Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Fox News dumps Sarah Palin! Update!

Courtesy of Politico:  

Fox News will not renew its contract with Sarah Palin, whose bombastic appearances have been a cable staple since the former Alaska governor’s failed run on John McCain’s ticket in 2007. When asked for comment, a Fox News spokesperson confirmed the network had amicably parted ways with the governor on June 1. 

Palin, 51, is expected to make occasional guest appearances on Fox and Fox Business, and will appear on other networks and cables. She has a show on the Sportsman Channel, does a lot of speeches, and will announce a new publishing project soon. 

When Palin was at her zenith, she made frequent appearances, and Fox installed a camera at her house. But executives consider her less relevant now, and her appearances were sometimes hampered by the vast time difference with Alaska. 

And so it finally ends. 

Somehow I think these "occasional guest appearances" will be really,. really occasional. Like maybe never.

After all we remember back in 2013 when Palin walked away from her Fox gig after they refused to renew her million dollar a year contract, only to come crawling back for a fraction of that amount a few months later.

And since then, as many of you have noted, her appearances have become fewer and fewer, and the duration shorter and shorter.

So to sum up Palin's Fox News contract is over, SarahPAC is as shell of its former self, and her Sarah Palin Channel is a joke.

I think all that leaves is her Sportsman Channel gig, and seriously how much can that pay?

Update: On the flip side Sarah Palin's Facebook page got a make over.

 So you know, there's that.

Update 2: This seems appropriate.


  1. Anonymous6:03 AM


    1. Anonymous7:06 AM all know this means that she's ruunnning! Who wins the ol' Sarah P 2016 POTUS pool?

      Who'll be Sarah's running mate? Pain/Fiorina? Two women can surely beat Hillary, right?

      Grizzly Sow/Demon Ewe 2016 CCC Party
      Council of Conservative Citizens

      She will surely announce on July 3rd, right?


    2. Anonymous7:39 AM

      I'd like to take a dump on the Bitch.

    3. Anonymous8:25 AM

      "I didn't get into government to do the safe and easy things." Yeah bitch, you got out of government, quitting halfway through your term so you could star in a reality show, a job that was incredibly safe and easy!! Palin is such a douche bag!!

    4. Anonymous9:18 AM

      I just saw this on a article about BillKristol (who is still retard) getting all wee-weed up about the conFed flag I was just going to click it thinking it old and lost the page. Now I see it on IM and are like YEAH!!! And she is not running, not running her mouth off anymore!!!

    5. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Look at her facebook! She wants EVERYONE TO VOTE for HER as the FACE of NEW $10 BILL!!! Grifter much sarah? That desperate? WTF have YOU done for America to deserve to be on the $10 bill?
      I'd go with FLOTUS or Liz Warren or Hillz but she is running....
      Sarah palin is a joke.
      Unless its a joke that $10 is more like $1. now?

    6. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Totally agree Anonymous 8:25. Also, too, Sarah took the easy way when as Mayor of Wasilla, she hired a City Manager to do her job.

      Palin is nothing but a lazy quitter, who resigned (was forced to perhaps) as Governor and pursued fame and fortune and plastic surgery. Sarah would like us to think she stayed the government course and actually accomplished something, anything. That's never going to happen.

    7. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Who cares why she thinks she got in?

      The world wants to know why she quit part way in.

    8. Anonymous10:10 AM

      I am wondering if Taahhd bought that float plane from Franklin Graham, with his divorce settlement $$$$ from $carah? Maybe the religion "bidness" will be their next grift, to avoid working for a living?

    9. me again10:26 AM

      Some thoughts about July 3, 2009.

      Sarah scheduled her big speech on July 3 at her house in Wasilla. Why not have a big event at the Wasilla Sports Complex? (Now known as the Curtis D. Menard Memorial Sports Center.) With a few days notice she could have had thousands of her Palinbots and Teabaggers there to cheer her on. With just a little planning it could have been a fundraising and public relations BONANZA for Sarah and SarahPAC. She could have had her choice of important political wingnuts to stand and teabag with her.

