Wednesday, June 24, 2015

SarahPAC released this video bragging about her political impact just a week after Palin was released from her Fox News contract.

Okay first off that is a really poorly made video.

And secondly some of the quotes don't even refer to her by name, so they could really be about anybody.

It also should be mentioned that much of what is shown is from way back in 2010 when Palin actually DID have some political clout.

I think the only people who still think she has any real influence on politics, are those who realize that her association with a candidate damages them, and her constantly dwindling handful of Palin-bots who simply refuse to see the evidence right in front of them.

Five Thirty Eight has even charted the demise of her popularity: 

Palin’s net favorability rating (favorable minus unfavorable) among all Americans1 has dropped more than 40 percentage points, from +18 percentage points to -24 points by mid-2014, according to a local regression. Meanwhile, her net favorability rating among Republicans has declined more than 55 percentage points, from +83 percentage points to +27 points by mid-2013. 

Palin has receded from the national spotlight to the extent that we have very little data since 2012. No live interview poll has asked Americans about her favorable rating in almost a year.

The fact is that today she is nothing. And to be honest that is actually an insult to nothing.

And no shoddily prepared video is going to suddenly make that untrue. 


  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    This is a trailer for a 30 minute documentary Sarah will be releasing. If you think this is bad, what will 30 minutes of this crap look like?

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      The Undefeated (2011)
      Documentary, Biography | 15 July 2011 (USA)
      Ratings: 2.3/10 from 1,732 users Metascore: 32/100
      Reviews: 84 user | 22 critic | 8 from

      Undefeated Reloaded (2015)

    2. Anonymous2:28 PM

      She truly is a moron!!! Using the word "reloaded" now? And she is defeated. It's obvious to everyone but her and a few Nutjobs at C for P. She just doesn't know when to go away.

    3. Anonymous3:20 PM

      It is time for Sarah to have a vaca and let Bristol step up. She knows all the talent and they can do a much improved video vixen.

      Sarah, as hard as you've tried you know you don't have what it takes. You know who is loyal and who you can trust.

    4. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Gryphen - I wasn't going to take time to comment, but after watching this clip - I just have to. SHE IS SO DESPERATE. I am dumb-founded. This isn't a little clip to attract the $5 and $10 donations (although she'll take them). Oh, no. This is a clip aimed 100% at the campaigns of everyone running for Republican seats this cycle - from those running for president all the way down the line. She desperately wants to recreate the momentum of 2010, where her voice did matter (like it or not). But Sarah - this is what you lost. You lost your influence and it doesn't really matter how desperately Rebecca and Nancy and Tim try to create a video to remind people of the weight you carried at one point. It is a new day. Apparently you never learned this. And you are about as far from any voice or image that anyone who wants to be taken seriously wants to be associated with.

      Don't you get it? The game is over. The party has ended. There is no one left at the Palin Palooza but you, your progeny and RAM with Nancy sending an occasional text.

      You quit as governor. Bad choice. You feasted at the trough of reality TV. Bad choice. You and your offspring were involved in an unseemly drunken brawl which finally showed just what a farce the whole evangelical Christian label was (in your case). Bad choice.

      You and you alone have lost your influence, internationally, nationally, state-wide and locally. The world is not your oyster anymore.

      Best to buck up, get our of the truck, and deal with your new reality in better ways then sending out videos with five year old material. It only shows just how far your star has fallen and how much you pine for the days of yesteryear (specifically 2010).

    5. Anonymous5:17 PM

      4:42 PM - spot on.

      Go for it, $arah, you won't stop at anything for attention and money, will you? Go right ahead, make a bigger fool of yourself!

    6. Anonymous5:33 PM

      She must be stomping her feet I read there have been several earthquakes in Willow? Well she so busy trying to get all three supporters to "vote" for her to be the "female" face on a $10 bill, or is that just SEND HER a $10 bill? I didn't stick around long enough to tell.
      She is a Epic fail and this grizzly bullshit is also a epic fail. More political pole dancing for her three followers, send money, send dollars!!! Maybe, I'll run sometime later, also,too....

    7. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Diode hear that there is actually a trilogy of Palin hagiographies? The next film in pre-production is called:

      The Undeflated: Boobs on the Boob

  2. Janice A Soderquist2:08 PM

    The Donald is even more popular than her. Now, that is hitting the bottom of the barrel. Do you suppose Donald will have her campaign for him?

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM

      The Trumpet and The Strumpet.

    2. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Anonymous4:36 PM

      The Trumpet and The Strumpet.
      Oh that is AWESOME! Someone needs to photo shop her "bend & snap NYC" moment (pink top and chesticles and dazed look) and one of Rumps classic and put that in writing on there. Priceless!!!

    3. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Fabulous idea and copyright it quickly or she'll steal your art for a button when they run their campaign. They've both shown they can't be trusted when it comes to ripping people off.

