Friday, May 08, 2015

It's official. Sarah Palin has finally morphed into a full on televangelist. Without the television part of course. Is there an "intervangelist?"

Courtesy of Sister Mary Batshit Crazy:

Those honoring the National Day of Prayer this week are committed to our nation's biblical foundation, and we thank selfless Americans who protect this Christian nation’s freedom of religion! In reverence to the Lord's grace and mercy we will never allow God to be booted from the public square. The public acknowledgement of our need for God’s blessing has been with us from the beginning – from the eve of our Revolution, when the First Continental Congress called for “a day of publick humiliation, fasting, and prayer,” to 1952, when Congress established the National Day of Prayer. It was signed it into law so we would “turn to God in prayer,” knowing our need for His hand of protection and guidance. Today, more than ever, we need the Almighty’s mercy, and we are actually invited by Him to humbly ask that He bless this land. Please pray that He will navigate us through these troubling times, dedicating ourselves and our great nation back to Him. 

- Sarah Palin

Well Hallelujah and pass the sacramental wine. 

I guess with everybody from Ted Cruz to Mike Huckabee pimping religion politics like a sweaty revival tent preacher in the bowels of the Bible Belt, Palin felt she had to turn the Christianity up to eleven.

You know I have long felt that this is Palin's true calling.

After all when you are looking to grift from the easiest marks on the planet, Christianity is the religious Astroglide that makes separating the morons from their money friction free and the penetration into their warm and welcoming trust centers relatively painless.

Now all Palin needs to get are a couple of snakes to handle during her video talks, a prayer answering hotline, and an online store to sell actual bonafide splinters from the cross that Jesus died on and blessed holy water that can cure cancer and make barren women pregnant, and she's in business.

And if she can do for Christianity what she has already done to for the Republican party, well that's all the better.


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    When was the last time Sarah Palin and family attended church? Sarah your a FCINO

    Fake Christian In Name Only.

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Religious Racket...doncha know...

    2. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Preachin' the Gospel of Prosperity (grifting)

    3. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Creflo Dollar's grifting campaign for a $65 million jet must have gotten her attention!

      Also too having a church named "Money Changers in the Temple Church International" seemed like a "What's in it for us" type dill.

    4. Anonymous1:24 PM

      I thought it was the other f.

    5. Anonymous2:15 PM

      She observed one of the best god for profit guys in the business, Franky Graham. She wants to get in on all of that free money for nothing scam.I think it would be more like two mules for sister sarah.

    6. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Prayer is by definition "directed to a God or Object of Worship".
      Any guess to where $arah directs her's?

    7. Anonymous3:43 PM

      to her Bank account.

    8. Anonymous4:11 PM

      In Hong Kong

    9. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Or the Middle east with that Muslim shrt

  2. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Fuck you Sarah Palin

  3. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Sarah has discovered that if Bristol stands sideways in a certain light you can see the outline of the Virgin Mary in her chin. The plan is to sell photos of it for a small donation, it fits since Bristol is the symbol for re virginilization and Motherhood also too! Pay day is near! Praise Jesus.

    1. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Allejulah and praise cheeses, especially the blue kind they ripen in caves. Kind of brings a whole new meaning to Dairygate.

  4. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Sister Sarah Quitterpants panders to the low hanging fruit gatherers. Those that are 'a feared' of their own shadow and need a book written thousands of years ago by the like-minded to tell them what to do and how to think. Those out there in 'the heartland.'
    I'm going to join them for an experiment: I'm going to pray like hell (oops! already got a mark against me!) that Sister Sarah Quitterpants gets herself a good old fashioned comeuppance, and Ailes finally cuts her Faux News cord so she can continue to flounder in the netherworld of 'old news' and irrelevance!
    Let us prey ... I mean pray ...

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      oh Sarah, you're soooo second string. looking for a new grift??

    2. Anonymous1:26 PM


    3. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Lookin' fat an frumpy Sally Lou, Who?

    4. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Lol...well there's nothing to see...shrug.

    5. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Except that Muslim shirt...aww Sarah is into Islam...the ultimate grift to the USA!

    6. Anonymous7:23 PM

      When's the last time she's been on Fox?

  5. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Gee, I bet our nation's founders would be surprised to learn about our "biblical foundations." Most of the were deists. And none of them wanted to see a repeat of Europe's centuries of religious conflict between Catholicism and Protestantism, so they sought a strict separation of church (that's religion, any of them or all of them, Sarah).

