Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Bobby Jindal: "I'm running for President." Move over GOP there is a new clown climbing into the car.

Courtesy of NBC News:  

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is officially running for president. 

The Republican governor tweeted on Wednesday that he's jumping in to the GOP nomination race, also sending out a link to a new campaign website. He is slated to hold an official announcement event Wednesday afternoon in New Orleans.

If you click the link in the tweet you can see Jindal and his wife "surprise" his kids with the news.

It's just like candid camera in that it also makes Americans cringe. 

Bobby Jindal also has the distinction of having the lowest approval rating in his state of any current, or past, governor running for office.

So that should look really good on a bumper sticker.


  1. hedgewytch11:39 AM

    Do these people have absolutely no sense of self-reflection? Assessment? Shame?

    Who or what on God's Green Earth has told this man, and the rest of the GOP clown car for that matter, that they have the intelligence, talent, empathy, stamina, and gravitas to be POTUS???? Or is all just performance art - Theater of the Absurd? All for money and fame??

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      +++++++ And---his name isn't "Bobby", it is Piyush.

    2. Run, Piyush, run!!!

    3. Anonymous3:37 PM

      ah hrh, I see you haven't checked his website. It's:
      Get it? It's an entirely nonsensical French word, but the pronunciation is 'Go'
      omg, smh.

    4. Anonymous4:04 AM

      They all just look at the candidates on either side of them for assurance of their own competence, and ask themselves,"are you thinking what I'm thinking, Pinky?" And answer themselves, "Sure Brain, that's the biggest collection of dumb shits since the Palin family reunion. This is gonna be a shoe in."

    5. Anonymous4:06 AM

      The picture above reminds me of the cover of Mad Magazine. "What, me worry?"

  2. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Shades of MAD magazine. What, me worry?

    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      My thought exactly! Also, why is it that so many GOP candidates look like A.E.N.? Shrub certainly looked
      like a stand-in for him.

  3. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I realize it isn't nice to comment on people's looks but they need an ugly bus to go along with the clown car. Jindal, Cruz, Fuckabee and Trump need to be on it.

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      I was just preparing to write something similar. Add all the rest of them and you really don't need anything except an ugly bus. What a collection of creeps!

    2. Don't think twice, 11:46. Since all politicians solicit voters like a $20 streetwalker, we're not out of line thinning the herd based on looks. The eventual nominee, if he hopes to make an issue of Hills age, cannot himself be an eyesore. Jindal, Cruz and Huckabee need not even unpack.

    3. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Yes, don't do the look comparison thing. It's just not productive nor well, right.
      Having said that though, I think the Jindal family is actually very nice looking.

  4. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Piyush calling himself "bobby" is like john ellis calling himself "jeb." It doesn't change your reputation or your chances.

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      I wonder if AIP Palin will make a point of using his given name, just as she made a point of using Barrack HUSSEIN Obama? Probably not.

    2. Anonymous12:45 PM

      How true!

  5. Anonymous11:52 AM

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

    that's rich....

  6. Dear god almighty, where the hell do I have to live to have a decent politician be from the same state. I moved to Louisiana from California 14 years ago. Maybe I can hide in a bayou somewhere.

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Vote? And persuade like-minded folks to VOTE?

  7. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Dear Gryph and fellow IM regulars,

    I am hereby announcing my candidacy for President of the United States.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Welcome to the club.

      On the plus side, as an anonymous wag on Gryphen's defunct blog that nobody reads, your chances of winning the election are only slightly smaller than that of Robert "Bobby" Jindal, Theodore "Beaver" Cruz, and Donald "Da Rump" Trump.

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Geaux Anonymous!

    3. Anonymous11:28 PM

      YUP. Well done! Quite BJC'est, merci!


  8. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Please repubs do a debate with them all!
    I so want to see these nuts!!
    Can you just imagine?!

  9. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I've killed hundreds of Louisianans by denying them access to health care, I've trashed Louisiana's economy, and I can do these same things for all Americans!

    1. Luckily, my husband and I both had our health insurance before we moved to Louisiana.

    2. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Still have it? 'Cause lil ole Bobby is doing his best to take it away from you!!

  10. Anonymous12:18 PM

    The fact that these idiots have all been elected by their party base with some help from their state electorates tells me that the lobbyists working for the 1% to gut public education have been very successful.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Gerrymandering. Also too as well.

  11. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Another Republican that is shady as hell and absolutely goofy looking!

    Where are they getting these guys for their clown car? Have they no pride in who they have to pick from? The Republican party should be embarrassed! America is!

    Thank God Hillary Clinton will be our next POTUS!

  12. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Piyush needs to use commas in his announcement so one can understand who he needs to tell first. What difference does it make that anyone would have to agree with him? Sounds like Sarah Palin word salad and the need for more words makes one sound educated. NOT! And it's no longer a clown car it's a clown bus.

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      I hear Sarah has a bus she's not using, and Brissy needs the money. Hey, Sarah can rent the bus out, and Brissy can drive. Or Piper. They can even serve pork chops en route.

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Piyush and his people need to place a high quality microphone somewhere so people can hear a damn word they're saying!
      Who the hell were his media people???? On a tiny tiny budget perhaps? Just tape the laptop in the tree? Another one here to the side??