      Saw a link to a campaign button website elsewhere and it teased the article with a photo of a 2008 McCain/P campaign button using a confederate rag symbol as their background. I clicked and thought the website looked pretty legit. Definitely professional quality with a well organized series of buttons sorted by many years and candidates from all parties. Wasn't particularly partisan which made it more interesting.

      Apologize for not having the link to share right now but I'll go look for it and get back to ya.

    4. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Found it !!

  3. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Does Sarah Palin realize that none of the TV stations are talking about her today and the fact she's been fired from FOX?

    The Anchorage, AK newspaper ran an article (inside the paper) saying she'd been dumped by FOX. And, in reading the responses - there wasn't one there that was positive about her!

    Think it's going to take even longer for it to get into her thick skull that no one gives a shit about her! ANYWHERE!

  4. Anonymous2:11 PM

    No SarahPac money? Did Sarah hire Piper to put together that poorly made SarahPac political impact video?

  5. I have nuttin, after watching that, my head really hurts now

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      At least you watched it, texasace! I haven't been able to stomach for videos for over a year.

    2. Anonymous2:55 PM

      I stopped watching her on videos a long time ago. And, from what I'm reading about this new one, she's not improved her product at all! Truthfully, no surprise!

      She is one sorry, stupid and idiotic woman!

    3. In my defense, I couldn't make it past 20 seconds. Trump/Palin 2016? I would stroke out from laughter

  6. Anonymous2:32 PM

    No new Sarah Palin Channel videos because FOX took back their equipment?

    I think so, also, too.

  7. FrostyAK2:32 PM

    Narcissistic, delusion, sociopath.

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Yep, and why she'll continue to make an @ss out of herself because she does think she's all that and a bag of chips! Psychopathy at its finest!

  8. And don't think yourself off the blame hook, John McCain, just because your creature got fired from a job. This is still plenty your fault.

    1. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Darn straight, dvlaries, remember when he said the statute of limitations was up on $arah questions? No, it's not, and it never will be. She is his legacy.

    2. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Missed opportunities?

    3. $arah will always be the 1st sentence of mccain's obituary.

  9. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Sarah Palin NEVER had an ounce of political clout! People like her (old white racists) bought into her Mama Grizzly BS. She might as well have been a pet rock for christ's sake! B

  10. Anonymous2:49 PM

    There was a reason Trump offered to take the entire Palin family out for pizza.. Palin Family and classy restaurants don't mix!

    1. Anonymous8:51 PM

      I still think it's hilarious that Trump treated her like a cheap date, like the trash she is, and didn't even take her to a real restaurant. And stupid Sarah didn't even understand the insult. Hilarious!

  11. Caroll Thompson2:51 PM

    Donations to Sarah Pac must be really drying up. Now she is trying to reinvent herself as a kingmaker. Give money to me so I can personally ensure the election of 'rill' Americans.

    No one wants Sarah's endorsement. No one wants Sarah campaigning for them. And no amount of poor video can change that.

  12. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Oh, well. Karma's a bitch.

  13. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Nobody gives her money any more and she needs to do something to remind rich retirees that she hasn't died but they might soon.

    She doesn't want all those old white men dying before they can give her a nice fat donation.

    Because she's still hawt.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      I think s lot of them have already died....thatt's one of SarahPAC's problems....LOL

    2. Anonymous4:51 PM

      god, but I'd love knowing what McCain says about her today - in private!

      I would think Republicans in Congress do not have a high opinion of her. Wouldn't it be fun overhearing the likes of McConnell and Boehner in such a discussion?

      I can't help but guess they thought McCain lost his marbles when he put Sarah Palin on his ticket! Thank god they lost and President Obama won both terms!

      I would imagine Palin is as much a joke to members of the United States Congress as she is to the majority of Americans!!

    3. Anonymous6:03 PM

      I thought the news said she has a NEW Sarapac...shifting money gain I see!

  14. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Politico article stated that she will be donating to 40 candidates this week. SarahPac isn't bringing in the bucks...It will be interesting to see if she really does.

    Her new Facebook page sucks...still refers to herself as a "Politician", no work or education history and the photo of her is from shortly after the 2008 campaign. I can understand that as she is looking very haggard these days. One should also peruse the photo section. Attacks on Hillary, photo of Lena Dunham, a bunch of Ronnie, guns and family, the infamous "engagement". And that was only 2015. Think it would have been more professional if she'd let Tripp and Trigg put it together.

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      She'll probably be giving them $2 each. :)

    2. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Then take a dollar back!

    3. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Then ask for a 5 dollar donation...postage ya know! What a racket!

    4. Anonymous4:53 AM

      Tri-G not Trigg.
      She named him Tri-G and spells it TRiG.

  15. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Most of the pics, videos and quotes come from ancient history. She really is desperate. Too bad. So sad. Lol!!!

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      I can't do the link but People has an article saying a source said she was a "nightmare to work with, diva, thought she was smarter & more savvy than anyone else, paranoid & thought others had an agenda against her." A must read.