    And, Sarah, the National Day of Prayer was created largely because politicians were terrified of Joseph McCarthy and his brand of political witch hunting and were anxious to prove that they were not communist-ic. That's also how "one nation under God" got put into the Pledge of Allegiance, written, as everyone but Sarah Palin knows, by a socialist immigrant many decades before.

    I'd sort of like to know exactly what religion Sarah Palin believes in. No one in her family attends church. They celebrate Christmas with "Eskimo" gift exchanges; they like to participate in public brawls; they don't mind grifting from poor idiots who can ill afford to give away their money.

    This is obviously Sarah's latest attempt at staying relevant. Why not try evangelism? Lots of her fellow right-wing grifters do. Look at Mick Huckabee or Rick Santorum. It might prove to be more monetarily profitable than hint-hint-hinting at political plans.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Braglemom is one of the most intelligent & articulate people who frequent this blog.


    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      since i don't "twitter", could somebody please tweet this to the twat ;

    3. Anonymous2:57 PM

      BeagleMom's right on the money. When the offertory gets low, the dresses get shorter and out come the foam tatas, trig, whatever prop she thinks will work.

    4. DontHatetheGame3:39 PM

      I agree Gryphen/Beaglemom. But let's think about this. Sarah has never been known to be a deep thinker. She doesn't do anything without an ulterior motive. On one of Gryphen's posts the other day, I think one of the Dakota posts, someone mentioned that it was curious that there were no mention of Dakota's immediate family concerning the wedding. Someone replied about his family being religious and probably didn't want anything to do with the heathen Palin's. If this is true, knowing Sarah as well as we do, she would not be able to take the rejection - because everyone MUST love her - and this is her way of getting brownie points with them... SEE I AM A CHRISTIAN and a REAL AMURICAN!!

    5. Anonymous4:13 PM


  6. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Sarah who is Trig's reall mother and father?

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      John McCain and that reporter

    2. Anonymous1:30 PM

      @12:20, if you are referring to Vicki Iseman, she is a lobbyist, not a reporter.

    3. Anonymous2:49 PM

      And she is not the mother. She just isn't! There is enough to criticize without your batshit crazy made up scenarios.

    4. Anonymous2:58 PM

      According to our christian foundations or Frick's Fracking lies?

    5. Anonymous3:02 PM

      249 touchy much

  7. Anonymous12:21 PM

    "I'm a gonna get on my knees and pray...
    That the Lord does smite ye today...
    The Lord almighty knows
    Just how her bullshit flows...
    He's gonna smite ye Sarah today...

    I'm a gonna get on my knees and pray
    That the evil witch goes away..
    The Lord almighty knows
    That what she wreaked she sows...
    He's gonna smite ye Sarah today...

    Sorry, short notice. Blue girl Liz....

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Anonymous12:21 PM:
      Wonderful poem!! :-)

    2. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Good one Liz!

    3. Anonymous3:00 PM

      BINGO. even better than "Plastic Jesus"

  8. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Those who have been following this charlatan from the beginning are not surprised. The political fan dance is no longer pulling in the money it was.

  9. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Skared Skarah...gee must be the rapture... You can yammer on till they haul you off to the funny can sermon the pigs!

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      With that Muslim shirt we can send her overseas to do God's

  10. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Our nation did not, and never has had, a "biblical foundation."

    Sarah should read some history books, as well as read the Bible word-for-word.

    Our free and open democracy is not a theocracy -- that's exactly what our Founders, and we, have made sure we never have.

    1. Anonymous12:33 PM

      she never made it past first grade reading Dick and Jane. see spot run..

    2. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Didn't Sarah read the part about separation of church and state? When the United States was formed, there were a number of religions, each seeking religious freedom to worship they wanted. Protestant French Huguenots left France when France declared Catholicism as the state religion. The original pilgrims were Anglicans who thought that their church had become too liberal in England. Colonists left to form their own religious colonies in Rhode Island and Connecticut because they did not follow the Anglican teachings. Jews arrived early in the American colonies when they were not allowed to live in Spain, Portugal and any of the Spanish or Portuguese colonies. Which religion does Sarah want to pick for the founding of the United States. They were all here, not to mention the Native Americans who practiced their own religions. Which religion does Sarah have in mind when she claims our nation was founded as a religious nation? The Constitution allowed for freedom to worship as one chose, and the state had no right to control it. That woman is an idiot.

