Saturday, April 04, 2015

Why do they keep giving this lunatic guns?

This picture was on Ted Nugent's Facebook page with the following caption:  

The Great Sarah Palin was given this DPMS AR15 as gratitude for her 2nd Amendment absolutism. Godspeed Sarah Palin. Godspeed freedomlovers everywhere.

Sarah Palin with an AR15?

Perhaps one of the most frightening thoughts imaginable.

 Though it's certainly not the first weapon she's received.

You know if this keeps up I may have to invest in a bullet proof vest. 


  1. Anonymous4:35 PM

    With all the guns and mental issues in that house, it's only a matter of time before there's some sort of mishap.
    (And that's a fact, not an opinion)

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Coming soon.

    2. Anonymous4:53 PM

      I totally agree with you..if not in Wasilla, then in Kentucky.

    3. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Or Arizona, unless that place has been sold. They do not seem to spend any time there these days. I would be afraid to visit any Palin residence with all the guns and booze there. Track and Bristles are volatile when they drink, as they proved at the hoedown. I hope none of the kids get injured, they have been through enough with the drunken, foul mouthed family.

    4. Anonymous8:16 PM

      I'm sure Dakota has been getting help for his PTSD, suicidal ideation, and alcohol abuse. Well, actually, according to Dakota, himself, he has not.

  2. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Please forgive my absolute ignorance on gun ownership but how does one give a gun as a gift? Don't they do any form of background check on a gun owner? If not what prevents one person to purchase a gun and then give it to a felon as a gift?

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      "what prevents"

      Why, absolutely nothing at all. This is your 2nd amendment at work. The felon only gets nailed if s/he is caught with the gun.

    2. A J Billings7:19 PM

      All licensed firearm dealers, gun shops, and holders of various types of ATF licenses are supposed to run a background check when selling hand guns. That's for all 50 states.

      In most states long guns, like the Idiot from Wasilla is holding, do not require a background check.

      Laws vary considerably for buying some specialty weaponry, and ammunition, again, by state, and even county level across the country.

      But the biggest loopholes are people buying guns for others and going to gun shows and flea markets.

      In the USA, getting an AR-15 is like buying a loaf of bread, as long as you are 18 years old in most states.

      Of course at guns shows, flea markets, word of mouth, or online sales, it's easy to get even prohibited weapons, as long as you have the cash.

    3. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Too bad the gun didn't go off and shoot one of her windows out. Hilarious that she pretends to be a big hunter, and knows very little about guns "Does it kick, Daddy?"

  3. Anonymous4:38 PM

    How come her head keeps growing?

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Her stupid gene is growing.

    2. Anonymous5:25 PM


      Bigger? How is that possible?

    3. Anonymous6:16 PM

      She uses the same technique that fishermen to when they take pictures of their catch. Hold the fish out in front of you and it will look 'bigger' in the photo. Palin juts her face outward to pull some of the wrinkles out which like the fish, makes her ugly face look bigger and out of proportion to her shoulders.

    4. Anonymous6:36 PM

      And her hands, her scrawny talons or lobster claws, she's got man hands - makes everything in them petite.

    5. Anonymous6:56 PM

      I thought her head was photoshopped on her shoulder. It looked that odd to me. Does anyone else think so?

    6. Anonymous9:27 PM

      4;38, 4:50, and 5:25
      Spew alert next time please.

    7. Anonymous3:30 AM

      Copying Bristle's pose "Look at me, I'm a starlet"!!

    8. Anonymous7:20 AM

      It looks like a huge white mylar balloon with misshappened eyebrows drawn on with a black sharpie.

    9. Anonymous10:22 AM

      6:56 -

      It does look strange, doesn't it? It reminds me of those cardboard cutouts at amusement parks where you stick your head in the hole and you become a part of the picture. The tilt of her head and that vacant looks totally disconnected from the arm and hand holding the gun. Still, I don't think it's photoshopped... I think she just functions that way.

