Friday, May 01, 2015

Three men arrested for the stabbing death of a young moose in Anchorage.

Courtesy of the New York Daily News:  

Three men have been accused of stabbing a young moose to death at a park in Alaska's largest city, and police said witnesses reported seeing the men punching the animal and walking away. 

The men were arraigned Wednesday in the death of the yearling moose near a bike trail in Anchorage's Russian Jack Springs Park. All three were arrested on charges of animal cruelty, wanton waste of big game and tampering with evidence. 

Three witnesses called police shortly before 7:30 p.m. Tuesday to report the moose under attack. Assistant District Attorney Daniel Shorey in charging documents made no mention of a possible motive. 

Witness Don Brooks told officers he saw three men in a swampy area "punching" a moose. He yelled at them to stop, and saw them walk toward a park chalet, he said. Two others gave similar accounts to police. 

Police found the dead moose in blood-soaked grass with a large vertical cut on its left side. 

"There were multiple deep cuts that appeared to be slashing cuts on the left ribcage as well as apparent puncture wounds to the neck," Shorey wrote.

Let me tell you I have lived in this city for my entire life, and I have seen some fucked up shit, but NEVER anything like this.  Never.

Growing up here one of the things that is drilled into our heads from the time we are very young, is to never harass the moose that walk freely around our city.

Most of the time that guideline is for our own protection, but it is also to protect them. Because if a moose hurts a person, especially a child,  then they are usually put down.

A part of me would like to see a little primitive justice. Lock these three gentlemen in an enclosure with a full grown bull moose during the rutting season and see how they fair then. 

But that would be wrong, right? Right?


  1. Anonymous4:07 AM

    First thing I thought of--Was Track Palin involved?

    This following story showed up on the morning news. Immediately thought of poor little Tripp.;_ylt=A0LEV7ssbENVph4AaT0nnIlQ

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Why don't they give their names?
      Little bastards. Psychopaths. Its a well known fact that those who torture, maim, kill animals grow up to do the same to Homeless, Children,elderly & DV.
      Lock the little bastards up for good or let the wolves get them...Isn't that what Don Young wants?

    2. Anonymous9:47 AM

      8:32. I'm assuming you meant your comment to be referenced to Gryphen's post, not as a reply to 4:07's separate link to a story about the 5 and 6 year old brothers who thought they were paying with toy guns. Otherwise.your "little bastards" comment seems a little mis-placed. The moose- stabbers are certainly bastards, as are the 5 and. 6-year olds' parents (separate story).....

  2. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Let the punishment fit the crime. I would bet that not one of them would act alone, they get false courage with their fellow slimebags. Too bad the Mama moose was not around, she could have protected her baby like nothing they had ever seen before. Lowlife scum.

    1. Then they'd just kill the Mother for defending her young and giving these punks what they deserved.

  3. Anonymous4:28 AM

    THey must be white since they were called men and not thugs or Natives. Am I correct?

  4. Anonymous4:28 AM

    I hope these A-holes names are made public! There is no reason for such cruelty.

  5. Connie4:52 AM

    When I say for the good of all and may it harm none I remind myself of a few things. First is hurt and harm are not the same and second death is not necessarily harm as I know many circumstances that are far worse than death.

    With that in mind I suggest your justice is tame as I'd like each to suffer what they did to the yearling moose. And yes, that includes their death.

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth"

  6. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Future serial killers, I tell ya. Lock 'em up.

  7. Anonymous6:13 AM

    It will be interesting to learn more of this event.
    Please follow with updates.

  8. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Nasty bastards. It is time scumbag sociopaths that do these kind of things pay a very heavy price. Huckabee's inbred son tortured, hung, stoned and slit the throat of a poor helpless dog and he walked. I'd like to get my hands on sleazy low life scum like these kinds of people.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Well, look at his sick father. Fundies don't believe animals have any value except to eat or kill for pleasure. If forced to choose between saving a rabid rat from drowning or saving an animal abuser from the same fate, I'd save the rat. Even if I wasn't forced, I'd make the same choice.

  9. Anonymous7:18 AM

    This is so sad. I continue to be shocked by the cruelty of humans. To kill an animal for pleasure is just so sick and demented, I hope the punishment for this is stiff and the names of the individuals are widely published.

  10. Anonymous8:18 AM

    A very special place in Hell awaits these guys.

  11. Anonymous8:34 AM

    You can be there will be some very "primitive justice" meted out to these creeps once we find out what their names are.


  12. Anonymous9:01 AM

    This matter brought tears to my eyes. The poor animal!

    People that harm animals are known to go on in their lives and kill human beings.

    These three guys need to be put in jail and not released into the public again for a number of years! They are especially not to be trusted due to killing a defenseless young animal! Horrible!

  13. That poor animal.

    What possesses young men to be so wantonly cruel? I just don't understand the entertainment value of taking a life. Why is this "fun"?

    We've had 4H animals tortured to death by high school students. They've caught them and I've been appalled at those that defend them with boys will be boys, etc.

    There is just no excuse for this.

    I hesitate to blame the parents because you can't be held responsible if your son is born a sociopath. No amount of parenting is effective on some psychological behaviors.

    That poor, poor thing.

  14. Anonymous4:20 PM

    This is seriously messed up, and a symptom of many serial killers. To waste an animal for kicks shows that these people have no conscience to begin with, and would easily become so desensitized to killing, they'd work their way to killing people with no remorse nor guilt.
    When you mentioned Russian Jack Springs park, it brought back some great memories. My husband and I visited and hiked through the woods, the only thing we killed was time and the only things we shot were photos.
    I know it offends certain people, including an Alaska blogger or two, but I'm with you on the last few sentences, just douse them in pheromones first.


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