Monday, May 11, 2015

Fox News is whining because after years of unprecedented attacks against President Obama he is freezing them out. Bummer.

Courtesy of Politicususa:  

After years of putting up with their attacks, President Obama is getting his revenge on Fox News by freezing them out of access and denying them exclusive interviews. 

Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace went into full whine mode because the Obama White House refuses to send guests on to his show, “We wanted to ask Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson about the terror threat while the White House put him on another Sunday show. They declined to make him available to Fox viewers. The White House has made a number of guests available to other networks this year while excluding us and you. We did get to interview Chief of Staff Denis McDonough and DHS Secretary Johnson once this year, but only when they appeared on all five networks.”

What a pansy ass.

This is like complaining that the wife you abuse on a regular basis does not seem to love you anymore.

Actually considering the horrible treatment this President has endured at the hands of Fox News they're lucky he doesn't call in a drone strike against them.

I'm joking of course. But just barely.


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Exactly. Although Fox News hasn't been in my channel line up for 2 years, I remember the vile way the President was treated by the morning goobers, the nutbags on that show with greg gutfeld and most of all sean whannnnnnity.

    And mustn't forget the queen nutbag herself trashing him every opportunity she could get. BTW, did her Fox contract run out and not get renewed? On C4Pee they have been whining that she hasn't been on since January. Of course they take that as a "sign." Everything with them is a "sign."

    1. Anonymous1:50 AM

      I'm waiting for Fox to investigate Dakota Meyer's first marriage. I mean, Sarah but be livid that the 'news' found out something before her precious daughter did. And does this finally tarnish MOH enough that even Sarah won't want him in the family? Or was it just a youthful 'mistake' and haha, Bristol already knew? Wonder what Dakota knows about Bristol's 'youthful mistakes.'

  2. Anonymous4:42 PM

    They can't have it both ways. They have launched, like you say, unprecedented verbal attacks on a continual basis since President Obama was inaugurated in 2009. It's a disgrace. Remember, George Bush wouldn't talk with any other 'news' organization but Fox. They lobbed softballs to him.
    These Fox people make me sick. They gave instigated and fomented hatered for the president with their concerted constant attacks. It's un-American.

    1. Anonymous3:57 AM

      Thank you. Well-said.

  3. Anonymous4:53 PM

    "The White House has made a number of guests available to other networks this year while excluding us and you. "
    So, how many FUXNEWS viewers have only ONE channel available to them on their TV subscription package? Just change the damn channel, if you want to view the interview "on another network" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      I don't watch FOX and haven't for years. It's really easier to get information via the internet vs watching the news (?) media. I don't trust any of them as to giving us the real facts. But, FOX has been the worse, from everything I've read and heard.

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Exactly! If "you" want to hear from the Obama Administration, "you" can tune into numerous other channels that they appear on.

  4. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Katie Couric's excuse for not pushing the Bush admin harder before Iraq was that the Bush WH threatened to curtail CBS's access. Of course she backed off instead of making that the night's lead story.

    Shrub was so pro-Fox that in Sept 2007 he gave a copy of a secretly intercepted bin Laden tape to Fox that al Qaeda planned to release to the press on 9/11. Problem was, Shrub gave ti to Fox prior to 9/11 (not clear whether he declassified it first - or how he justified declassifying it if he did), and of course the fools at Fox also ran it prior to 9/11 tipping off al Qaeda that their secret network of servers had been breached. The network, which would have continued to give us access to al Qaeda communications, was immediately shut down.

    1. Well, that's just another example of the Bush Moron Administration.

  5. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I love the fact that President Obama is basically saying 'fuck you' FOX since he doesn't have to worry about running for another term or any other office! What freedom he must feel!

    Remember the FOX non-stop negative banter they spewed about Obamacare/Affordable Care Act? It IS a huge success today in spite of all the lies FOX put forth about the program.

    I , too, would give FOX zero heads up about anything!!! They don't deserve current information concerning the administration or our government. If they had it, coming directly from the horses mouth, they would still spew it differently and lie about the subject to the nation. President Obama has had enough of them and well he should!

    I feel President Obama is totally warranted in his actions against FOX! It's been a long time coming!

    They are the main arm of the Republican party and have helped make it so disliked across the nation. Thank god, President Obama and his administration have done such an outstanding job during his two terms.

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      I couldn't have said it better. Although I am atheist.

    2. Anonymous5:28 AM

      My only thought is, "Why did it take this long?"
      If I was in President Obama's shoes it would have happened in the 1st year of the presidency of maybe even before the election.

      Faux News has contributed almost nothing factual and certainly nothing beneficial so why should they be in the loop?

      Let them obtain their information from legitimate media outlets as they clearly are not one...

  6. I always wondered how into the bottle Chris' father must have been when he was a seed.

    He's a gift.

    To US.

  7. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Someone should call the Whaaaaaaaahhhhhhmbulance

  8. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Sorry. Gryph, not clicking on the video.
    I grew up on 60 Minutes when his father did real reporting.