  11. Anonymous12:26 PM

    coming from a murderer,thief,liar,adulteress wench I'm surprised the Good Book doesn't burn your hand,bitch. black shirt, no less. agent of the Devil himself. "beware the charlatens..."

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Oh I think humanity isn't done laughing AT her...they need to catch their breath...doncha know...but crimes committed go to DC now.. Making it complicated so its federal!

  12. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Really, until the day that she steps into a church - ANY church will do - Sarah is just an empty suit.

    The only faith that Sarah lives out is "God didn't make me a millionaire so that I could give money to any dang churches."

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      She'll turn the house on the dead lake into a church, then no more taxes on it !

    2. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Scamming God is a Bad Idea! But don't tell her that!

  13. Anonymous12:30 PM

    bitch that welped him was brizzles .Heaven knows which member of the hockey team serviced the bitch.

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Huh? You aren't even literate.

    2. Anonymous4:09 PM

      who cares what you think ? have a nice day.

    3. Anonymous4:22 PM

      this must be 2:49 again. slow day? maybe you should take some adult ed. classes.

  14. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Aimless Simple McPerson.

    She can take up where old Aimee McPherson left off. McPherson had the grace to disappear when folks finally figured out she was nothing but a grifting fraud. (That's a hint, $arah.)

    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Ha! Aimless Simple McPerson! That's a good one. Course, the youngsters here won't know to whom your are referring, but they can google it!

  15. Janice A Soderquist12:33 PM

    Are Tripp or Trig baptized, let alone her other children?

    1. Anonymous12:43 PM

      Not in Assemblies of God until they are old enough to "come down to the altar and confess Jesus as Lord". Then they get the full immersion version.

    2. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Well then, I expect photos and video of all the Palin kids being immersed. And DaKOta too. And preferably before the big wedding. In a church😜, right Sarag!

    3. Anonymous2:05 PM

      We never saw photos of Sarah being baptized or immersed. We just saw the weird preacher and the laying on of hands! That was years ago!!! Sarah Palin is no more a Christian than many of us in Alaska and throughout the USA.

    4. Anonymous9:17 PM

      She got baptized with an ice bucket and then screamed like the wicked witch in the wizard of oz.

  16. Anonymous12:36 PM

    ROFL!!!! I love your way with words in this post!

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Me too! Down right poetic!

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM

      "publick" ?

    3. Balzafiar2:10 PM

      Yes, "publick". It's a legal archaic spelling from Franklin's time. Ben Franklin, that is.

    4. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Especially “the religious astroglide”!

  17. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Oh my god! The woman (Sarah Palin) who is known for not having lived the teachings of Christianity throughout her life! This revelation cracks me up!

    We all know that Hell has its doors 'wide open' awaiting her arrival

  18. angela12:48 PM

    Next step for Sarah-----getting caught fleeing the country with all of her parishon-----errrr rubes money. You know, for Jesus.

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      I would check Hong Kong...latest scam is -3.8 million...from a Native Corp...Todd...

    2. Anonymous3:04 PM

      U ouch...

    3. Anonymous7:01 PM

      What about Dubai with that Muslim top?

  19. Anonymous12:51 PM

    We cant wait for your book to come out on this monster. BEST SELLER!!!!

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      What book?

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      I guess we will have to wait and see!

    3. Anonymous6:35 PM

      How to be a dumbass in three words...

    4. Anonymous7:01 PM

      I love Islam!

  20. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Love that Bucky Beaver shot.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      It's Kevin Bacon.

    2. Anonymous2:34 PM

      1:56 PM Except Sarah's is a natural progression - Bacon's change was done for a movie! Haha!

  21. Caroll Thompson12:56 PM

    I didn't think that good Christians crash birthday parties and start brawls. And I think that any good Christian would actually attend church.

    And for the record Sarah, we are not a Christian nation. We are a people who are free to believe as we choose (or not as the case may be). Freedom of religion was put in the Constitution to protect us from hypocrites like you shoving your fake (for you anyway) religion down our throats.

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Yeah, and when was the last time you saw a real, honest to God Christian woman wearing short, tight leather skirts and 5-inch stilettos???

    2. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Or a proud American in flag boots with a four inch flag bracelet, flag earrings, and a Sharpie marker to sign their name to a real flag?