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      It is so sad.

      Boo fucking hoo Sarah


    3. Anonymous3:34 PM


    4. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Fox News dumped who?

    5. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Fox has yet to provide a reason for her termination, but a source not at Fox who had worked closely with Palin in the past tells PEOPLE that "she [can be] a nightmare" to work with and that she was often "paranoid that everyone had an agenda against her, even the people who were there expressly to make her look good."

      The source adds that Palin "was rude and a diva, and thought that everyone else paled in comparison to her intelligence and savvy."


    7. Anonymous4:22 PM

      FOX knew what they were dealing with when it came to Sarah and Todd Palin. They had nicknames for each of them and they were derogatory! It was talked about in an article about a year ago.

    8. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Sarah and Todd Palin are not team players - it's all about them - that alone makes work relationships with them very difficult!

      Nasty stories have followed them in Alaska for years (due to their inaction or actions)!

      She was known to be a nightmare when in Juneau as quitter governor.

      It's in one of the books written about her that Todd would actually call a person in the gov's office in Juneau to let them know the mood she was in before she got to the office - when and if she got to the office!

      Interesting that she is so paranoid! They brought these problems on themselves! !

      Such idiots! They could have had such a nice life, but totally fucked it up!

    9. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Oh dear Sarah, remember when People magazine would regularly lick your arse clean? Now even they hate you.

      Get a job, you lazy bitch.

    10. Anonymous6:04 PM

      She's dry humping as fast as she can!

    11. Anonymous6:09 PM

      I am uncomfortable commenting on Palin's looks- there's enough stupidity and craziness so there's really no need. But geezaloo - the hair in that People photo is at least 3 colors and looks like it could get up and walk away by itself.

    12. Anonymous6:20 PM

      The Fox people nicknamed them "The Eskimo and the Bitch"

    13. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Yes they did, 6:20 PM!

    14. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Fox had it right.

  16. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Gryphen, and Alaskan IMers, this is O/T but worth the read:

    The Arctic is screaming. Can you hear her in the floods of Houston, the drought in California and the epic snowfall in Boston this past winter? In Alaska, the only Arctic state in the United States, it was a record-smashing 89 degrees in Anchorage at 6:30 at night on June 15, 2015, one of several 80 degree days. Historically, June temperatures fluctuate between the mid-60s to mid-70s. Currently, 238 wildfires, burning 408 square miles, are forcing the evacuation of residents in several communities. Fifty-seven new fires ignited on June 22.

    Our collective failure to limit greenhouse gas emissions has pushed atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide -- the primary driver of climate change -- to levels not seen for millions of years, when the Earth did not support human life. These increases are causing significant changes in the Earth system and most profoundly in the Arctic. In the last half-century, Alaska and the Arctic have warmed twice as fast as the global average.

    In Alaska, record-breaking high temperatures, lack of snowfall and decreased Arctic sea ice are colliding to accelerate dramatic environmental changes. In 2014, plants grew in January in Anchorage during a 10-day warm spell when temperatures hovered in the 40s and reached 50 degrees on January 27. In August 2014 children swam in the frigid Chukchi Sea, north of the Arctic Circle, to get relief from a heat wave. Winter snows have shifted to winter rains.

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Felt the tremor in the Valley! Oh Sarah stomping her feet! Nevermind!

    2. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Lol..actually was a 5.6 in Willow! Close!

    3. Anonymous6:05 PM

      80 miles from willow

  17. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Yep, sad. I think Romy and Michelle HS reunion. The football player and the mean girl wife. Hee, hee

  18. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Yes, they will!

  19. Anonymous3:29 PM


    The only thing you "achieved" was to galvanize the conviction that you and your swarm of hornets are so easily reviled.

  20. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Hey Twat! How's the stock market today? Oh someone is selling off fast! Hmmm...

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Shift that money to and fro!

  21. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Everything in that video is old news. She doesn't have any thing current. Notice she didn't show pics of her famous Iowa speech or the Big Gulp at CPAC or the brawl. She is trying desperately to recreate her past and people have moved beyond her.

  22. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I opened the floodgates of hell on the peepond.....
    i asked folks to .."TOR" them with temp email accts
    go have your own fun ...lets put this scam down
    and a temp email acct

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      I knew it was you!
      Loved the "contact Disqus, time to dump this site."

    2. Anonymous5:03 PM

      ya..i'm a real asshole troll...
      me, Katie, "the real" caraboob barbie and a few others have dogged palin for years
      griff needs no help from us but, we love him
      it was me that outed todd and the plane..
      until this bitch gets her just due...we will never let up

    3. Anonymous5:31 PM

      I hooted! A1 --- "Don't reply! Don't reply! The moderators asked us not to!" hahahahahaha

    4. Anonymous6:22 PM

      I wonder if Taahhd bought the Graham float plane with his settlement from their divorce??