      It would have been the biggest political event of the holiday weekend if it been better planned. Yet, for some strange reason, we got the Lake Lucille wired word salad version instead. Actually, it was still a big political event with lots of media and free PR, but most of it was bad. Lots of people jumped to the conclusion that she quit because something was about to land on her or that she was losing political control of the state. Or that she was nothing but a disorganized quitter. lol.

      So they were writing a speech at the last minute? How very Palin. Why did that happen this time? She should have known that this was one of the most important speeches she had ever made. She had people on staff to write her speeches. Did she not give them enough warning to have something ready?

      Or was it something else?

      I think she planned to quit early, but was forced to resign very suddenly because she had made some big mistakes and was caught. I think she was forced to announce her resignation before she was ready and on very short notice. Whatever plans she might have had or planned to make for some big Palinpalooza to announce that she was going rogue went out the door because she wasn’t driving the resignation truck! Possibly the lack of time for Sarah to organize this was no accidental coincidence.

      I think there is a lot more I didn't mention yet, also, too.

      I also think you will be reading the details here at IM on or before July 3, 2015.


    10. Cracklin Charlie11:43 AM

      Me again?

      Long time.

  2. Caroll Thompson6:05 AM


  3. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Palin refrigerator to sustain further damage

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM


  4. Anonymous6:06 AM

    This is going to be a hoot... WOOT! WOOT! to quote Nancy French.

    1. Anonymous6:53 AM

      WOOT WOOT was reserved for the Wedding of the Century that never happened. WOOT WOOT counting the days!!!!

    2. Anonymous8:26 AM

      What a disappointment the whole Power Couple plot turned out to be. Bristle's fault, she should have stuck it out no matter what so Sarah could have had that one dream. If DM gave her the boot, it is still her fault.

      Nancy sure knew Bristle's language. Woot! Woot!

  5. Bill F6:09 AM

    Now that she can appear on other networks wonder how long it will be before she appears on Morning Joe. It is about the ratings, and MJ is after the old white FOX base.

    1. Anonymous6:28 AM

      But, but Mika might ask her an unscripted question, or as Sarah calls them "gotcha" questions. Like that horrible Katie Couric. :)

    2. Anonymous6:35 AM

      Would Morning Joe really want her on his show? Highly doubt it in our world today. She's a has been and joke and the entire country knows it. She no longer has the drawing power. If FOX doesn't want her anymore, I'm sure those on other channels don't either!

    3. Anonymous7:27 AM

      You are so wrong. Any media outlet would love to have Sarah Palin as a guest. People love to watch her make a fool of herself. And interviewers other than the Fox stable would not allow her to spout without making her explain her rants. That is where SPalin runs into difficulty.

    4. Anonymous8:18 AM

      7:27 AM Fox interviewers had to provide her with their questions before she'd appear on their shows. She'd have to memorize the answers before going on their various shows.

      Bill O'Reilly finally said she was an idiot and stopped talking with her. Then the gal - Gretchen (?) - can't think of her name - stopped having her on and Sean Hannity was stuck with her!

      Her legacy with FOX is awful!!!! They should have dropped her completely a long time ago - which I'm sure I don't need to tell them!

    5. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Well, there is always the submitting of the questions - and THEN 'slipping in' an unscripted one! Ooooopsy-daisy! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

  6. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Almost exactly six years since she quit politics to try to grab the brass ring, Sarah has been exited off the stage.

    With Rupert Murdoch retired, Sarah's "new publishing project" probably won't get the million-dollar support that her other books did. And what publisher would gamble that there's a large paying audience for Sarah's thoughts in 2015.

    Perhaps she'll self-publish and sell her book herself. Perhaps she'll try the religion circuit, making "christian" speeches with just a filigree of politics. Perhaps she'll start her own religious radio channel.
    Or maybe she and Todd will sit down and budget, to figure out how many more months they'll be able to milk Sarah Pac, and figure out what they, in their mid-50s, can do to reinvent themselves once again.

