in D.C. Speaks well of them, doesn't it?

    Would be a hoot if he asked Palin to campaign for him - he'd lose for sure! Doubt he's that much of an idiot!

  9. Janice A Soderquist3:18 PM

    I bet we won't see Sarah around him at all, no campaigning with him.

  10. Anonymous3:32 PM

    "I am eager, to get sarah and her butt padding out campaigning with me." Hahahaha

  11. Anonymous3:33 PM

    McCain is running, what about Sarah Palin?

  12. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Pack it up, Grumpy. Your good days are long gone!

  13. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Poor old bastard, he'll never get away from Sarah Palin if she wants the attention of campaigning for him. Imagine having her standing next to you to remind people that she was your choice for president-in-waiting....

    McWalnuts might be dead by then anyway.

    Run, Sarah, run!

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      I'm not so sure he will. Dakota is a better bet unless he's doing a bid of his own in Kentucky. One thing's for sure, 2016 is going to be really something to watch play out.

  14. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Roberta probably has no clue who he is, or she's earned the excuse of being mentally feeble, perhaps Sarah can play her part in the campaign ads?
    The best barometer of future behavior is past behavior. Let's see, McCain Feingold and picking the dumbest person alive as VP pick. No offense to blondes, but she's the ultimate stupid blonde, she even forgot to dye her hair for the part.
    Bring it on, John "How many houses DO we own Cindy Loo?" Mc Cain.
    Poor Miss Lindsey is going to need some smelling salts.

  15. Anonymous5:35 PM


    Gryphen, you and your little libtard blog buddies should be ashamed of yourselves!!!! HOW DARE YOU MOCK AND BESMIRCH THE GOOD OL' NAME OF GOOD OL' GRAMPS MCCAIN!!!!

    You are always taking him to task for crashing all those airplanes and nominating The Screechy Wretch(tm) as his vice presidential nominee. Well, I got some news for you, buddy boy!! MOST OF THOSE PLANES WERE SCHEDULED FOR THE SCRAPYARD ANYWAY AND MCCAIN SAVED THIS COUNTRY BILLIONS BY CRASHING THEM FIRST!!! And as far that divisive, mercenary, cynical, inadequate running mate goes, WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE!!!! MCCAIN KNEW HE WOULD HAVE BEEN THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER AND HE KNEW SHE WORTHLESS AND HE NOMINATED HER TO SAVE THE COUNTRY FROM A TERRIBLE NO-GOOD AWFUL PRESIDENCY!!!!!

    And that is why I am PROUDLY endorsing GOOD OL' GRAMPS McCAIN, who, at a sprightly 104 years young, will soon be the OLDEST AMERICAN SENATOR IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD!!!


  16. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Aw damn. There goes griftymcgrifterson's chances of running for Senate in AZ.

    1. Maybe that's why he's running. So she can't.

  17. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Yeah john thanks a lot for everything, you are the best. Enjoy the hanoi hilton part deau

    1. Read Rolling Stone's "Make Believe Maverick"
      Says it all.

  18. Anonymous6:45 PM

    John you want to borrow Sarah's Medal of Honor recipient for your reelection campaign? You need to come up with money. Cash if you don't mind.

  19. Anonymous8:25 PM

    These rogue and gambler have no other skills.

  20. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Wow...6 years later, McCain looks virtually the same, whereas The Screechy Wretch (tm--bjc) has disintegrated before our eyes.

    1. AKinPA6:42 AM

      Anon at 225: That really struck me too. She looks "nice" in that photo. The money the GOP spent on her hair and make up made her look human. Now she's just looks like an inappropriately dressed, hate-filled harpy. A really stark contrast,

  21. Anonymous5:54 AM

    With a smile, McCain also cited the longevity of his mother, Roberta. "I am happy to tell you my mother is 103 years old and she is doing well,
    What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? His father died at 70 and obviously from his choice of VP, the part of his brain used for reasoning is dried up.

  22. I thought he said he wasn't going to run any more.

  23. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Look at that flat belly on Sarah--are we really supposed to believe that she was a 45-year-old woman who had just given birth after her seventh pregnancy?!?


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