    3. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Or letting peeps terrorize the richest kid! Hey I heard the DNA tests are in...witch games shall you ALL begin again? Sounds like whatever you try HS will C!

    4. Anonymous3:28 PM

      do Christians have 3 different sperm donors for the 4 kids birthed during the time with your husband? same goes for sperm burping Bristol. like mom,like daughter. such christian rolemodels...oh,don't get me going on Models!

    5. Anonymous4:16 PM

      307 Good they can visit...oh boy...then they will come for Sarah...sing like a bird Sweetie...its the only thing that'll save your sorry ass...confession is good

  22. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon12:57 PM

    I'm glad to hear of Sarah's amped-up re-dedication to advancing fundamental(ist) Christian principles, and I hope that she will apply her considerable theological talents and unwavering faith to converting her soul-mate Pamela Geller to Christianity.

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      It worked so well for Amy Simple Dumboski!

    2. Anonymous1:32 PM


    3. Anonymous3:08 PM

      It's a legal move to make her crimes more "forgivable"...not happening...

  23. Anonymous1:17 PM

    We are a Nation of immigrants...many different peoples and colors...including flags...and we can exercise freedom of Sarah get over it already!

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Yea, and she's proven she likes 'all the different people and colors of them'!! What a joke.

      She's racist - hates black men (especially President Obama) and the First People of Alaska as well as the 'different' people of Hawaii (Samoans, Asians and Hawaiians) - remember her Dad stated the latter - while she was in college for a few months in Hawaii - that is why she quit over there! It's all proven and factual.

      Sarah Palin is about as religious as I am - and I'm not!

    2. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Oh boy the kid is doing just that! Red White Black...middle east brat...get over it Sarah..nothing you can do about it!!!!

    3. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Hummus is good especially homemade!

    4. Anonymous6:37 PM

      With those Pita Chips are awesome!

    5. Anonymous9:19 PM

      I thought she liked black men. She was begging Obama to grow a big stick while thinking of Glen Rice who never called her back.

  24. Oh lawd, please tell me this is a cheesy robe pic you, G, picked out to go with her "sermon" and not a pic the insufferable clown used to fool her fools.


    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      reminds me of the graduation cap and gown she borrowed from her sister. *wrong colored tassel for her degree. she's such a scammer and she's not even good at it. only goes to show you,ya cant fix stupid!

  25. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I swear even the Belmonts are sagging from embarrassment.

    1. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Perfect! Good observation.

  26. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I always expected SP to hook up with Franklin Graham after her half term ended. Surprised that it didn't but then again Franklin probably wouldnt have given her a big enough cut. That grifting train was pretty lucrative. HOWEVER, now that the train has slowed to a crawl she may be rethinking that. At least it would be a steady income.


    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      oh she hooked up with him... In the biblical sense and Jesus was a part of it. Franklin had to keep saying Jesus, Sarah, shut up during sex. Finally Franklin figured out she could be silenced only during oral on him.

    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      I seriously doubt Franklin Graham would put up with the likes of Sarah Palin. He's seen all that has been proven about her - and, knows she'd do nothing but bring his ministry down! Especially in the State of Alaska!

    3. Anonymous2:45 PM

      He's actually a far worse example Christianity than even Sarah..he gets MILLIONS in salary from samaritan's Purse, which has an awful record with the percentage of donations doing anything but funding him and his administration. People are stupid..scare 'em about the afterlife, and they open their wallets and vote the way they are told. I do think if God were interested in smiting America, he has done it with the likes of Huckleberry, Cruz, Palin and the rest...they will be our downfall.

    4. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Well Jesus will forgive her...but we won't! See you im the courts sweetie!

    5. Anonymous4:19 PM

      312 Hey she wants to play the Christian card then let her confess her sins know cuz it's Gods Will! Might save folks the aggravation of court

    6. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Franklin Graham is a grifting shit, but he knows better than to let the Palins get close to him again.

    7. Anonymous6:38 PM

      If he's a smart grifter

    8. Anonymous6:39 PM

      she's fishing for a new way to fleece her flock And get the tax deduction jerry prevo has tried to keep going for the other pastor houses. she wants to cash$$$ in on their grift. too and also.

  27. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Praise the lord and pass the ammunition. I will supply the snakes if saint esther needs them. Are rattlers OK?
    As if anyone believes she actually wrote that drivel. What an incredibly useless charlatan she is. That screen shot looks like she's about to say, Fuck all you people, just send me more fuckin money, amen.

