Saturday, May 16, 2015

Through the magic of professional makeup a soon to be married couple see how they look at various times in the future.

Damn I'm getting soft in my old age.

This video had my eyes leaking all the way through it.

So sweet.


  1. Anonymous4:34 AM

    O/T check out Sarah's lips... this selfie is from a recent flight.

  2. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Dakota and Bristol should have makeup applied to show how they will look after they have fights with each other.

    Bristol will be stunning with bruises and black eyes and Dakota will look good with a broken nose and split lip.

    When Bristol fought with a guy, she got knocked down. When Dakota fought with a girl, he got knocked down.

    $64,000 Question: When they fight each other, who will get knocked down?

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM


      I'm still pondering the chicken/egg thingy!

  3. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Just bawled my eyes out. My husband and I didn't start dating until our mid thirties then got engaged 6 mos. later and then married 6 mos. after that but we've been the best of friends since we were 20/21 and in hind sight we've always been in love. I'm happy that we've known each other for so long even though it took us a while to figure out we belonged together. We have a beautiful little daughter that makes it all the more fun and emotional......damn this video really hit a nerve. It reminded me how precious life is and how important it is to take care of ourselves and each other. Excuse me if there are any typos, I have giant water droplets in my eyes for some reason.

  4. Anonymous5:50 AM

    It was sweet, but I would love to try that in reverse now that 59 is staring me right in the face. I would love to be made to look younger without the plastic surgery.

  5. Physical appearance as you age is only one part of a relationship and it takes place so slowly that adjusting to the changes is almost imperceptible. How you and your partner weather the emotional, economic, and boring parts is crucial to staying together. If you can make a pact to talk honestly and get help if needed, you are on the right track. I love this little quick insight into young people in love knowing how they will look and accepting it so graciously.

  6. It is very charming, but what are the real odds neither of them would ever get fat? And the man keeps all his hair?

  7. I can vouch for one thing about the gal's age 70 appearance: at that age her hairdo won't be that elaborate if she does her own hair every day. Or if she has arthritis.

    And that comment about sunscreen is a valid one.

  8. Anita Winecooler3:47 PM

    I gotta say, everyone should see this when considering getting married. Yeah, we age and we don't quite mesh with what television and the media presents, but there's a certain comfort knowing that love changes and gets stronger as we age.
    I married my husband going on 27 years, and when I look at him now, he's still everything I married and more. Yes, sunblock is your friend. I was blown away with the "last words" question, I honestly never gave it a thought, but I suppose "You can leave the toilet seat up now" and a kiss goodbye would be my style.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.