    5. Anonymous6:25 PM

      The funny thing is, some of them are sooo sure they know who it is and it is one of them! I suspect they think it is ao1, since they blame her for every fucking thing! Hey lager, if you see this korn keeps swearing he has a zinger to put you in your place, yet never delivers on it! Muse needs her ass handed to her. Loved the mjs trolling! Hugs!

    6. Anonymous6:38 PM

      looks like my call out is really fucking with the peeponders, this one had me snorking ...
      almost pissed myself...

      MJS • an hour ago

      Well, it's time to say farewell. This is too much for me. I might come back when Sarah announces, but until then I will stay silent. My heart breaks for Sarah. I'm planning a trip to Alaska to see if I can get together with her wonderful family. I've emailed her a number of times to tell her I'm coming. I hope she'll see me when I knock on her door. A moose stew dinner would be great! I might even buy a toupee and get my back waxed before I go. I'd love to show her my tattoo on my back. (It's the picture of her in that sexy white sweater) But the back hair is frustrating. Farewell my friends!



      Share ›


    7. Anonymous6:48 PM

      ...and i have been very kind to him... (remember) this old fella is in his 80's ..and a i'll only push so far..... now the bag of shit VG1 is fair game
      and as you know, i wish a early painful end to this racist prick... even chucktard jr has asked me to lay that is going to happen

    8. Anonymous6:54 PM

      FYI rose/muse has a famous sister Eileen Davidson, some ex soap star, now a real housewives of Beverly Hills... might be useful.

    9. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Signing up now...cannot wait to drive that whore Palin into the ground, choking on her own hared.

    10. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Lager. Curious, how did chuckie contact you & how did you know it was him?

    11. Anonymous7:26 PM

      MJS is in New Zealand and a blowhard narcissist like $arah. Muse is an outright bitch. Korn posts stupid english trying to mimic the dying VG and become the new board patriarch. TBo is in her seventies and lonely, tries to be most popular, . Food Stamp Pete is down right crazy, and then there's mark1955 that thinks Charleston was a government set-up and no bodies in the caskets.

      TMI? No.....these are $arah's base, just to mention a few. I must admit I laughed when the pompous TheresaAK, board queen, and bible quoting pbp husband left because they supported Cruz and knew $arah was not running. :)

    12. Anonymous9:13 PM was me that hung pete with the food stamp nic name, i thought the goof from NZ was that idjet exodis bad.. TBo is the old jan/rose, I drove the two bible thumpers polar whatever and his dummy wife off the pee pond.... i have been fucking with these assholes for a very long time.. above, someone asked about chucktard jr. i replied to a post of his on facebook using my drlager name, and chucktard replied to me...
      asking me why i was "picking on sara"...for real..
      they all think i am the famous Cariboob Barbie ...
      i am not,(but we are friends) we may be a small group but we cast a very wide net.....

    13. Anonymous5:59 AM

      TBo is not rose, MoonLightMuse is. Exodus is also in NZ, supposedly an American, like MJS. Craig Phillips is also NZ, colony is Canadian.

    14. Anonymous6:01 AM

      7:26, you nailed it! Did you see the comments by yeppers to korn and TBo the other night? They were great!

  23. Anonymous3:57 PM

    "Restoring America Together" ....RAT!! Yup, that's her.

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      She can't even control her own trash family.
      Restore America? To what?

    2. Anonymous9:32 PM

      to the strawberry fields between her ears!

    3. Anonymous11:22 PM


  24. Best analogy of FOX not renewing Sarahskanks contract:
    evoshander on Wonkette:
    Palin not having her contract renewed by Fox is sort of like a dung beetle getting booted off a pile of shit.

  25. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Sarah Palin's plan for a celebrity wedding for Bristol is being re-vamped. Willow and Piper are being prepped for the next not- very-intelligent Medal of Honor winner to get a boner looking at Sarah. People magazine still on speed dial.

  26. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Look, this is all she has. The reason she gave Greta Van Susteren for not running for president in 2012 was that she could 'be more effective by endorsing candidates.' That's the honest to god reason she gave! She would be more effective by endorsing good solid Republican candidates, than being president! That's why Jon Stewart ripped her so badly: he said basically, 'what could you do as president? You'd have the most powerful job in the world!
    She's afraid to run again for anything, pure and simple. So being an endorser, a king-maker, that's more suitable. Less work too.

    1. Anonymous9:02 PM

      At least she is right that she would really, really suck at being president. I agree 100%.

  27. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Before driving to Alaska with a moving truck packed with her belongings, Bristol and Co. take a quick road trip to the Grand Canyon.

    Bristol dodges the only question anyone could possibly “care” about, which is “will your mindless grifter mother ever end our hollow agony and tell us whether she is running?”

