Tuesday, April 07, 2015

The video that perfectly captures the last six years of Obama's presidency.

Courtesy of Vox:  

Today, President Obama read from Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are to entertain children attending the White House Easter Egg Roll. But, midway through the book, danger approached — in the form of a bee. 

When the children first saw the approaching insect and began to scream, the president's first reaction unwittingly fed their fears. "Oh no, it's a bee!" he said. 

But as the frightened screams continued, Obama changed tack: "It's okay, guys. Bees are good. They won't land on you." 

"They sting, and they're scary!" a child yelled in response, to the president of the United States. 

"They won't sting you. They'll be okay," Obama said, chuckling. But the children still didn't buy his assurances, and the screams only grew louder.

So there's our President remaining calm in the face of hysterics and telling people that things will be all right if they just stop panicking.

How many times have we seen that exact same scenario play out during the roll out of Obamacare?

Or concerning the economy and jobs?

Or now with this Iran nuclear deal?

In every case the President is the grown up in the room telling everybody to calm down and things will work out fine. And in every case the Republicans, who usually take the role of the children in the video above, run around screaming that "the sky is falling."

And even after it turns out he was right, they give him shit for not fixing the problem faster.

But at least children have an excuse.

Republicans DON'T!


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Now, now, now we shouldn't equate Bees with Republicans buzzing and shitting their nonsense, b/c bees are GOOD and republicans are going extinct and to hell etc, etc.
    That was a cute video tho...
    I wonder if it was the WH bees? They do have a Hive there... They use the honey in the WH Honey beer, the recipe is on Whitehouse.gov. I would love to try making it sometime...but you need a lot of honey...

    1. Everybody else realizes that I am comparing the Republicans to the children, not the bees, right?

    2. fromthediagonal8:46 AM

      Ahhhh Yesss, Sir! But I won't vouch for anyone else.

  2. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I like that Obama left the bee alone!

    A fucking Republican would have ordered a minion to kill it.

  3. Suzy Q5:11 PM

    Clever analogy from Vox.

    1. Not to nitpick but the analogy was mine.

      However both Vox and I thank you for reading our contributions to the post.

  4. Anonymous5:33 PM

    That's because Republicans are shit-turds, extra shitty and extra turdy. SHIT-TURDS

  5. Anonymous5:59 PM

    As a child, my parents always said, "be still, they're as nervous as you are, just looking for what they need."

    President Obama IS the adult in the room and why they hate him so. His accomplishments speak of themselves.

    1. Compare him to Deer-In-The-Headlights PINO Shrub reading "My Pet Goat."

  6. So true! It's sad that I know people who HATE our president. It's pointless to defend him when the hatred is so deep seated and vile. It saddens me to witness what I believe is based more on racism than real issues with his administration.

  7. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Excellent post! You nailed it. Thank you for putting it up.

  8. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I am so going to miss that man when his terms are up!
    So I joined the Obama Foundation, "Because eight years is only the beginning".


    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Thanks Mildred, I just signed up!

  9. Grrrr !6:46 PM

    Forget EVERYTHING else about President Obama -- in moments like this scene with the bees he strikes me as an entirely genuine, extremely likeable paternal figure.

    He was that way plus a healthy scoop of "Mr. Miyagi" when he plucked the fly out of midair during an interview:


  10. Feels nice to be on the right side of history, don'it?

  11. Compare and contrast: My Pet Goat

  12. Anonymous8:05 PM

    o/t real nice pic
    How sad Trig may be to lose his buddy Tripp to Kentucky.

  13. Anonymous8:36 PM

    And then there's videos like this:

    In America.

  14. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Obama: Smooth and cool.

  15. Anonymous10:38 PM

    I'd rather have bees: at least they serve a purpose when it comes to life.

  16. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Bees can hurt a minuscule number of people, but, anyone with a reaction, would immediately be given an epiphrenone pen and taken to a medical tent.
    The vast majority of kids just liked the excitement of the buzzing and the mass hysteria. They seemed to calm down.

    Contributing to the Obama Foundation is my next step, to avoid those who would tell little chlidren "The world's on fire!"
    And then repeat the lie to rile up the crowd.

  17. Anonymous3:29 AM

    This video made me smile. Thanks for posting it, Gryph.

    I think history will be quite kind to President Obama. I'm not looking forward to him leaving office, but I wish him a long and happy retirement.

  18. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Weirdest thing ever - the youtube video that plays at the opening of the post (and which sits idle when not being played) is a Rand Paul campaign ad called "Kelly's Words"

    Then, on clicking open the comments, it changes back to the President reading to the kids...

    Anyone else get this or is it just us guys downunder??


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It just goes directly to their thighs.