  4. Anonymous4:40 PM

    As I've said, trot 'em all out, every last one of 'em. Tawd the pimp, Nuge the pants pooper, Bristol the sex lover, Dakota the PTSDer, Willow the hair stylist, Piper the wannabe, Track the never be.

    She will NEVER be president. EVER.

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      TRI-Gger where are you? Hope SAFE far far away and outta SITE, from this FUCKed up family who claims you when convenant.$$

    2. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Why do democrats hate sex

    3. Anonymous7:27 PM

      5:07 PM: Why do republicans say stupid things?

    4. abbafan7:40 PM

      Anon @ 5:07 P.M. - "why do democrats hate sex?" Because they are tired of being fucked over by brain-dead republican assholes like you, shit-head!

    5. Anonymous8:01 PM

      5:07, just because one has morals and is not promiscuous, doesn't mean they hate sex. I can understand your confusion, considering your role models.

    6. Anonymous8:14 PM

      5:07 We do not hate sex, just are choosy enough to only have it with someone we love, not random pick ups from a bar. You know who we mean, right??

    7. Anonymous5:02 AM

      5:07 PM
      Why would you post a comment about sex when this thread is about Sarah being given an AR-15? Do you automatically think of sex when you see a gun? Is there something you know about Sarah receiving that gun from Ted Nugent that you aren't telling us? I mean, did she have sex with him in order to get the gun? Or, did she promise sex so that he would send her the gun? OR...did he send her the gun as a substitue for sex because he knew he wouldn't ever have sex with her?

      You're comment about sex in this thread is very strange so don't blame me for thinking strange things while I try to understand why you thought of sex when you saw Sarah holding a gun.

  5. Anonymous4:41 PM

    To be fair she is a responsible gun owner. And for people who shit on military in these times, you'd have to be stupid to not support a strong military with so many evil foreign forces. And you have to be heartless to deny how forgotten veterans are. I am a lifelong democrat who sees that. You can be anti war and pro soldier

    1. Anonymous4:44 PM

      really dipshit ?!?

      tell us some moar fantastical bullshit ...

    2. Anonymous4:45 PM

      What exactly is your reason for thinking Sarah Palin is a responsible gun owner?

    3. Anonymous4:47 PM

      It is terrible that we sent soldiers to die in Iraq because George W. Bush made up a story about weapons of mass destruction.

    4. Anonymous4:48 PM

      4:41 PM Responsible gun owners don't store their guns under their beds like Sarah. You have to be stupid to support a Draft Dodger who shit his pants for 3 days to avoid the Military.

    5. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Even a soldier has his limits. I do not shit on the military, this country does then they get home. You can thank the GOP for that!

    6. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Democrats, from President Obama to Democrats in Congress, have done more to support the military and veterans than any Republicans. Remember GWB started the war with Iraq for no reason and with no plan to pay for the war and with inadequate equipment.

    7. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Oh please. Why are there so many 'evil foreign forces' out there? And how come the USA is not 'evil' for droning cities and demolishing countries we have no business in? I'm not sure that Palin is a responsible anything..just because no one has been shot in her homes yet does not mean anything. She lets her son stand on dogs to get what he wants...what if one of her guns is on the counter next time? Kids are shooting themselves every day in this country, and the Palins of the US are one reason there are so many freakin' guns available to them.
      As to vets, yes, the GOP should wake up and treat them with the care they deserve. But they won't because once they send them off, they really don't care if they come home, or in what condition. Case in point: Sarah's about to be family member, who admits he has PTSD, admits he always has loaded guns around, and admits he tried suicide, yet is getting no treatment.

    8. Anonymous4:56 PM

      You're not a lifelong anything, Alicia. YOU HAVE NO LIFE.

    9. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Anonymous4:41 PM

      To be fair Troll how the fuck do you know? She is Crazy!

    10. Anonymous5:08 PM

      "To be fair she is a responsible gun owner. And for people who shit on military in these times, you'd have to be stupid to not support a strong military with so many evil foreign forces."