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Aahh just send her the snakes already!

    2. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Christian? You are kidding right? They all, heath's and palin's broke most of the commandments!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Wake up, throw them out of church.
      Oh, wait, they never go to church!

    3. Anonymous3:18 PM

      She'll have to memorize the Bible first.

    4. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Yeah she will cry for a teleprompter...

  28. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I have to laugh at Sarah's attempt to look evangelical - all in black, no belmonts or cleavage, hair in tidy bun, no fly away bedhead here, holding a Bible (her latest prop), oh so serious looking......

    What an idiot. She actually thinks when She speaks, We all listen. Well, laugh really. So transparent she is.

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Where is her magic Jewish star?

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      it burnt her neck.

    3. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Bibi told her to take it off...or she's gone Islam...

    4. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Eww ouch...yeah what if she's a Muslim

    5. Anonymous9:20 PM

      She's starting to remind me of the insane evangelical mother in the movie "Carrie".

  29. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Gadfree, the woman is putting on weight - look how her face has changed in these recent past years...she's over 50 now and the aging process is taking hold of her - faster than in others, I might add!

    She looks totally matronly in that photo - but, then perhaps she is trying to put forth that image! Oh my god!!!!

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      And, which 'change' number is this that we've watched sister Sarah go through? Jesus Heath Christ! She makes a mockery out of everything she touches!

      This is going to be fun to watch - another big failure awaits her.

    2. Anonymous4:21 PM

      CONFESSION Christian thing to do!

    3. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Yeah what's up with the Muslim outfit?

    4. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Which change number? It's called the change of life for menopausal women.

  30. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I too have always felt evangelical grifting her calling. And now that she is really on the down and out, this is the only gig left! I will let my evangelical friends know she is on her way south. And stay tuned for Sarah's testimonial phase: “I was not cut out to be a good mom in God’s plan and now I know his grace shines on me despite it” “How I faked a pregnancy ... and lived to regret lying to God” “How I used my family for my own gain and then it caught up with me when God intervened” The sermons and testimony are endless. She just needs to up the bandwidth on Sarah’s Channel.

    1. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Next thing you know she'll be raising her hand and asking you to put your hand up to hers on the computer screen. Remember those days in televangelism? Hope she doesn't read this...don't want to give her any ideas. . .

  31. Anonymous2:01 PM

    And her lovely lips are forming her favorite F-word. What a fake and idiotic woman.

  32. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Hand up in the air waving wildly!! Prof. Gryphen, Can I answer?!!

    I think Sarah Palin's idea of christianity is that it's an entitlement, a badge worn and a membership that individuals can tell others that they will never "Allow" God to be booted from the public square. Her quote, "In reverence to the Lord's grace and mercy, we will never allow God to be booted from the public square", does not represent a true christian life.

    She goes on to say, "The public acknowledgement of our need for God's blessing has been with us from the beginning...." No where, Sarah, in the New Testament does it say that a public acknowledgement of our need for Jesus and His blessing should be displayed with us from the beginning of His church. He says, "by their fruit you shall know them". Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord. Not by idols and monument, but by our modeling of Christ in the public square.

    First, she can't FORCE people to do what she tells them to do. If some christians have no problem with public spectacles of God in the public square, then that's their business. This "we" she speaks of, is all in her head. Most Christians aren't insulted, shaken up, or worried, simply because they have a healthy relationship with their God, and don't need to display Him everywhere where He might not be invited or welcome. True christians that I've known, have people's best interests at heart, and show God's mercy and grace through their acts, not stone statues and lumps of clay with. Like the scripture says about fakes "having a form of godliness, but lacking the power thereof".

    Show us the power of your love, Sarah, and then no one will need the public square to prove God. Prove Him with your love towards others. It might work.

    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      She exemplifies the behavior of all religious people; when things work out it's god's good graces and when things go south it's the devils work.

      All religious people are brainwashed and act upon OCD ritualization (prayer, tithing, repetitious physical activities such as lighting candles or repeatedly circling religious totems and going on pilgrimages) to try to guarantee a result they find favorable and when the results are not as they wish, even though they've been ritualizing as hard as they can, they then blame it on the opposite forces of the god that they pray to.