    1. Anonymous6:23 AM

      July 3, 2009

      Sarah is getting ready for her big day!!

    2. Anonymous6:29 AM

      Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker of the great whit north.

    3. Anonymous6:30 AM

      From the Pee Pond:-

      virginiagentleman1 • 43 minutes ago
      Aren't ya just the LEAST bit curious whats behind the change in the header on Palin's Face Book page, ESPECIALLY the wording of, " I didn't get into government to do the safe and easy things. A ship in harbor is safe, but that's not why the ship was built." --Sarah Palin

      Add to that the news that Sarah and Fox have parted ways.
      And here is another puzzling item, Sarah wants us to pick the new face on a $10 dollar bill.
      Well, excuse me all to hell, but isn't it the $20 dollar bill that is getting the face lift? Think about it.

      Hmmm? What new mischief does the Lady of the North have up her sleeves? All of us have seen how she loves driving the LSM and the Liberals nutz with her pranks on them. They foam at the mouth, call her stupid, and then run right out and fall for the next one! Here's a news alert for the LSM, the Libs, and the brain dead, Palin ain't the stupid one, YOU ARE!
      HERE IT COMES liberals, yer 19th nervous breakdown!

      Wha'cha wanna bet that the 'publishing project' is the front side of a $10 dollar bill political flyer with the beautiful face of Palin on it?
      And wha'cha wanna bet that she is going to ask her supporters to donate $10 dollars to her presidential campaign?

      You know that special announcement we've all been waiting for Sarah to make?
      I've got this feeling that there are going to be some extra special fireworks for the Fourth of July weekend!

    4. Anonymous6:30 AM

      Maybe she will join her brother Chuckles Jr., and open a GOFUNDME account for her hewest "book"? Wait, that did not work out, so back to square one.

    5. Anonymous6:48 AM

      The video is a trailer. Trailer for what??
      "The Undefeated Part Deux?"
      Have at it, $arah. You'll bomb again!

    6. Anonymous6:55 AM

      I would suspect the first woman to be selected to be on our US currency will be Eleanor Roosevelt. She assuredly would be my choice!

      Do you think Sarah Palin thinks she should be picked? Hahahhahahaha!

    7. Anonymous7:31 AM

      The whole contest thingy did seem rather self-serving.

    8. Anonymous8:51 AM

      I wonder if she tried to change Ailes mind before the announcement? Did she know ahead of time (I doubt it) that Ailes is on his way out at Faux also, too? He would let her beg and plead for her contract renewal in the ONLY way she can (know what I mean? Borrow the Altoids from Bristles) Then tell her he is no longer in the drivers seat at Faux.

    9. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Well, I guess $he will have the time now to publish her cook book and her exercise regime book, right?

    10. Anonymous9:14 AM

      7:31, You have to provide your name, zip code and email. How could that possibly benefit AIP Palin?

  7. Anonymous6:15 AM

    A ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Wooooooooo. Ha ha ha ha ha ha (wiping tears from my eyes)

    Ba ha ha ha ha ha. Oh poor $arah

    I cannot tell you how delicious this is. Oh I am loving this!

    I can almost hear the $arah supporters trying to spin this "Fox didn't dump her. SHE dumped FOX because she's getting ready to announce she's ready for president"

    And $arah herself will be all "I decided to leave Fox in order to devote myself full time to making sure Hilary doesn't get elected and that we elect somebody from the deep bench and because I'm a maverick and I'm going rogue and there's a real deep bench"

    Oh $arah. I cannot tell you how much delight I've had in watching your spiraling downfall over the last few months.

    1. Anonymous6:31 AM

      Downward spiral physically also, too!

    2. Crystal Sage7:46 AM

      Sarah Palin and Donald Trump in 2016! Both never fail to inspire great jokes and wonderful pictures.

      Come to think of it, they do both have unusual hair. Maybe that's a sign. What fun we'll have for the next year or so.

