Friday, May 08, 2015

Heavily armed open carry advocates show up at Texas police station to protest police chief's criticism of open carry bill. Yeah, that should put his mind at ease.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Kilt-wearing, gun-toting activists mobbed a Texas police station to protest comments made by the chief against proposed open carry legislation. 

Austin police Chief Art Acevado recently criticized a bill that appears likely to pass the GOP legislature to allow the open carry of firearms, saying the legislation sounds like something drafted by “criminals, drug cartels, and extremists.” 

About 30 activists, including Open Carry Texas members, carried shotguns, AR-15 rifles, and other long guns Wednesday afternoon to the Austin police headquarters.

By the way that police station was where an officer shot and killed a domestic terrorist, with anti-government sentiments, in November of last year

Gee can't imagine why the police chief might be a little wary of increasing the ability for people to walk around with weapons strapped to their backs. Can you?

Here were the chief's exact words: 

“If criminals, drug cartels and extremists had a seat at the policy writing table they couldn’t have come up with a better amendment,” Acevedo wrote. “Through this amendment we are facilitating the victimization of people we are sworn to serve, protect and lead.”

Okay clearly this gentleman is correct in his assessment, but for the life of me I cannot understand how he was able to become the chief of police in Texas. 

I was under the impression that they had some kind of screening process where they held up inkblots and if you did not say that each one reminded you of either the 2nd Amendment, freedom, or Ronald Reagan on horseback they wouldn't hire you.


  1. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Remember: Austin and the rest of Texas are two different animals. Chief Acevedo is a good guy.

  2. Anonymous4:24 AM

    I am convinced the Koch brothers, et al have taken over this state and made it a fascist state. I just read that our new governor, who is ten times worse than Perry ever was, is now going to send the guard to monitor the town of Denton, a university town, than voted to ban fracking because of the bill he is signing today, overriding the rights of towns and cities to implement their own policies banning the practice. This is what the idiots wanted, they can have it. I will have to get a divorce and get out of this fascist state. I don't want a divorce, but I can't see staying here anymore. My God, Greg Abbott is the new furher. This is insane. I don't know where I can go, but the lunacy is impossible here. This is what happens when the supreme court allows the billionaire brigade to buy up everyone and everything. Crap!

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      The overreach of the state government is an irony lost on these anti-federal government fools. I can see the projection from my front porch.

  3. Anonymous4:24 AM

    This happened in Austin, Texas the tiny island of sanity in an ultra-conservative swamp. It's like they're attacking the Alamo all over again.

  4. Anonymous4:30 AM of the coolest cities in America. It reminds me of San Francisco...only weirder (in a good way!). Austin does not know how to Texas and hopefully never will.

  5. Art is a good man, I met him when I put together a fund-raiser for Nader, and he is highly respected. He's Chief in Austin, that's why he still has a job, an island in a sea of stupidity

  6. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Austin is a liberal island in Texas like Bloomington in Indiana.

    1. Yep, and they are working to kill Austin off as well, developers, high property taxes, musicians which are the heart and soul of this town can't afford to live here..

  7. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Gryph, Austin is one of the islands of sanity in the off-the-charts crazy that is now Texas. It's a wonder we can't feel the breeze from Barbara Jordan, Ann Richards and Molly Ivins rolling in their graves.


  8. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Dear TexSux, Don't go away mad, just go away. And leave Austin behind.

  9. Anonymous5:30 AM


  10. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Can anyone tell me what it is that these clowns are so afraid of that they think they need guns? I thought Texas was supposed to be full of red blooded men, who fist fight for what they believe in. Only wimps need to settle any disagreements with guns. With all the senseless deaths of kids from idiots leaving loaded guns around, why would any woman want to carry a gun?

  11. Maybe we can arrange something like the Berlin airlift for Austin after walling off Austin from the rest of Texas and Texas from the US since they apparently regard the US as the enemy anyway. Oh yeah, and we take all federal institutions with us.

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Austin is the equivalent of Berlin, isn't it?
      M from MD

  12. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I think the guy holding up a picture of a giant penis speaks for everyone there.

  13. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Hey! Sean Peyton head coach of the New Orleans Saints .Wow!
    He is wearing his curvy brimmed hat and sporting a cool chandelier.

  14. Anonymous7:24 AM

    4:24 - I escaped from Dallas a little over two years ago, and landed in San Francisco, then moved to a small seaside town in the bay area. Voting was an amazing experience! No blue-haired ladies in pink Cadillacs, flipping me off for supporting a Democratic candidate!

  15. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Sad lookin little mob.

  16. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Seriously. Look at those people. Average IQ of 15.

  17. I've said it before, you'd like Austin, G. Art is one of the good ones and we're lucky to have him. No, he's not perfect but he's a good cop. And yes, the police station IS still under repair but do these asshats REALLY think that some armed drunk coming off of 6th St would have helped this situation? I don't think so. (ps, the police station is right in the heart of Austin's major party and music district & it gets more and more dangerous as time marches on.) These ammosexuals are crazy dangerous and we don't need the damn wild wild west here!

  18. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I thought you guys were all for protests, what reading your support of Baltimore et al. of late.

    Or is it just supporting the ones that turn into looting and burning down their own neighborhoods with random shootings?

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      They are too utterly different situations. But hey, if you want to connect them I'll play.

      Too bad every protester in Baltimore wasn't open carrying, huh? That's what the 2nd amendment is for, right? Standing up to government oppression?

    2. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Baltimore/Maryland has fairly strict gun laws 8:50 especially regarding open carry and conceal, so no, it would not be likely those protestors would be open carrying. That wasn't really playing on your part.

    3. Anonymous10:44 AM

      That's why I prefaced my comment, "Too bad," 9:27. I don't advocate open carry, so I was being sarcastic, but why aren't you out there protesting the Baltimore protesters' inability to open carry?


    4. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Well I don't really care about that craphole Baltimore, although I do feel bad for decent cops there trying to do their duty all the while getting thrown under the bus by the politicians who have absolutely no sack. I also feel bad for the non-participating decent citizens of Baltimore that are stuck in the middle of this mess all due to really stupid people just itching to start a riot and wreak havoc. But after 80-90 years of liberal politics and policies, this is what places like Baltimore turn into.

  19. Boscoe8:40 AM

    "for the life of me I cannot understand how he was able to become the chief of police in Texas. "


  20. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Becoming what they drink..
    Morphing into Monsters

  21. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Kilt is just another word for skirt.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.