      Damn you sound like a tea party dipshit. And Sarah "duhs it kick?" Palin is not a responsible gun owner. She's just a gun-givers fantasy fuck who couldn't hit a wall with a shotgun if she were standing right in front of it. Seriously.

    11. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Be sure to check under your bed tonight, 4:41 PM.
      "They're out there."

    12. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Yet you're all the ones hating and lying while attacking strangers who call out hate and lies. You can disagree with a politician and not attack or lie about them. You make claims republicans attack Obama when they voice disagreements. Are you aligning yourself with them when you do the same things?

      Why do you release the hounds on anyone with a different and positive opinion?

    13. A J Billings7:33 PM

      @4:41 or 5:42... Are you fucking kidding me?
      $arah fucking Palin is ANYTHING but responsibile, knowledgable, or experienced with firearms

      Want proof you disreputable troll?

      Just watch this video which SHE RELEASED on her own show.

      Daddy, does it kick?

      Daddy, work my gun for me, because I'm a helpless female

      Daddy, should I get him now?

      Daddy, why isn't it hitting my Caribou?

      Sarah, "get settled now"

      It's PAINFULLY fucking obvious that she knows not ONE FUCKING THING about sighting a weapon before targeting the animal.

      Or loading it

      Or how to hold it

      Or how to target or lead a shot.

      She doesn't know how to work even a bolt action

      She can't load a single shot herself

      She's unaware of even the posture necessary to properly target or shoot on target.

      I've seen 12 year old kids that handle weapons better than $arah the poser, the liar, and the fraudster .

      Take your bullshit and head over to C4Pee if you expect anyone to know or believe any of your detestably stupid shite.

    14. Anonymous4:21 AM

      First of all, you are not a lifelong Dem so you are a liar which is against the 10 Commandments. Other than that, you away Sarah.

    15. Anonymous5:07 AM

      A.J., perfect comment!

    16. Anonymous6:27 AM

      “It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are responsible.”

    17. Anonymous6:56 AM

      To be fair she's irresponsible about most everything & I assume guns are no different. We're dealing with a family here whose collective intellect isn't as high as my cats so the potential of a shooting accident in the home is not only possible but highly probable.

    18. Anonymous9:09 PM

      @4:41 PM
      Oh God, I turn my head for one day and the moron Palin-licker is back. We hoped you were locked up where you can't hurt yourself, finally. Apparently, no one really DOES love you.

      Think about this, "life-long idiot". Imagine a great nation where people realize that, while we all believe in a strong military for protection of our nation and our nation's allies, we also know that pouring ALL of the nation's money into the military (and therefore into the bank accounts of already wealthy weapons manufacturers and contractors), while investing NOTHING in the massive infrastructure repairs this nation desperately needs, the education system our children deserve, and the simple basic care of the least able of our citizens so they can live the best lives they are able, is throwing money into the garbage. Because if you invest nothing at home, you have nothing worth protecting or defending, and no military to protect or defend it with.

      You are the perfect target for someone like Palin, another idiot who cares nothing for the military, KNOWS nothing of the military, but loves to use it for her own personal gain. You are a very stupid, morally low person, and NO Democrat. Evil foreigners? This from a follower of a woman who claims the President of this nation and the majority who elected him twice are themselves the true evil? Who goes out of her way to publicly heap praise on foreign tyrants, to the detriment of our own leaders? Quit trying to trick us. Your writing style is a dead giveaway, and the stupid things you say don't help you at all. Please, just stop embarrassing yourself and others.

  6. Anonymous4:41 PM

    other than the crosseyed skank knowing they go BANG, she has absolutely no knowledge about what she's holding ...

    gawd i wish she'd get plowed over by a truck - done, once and for all ..

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      You know I think she is a FAS baby. Her eyes are so wide apart and crooked. She cant not wear glasses.