    3. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Would be a hoot if SHE ran for POTUS! I'd love watching how Trump would handle her in a debate!

    4. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Humpster and the Dumpster

    5. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Doubtful after the recent series of calls..

    6. Suzy Q8:59 AM

      8:13 I too think she should run, why the hell not, there are so many she won't get the nomination but she'll manage to keep her PAC going for another year. Do you think that the LSM would finally do their job and investigate, in depth, the babygate story as well as dairygate, troopergate, and all the other gates?

    7. Cracklin Charlie11:39 AM

      "Recent series of calls"

      Who is the caller?
      Who is the callee?

  8. Anonymous6:20 AM

    August8 "I think drunk Brisket is knocking on their back door, with her camo thong dress pulled up over her head."

    Brisket never lets Mama down. Mama is so proud of her best representative!

    Make Mama Proud.

    Granny bursts with joy.

    Vegas Baby!

    Car Selfies!

    Sarah Palin’s Daughter’s Drunken Belligerence Makes Her ‘Heart Soar’

  9. And now with Global Warming being what it is, it's getting harder to find an adequate ice floe to drop her ass on, but it will happen.

  10. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Ah so her chickens have come home to roost.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      It's about time! Praise Jeebus!

    2. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Oh Sarah! The turkey farm called. They're hiring.

  11. Anonymous6:28 AM

    The c4p crowd does think that Palin dumped Fox, and is prepared to announce her candidacy for POTUS, probably on the 4th of July.
    Palin just changed the header to her Facebook page and that is what all the excitement is over:

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Well good then she can "confess" her sins with that long list of crimes!

  12. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Gryph, should the date mentioned be "2008" instead of "2007" or are they finally revealing she was really picked in 2007 after the cruise ship came to Juneau?

    1. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Politico is too lame to have a sneaky "reveal". I think they just were too lazy to edit.

    2. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Or, they know something that has been teased here before....

    3. Suzy Q9:28 AM

      I went to "Mr. Google" for some information when Bill Kristol went cruising to Alaska in search of a running mate for McCain so they could beat the bitch, Hillary. The New Yorker came up first on my Google search so I read that. June 18, 2007 was the date when Bill Kristol, Fred Barnes and Michael Gerson "disembarked in Juneau . . . and went to the governor's mansion, a white wooden Colonial house with six two-story columns, for lunch. The menu featured halibut cheeks." Before the meal, Palin delivered a lengthy grace. Simpson, who was at the luncheon told a girlfriend afterwards, that was SOME grace, it really set the tone. Money quote: "There are not many politicians who will say grace with the conviction of faith she has. It's a daily part of her life." Such bullshit. In the same article it mentioned that lard-ass Rush Limbaugh called Palin "a babe." Yea, 6:29 I think they decided the best way to defeat Hillary (they had no idea Barak Obama would be the nominee) would be to select Palin. But then dammit Bristol had to go and eff up the plans by being pregnant but the ever resourceful Sarah decided to make lemonade and that's when she had her 6 week pregnancy, wild ride and delivery of her little Tri somy G, Trig for short, DS baby prop and the rest is history. How long before Trig is dropped off at some institution?

  13. "Gravy train's over, you worthless loafers! Time to start learning how to earn some goddamn money around here!"

    Add the right Court decision just around the corner, and this'll be one fine June indeed. :)

  14. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Heeheehee...Couldn't happen to a more deserving piece of shit...Oops,I mean person...Nope,scratch that,no sense in lying...I mean piece of shit!

  15. Anonymous6:33 AM

    That's pretty bad when FOX NEWS dumps you.

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      LOL! You got that right!

    2. Cracklin Charlie11:35 AM

      And they kept the guy who threw the axe and hit the West Point drummer?

      Pretty bad when you can't beat that guy for a job.

  16. Anonymous6:33 AM

    This post needs a quote from Meg "the World is her oyster" Staplemouth.

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      I'm sure that Meg Stapleton wishes she'd never gotten involved with Palin. Look how long the connection and hence, the negativity, have followed Stapleton all these years later!