  28. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Why aren't any of the 13 in the clown caboose beating her door down asking for her endorsement now? The begging at the end for donations is the funniest part. Hello! Sarah, you're yesterdays newspaper, not good for much but wrapping dead fish.
    But, as you said, there'll always be the palin bots worshipping the quicksand she walks on. She's done, reduced to begging for donations on a hastily edited you tube clip of old photos.

  29. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Yeah, America came "together"...what, back in 2008 to back a washed-up reality-TV star and media whore bent on fleecing any and everyone to pat for her vacations?!? Palinbots, you deserve to be left wherever you are found by this Jezebel.

  30. omg~just omg
    That video reminds me of our TV when we have bad weather. It gets pixelated and you can't tell what's on the screen. Who the hell told her this was a good idea?

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Um....Dude I think it's weird when you criticize Piper for learning to vibrantly edit and whatnot

      Like Todd is busy working on the roof and can't help with rest of the family figure out iMovie now that Fox took away the rill editing software on the puters


    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Hey barstool!

    3. Anonymous6:35 PM

      @5:10 PM You write like an uneducated Palin, but you are a fraud.

    4. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Surely that was snark. 510p, I mean.

  31. Anonymous4:50 PM

    She needs to bring back some of her old time family stories.

    Sarah Palin’s Daughter’s Drunken Belligerence Makes Her ‘Heart Soar’

    Did Levi Johnston Rape Bristol Palin?

  32. Anonymous4:53 PM

    She will share her chosen ones her ability to write (speeches) because she received her word salad degree from the University of Lorem Ipsum.

    1. Anonymous5:43 AM

      "University of Lorem Ipsum."

      Good one!

  33. Anonymous5:02 PM

    The tv stations aren't covering Palin and one could say it's because she isn't newsworthy. But, I think it's more than that. This week is a time of sadness and reflection for many with the Charleston shootings. I think many people see Palin as someone who opened the floodgates on racism in 2008 and brought it out in the open as if it was ok. It's always been around but she just taunted with it in a high position. She did a huge amount of damage & stirred up people--and has continued to. Her chants too of reload/retreat come to mind when one sees her face.

    I will always believe many in the media feel this way--and this week she is nauseating to think about.

    What is also sad this week is that a State Senator, one of their colleagues, had to die before those in government( who hadn't tried) would finally do something or think about doing something with that ugly, disgusting flag.

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Your last paragraph is so true. How they could dare call him their friend and say nice things about him when they knew every day he went to work with that damned flag flying over his head.

    2. Anonymous12:32 PM

      I truly think the majority of these Republicans currently calling out against the Confederate Flag are acting. Many of them have been known to be racist.

      Why would they change their 'colors' (no pun intended) now and so quickly? It's political (pressure) and nothing more.

      And, I'm not sure the flag will be brought down (across the south when it concerns a Republican and/or their state majorities) as some of them are projecting and suggesting!

      I especially found it appalling that Governor Haley didn't take the flag down when the wonderful black man's body had to pass under it when he was being taken into their Capitol building to lie in state before their people.

      That flag should be burned everywhere - with exceptions to the ones placed in museums throughout the south - as President Obama suggested.

  34. Randall5:04 PM

    And nothing has done more damage to the Palin brand than Sarah Palin's own words.
    I've long said - the best way to get rid of Sarah Palin once and for all is to simply let her talk.

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      True-very true.

    2. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Exactly! She opens her mouth and the ridiculousness just keeps on rolling out. It's been said before, but is worth repeating - Sarah Palin is the best friend the Democratic Party has ever had. Thank you Sarah Palin for being you.

    3. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Yes, that and the words and actions of her drunken, brawling family. One's reputation doesn't just bounce back from something like that.

    4. Anonymous12:18 PM

      9:07 PM What was really neat about the Palin family (inclusion) in the Anchorage Brawl was that the Anchorage Police had audio that reflected the voices of Bristol, Todd and Sarah - among others - at the party.

      It was proof of the brawl! Plus, the brawl audio and information went public in Alaska and throughout the nation!

      There was no way Sarah could get them out of the mess like she has been known to do throughout their lives. Lies and fraud were not an option for her in this particular case!

      THEY WERE ALL CAUGHT! Sarah and Todd could not lie or alter the facts! Nor could they threaten to sue someone at the party!!!

      The incident was truly a 'slice of heaven' for opponents (especially Alaskans) of the Palin klan!

  35. Anonymous5:15 PM

    haha, was she using politico to get out in front of the negative shit she already knew was coming when it became known that Fox dropped her?

    Why yes.

    Too bad all anyone remembers is the Palin Family Brawl and the drunken rambling speech (blamed on a broken teleprompter LOL) and the fake engagement and fake wedding and the stupid reality shows.

    Nobody remembers Sarah Palin as a politician, only as a has-been politician.

    And all that surgery has merely enhanced the ugly, so there's her hideous face to deal with as well.

    Where's that fork?

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      The wedding called off was the best. Many of us here said it would never happen, and it didn't.

      Miles ahead of you, $arah.....come out and get chewed again, Mama "grizzly." We're prepared, as are others!