    2. Anonymous5:37 PM

      It's like the porch light is on but nobody's home.

    3. Anonymous6:07 PM

      One of the things I've learned since '08 is that there is such a thing as mosaic Down syndrome, whereby the chromosomal error or misdivision occurs after fertilization, but early in cell division. So basically you can have less than a full percentage of DS. Severity of symptoms, both cognitive and physical, varies depending on when in the cell division process the error occurred. Not sure if it's a possibility for Palin herself; about 1/6 of the population has an IQ as low as hers is suspected to be (83). One wonders more about Bristol.

  7. Anonymous4:43 PM

    No ammo in this pic. Someone must have heard that an ammo box in front of fire in a fireplace is unwise.

  8. Anonymous4:47 PM

    The top photo does not look like Sarah. It looks photoshopped. The head is disproportionately large.

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Is that what God said?

    2. Anonymous5:22 PM


      I usually agree with everything you write but I truly believe this is the crypt keeper. Just look at those ugly ass talons and their death grip. No...that's our Scara.

    3. Anonymous7:36 PM

      I thought the same, Beaglemom. Either photoshopped or an old picture of her.

    4. Anonymous12:50 PM

      The head is disproportionately large.
      That is because the rest of her body is anorexic.

      You can't lose any weight in your head, the cranium remains the same size in order to protect the brain, which in sarah's case in empty anyway, so the head appears larger in proportion to the body

  9. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Just remember those immortal words: Does it kick?
    M from MD

    1. A J Billings7:36 PM

  10. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Pictures of cross-eyed people with guns are always funny.

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Well, and sort of scary...

  11. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Gryphen, you'll need more than a bullet proof vest against psychos like and her probably-soon-to-be-son-in-law. There's a reason why Joe McGinniss appreciated some of the "gifts" he'd been given by citizens concerned for him during his stay in the vipers' den.

  12. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Maybe those who gift her with a gun are hoping that she uses it on herself? I don't know, why else would so many wish a crazy person to have a couple of guns?

  13. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Oh, look! It's pink camo! What is she, eight years old???

    1. Seriously, that's the first thing I noticed. Pink, for a fake gun user/hunter. "Ooh, pink, cuz I'm a GIRL, but I like guns just like rill American MEN do, cuz I am just so, like, awesome and whatnot, and I can 'bring home the bacon and cook it up in a pan' and uh, yeah. Also too. Daddy, does it kick?"

      I live in a challenging rural environment and yes, women up here hunt with their men, to put food on the table. No real hunter is going to prance into the woods wearing pink camo and clutching (squeal!) their pink camo gun.

      What a chickenshit fake poser she is.

    2. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Why yes, in a intellectual sense she is.

  14. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Why do you keep giving the lunatic Palin coverage, IM?

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Aer you new around these parts?

  15. Anonymous5:20 PM

    "Daddy, does it kick?"

    What a buffoonish poser.

  16. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Thats ok maybe she'll have an accident with toadster.

    1. Anonymous8:37 PM

      Given how stupid she is, I'm surprised that she's never had a fatal accident with a toaster.

  17. Anonymous5:25 PM

    She looks crazier than shithouse rat.
    They're coming to take me away, ho ho hee hee ha ha!

  18. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Good gosh. What in the hell is so cool about a menopausal mental giant wearing coke bottle glasses holding a gun? Damn crazy freaks. How about that stupid woman act like a lady and teach her kids how to be a decent human. Damn so sick of stupid woman acting like stupid trash holding pink guns and acting like a retarded hog. total trash.

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Sounds like you might need a break, Daddi-o. Happens to the best of us.

    2. Anonymous7:24 AM

      That's so true alicia. So why don't you go assume a fetal position by your mom's dryer in the basement until the voices in your head stop.

  19. Anonymous5:40 PM

    That one looks like it would be perfect for Toddy.

  20. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Will it kick, Daddy?

    1. Anonymous9:56 PM

      Oh her Daddy taught her all about things kicking when she was just a little girl...