      We don't hear anything about her in Alaska anymore. She became 'unseen' as to TV jobs, stopped doing an auction thing (to raise money/charity) and is not an Alaskan public figure.

      Another scenario of Sarah Palin being the 'kiss of death' to those that associate themselves with her!

  17. Anonymous6:34 AM

    What took them so long?

    1. Anonymous6:49 AM

      Plus, Palin isn't as physically attractive anymore. Look at all the attractive women they have on their channel - with the exclusion of Greta! Palin no longer fit in - too much trouble and wasn't drawing the viewers!

    2. Anonymous7:18 AM

      gag! what did Greta look like before she had plastic surgery?

    3. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Well, I once remember reading a quote from her to the effect that her face lift would "really show" all those guys who didn't ask her to prom.

      So, I guess you can just imagine.....

    4. Anonymous8:22 AM

      It's just been a long time since she did anything significant. It's been seven years since she was the VP nominee, six since she quit as governor, and she has only gotten more and more sordid. Her nonsense spouting harpy shtick has gotten very stale. She official irrelevant, at long last.

    5. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Ailes is gone next year and James Murdoch is cleaning house now to get the network ready for new faces. Look for big shake ups in the news and talk show host areas

    6. Anonymous9:59 AM

      And at Harper Collins.

  18. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Palin-too dumb, even for Fox.

  19. Janice A Soderquist6:35 AM

    I wonder what her new book gig will be... childrens books for disabled children? Whatever books don't sell, her Pac will buy all the rest up. What a shame.....

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Not if they don't have any money, they won't. :)

    2. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Green Eggs and Ham

    3. Anonymous9:03 AM

      "Books by the bundle" fire starters. She can sell her books to start your campfires...we all know she's a firebug and has plenty of unsold books laying around.

    4. Suzy Q9:33 AM

      Palin just said that because of the news of Michelle Obama and her editing for a magazine, a possible career after the White House gig is over. Jealous much, Sarah?

    5. Anonymous9:58 AM

      My 93-year-old mother just self-published her sixth novel, and they're all good. Doesn't cost a fortune -- but she gives away the copies, and doesn't sell them to her friends and family!

  20. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Will FOX remove the TV studio?

    The Duck Dicker Quackers' daughter-in-law is an editor with a large publishing house. So, perhaps they will help get THE CALL of the WILD WASILLA WACKO in print just in time for the consumer war on christmas.

    Morning Joe, nope. Too many, big egos there now.

    1. Anonymous7:01 AM

      That old teleprompter would have been practically written off by now after 6 years of depreciation, so they won't want it back. Besides, you know what Sarah's like, she'd find a way to keep it even if it was brand new.

      But the Sarah Palin Global Television News Network doesn't need it because Sarah doesn't even appear on her own little blog thingy any more.

      What a life she has. How can her bots imagine she'd want to spoil that with a job she has to show up at every day?

  21. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Oops ... does this mean Bristol will get less Loobutton shoes?

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Dontchaknow Barstool is gettin' her own PAC. She and Joey is a gonna need it as the new Powder Couple. $$$$$ money will be flyin' to Palin Bank like Toad's new plane to Mt Oblivion.

  22. Anonymous6:37 AM

    "Governor Palin is expected to make occasional guest appearances on Fox and Fox Business, and will appear on other networks and cables. She has a show on the Sportsman Channel, does a lot of speeches, and will announce a new publishing project soon."

    That would have been written by SarahPAC. Everyone knows that gossip columnists are lazy and Politico's is no different.

    Is the "publishing venture" this crappy DVD all about Sarah that she's hoping to sell?

    1. Anonymous6:45 AM

      6:37 AM Most of us in Alaska don't give her the 'title' governor anymore! She quit not even half way through her term!

    2. Anonymous6:52 AM

      Did you miss the reference to SarahPAC?

    3. Grrrr !7:04 AM

      I believe the correct term is "Govern-not" ...