      Basic psychological dysfunction made manifest by weak minds is at the heart of all religions. These people need counseling and deprogramming, yet as a group they encourage each other's madness and never seek the help they require.

      Look up CULT in the dictionary and you will find a perfect definition of religion, any of 'em and all of 'em.

    2. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Confession Christian faith

    3. Anonymous5:22 PM

      2:38 Was it the Devil's work that caused Todd Palin to Pimp women? Was it the Devil's work that caused Willow Palin and the Colony Girls Gang to trash a neighbor's house? Was it the Devil's work that caused Bristol to give birth to Bastard babies? Was it the Devil's work that caused Track Menard to use drugs and vandalize School Buses? Was it the Devil's work that caused Sarah Heath to fornicate with Glen Rice? Was it the Devil's work that caused Sarah Heath to blame her pregnancy by Curt Menard Jr on Todd Palin? Was it the Devil's work that caused Sarah Palin to sleep with Todd Palin's snowmobile business partner Brad Hanson? Was it the Devil's work that caused Sarah Palin to have nighttime trysts with Director of Prisons Joe Schmidt? Was it the Devil's work that caused Sarah Palin to Fake a pregnancy? Was it the Devil's work that caused Sarah Palin to QUIT her Governor's job midterm?

    4. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Oh you KNOW she's gonna play that Demon card...aka personalities...well that will be fine and dandy...we will take notes of what Demon made you commit what crimes against who and the reason for it...then we will talk to officials and you can tell us whose them that demons baby girl...okey dokey?

    5. Anonymous7:07 PM

      645 depends on how FREE she wants to be...and who is the President...hurry! Hillary makes it she will throw the book at you...and we will have popcorn ready!

    6. Anonymous8:09 PM

      5:22 PM

      Answer that please, $arah, and then trout out MOH and D'OH to say it's not so. RUN, I dare you.

  33. Anonymous2:08 PM

    There never were any real history books in the Palin house, more like a lot of John Birch pamphlets and church newsletters. She sure sounds like a 1970s Jesus Freak and John Bircher. This is the type of reading Sarah did as a kid. Scary. She would have no clue about the Founding Fathers and their intentions for separation of Church and State. The Founders knew their history, they knew how Europe suffered when religious factions governed alongside despots. Sarah, go back to school, you seemed to miss a lot of Western CIv.

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Didn't really matter what sort of reading material there was in the Palin/Heath homes because there was no one to able read it.

    2. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Didn't she tell Couric any of them , all of them.

    3. Anonymous6:45 PM


    4. Anonymous9:24 PM

      There were no books in Sarah's house. Plenty of People Magazines though.

  34. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Palin looks like Bucky Beaver in that photo! The girl, she is a changin'!

  35. "In reverence to the Lord's grace and mercy we will never allow God to be booted from the public square."
    Matthew 6:5-6
    "5"When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. 6"But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you."

    Read that prop you're clutching, you hypocritical harpy.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      But we can boot's. Gods Will!

  36. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Bunch of retarded CAPS LOCK sheeple posting on her page. These idiots deserve to be separated from every dollar they ever made, following a dumb cunt like Mrs. Palin.

  37. Anonymous2:26 PM

    2:08 AM And, she wasn't even home schooled - they didn't do that back then! She went to the public school system in Wasilla, AK and didn't learn a thing about of U.S. history, Alaska history, U.S.government or civics!

    The school system in Alaska was very, very good back in the day. Sarah Palin is a very poor example of having gone through the Alaska education system (so is Todd for that matter!).

    Would love to know more about her sisters and what they accomplished after having graduated from high school in Wasilla (if they did?). We already know her brother is as inept as Sarah and Todd.

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Well, brother Chuck was a teacher, which should require a real live college degree. Molly seems to be babysitter in chief for deluded Sarah.

    2. Anonymous2:41 PM

      She can't learn.

    3. Anonymous2:51 PM

      I agree with 2:41. Sarah is not capable of learning anything. And, she doesn't even want to make the effort.

    4. Anonymous2:58 PM

      She doesn't want to learn either. Why we caught on to her when she walked out as VP candidate back in the day.

  38. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Sarah Palin knows about 'Fondling Fathers', pun intended. Creepy Chuck Sr. probably had then praying without their underwear.

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Yea he liked trotting on in the rooms!

