Friday, May 08, 2015

As seen in Ken Ham's Creation Museum in Kentucky.

I have read the Bible one and a half times.

Don't remember the section on transitional fossils or the dietary needs of the Diplodocus.

P.S. Yes I am aware that they are likely talking about the behemoth, leviathon, and dragons that ARE mentioned in the Bible, but to even call that a stretch in logic is to be much too kind to these anti-science idiots.

I have said it once, and I will say it again, parents taking their children to this "museum" should be charged with child abuse.


  1. OT. But important: check out the article Drought's Effect on Western Wildlife in yesterday's Wash.Post.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

  2. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I wonder if they have a diorama with snakes walking upright and talking to humans.

  3. Anonymous11:01 AM

    So this "museum" is a bunch of crappy dioramas made of plastic toys?

  4. Anonymous1:30 PM

    I live across the river from this place. I ignore religions, but I enjoy churches as buildings. This place is an interesting church.

    I have visited half a dozen times, mostly returning from the airport. I never spend money, but I enjoy myself. The gardens are a joy to walk through and worth the trip. Six different bridges including a pontoon bridge, a big suspension bridge, and a boardwalk..

    Watch people on the zip lines above the lake or on the adventure rope bridges. This attraction is run by a company from TN with an excellent safety record.

    The lobby has the best robots. Little brown skin child robots show what our ancestors look like. Downstairs is the Palm Plaza which has both real and replica fossils.

    All the staff is friendly, except the guards.

    If these activities interest you, an interesting few free hours await.


  5. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Well, if the Dinosaurs read the Bible and Humans read the Bible, and they spoke in tongues, no one would understand anyone else. Did it ever occur to Ken that perhaps people weren't meant to understand dinosaurs?

    Where's banana boy when you need a laugh?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.