    4. Anonymous7:35 AM

      And, I believe the correct term is gov Palin - found to be unethical by the Alaska Legislature!

    5. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Ouitter gov had to quit.

      It is time that truth be told.

    6. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Punishment for that was....

  23. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Mom what are we going to do?

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Work for daddy damn it. Now go put on the platform shoes.

    2. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Don;t forget to take your Altoids.!!

    3. Anonymous9:02 AM


    4. Anonymous11:37 AM

      I'm so popular!

      We're rebuilding!

  24. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Gryphen, the pond is all worked up over this "trailer" just released by Palin. Any thoughts?

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      released June 8 -- with only 55 views so far

  25. Anonymous6:43 AM

    I think Gryphen is right, I think she'll never be on Fox again. It's clear they've moved on without her. And anyway, how much gravitas can they pretend she has after they even hosted Bristol's fly-by-night trial daddy?

    What other network/cable show is going to want her? There's already an over-supply of trailer trash bombast.

    Maybe Family Guy will take pity on her and put her in a cartoon.

  26. Anonymous6:44 AM

    I'll bet Sean Hannity is relieved! He was the only one doing anything with her at FOX during the past year or so and now we know for sure that it was because he had to!!!

  27. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I hope Pee Central is all abuzz, convinced she's leaving Fox because she has to leave because she's going to run.

    Today Jindal announces, next week Christie announces.... so come on out Sarah- and fight like a girl.

    All these things that Sarah is doing are designed to excite the bots into thinking she's running.... now she'll have to actually come out and say she's not. Dumb move, Sarah.

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      She will have a story that will be a doozy and they will just have to send money anyway.

      Maybe her military adviser, Track, is ready for his Pac.

  28. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Anita Bryant was a household name once, then Phyllis Schlafly.. both relegated to the ash heap of has-beens, while history rolled right over them. Mention them today and people ask "Who?" And so it is for Yukon Wilma. Yes, America... our long nightmare is over.

  29. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Palin Never Lived Up to Expectations on Fox

    ...She’s been used so sparingly in recent months, I didn’t even know she was still under contract to this point.

    To review, Palin was signed by Fox to much fanfare in 2010 and–after initially not renewing her deal in 2013–eventually signed her to a new contract that same year. In looking back, the Palin cable news thing never seemed to resonate, even with the rank and file. I interviewed her about two years ago, and while I found her to be exceptionally friendly and genuine off camera, her on-camera persona lacked punch. Her energy was surprisingly flat. Her answers oftentimes too long, too rehearsed.

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Rehearsed? That word salad was rehearsed? LMAO!!!

  30. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Sometimes -- okay, just sometimes -- I feel sorry for Sarah Palin.She's clearly a sociopath, narcissistic, has used everyone and everything she can to promote herself -- but she's failed.
    I re-watched "Game Change" a little while ago, and, while it's only partly factual, there is that suggestion at the end that she could have become a real political force if she'd dedicated herself to doing so.
    She called herself a "rogue" because she knew in her heart that she wasn't smart enough or educated enough to get out there on the big stage all by herself.
    So, I feel sorry for her, because she reached for something that truly was out of her grasp, and it just took her all this time to slowly slide down into obscurity. She'll screech a bit more, but she no longer has any gravitas, and a teebot army of only a few thousand, on their good days.
    She's headed for an asterisk in the history books, which is more than most of us will have, but she'll never be more than 2008 and her slow decline afterwards. She has nothing now.

    And just as we read of the children of celebrities, and how they've triumphed or failed, my sense is that the Palin children, untethered from publicity, will be left to their own devices, and wind up with no training, no education, erratic employment, no permanent spouses, and permanent chips on their shoulders put there by their mother.

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Excuse me, it's not "only partly factual", it's "mostly factual" to the point that one of the consultants- Nicolle Wallace- said the experience of watching it gave her PTSD symptoms. Nicolle Wallace, you might recall, was forced to quit the Palin campaign because Sarah was a nasty psycho bitch and becoming dangerous. You may recollect that Nicolle Wallace didn't vote that day because she couldn't make herself vote for McCain because of Palin.

