Saturday, May 16, 2015

Did you think that Jeb Bush was all out of gaffes? Well you were dead wrong.

Photo courtesy of Business Insider.
Courtesy of Mediaite: 

“I think we should repeal Obamacare if given the opportunity,” Bush said, “and replace it with a consumer-directed model where people are engaged in making healthier decisions for themselves and where they are given the tools to do so.” 

He then pointed to his Apple Watch, the cheapest of which retails for $349, saying, “On this device, in five years, will be applications that will allow me to manage my healthcare in ways that, five years ago, were not even possible.” For example, the watch could alert him when he’s eaten more sugar than is safe for his diabetes. 

“Ultimately, we have to get to a health system, away from a disease system,” he added. But while that is well and good for those who are generally healthy, what about those who aren’t?

Yes we will no longer need health insurance, because our watches will take the place of doctors. 

I wonder if he saw a doctor for the head injury that he must have suffered to make him such a moron?

As it turns out DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz had the perfect reply:
And there you go.


  1. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Health centered, what are sick people supposed to do die? there are your death panels, Palin, right there.

  2. Anonymous3:09 AM

    I actually agree with part of what he says, we need a healthcare system where everyone has the ability to go to the Dr when they have even minor concerns, not a diseased based system where people have to just go to the ER when they get extremely ill.
    So it sounds like Jeb either is going to buy everyone and apple watch or support a nationalized healthcare system. I think some reporters should ask him to clarify his plan for the future?

    1. Anonymous6:07 AM

      I have Medicare and a good supplemental plan, so I can go to the doctor or to our excellent local Urgent Care for "minor concerns" and even to the emergency room for sudden, dire concerns. We are fortunate to be able to afford the supplemental HMO. Because of the ACA, in states which have extended Medicaid, there is absolutely no reason for anyone to end up seeking medical care only as an extreme last resort.

      Jeb just doesn't want anyone but the patient to pay for all of his/her care. Market-based medicine is not a good idea - ever. That's what we've had for centuries until President Obama did the best that he could with recalcitrant and mean-spirited Republicans trying their best to obstruct his plans. We should build on the ACA so that we can ultimately have a genuine single-payor healthcare system, like the rest of the industrialized world.

    2. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Remember, the GOPers are the ones who falsely claim that Obama is buying everyone on welfare a new Apple phone. Not true: the phone is only for emergency calls to people with medical issues (including kids on medicaid), and can not be used for personal use. It's not like having an open-ended government freebie as they paint it to be. It's an emergency call system device. Talk to someone who is a foster parent for more details. And LOL, here is Jeb recommending a huge government freebie (what? he thinks just every American can afford an iPhone plus the monthly calling fees? Plus the monthly internet account for it???). This guy literally can not think two sentences ahead of himself. And yet by contrast, he's the smartest GOPer of the pack. The internet plus spontaneous video plus tweeting will do horrible things for the new clown car occupants.

  3. a j. Billings3:35 AM

    Jeb's utter and complete cluelessness about apparently everything is not surprising considering where he comes from.

    The moment he drew his first breath, he was surrounded by wealth, privilege, comfort, security, and a position of power.

    In his entire life, he's never had to worry about anything that most of us struggle with at some point.

    Just like his idiot brother, Jebbie got to go to a posh private school (Philips) where he and his overloard white male buddies knew their destiny was to rule the world.

    Jeb has never know the fear of needing health care badly, but having no health insurance. This incident with the Apple watch is a blatant exposure of how out of touch the man really is.

    He's never been homeless, hungry, or without money. There's never been any time in his life he's had to wonder how he'll pay his bills or how he'll feed his kids.

    He's certain about god ruling the universe, and his Catholicism is yet one more bulwark against anything unknown or unfamiliar.

    I'm aware that as a middle class white male, I've had privilege myself, but his level of wealth and power is on a completely different level.

    I hope his mother calls him up and chews him out for being a dunderhead, because apparently Barbara rules that family with at least a bit of common sense

    1. Anonymous6:05 AM

      Mommy Bush is justed as entitled as Jebbie is. Remember what she said about the Katrina refugees who relocated to Houston? She's an older version of Ann Romney.

    2. Anonymous6:36 AM

      I used to have respect for Barbara Bush until this story hit the news. From the LA Times, March 25, 2006 (the city they refer to was Houston):

      "In a city housing thousands of Katrina evacuees, Barbara Bush's donation to a local hurricane relief fund normally would not seem controversial.

      But more than a few eyebrows were raised when the former first lady stipulated that part of her contribution was to be spent on educational software purchased from her son Neil's company, Ignite Learning of Austin, Texas."

    3. Anonymous8:16 AM

      I lost respect for Barbara Bush when her husband George W H was running against Geraldine Ferraro for VP, Babs called Geraldine and her husband "those $4 million po boys", then she said the name I want to call Geraldine rhymes with witch,

  4. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Wow, Jeb. Way to relate to 'those people.' Will your health system buy them all the latest Apple watches, and pay for the apps? Will you give Apple big subsidies when the company sends a million to your campaign?
    I think maybe you'd better go back to your mansions and ponder your will not be as an elected official, but I bet Apple would pay you to 'advise' them on the best apps for the new health care plan. Then you can keep grubbing from your illegal PAC, just like darling Sarah.

