Sunday, April 05, 2015

Just something to keep in mind this Easter Sunday.


  1. Caroll Thompson2:15 AM

    Amen Brother G.

  2. Randall2:23 AM

    When you die and get to the Pearly Gates, St. Peter isn't going to ask about how much effort you spent on reducing the size of government...
    but he IS going to ask what you did to help the poor...
    and you had damned well better have a good answer.

  3. London Bridges4:11 AM

    Here is your Easter song by Hugh Blumenfeld:
    Hugh Blumenfeld - Long-Haired Radical Socialist Jew
    A super song! Gryphen this is for you, too!

  4. Anonymous4:24 AM

    The Ecclesiastical Mook knows of which he speaks. His dad was a former Franciscan monk & his mom a former nun (Jesus was her first husband).

  5. Amen!

    Happy Easter everyone.

  6. Anonymous5:13 AM

    I love John Fugelsang! He's on the Stepfanie Miller show once a week. Both of them are so smart and funny. These Christians today make up their stories about Jesus and the Bible to fit their agendas. I've heard Sarah Palin say that the country should be ran according to the Bible. What a twat she is.

    1. x2 on EVERYTHING you wrote.

    2. Anonymous7:33 AM

      I also love John Fugelsang!

  7. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Fake Christians who spout their high morality would not even like Jesus! He was anything but a self righteous prig who took on the hypocrites of the day and exposed their hypocrisy.

  8. FJ Dandy10:15 AM

    That's why he's called, 'Comedy Jesus'...he knows and understands the so-called holy book, inside and out.

  9. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Jesus sounds like a pretty cool guy! Too bad so many of his "followers" would hate him if he were alive today.

  10. Anonymous5:04 PM

    The Fuge tells it like it is. Happy Easter and Happy Spring.


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