      YOU may choose to disbelieve all the campaign staff who advised the producers but that doesn't make you right.

    2. hedgewytch7:16 AM

      Just one correction - Sarah Palin NEVER had gravitas.

    3. Anonymous7:59 AM

      6:57---I agree with your general point, and I too feel kind of sorry for her (only kind of, because she's so hateful and vindictive.)

      She thought she was being invited to play with the big boys, whilst Rove & Co. only wanted Caribou Barbie....

    4. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Good analysis. I agree.

      If SP dedicated herself to anything, if she ever once buckled down to put in the hard work to achieve something substantial, then she would not be the SP we know and loathe.

      If she had EVER demonstrated any inclination or ability to actually work, I would have some respect for her.

    5. Anonymous8:37 AM

      No pity for that reprehensible skank-NONE!!! She seeks no knowledge about herself nor the world we live in. She is calculating only to the degree that she can grift/fleece more money.

      If she was a dimwit yet harmless than MAYBE a small degree of pity but I ask you this-when you see her limited interaction with trig and the obvious lack of bonding and human emotion do you still pity her?

      She is a blistering and festering boil on the butt of humanity and may she live the life she deserves.

    6. Anonymous8:44 AM

      She was a meth head long before she got close to the Gov mansion. She fooled many peeps. She never had a chance to be anything more than a drug addled fraud from a small corrupt state.

      Who would have paid any attention to Alaskan politics if she hadn't pretended to be one?

  31. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Can we somehow get word to palin on what" less relevant" actually means.
    My sense, is that she thinks it's a compliment?

  32. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Vanity Fair covered, too. It would have been much more satisfying to see her felonious lies exposed while she was more relevant. Nevertheless, come on with the goods already, people. The source who was about to be dealing the goods around Christmas-where'd ya go? Tell us more about bribery, blackmail, prostitution, hidden pregnancies, non-existent pregnancies and assorted felonies and misdemeanors!

    1. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Oh its a coming! Fox knows this!

    2. Anonymous9:44 AM

      There were no real sources with real information. Haven't you learned anything yet? You, like most IMers, have let your desire for the ultimate schadenfreude blind you so much that any 'anon source' can lead you around by the nose with bullshit, as long as it is what you want to hear.

    3. Anonymous11:20 AM


      No shit. You forgot the trolls who scream, "Make it stop! Someone shut her up!" or similar sounding shit. They are the commenters pretending to be full of rage or fear or magical death blows.

      The real folks just point and laugh.

      Some do encourage the "insider" trolls for shits and giggles, though. Who hasn't pretended to take the bait?

  33. I was wondering how long it would take for you to post this. Stick a fork in her, repeatedly

  34. Anonymous7:03 AM

    WP is reporting that Sarah's non-renewal is just a formality...

    That the news is breaking weeks after the fact is no surprise. Palin, despite her contributor contract, has been a rare sight on Fox News primetime programming over the past year. A Nexis search cites six such appearances, with the most recent coming on June 8 on “Hannity,”

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Sure, it's just a "formality" when someone gets terminated from their job. LMAO!

  35. Anonymous7:05 AM

    This week, SarahPAC is donating to over 40 candidates. She is currently out in the mail to several thousand SarahPAC donors with a half-hour documentary DVD detailing her impact on Republican politics over the past three cycles.

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      Sarah Palin's SARAHPAC reflects she donates very little to political candidates. Doesn't her financial info re: SARAHPAC come out the end of this month that we can all review?

    2. Anonymous7:27 AM


    3. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Everyone knows that a lot of her "followers" are bought from mailing lists. Lots of them are not fans. Many are in New Zealand and other foreign places, so how can her impact be anything but lukewarm? What a way to waste other people's money, sending out a DVD to people who are not in the least bit interested.

    4. Anonymous8:41 AM

      $50 for 40 candidates is about what she will be donating.

    5. Anonymous9:12 AM

      That's why Fox dropped her! 86 her!