  5. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Clearly Jebbie has misoverestimated himself.

  6. Anonymous4:19 AM

    But, Jeb would then blame Debbie Wasserman Schultz for having had cancer? Obviously she just wasn't being "healthy" enough for him.

    We've had a "consumer-directed" healthcare system for hundreds of years now and we are the laughing stock of the civilized world. It looks to me as if Jeb Bush is so busy hawking Apple watches that he's forgotten that he's running for president.
    Should his parents, who have both had serious health issues, just consult their watches. Did the Easter Bunny bring them Apple watches in their baskets this year?

    Earth to Jeb. Even if your watch could tell you your blood pressure and your body temperature, that's not quite enough. Lord, haven't we had enough stupid from the GOP yet?

    And to add insult to injury, just last week our Congressman, good old "Dr. Dan" voted to criminalize abortion, including sending doctors to prison. He should know that abortions are at times medically, morally or economically necessary. What kind of doctors opt out of medicine for GOP politics anyway? I guess Dr. Dan would agree with Jeb that Apple watches can do the job.

    1. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Should terry shiavo have had a consultation with his watch?

    2. Anonymous4:54 PM


    3. Anonymous6:13 PM

      No, according to the GOP, we haven't heard NEARLY enough stupid from the GOP yet. Loads more still to come. Trainloads more still to come.

      Anonymous 12:09, lol!

  7. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Kids? you CANNOT believe one word from ANYONE on the republikkkan party of fools. Besides. Looks like old jeb got some injections of restylane L for the youthful facial appearance and he is clearly having a reaction to it. Why would America hire another bush?

  8. Anonymous5:30 AM

    I had cancer too... two entirely different types, diagnosed over five years apart. Both diagnosed through scans and biopsies, and treated with chemo and radiation with years of biannual checkups.

    Tell me how a fucking Apple phone would have helped me, Jeb? Entitled, clueless asshole.

    No, the only thing that helped me was the fact that I had good health insurance. Something all Americans deserve and shouldn't have to jump through hoops to get.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Yes, and trying, ongoing, to deprive millions of Americans from good health insurance is, IMO, inhumane. It's a literal form of death panels, and to make it worse, it's done with a face of self-righteousness. Sick and despicable.

  9. How the hell did it get to be "common knowledge" that Jeb was "the smart one...?"

    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Well, just look at the pool Mr. Intelligence is drawn from.

      That's how. Kind of scary, isn't it?

  10. Anonymous7:17 AM

    ... and they kept saying Jeb was the smart one. Looking at George I figured it had to be true, not so sure now.

  11. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Debbie sure told him.

    Jeb Bush looks like he's lost weight these past few months. He's no doubt given the best medical advice and nutritionist and exercise program with a trainer, prepping for the hard campaign trail. He can afford it, nice for him. He gets to enjoy the American dream and the highest political calling because he can afford the best of everything. That opportunity unfortunately isn't afforded to the regular people.

    1. He does look thinner but I'm not sure it's a healthy kind of thinner. I'm becoming increasingly convinced that Jeb was as least as much pressured into this as wanting it for himself.

      I got that same feeling in '08 as the campaigns wore on, that McCain didn't really want to be president, but just didn't want to Obama to have it. This time, the R's know only a marquee name would have any chance against Hillary, which meant either gambling a third rejection of Romney or run Jeb.

    2. Anonymous1:03 PM

      He's on the Paleo husband, a slim 200 pounds at 6 foot 3, has lost 25 pounds on it in four months (he's on it for another medical reason.)

    3. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Yup, he said he's on the paleo diet. I know someone who went on that diet, and the before and after are just stunning. The person, formerly chubby, is now a long-distance runner and looks just fantastic. He says he feels great, too.

  12. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Anybody here remember how the Newt though that facebook could save lives better than ACA?

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Well they still all think that a person's church should take care of them if they are in need of food and shelter (see, if you do that, then EVERYONE has to find a church with lots of tax free money....evangelicals?)

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Can we all just imagine the kind of healthcare one would receive from Ted Cruz's father's church? Both in quantity and quality, and the wisdom (total lack thereof) of 'medical' advice offered? Man, even their own congregants would be griping about it.

  13. "Dammit Jeb, I'm a wrist watch, not a doctor!"

    Hey JB, maybe we can give everyone a medical tri-corder like they use on Star Trek ...

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV! Oh, errr, I mean, on your wrist!...And guess what, even in the worst-case scenario, I'm still right twice a day!"

    2. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Beeping message from Apple: "Oops, your iPhone watch battery just went dead. And you'll be dead in 3 more minutes."

  14. Anonymous11:51 AM

    An Apple Watch on a Bush arm almost seems sacrilegious, the Apple company.

  15. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Still waiting for the "Dumb Ass" vaccine.

  16. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Why can't the Republican bring supposed candidates forward that 'add' to the varied subjects that concern Americans? They truly are a bunch of idiots and will not be able to compete against Hillary Clinton in 2016!

  17. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I don't know if stupid runs in that family, but what he said about the Apple Watch probably made the company flinch. I kind of like the first Bush, but it's all downhill since then. I wonder if, in five years, his watch can do a brain scan, you know, just to see if he has one that wasn't recalled.
    He must subscribe to the GOP old nag "Die Faster" health care. Has anyone poked him and told him he's trying to run for president yet? Just wondering.


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