    2. Anonymous6:57 PM

      I'll fill up my mint julep party pitcher and join you on the porch, 6:42.

    3. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Can I tag along? I would love to sit on the porch swing and gossip in hushed tones about Sarah. It would bring back memories of hot summer nights in KY on grandma's porch.

    4. Cracklin Charlie8:17 PM

      I'll meet ya'll on the veranda after supper. I'll set a spell on the davenport, but all that swingin' gives me the vapors!

    5. Anonymous6:29 AM

      We never were allowed to swing-it bumped the house. We did this small glide, just so calm and relaxing.

  36. Suzy Q5:49 PM

    Oh goody! Sarah's running!! Everybody send your couch change and pocket lint so Sarah can get the campaign bus out of mothballs. She'll take on Jeb, Ayn, Carnival, Fuckabee, HP Fail, Trumpet, Marco Polo, Frothy Mixture, Pa Tacky, Miss Lindsey, Surge, Wisconsin Ranger, and Hadji. She'll debate all of them and win because she's a master debater. The others won't be able to concentrate because she'll be wearing her Belmonts, her rubber ass enhancer, and her red-soled stilletos. The Palin Campaign is coming to a town near you. Woot! Woot! She'll be carrying her prop, Trig also, too.

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Let her try it, I dare her. I don't care whose backing she has behind her, she's going to fall flat on her face because she IS that stupid, and everything will come out including the stupid instagrams her kids, that she does not mother, post. She's getting nowhere near the White House, and she knows it.

      All narcisstic attention. Good or bad.
      Thank you, Bill Kristol and Bud Paxon.
      Most of all YOU, McCain. Dumbass.

    2. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Bud Paxson and Van Flein are Trig's namesakes. Why was McCain stupid enough to be blackmailed into selecting Sarah Palin? Was McCain that close to Vicki Iseman?

    3. Anonymous7:05 PM

      And now we're getting somewhere.......

    4. Cracklin Charlie8:09 PM

      Maybe Sarah's backers bought her way onto that ticket.

      McCain, strapped for cash after having fought through a tough primary season, wrapped up the nomination in early March. He would have been desperate for a big infusion of cash into his campaign for the general election, where he would have to face one of two very formidable Democratic challengers. Enter Paxson.

      Her place may have been obtained by a combination of blackmail and cash...but I would bet a home-made blueberry pie that a big pile of money was involved in the decision to choose her. That's why they couldn't dump her when they found out about her...they'd already spent the money.

    5. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Sigh. Once again people, her ridiculous kids' names all include Alaska place names. Paxson is a town in Alaska. So is Willow. So is Bristol. She's being shallow and cutsie. That's what she does. Nothing more.

    6. Anonymous5:06 AM

      There ARE no coincidences.
      Really, the chance of the names of her kids not having alternate meanings must defy probability.
      Having a kid with Trisomy G innocently named TriG?? Paxson and Van...all coincidental?
      And a grandson named Tripp? the same name as a prostitute his grandfather had sex with?

      The only explanation is that the universe has a sense of humor and Sarah is ridiculously dumb and unlucky?

    7. Anonymous8:47 AM

      @9:13 PM Paxson is the last name of Lowell 'Bud' Paxson the Evangelical t.v. station and newspaper owner who had his lobbyist(Vicki Iseman) seduce John McCain into a compromising position. Van is Sarah's attorney Thomas Van Flein who wrote all of the confidentiality agreements fot Matsu and Dr. CBJ. Paxson and his power group(Kristol) met with Sarah Palin before McCain made a selection, and arranged for theTrig Van Paxson Palin fake birth to cover for Sarah's pregnant daughter Bristol. Coincidence? Sigh, once again people, a Palin Troll is trying to deflect.

    8. Anonymous10:51 AM

      8:47 read what I wrote again, fool.
      Now, Does that read like troll droppings?
      Do you lack a snark gene?

    9. Anonymous12:09 PM

      "Bristol" is NOT the name of a town in Alaska. There is a water mass though, called Bristol Bay. This is in response to the comment made by the person at 9:13!

  37. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Sarah loves blowing her own horn. So she thinks she's the changer of the nation? Yes, she turned it on it's head and brought out every cockroach racist, bigot and anti-liberal hater of the woodwork. She divided and derailed and all just to promote herself. She hurts and hates people who don't worship her.

    Sarah, no one is worshipping you. How about that? You are not divine, nor a goddess, nor a saviour. How about that? You can't make people believe your lies anymore. How about that?

  38. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Sarah is now the "Undefecated".

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Christ, I only wish.

    2. Anonymous11:16 PM

      Martin Bashir (msnbc) has been vindicated.

      His take on ol' Sarah P was that she had no concept of actual recorded history re slavery and the evil and demonic actions taken against enslaved Africans.

      He used the example of having slaves sh*t in the mouths of other slaves as punishment for even minor infractions that displeased a particular slave 'master.'