  21. Anonymous6:02 PM

    ugly-ass ridiculous bitch is looking old...DANG!

  22. Is It Over Yet? Maybe Soon!6:05 PM

    O/T I keep meaning to post my opinion of why we see so little of The Big Fat Wedding photos. I believe it is because they are withholding the "good stuff" for Exclusive Use by the Reality TV people and the magazines.

    However, but, also, too, I believe they are having trouble getting anyone interested in Exclusive Photos about the Hillbilly Brawlers.

    I also, too, doubt, given the Palin track record for quality and meaningful family events, that there is any thing that most people would see as "quality" in how they host parties, etc.

    And, since they are probably hoping for a big Kardashian style paid for by the Reality TV producers wedding, they are holding out until some Reality TV producer comes up with the money to pay for the events.

    They fantasize about a Kardashian event, but even if they get someone to pay for and organize / orchestrate it, it won't be anywhere near Kardashian level.

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      They have to pull something off in about 6 weeks. What expense and who pays? What level? Sarah may have planned all along for Bristol to decide last minute to go to Las Vegas, if she can't sell this mess. Or they may say they eloped and it is done.

    2. Anonymous8:33 PM

      They are just not so media worthy.

    3. Anonymous10:16 PM

      was wondering the same. Also, too: Isn't it custom in the US to register in some hoity-hoity stores (like Wallymart for the Grifters) to get some more loot for the wedding? I can't believe that these grifters will forego the registering for a small, 'intimate' wedding in their airplane hangar.

  23. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Her smile is always so damned insincere and phony. And those hands...seriously, they look like my 94 year old grandmother's hands!

    1. Anonymous6:33 PM

      He hands are the windows to her soul.

  24. Anonymous6:11 PM

    or buy a gun

  25. Is It Over Yet? Maybe Soon!6:12 PM

    Here are some links with details.

    Note the "Freebies," the Palin's favorite word.

    Kardashian and Humphries' 2011 wedding allegedly cost as much as $10 million. But the reality star wound up getting tons of freebies in exchange for promotion and a lucrative deal with E! for the "Kim's Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event" special. She nabbed an additional $1.5 million for her wedding photos from People magazine, The Hollywood Reporter noted.

    Palins to Dakota: Look what's in it for us!!!

    Schubert says a wedding of this scale could easily cost $500,000-plus, but not only will the family not spend money, it will likely make money. In addition to E! fees and gratis goods, Jenner -- the mastermind behind reality TV's $65 million 2010 paycheck and point person on all Kardashian-related deals -- negotiated a whopping $1.5 million weekly magazine deal for exclusive photos, according to insiders. And while E! does not get a cut, insiders say the network could earn nearly $13 million in ad revenue (the usual $5,000 ad spot rate is expected to run upward of $100,000).

    More freebies and more money

    The buxom reality-TV diva and her basketball-playing hubby, Kris Humphries, raked in a lot more than a few toasters when they tied the knot last night — scoring about $17.9 million by turning the ceremony into a media extravaganza.

    The exclusive photo rights to the Hollywood super nuptials were sold to People magazine for $2.5 million, a source told The Post.

    But that’s just the icing on the couple’s cash cake.

    Their biggest payout will come from turning last night’s ceremony into a four-hour, two-part TV spectacular called “Kim’s Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event,” which will air on E! in October.

    The special is expected to pull in $12 million to $15 million for the Kardashian family franchise and for the show’s producer, Ryan Seacrest.

    Problem is, which is very obvious to us, is that the Palins do not have the following as the Kardashians. They weren't smart enough or popular enough to build up the Karashian Empire. And adding Dakota into the mix won't make it work.

  26. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Get Back! That woman is pickled to the gills and liable to let fly!

  27. Is It Over Yet? Maybe Soon!6:17 PM

    And finally, speaking of it not working.