    1. Anonymous9:22 PM

      I did too. God, I miss Huntley & Brinkley, and Walter Cronkite.... Those were days we trusted television journalists.

  9. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Remember the White House press luncheon in January, where the White House omitted "News" from the Fox guests?

  10. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Chris Wallace mocked new mom and singer, Kelly Clarkson, abut her weight on his show. Kelly Clarkson is famous because SHE has TALENT. Chris Wallace is famous because his father is Mike Wallace, a former news anchor. He is not worth anyone going on his show.

  11. Anonymous11:49 PM


  12. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Obama doesn't want the hard questions. Face it.

    He is starting to circle the wagons till the end of term.

    1. Anonymous3:17 AM

      12:02 AM
      "Obama doesn't want the hard questions. Face it."
      Thank you for starting my day off with a laugh.

    2. Oh, please.

    3. Anonymous4:03 AM

      You're funny

    4. Anonymous4:50 AM

      Keep telling yourself that honey. It's the only way you can keep feeding your ravenous hatred.

    5. Anonymous5:32 AM

      Hard Questions or, Pure Bullshit?

      Sounds like you've been eating the latter...

      I'm eliminating BS in my life I don't have time for it, you should try it too....

    6. Anonymous6:54 AM

      Oh 5:25, you're are why I visit here!

    7. More like he's finally fired his anger translator.

      If you want a job done right.....

  13. “They declined to make him available to Fox viewers.”
    Uh, Chris, old boy, fox viewers are permitted under our form of government to watch other news outlets besides fox.

    It is nobody’s fault but fox’s that the administration won’t waste their time on fox, and nobody’s fault but their own if viewers are too stupid to change the channel every now and again and watch something other than the gop pr channel.

    What an asinine complaint.

  14. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I remember a few years ago David Axelrod did an interview with Wallace, at the end Wallace asked Axelrod when was the President do an interview with him, it was clear to me that Axelrod wanted to say, "it ain't going to happen" but instead he danced around the question, but Wallace kept pressing cause he did not get a direct answer, so finally Axelrod said "ah Chris we learned a few things, the two men looked directly at each other and that's when Wallace said " I apologize for that" he knew of the disrespect his channel showed this great President, which is why Axelrod won't allow him the interview, and in my opinion Wallace sucks just as bad as his coworkers, I thought it was big of him to apologize for their disrespect for President Obama

  15. Anonymous7:24 AM

    The White House is not an abused wife. The President and White House staff are public servants answerable to all Americans, even Fox viewers.

    Fox may be a Murdoch propaganda machine that does not have the best interests of the country at heart, but as long as it is classified as a news organisation, the White House is duty bound to treat it as such and provide access.

    This sets a bad precedent, making it easier for a future Republican president to deny access to, say, MSNBC.

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      Hahahaha, when did BUSH or deadheart Cheney ever go on MSNBC.

      And the President HAS been on FUX NEWS many times.

    2. It has also been allowed by a Florida judge to report lies and make stuff up. The judge said they are under no legal compulsion to report actual facts, yet can still call themselves a news organization.

      I think shunning is a wonderful idea.

      It's works great in the Amish community.

      It's non-violent and non-confrontational, yet it certainly gets the message across.

    3. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Maybe the criteria should be: "as long as it behaves like a news organization". And meets an acceptable journalistic standard. If MSNBC sunk to the level of Fx it wouldn't deserve to be treated as a news org either.

    4. "The President and White House staff are public servants answerable to all Americans, even Fox viewers. "
      They are answerable to all Americans. Full stop. Being a fox viewer isn't something that the viewer has no control over.

      Fox viewers can choose to watch other outlets. They choose not to. That's on them.

      Anyone who chooses to get their information from only one source has only themselves to blame if they miss out on something.

      Fox has proven time and time again that they will distort and flat out lie about anything any Democrat says. The White House is no way obligated to help fox in this endeavor.

      In fact, a case could be made that the administration should not assist in disseminating disinformation and lies to the American people.

  16. About time.

    He'll send representatives to Faux Noise when they are also doing spots on SNL, Fallon and Kimmel.

    Otherwise, they will represent the White House on *real* news shows. You know, ones that tell the TRUTH instead of makin' stuff up.

  17. Anonymous3:51 PM

    When I saw this yesterday, I just couldn't stop laughing. POTUS was kind enough to do an interview in the White House with that pinhole dipshit O'Reilly, and showcased his lack of tact and respect for the President by being nothing but kind.

    Someone needs to burp FOX and change it's diapers.

  18. The White House is not an abused wife. The President and White House staff are public servants answerable to all Americans, even Fox viewers.

    Fox may be a Murdoch propaganda machine that does not have the best interests of the country at heart, but as long as it is classified as a news organisation, the White House is duty bound to treat it as such and provide access.

    This sets a bad precedent, making it easier for a future Republican president to deny access to, say, MSNBC.


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