  39. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Palin devoutness is not complicated:

  40. "You know I have long felt that this is Palin's true calling."
    It was a reasonable notion to believe. I thought so too. However, it seems that other than a few dipshits, she might have burned herself as badly with the evangelical circuit as she has with republicans. She was not invited to the Faith and freedom Summit.

    The religious people arranging events no doubt review recent speeches and appearances when choosing who to invite to speak at events.

    In a short space of time (less than a year), they have been treated to her Gemma Teller aging biker old lady stylings, her drunken/stoned Colorado appearance, the brawl, her drunken/stoned Iowa appearance, her proud signature on the FU Michael Moore cross hairs poster, her giant boobies/padded butt pleather 'n' lace Mrs. Wiggins look, and god knows what all else.

    Her rantings and facebook screeds have also become noticeable for not only always coming back to the President (doesn't like him and he should be blamed for everything), but for their spittle-flecked rage and increasing coarseness.

    I think if she tries to slither into televangelism, it will fail just like all her other efforts to find a way to make lots of money without having to work. She's even losing contributors to her PAC, and they would have been the base for a sudden "I have found the Lord, send moar moneez" career change.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      When they make her confess her sins and she lies that will be the end!

  41. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Hey, Sarah could always do a cooking show, they are very popular and we all know what a great crook..i mean cook she is, cinnamon rolls, upside down turkey, rice krispie treats and her blueberry pies are famous! such crust she has! so flaky! and just the right amount of cuts in it to let some of that hot air out.

    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Dont forget moose Chili.

    2. Anonymous9:26 PM

      And leg of wolf and wolf tail sausage.

  42. Anonymous3:06 PM

    We expect no less from the Idiot of Wasilla. She is too dumb to be embarrassed. Bless her heart. The c4p group think she is the bee's knees. Bless their hearts. They are too dumb to know they are dumber.

  43. Anonymous3:07 PM

    First of all, I'm laughing hysterically at a lot of the comments. Thanks so much! I think she'll quit this job pretty damn quick, after she got Paul Revere's story all messed up, she thinks people forgot how stupidly moronic this woman was, is, and will always be. When it comes to government and basic civics, she's clueless (I can't answer that, till someone tells me exactly what it is that a Vice President does from day to day) Well, jason, the vice president goes in there and acts as a bridge, a decision maker, when senate, congress and the President don't agree.... Does she know the internet is forever?

  44. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Well she certainly already has the "publick humiliation in the town square " down pat!

  45. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Hey Skarah! How's that Red White Black? Freedom of Expression...awww all fall down? Gee that should get H S to there...then they can talk and talk and talk about you Skarah! And how Dangerous you are!

  46. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Sarah Palin is a worthless skank that fools people into giving her money.

  47. Anonymous3:24 PM

    The scrum was awol.So I had been checking the obituaries for sarah palin with great enthusiasm! Damn she is still breathing.
    Yep,she is still pathetic.

  48. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Gryphen, you're mean!!!

    Keep up the good work....

  49. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Sarah said "...1952, when Congress established the National Day of Prayer. It was signed it into law so we would “turn to God in prayer,” knowing our need for His hand of protection and guidance."
    Hey Sarah, are you saying that before 1952, Americans didn't "turn to God" until it became the law of the land that they do so?

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Yeah, what about that S'error?

    2. Anonymous6:49 PM

      U can't fix stupid or crazy!

    3. Anonymous7:09 PM

      God keeps trying but she's still getting a virus...might have to delete her program!

    4. Anonymous9:28 PM

      Stop the press! They moved god to the edge of a money coin. Oh wait...Bush did that! Nevermind.

  50. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Well, she already has the "speaking in tongues" thing down.
    Word salad for everyone.

  51. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Proof there is no god:
    Sarah Palin's hand didn't catch on fire holding that bible.

  52. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Where's Todd?

    1. Anonymous4:44 PM

      They're divorced and have been for years.

    2. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Humping Joey Schmidt or Danny boy!

  53. Anonymous4:49 PM

    The National Day of Prayer was yesterday, Thursday May 7, 2015. One does not honor the National Day of Prayer any time during the week. The day is observed on the day designated the National DAY of Prayer. Sarah was a day late and a dollar short.

    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Late just like delinquents birthdays

    2. Anonymous6:50 PM

      She's been behind her whole life!