    I think those of you giving the marriage more than a few months are being too generous. We've all seen these things before, "wedded bliss" will end shortly after the honeymoon and if they stay together longer than the honeymoon, it will be for something other than "true love."

    'This was not an easy decision': Kim Kardashian files for divorce from Kris Humphries after just 72 days of marriage (that's $250,000 earned every 24 hours)

    Kim releases statement and insists 'we still remain friends'
    Kris 'only found out Kim was filing for divorce a few hours ago'
    He is 'devastated' and wants to fight to save marriage
    Couple made a reported $18m from August wedding
    Reality star tweets to plug new business venture
    Kim's sisters Kourtney and Khloe rush to show their support on Twitter
    E! could pull re-runs of Kim & Kris's Fairytale wedding

    I really hope for Bristol's sake they don't hurt her too much. She doesn't seem to "get it" and she's such an easy pawn. It's sad to see that's she's just a cog in the wheel of Sarah and Dakota's "Big Ego Plans."

    1. Bristol Palin is a perjurer, a bigot, and a child abuser. I don't care at all if she gets hurt by her own actions.

    2. Anonymous8:10 PM

      Bristol has quite the ego herself. At this point, she's 100% complicit.

    3. Is It Over Yet? Maybe Soon!10:03 PM

      Thanks Liz I. and Anon 8:10 I appreciate your thoughts and I don't totally disagree.

      But if Bristol has developmental and serious learning problems as someone on here keeps mentioning, then the people who are using her for their own gain are culpable for the fallout.

      But, what am I thinking. We are talking about the Palins. Users gotta use. Grifters gotta grift.

  28. Anonymous6:19 PM

    I wouldn't worry too much, guns are only a prop with Sarah. She needs a gun under her bed for those times when feels the need to ask Duhkota to show her how to shoot it.

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Not funny. They have young kids in those houses, with clear access to under the bed.

    2. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Not funny at all, but that's where Sarah kept her gun when Levi and Bristol were dating.

  29. Janice A Soderquist7:11 PM

    What scares me is that Dakota being in the military was under strict rules and obedience. I hope he doesn't give orders to Tripp on his behavior. I hope Bristol doesn't let him take control of situations regarding Tripps behavior. Tripp will end up saying Dakota, you are not my daddy.....

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      If all he says is ,"Dakota, you are not my daddy" I'll be surprised. He has a far more colorful vocabulary than that. Let's hope he doesn't swear at him when he's having one of his flashbacks.

  30. Janice A Soderquist7:13 PM

    It will be interesting to see if Sarah sides with Dakota or Bristol when they are having problems.....

    1. Sarah will be on the side of whatever will get her the most attention and victim status.

  31. Anonymous7:19 PM

    So you're a "killer," now, eh Sarah? Punk-assed bitch.

  32. Anonymous7:32 PM

    She probably smells of sulfur. If you accidentally run into her, just turn away ,run and don't look back.

  33. Techgnome7:35 PM

    Aw heck Gryph, Todd is in more danger than you are.

    Data from a US mortality follow-back survey were analyzed to determine whether having a firearm in the home increases the risk of a violent death in the home and whether risk varies by storage practice, type of gun, or number of guns in the home. Those persons with guns in the home were at greater risk than those without guns in the home of dying from a homicide in the home (adjusted odds ratio = 1.9, 95% confidence interval: 1.1, 3.4). They were also at greater risk of dying from a firearm homicide, but risk varied by age and whether the person was living with others at the time of death. The risk of dying from a suicide in the home was greater for males in homes with guns than for males without guns in the home (adjusted odds ratio = 10.4, 95% confidence interval: 5.8, 18.9). Persons with guns in the home were also more likely to have died from suicide committed with a firearm than from one committed by using a different method (adjusted odds ratio = 31.1, 95% confidence interval: 19.5, 49.6). Results show that regardless of storage practice, type of gun, or number of firearms in the home, having a gun in the home was associated with an increased risk of firearm homicide and firearm suicide in the home.