      He suggested that until Sarah understood the depths of degradation of other human beings by slave owners that she should watch what comes out of her own mouth.

      Of course Martin Bashir lost his position. And Sarah spewed on. And here we are.

      I miss the intellect and humor of Martin Bashir and wish well.


    3. Anonymous8:31 AM

      I'm so happy you mentioned the Martin Bashir incident again as it reminds the dirty depths the GOPTP and their thug base will go with their poutrage to silence any voice of dissent.

    4. Anonymous12:06 PM

      Where is Martin Bashir and what is he doing? Does anyone know? I miss him too!

      With Sarah Palin hitting the bottom of the barrel, many of the folks she went after and damaged, will be able to rise again.

      Sarah Palin is living a life of Hell and there aren't any of us that would like, or want, to walk in her dirty shoes!

      She's always looking backwards - not forward - going after her haters (there are many!!!!) - as one paranoid broad! She and Donald Trump match perfectly! Two ugly, onery, nasty, evil, ego-driven jerks!

  39. physicsmom7:44 PM

    My goodness, that video is totally craptastic! I'm glad others saw the pixilation; I was afraid it might have been my computer.

    Some comments on earlier posts:
    I don't think that Fox will take all the video equipment away from her. It's kind of insurance in case there is some breaking news that only Sarah could comment on. Or it just isn't worth the trouble to get it and have to engage with her one more time. One of those things.

    I never go to C4P, so I don't have any idea what you've wrought with trolling over there. But it sounds hilarious.

    Regarding the promise to donate to 40 campaigns this week - only if it's $5.00 each. I think her slush fund can still handle $800.

    I loved "the Trumpet and the Strumpet" very creative.

    I've fallen into a place where I really don't care about her any more. I thought she was dangerous at the election time and the following couple of years, but she's truly irrelevant now. I enjoy reading IM, so I'll keep coming back here for the other news and commentary, but follow Palin. Meh.

    1. Anonymous10:11 PM

      Thank you for the nod on "the Trumpet and the Strumpet".

    2. Anonymous10:23 PM

      I never go to C4P, so I don't have any idea what you've wrought with trolling over there. But it sounds hilarious.

      This is a troll, too.

      looks like the real MJS to me



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      StandProudNow iizthatiiz • 3 hours ago

      148 comments on this account...


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      iizthatiiz Moderator StandProudNow • 3 hours ago

      That should be about right. His new acct is only 5 days old


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      MoonLightMuse8 iizthatiiz • 4 hours ago

      Then why hasn't he answered me?


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      MJS MoonLightMuse8 • 3 hours ago

      Here I am MLM


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      MoonLightMuse8 MJS • 3 hours ago


      What secret between us can i reveal to prove it??


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      MoonLightMuse8 MJS • 3 hours ago

      Say something about 88. I will know then.


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      MJS MoonLightMuse8 • 2 hours ago

      If I said something about 88 he would not like it and reply with a devastating comeback. How about if i advised that our first row was when I two timed you with TBo??
      (Iz this is just in fun-I'm really not providing "proof" as you cautioned before. best MJ)


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      iizthatiiz Moderator MJS • 3 hours ago

      There is no need for that MJ. Am getting a bit po'd over those sowing mistrust.

      Would really be terrific if users would trust admins to keep the site safe, and not be constantly taking that task up as their own self appointed duty.

      There is a reason we ask folks not to point fingers at suspected intruders. They simply don't have the tools to determine the truth. Admins do.


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      Craig Phillips iizthatiiz • 39 minutes ago

      Yeah...but then that's exactly the kind of thing a fraud impersonator intruder WOULD say now isn't it...
      LOL I couldn't keep a straight face!

      MJS iizthatiiz • 2 hours ago

      Appreciated and thanks



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      MoonLightMuse8 iizthatiiz • 3 hours ago

      I'm just kidding. I always tease Parks like this.

      I don't take up anything as a self-appointed duty. That's ridiculous.



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      MJS MoonLightMuse8 • 2 hours ago

      She's soooo feisty (but we love it)


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      iizthatiiz Moderator MoonLightMuse8 • 2 hours ago

      am not singling you out .. it's just the hysteria that seems to ensue when an unwelcome visitor spoofs one of our regulars. Folk get into an uproar as if its some major disaster. It will get sorted .. there's just no need for panic, as it seems to be contagious


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      iizthatiiz Moderator iizthatiiz • 3 hours ago

      If foul play is suspected .. simply flag it!

    3. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Notice they asked about using a code word '88'. Can we now assume that C4P is also 4 Hitler since they are using the skinhead code?

  40. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Fox News Fires Sarah Palin Just in Time for New Sarah Palin Documentary

    We have the trailer for it here. It feels a little like that Will Ferrell Lifetime movie.

  41. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Didja hear the difference between Sarah Palin and a pit bull? The pit bull still has a job.