  13. Anonymous1:18 PM

    These GOP announcements are sounding like an old Dr. Pepper commercial "I'm a running, you're a running, she's a running...etc.

  14. There is so much wrong with that video on so many levels...the kids look scared shitless of 'mommy and daddy' Mommy looked scared shitless with 'daddy', and those kids looked very excited...

  15. Anonymous1:21 PM

    O/T - but since we always seem to be open to more craziness:

    As Shell heads to the Arctic to see how badly they can fuck it up, the waters off the east are filling up with loaded oil tankers whose cargo has no buyers.

  16. Anonymous1:27 PM

    They have too many, but we have too few. It's going to be a problem. I'm not voting for Hillary.

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      "They" will be voting for whomever the GOP ultimately puts forth.

    2. And that, in essence, is the difference between the two parties.

      Republicans will hold their nose and vote the party line no matter who is put up.

      Democrats will stay home in protest because the candidate doesn't hit 100% of their want list.

      That's how Republicans get elected.

  17. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Both Walker and Jindal have announced so that they can stay as far away from their states and the mess that they've caused for as long as possible. Will Brownback announce next so that he can abandon Kansas?

  18. Caroll Thompson1:40 PM

    Bobby is just a name he gave himself after Bobby Brady from the Brady Bunch. His real name is Piyush. His parents are Hindu from India, but Piyush does not like to acknowledge that.

    But unlike Ted Cruz, Piyush was born in the United States. His mom and dad immigrated from India when his mom was four months pregnant with Piyush. So he may have been born in America, but Piyush was made in India.

    1. Olivia2:28 PM

      So he's an anchor baby. Nice!

    2. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Oh no you di'nt!!

    3. When did he convert to Southern Baptist?

  19. FrostyAK1:48 PM

    I don't think any of them really want to be POTUS. They want the money they can make AFTER they run for office. Following the lead of the Wasillabilly.

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Bingo. They want to but know they can't.
      However, with the Fox helm changing, I'm hoping ALL of them will be on the unemployment line and NOT have some lucrative contract with them.
      Perhaps wishful thinking, but still....

    2. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Ted Cruz definitely wants to be president.

    3. Anonymous11:32 PM

      Newt Gingrich is a better example, IMO.


  20. And the GOP candidates just get more and more delusional. Jindal is a joke to us and a headache to his own wretched constituents.

    1. He just got totally boo'd on The Nightly Show.

  21. Anonymous1:57 PM

    "If you click the link in the tweet you can see Jindal and his wife "surprise" his kids with the news."

    I didn't see anything, Gryph.

  22. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Piyush Jindal, you are a scoundrel and a liar.I shall be obligated to ask my second to slap your ugly ass.On your face ,that is.Move along you worthless POS!
    Where do these hateful morons spew from?

  23. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Look at that face! Sorry, Bobby, you ain't gonna make it no how, no way. Were you not such a gimped politician and statesman, were you not despised by the citizens of your own state, and should you actually have some serious workable solutions to the problems that ail us, ... but you are, you are, and you don't.

    As they say on SNL, "Buh-bye!"

  24. Anonymous3:34 PM

    What a horribly bad video, not to mention the lack of quality audio. Jindal's head is hidden right behind a huge knot/scar-in-tree-after-major-branch-cut.
    It's a truly horribly staged video, meant to be shown as a family-conversation-with-a-hidden-camera.

  25. The only thing I can think of when I look at that silly Jindal
    smile is the "ping" of an aluminum baseball bat. If only!

  26. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Remember this? So presidential...not.

    Bobby Jindal's awful response president Obama's speech

    Rachel Maddow responds to Bobby Jindal's awful response president Obama's speech

    1. Marco "I'm too thirsty for my speech" Rubio was just as bad.

  27. Anita Winecooler4:53 PM

    Oh, Pyush, I'm so impressed with your video! Who did you pay to get up in that tree and do those "Candid" shots? The neighborhood peeping tom? Your gardener? Once you reach the age of, say 10, most kids don't like being called "Bobby", put prefer their given names like Bob, so why not call yourself "Pyu"?
    Everytime I see him, I remember him combing his hair and preening before coming out to make a horrible speech. (see links above at Anonymous 3:59) His mommy was four months pregnant when they arrived from a far away land, while his father scoured the area looking for work, he made a deal to pay installments for Pyu's delivery, thankfully, he paid on time. OR WHAT, Bob? They named you for what then doctor said "Pyush! Pyush harder"! He's barely a blip on the clown car charts, I doubt he'll make the top ten.

  28. physicsmom6:53 PM

    I think the GOP regulars pretend to like him, so they can get credit for "diversity." Watch how fast that support flees if Bobby were to name Nikki Haley as his running mate! The horrors! Two Indian-Americans on the same ticket. It would be fun to watch the spinning.

  29. Anonymous3:59 AM

    If that's the Republican "deep bench", they're in Deep Shit!

  30. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Why are people here suddenly referring to him as "Pyush"? You are the same folks get all offended when others of a certain political persuasion call the president by his middle name. Passive-aggresive racist commenters are not exclusive to conservativism.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Difference is that the President has not tried to renounce his middle name.

    2. Tit for tat.

      We had to endure 7 years of Barack HUSSEIN Obama. I think the Republicans have no right to complain about Piyush Jindal.


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