    On the other hand, considering the mental stability of Palin and her fans, if I was in your shoes I'd want more than a bullet proof vest.

  34. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Again, how many pairs of glasses does one person need? Hers are not cheap!

    1. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Not to worry.
      a day ago
      "We could also be wrong about the severe limitations of SarahPac. For instance:
      The bus tour was paid by SarahPac. This trip spot-lighted conservative interests but did not support other candidates.

      "The arrangement is perfectly legal, campaign-finance experts say. SarahPAC is set up as an unconnected PAC, meaning that the usual restrictions on candidate committees don’t apply. Regular candidate committees, for example, are barred from converting campaign money to personal use.

      As a result, unless Palin decides to formally explore a possible presidential run, she is free to spend the money raised by SarahPAC for “any lawful purpose” under federal law, experts said. That means it doesn’t matter whether the trip is a holiday, a political event or something in between.

      “Not only can she use SarahPAC for a family vacation, she could use it for her home mortgage payments or anything else she wants,” said Paul S. Ryan, associate legal counsel at the Campaign Legal Center, an advocacy group focused on election laws."

      I doubt that Sarah would risk anything in a gray area that could be challenged later, and she would not do anything sleezy (such as paying her mortgage from the funds), but it does appear that she has more leeway than we thought."

    2. Anonymous8:25 PM

      $carah has the ability to make ANYTHING look cheap.

    3. Anonymous9:40 PM

      The poor old hag needs to wear glasses 24/7 so you can't see how far apart her eyebrows are after having her face lifted so many times: far apart and halfway up her giant forehead. Remember the picture of Sarah without make-up? Barf-o-rama! All face and no cheekbone structure and no shape at all except for the husky manly jaw (she will regret having a man-sized silicon implant put in there).

  35. hedgewytch7:49 PM

    Jesus H. Christ on a piece of Toast. There's nothing that say's Christian Conservative Family Values like a fluorescent pink camo'd AR15. Just what the fuck do you hunt with that? The only thing a weapon like that is used for is for being an asshole at the shooting range. (or out by the gravel pit.)

  36. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Why does she always look photoshopped?

  37. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Question: where does one need pink camo?

    1. Anonymous9:33 PM

      The South End?

    2. Balzafiar6:56 AM

      West Hollywood?

  38. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Looks like someone had a little "face freshening" done; explains why she's been missing for the last few weeks.

  39. Anonymous9:24 PM

    What a hideous color. BTW, is she color blind? Did she intend to put that awful camo pink gun next to her red coat? The look on her face screams, "Mental illness." Very scary combo.

  40. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Is it just me? Or does she look horney?

    1. Anonymous11:33 PM

      Well she is holding her favorite vibrator

    2. Anonymous6:39 AM

      LOL 11:33 PM!

  41. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Sad that Palin would rather hug guns instead of Trig!

  42. Anonymous10:25 PM

    $he almost looks like Piper-Diaper in that picture, holding the pink camo (???!!!) AR15. Look at what a great job Willblow did with her wig, and Bar$tool with her makeup-free (hahahahahahahahaha!) blemish free face!

  43. Let me take a minute to note the death of Sarah Brady, the widow of James Brady, who was shot in the head in 1981 during the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan. He was Reagan's press secretary. James Brady lived for another 35 years, lovingly cared for by Sarah.

    Together, they fought and fought and fought to achieve the few gun control laws we have. Background checks came to be called the "Brady Law."

    Evil happens, even to Republicans. But the Bradys, despite everything they went through, had an arduous time over 34 years getting even the smallest piece of gun control legislation through Congress. All those Reagan Republicans had been bought off by the NRA -- even though Reagan himself nearly died at the hands of a lunatic.

    Remember Sarah and James Brady, and all the thousands who have died because of the belligerent misinterpretation of the 2nd Amendment at the hands of gun merchants, and those who think that no law should apply to them.

    Sarah Brady -- a Sarah who made a difference.