  42. Anonymous11:24 PM

    What next? Sarah PAC is dwindling. None of the kids draw any appreciable income and Todd is no where in sight.

    Poor Sarah. What's a single mom to do?

  43. WalterNeff11:32 PM

    That pixelization is deliberate - trying to be edgy. It's not an error

  44. Anonymous12:02 AM

    If she really wants to make some money she should go ahead and tell the whole truth about Bistol's pregancies and Trig.

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      It could be a best seller if she had the assistance in writing a truthful biography of her flawed and fraudulent life!

      There are some folks in Alaska that could assist her! They know her truthful life story and have pictures, facts, videos, radio interviews and sources!

      Information regarding Todd Palin would also be included, of course!

  45. Tanya1:05 AM

    It is people of Palin's ilk (as well as Huckabee, Cruz, etc) that make me wish that President Obama could run for a third term. He would certainly get my vote.

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      I would too 1:05 AM, IF it were legal for a POTUS to serve more than two terms.

      He's got his mojo going big time now - love how everything is falling into place as to his presidency. I really think he'll go down in history as to being one of the best presidents in history!

      Perhaps they could make a place for him on Mt. Rushmore? Can you imagine how the Republicans would fight doing that?

      Someone else said this, but it would be neat if President Hillary Clinton appointed President Obama to the Supreme Court! He'd be a terrific addition. Wonder if he'd want the position at some time in his future?

      Love, love, love the guy and he has my total respect!

  46. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Most of that hideously stupid video is from 2010, and $arah has aged like old cheese to a dried up crusty husk, even with her fake tits, rubber ass pads, and hooker heels.

    For Dog's sake, how stupid must Palinbots be to think that Caribou Barbie is going to be President?

  47. Anonymous4:34 AM


  48. Anonymous5:11 AM

    lol Tagline:
    "She'll go down in history as changing the dynamics of politics".

    Umm yep...I guess so. Putting a seat cushion in your panties and pretending t have given birth to a Tri-G to garner pro-life cred had NOt been done before. So ,yep, that's a new dynamic alright.

    I thought the video was fucked up because I watched it during a thunderstorm. That was pretty poor quality - or else there were subliminal messages being shot out at us lol.
    Warning: if you are prone to seizure activity, do not watch this video lol!

  49. Anonymous5:39 AM

    It still amazes me how anyone would give that old bat money to "promote" candidates when they can contribute directly to the candidate him/herself. Some people really are that stupid.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      On top of that those dumbass goober inbreds give SarahPac $100 and SarahPAC gives $1 to political candidates. What a deal.

      That's after SarahPac makes payroll.

  50. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Politico takes another shot at our Sarah. As usual , the comments are far from positive.

  51. Anonymous10:29 AM

    And the hits keeps on coming. Sarah Palin is like that arcade game where you hit the mole on his head. That Sarah sure has taken a lot of whacks

    The Week:
    Why Fox News fell out of love with Sarah Palin

    One day, your grandchildren will see an old video of her and say, "Who was this spectacular nincompoop?", and you will tell them, "Actually, believe it or not, there was a time when some people thought she should be the most powerful person on Earth."

    ....You have to give Palin some credit for milking her celebrity for all it was worth, and there's no doubt she's as weirdly compelling a political figure as we've seen in decades. No politician has provided so many public catastrophes to gawk at, from her disastrous interviews during the 2008 campaign, to her bizarre speech announcing that she had to resign the Alaska governorship because to finish the term to which she had been elected would be "the quitter's way out," to the time she wrote talking points on her hand that she consulted during a Q&A, to the hilariously nutty word salad of a speech she gave earlier this year at the Iowa Freedom Summit ("The man can only ride ya when your back is bent, so strengthen it! Then the man can't ride ya, America won't be taken for a ride!")....

    Palin was terrible at live television, which shouldn't have been surprising to anyone familiar with her particular gifts. That forum requires a quick glibness, the ability to talk smoothly and deliver messages without hesitating or faltering. When she speaks extemporaneously, Palin is forever reaching through a fog of ideas to try to snatch a succession of clauses that might be assembled into something resembling a coherent sentence. You don't have to think Palin is dumb to acknowledge that she isn't at all articulate, and you need to be articulate to be a good TV talker....

  52. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Sarah why did you change your profile picture to an old old picture? Are you embarrassed by your current pictures?

  53. Anonymous11:45 AM

    She ain't what she use to be and she knows it! She's not aging well! Looking more and more like her mother - but, I mean no harm to her mother!

    Can you imagine being the mother of Sarah Palin? God forbid!

  54. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Update: My local paper had a one paragraph bit on SP and Fox parting ways, and they said that any future appearances would be UNPAID. As in no moolah for Sarah Payme!

    So now we get to see her internal battle between loving the spotlight and megaphone and loving $$$.

    I think she is shrieking and melting just like the wicked witch of the west. She's officially a nobody, and an UNPAID one at that.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.