  54. I am a devout Christian. Jesus Christ is my savior and I live because he died for me. So, i have no basis to judge. BUT Sarah doesn't speak for me. On a spiritual nor a human level. I find her such a despicable hypocrite... she, and Ted Cruz, embarrass me deeply

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      I am a "practicing" one, DEBIT and I can see through her, and those like her, in a heartbeat. I was raised in the faith and they are absolutely nothing like they portray.

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      she's as transparent as the day is long.

  55. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Is that Sister Sarah's nun outfit?

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      She is so predictable with the attire. She really is a child.

    2. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Pathetic isn't it.

    3. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Muslim women wear Sarah...

    4. Anonymous7:13 PM

      She's been a Muslim all this time...THAT would explain her HATRED for the USA...since she "sneaked into Canada" for healthcare?

    5. Anonymous7:47 PM

      No, $arah baby, you wanted, as your ex-husband, to secede from the union, now didn't you? You STILL do.

      No arranged marriage nor Betty Boop appearance is going to make that happen for you. Even the tabloids are tired of you unless you call it in.

      But, I gotta tell you something, $arah, that fake butt picture of you going up the stairs to the stage in your fake pleather lace skirt is still an all time fave, better than the shaking of hands.

      The teleprompter didn't quit on you in Iowa and, even if it did, you cooked your own goose going off on your own. Please serve over Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Follow box directions, you just throw it in at the end, stir, and warm it.

    6. Anonymous8:12 PM

      To catch a thief

  56. Anonymous6:20 PM

    C'mon, $arah, you certainly know that the Constitution you wrap yourself in has nothing to do with God. I happen to be a Christian and practice my faith as I allow others to do theirs, whether different from mine, and dangnabbit (gasp), have good friends who don't believe any of it.

    Don't trot out your little godly platitudes, honey, we know who you are and the LAST that should even speak of it.

  57. Anonymous6:39 PM

    She wants her bots to pass the collection plate, there's a wedding coming up, don't cha know?

    1. Anonymous9:30 PM

      Well somebody has to pay for the flowers.

  58. fromthediagonal6:40 PM

    Dammit Gryph, you had me at "Astroglide..." and compounded if with "friction free..."
    mind you, I haven't experienced either since my husband's death a quarter of a century ago, but that's immaterial. Thanks for the grin!

  59. Randall6:42 PM

    We need to push back against the lie that America was founded on Biblical principles. That just isn't true and the liars should be called on it.

    Our founders were extremely careful to NOT put God in the Constitution.

    And in the Declaration, the phrase is "...that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator..."
    Get that?
    THEIR creator
    "endowed by THEIR creator" - not YOURS.

    The nation's motto was "E Pluribs Unim" for over a century, before conservatives got it changed to "In God We Trust" in the 20th century.

    The claims that "our country was founded on Biblical principles" or that "our freedoms come from God, not from laws" need to be called what they are: bullshit.

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Out and out BULLSHIT, Randall.
      Thank you!

  60. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Who won the SarahPAC hockey stick?

  61. WA Skeptic8:18 PM

    Hey, the religion scam sure worked for ol' L Ron Hubbard, didn't it? I'm surprised she hadn't done this sooner than now, because the IRS backs way off on churches.

    1. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Oh, WA Skeptic, on her list is the IRS.
      Why is that, $arah? Care to share?

  62. Anonymous9:13 PM

    She HAS to be reading C4Pee. They go for this kind of stuff with prayers and bible verses. So now she's trying this angle to get some more couch change from them even though it's obvious she's not running. Desperation.

  63. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Anonymous said 2:29 PM
    Sarah Palin knows about 'Fondling Fathers', pun intended. Creepy Chuck Sr. probably had then praying without their underwear.


    Sarah fondles fathers?
    Maybe that's where Bristol learned that skill?

    Immoral Minority:
    Once again according to this source Todd flat out hated Levi's guts, and wanted Bristol to stay away from him. Apparently the argument devolved into a physical altercation which found the two getting all MMA with each other. At one point Todd had Bristol by the hair and was dragging her around with Bristol responding by grabbing him by the crotch. (And here I thought MY family had anger issues.)

  64. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Bristol you grabbed your father by the crotch?

    I hope Todd used a condom and wrapped it in one of Sarah's family facecloth like he did with his used condoms after banging Shailey Tripp while Sarah was out touring the country embarrassing John McCain and the Republican Party after he picked a losing beauty pageant contestant for vice president of the United States of America. John McCain deserved to get pounded by President Obama for picking Wasilla's village idiot.


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