  44. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Her head's definitely photoshopped. Compare the Alfred E. Palin picture at the top to the one where she's sitting by the fireplace with her ammo in front of the fire. The proportions are off.
    Some Palin -- Chuckie, Jr.? -- imagines himself to be a master at the craft of photoshopping, but never finished the Learning Annex semester on how to make it look realistic.

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      nah...the old granny hands give her away...and the living room décor..

  45. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Where's her wedding ring?

    1. Anonymous6:14 AM

      Tawd and she haven't been married for years!

  46. Janice A Soderquist6:14 AM

    I would like to be a mouse when Dakota disciplines Tripp for his bad behavior. Will Bristol come to his aid or stand by Dakota who was trained in the military to take orders. New man in the house now. Tripp will probably ask to live with Levi.....

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      If the brawl was any indication of her volatile temperament she'll probably go straight for his nutsack. He, having been militarily trained, will probably backhand her into next week or worse.
      This relationship is doomed.

  47. Oh, ffs. A flag pillow?

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Looks like flag glasses also too!!

      Must be a formula for patriots: number of flags is inversely proportional to how patriotic you really are.

  48. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Sarah and Dakota are getting ready.

    "Hopefully one of these assholes actually shows up."

    Dakota's bring it on invite, if they show up before the wedding... can you think of the increased marketing potential!?!

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Dakota Meyer, using people's fear to sell shirts.

      He lives like he is in the killing fields and he taunts the enemy (as he takes out the collateral damage, the elderly, kids and innocent women and men). He is a trained killer.

      The Sordid Truth about the United States Marine Corps
      "The United States Marine Corps made the news twice this week. First there was the international scandal in which four Marines stationed in Afghanistan came under suspicion of pissing on the dead bodies of their enemies, who, it seems, were Afghans fighting a foreign invader in Afghanistan.
      And now a former US Marine who also served in Afghanistan has been charged with killing four homeless men in Orange county, CA with a knife. So among the questions this case raises is: Where exactly did he learn to kill with a knife? I'll wager one answer; The United States Marine Corps.

      More to the point: Where did he learn to piss on human life like that?"

    2. Anonymous8:12 AM

      he looks like a slob

    3. Anonymous8:57 AM

      He's as big of a fucking idiot as his MIL to be.

  49. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Whenever I read Nugent's fawning praise for $arah I think maybe he is really just buttering her up so he can spend more time close to her. And close to Piper too. Watch that pedo, Palins.

  50. Anonymous8:54 AM

    She looks like a fuk*n retard in that picture with the stupid ass weird smile. Annd what's up with the hair and the décor! lol

  51. Anonymous9:20 AM

    My, how presidential she looks.

  52. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Nancy Reagan called Brady "a woman of immense courage, strength and optimism"
    Sarah Kemp Brady, who became an activist for gun control after her husband was shot in the head in the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan, died Friday.

  53. Anonymous12:43 PM

    .Dakota looks like Santorum! He looks like a creep!

  54. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Be carefull around those kids, grand kids, nieces, nephews, kids, Tripp, Trig, any kids. Those toys have a tendency to "go off" (aka
    BANG BANG) at the most inopportune time. And with all your mental problems, whew, that's a tragedy waiting to happen. Jilly could get wounded also too, and that wouldn't be cool.

    What kind of gun would Jesus use?

  55. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Oh Sarah...why is it that Kid has only 1 person related to them in the USA? Hmmm...could it be the Kid is not from this country? England will not be happy to be audited either...
    Pass it on...since Alaska is a pass thru for funds overseas...
    Hmmm...could that be why Sarah is sooooo quiet now?
    And what was that Wasilla Senator wanting DNA tests in Middle School kids? What day was that? Day after what Sarah? So who is cyber stalking the Kids computer lately?
    Looks like that will be discussed in the courts too...
    Looks like INTERNATIONAL will be added now...hmmm...
    Sarah is sooooo quiet now....why why could that be?


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