  36. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Long overdue.
    What book is she going to publish? The only one we care about is a TELL ALL Sarah! Tell about how you didn't rilly birth Tri-G, how CBJ wasn't rilly your high risk obstetrician, how McCain and his folks knew but enabled you anyway.
    Now that, Sarah, would be a real best seller - your PAC would not need to but a million copies.

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Her fitness book? LOL

    2. Suzy Q9:44 AM

      I'd pay good money for that book, 7:06!!!

    3. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Her Deep Throat book. Mommy and daughter chronicles. Dedications by John McCain and Glenn Rice.

  37. Anonymous7:08 AM

    She will pretend to run like the rest of the loaded clown car, it's her only option.

  38. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Sure, Sarah, that's a real Bristol Bay setnetter skiff pictured there.

  39. Anonymous7:16 AM

  40. Ever the artful grifter, she's falling back to the last thing that gets her donations from the rubes; fake hints at fake running. I do regret being baned from her FB page so early on, I wasn't a happy camper with a target over Gabby, And of course nobody here is surprised that those followers are so friggin dumb they actually want her on the 10 dollar bill, incidentally the same price I used to spend on a crack ho, yeah, put her on it.

  41. Anonymous7:19 AM

    could care less
    don't let the door hit you on the way out rah-rah

  42. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Love the "ship" quote. I guess she doesn't realize she's like the titanic.

  43. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Why do you say that Game Changer is only partly factual? Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace said that was how it happened.

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      "Game Change" was pretty accurate.

      Here are some books that were written about her that I found interesting to read a few years ago.

      "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin" - by Frank Bailey (who worked on her campaign for gov of Alaska and then worked in her administration), with Ken Morris and Jeanne Devon. He learned she was not who she projected herself to be!

      "The Rogue - Searching for the REAL Sarah Palin" by Joe McGinniss (now deceased). Well written, provides sources and is factual. McGinniss has written other best sellers.

      "The LIES of Sarah Palin" - the untold story behind her relentless quest for power - by:
      Geoffrey Dunn. "It's the pathology of deceit that defines Palin's public persona!"

      It's truly a wonder she got as far as she did!

    2. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Levi's book was interesting, too. He was under the influence of Rex Butler and Tank Jones during that era, so I suspect Sarah's camp had at least some control of the content, but you still glimpse how highly dysfunctional she is.

    3. Anonymous9:37 AM

      I agree, 9:15 AM. I read that one too. Levi told things about Sarah that have turned out to be factual! She can't cook, doesn't cook, hid in her room, lazy, no parenting skills, etc.

      Levi was just a kid when he wrote that book. He's turned into such a nice man with a lovely wife and darling kids! He has a great career going, lives off the land (fishing and hunting) and is a down-to-earth nice man!

      I'll bet he's happy as hell he doesn't have to have too much connection to the Palins - to include Bristol. Can you imagine having them tied to you until Tripp hits 18?!!

      The crap Sarah and Todd tried to spread about Levi has turned out to be nothing but falsehoods! But, what else is new?

      Can't imagine there are many amongst us that would like to be part of the Palin klan!

    4. Anonymous11:50 AM

  44. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Sarah Palin complained on television, on Facebook, in books, in a documentary, and in live speeches that her privacy was being invaded.

  45. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Well, la-dee-da! Here we are going into a whole new election cycle, this one for President, and she's cut from the most political network there is. Her voice is not wanted. What a major smack in the face to her, as well it should be.

    1. Anonymous7:55 AM

      She became a major liability with few contributory assets. Great point about the timing and her voice is no longer wanted.

  46. Anonymous7:37 AM

    palintwit • 20 minutes ago

    Whenever I think of trailer parks, I think of Sarah
    Palin. Whenever I think of Sarah Palin, I think of trailer trash. Whenever I
    think of trailer trash, I think of tea party patriots. Whenever I think of tea
    party patriots, I think of nascar. Whenever I think of nascar, I think of
    assault weapons. Whenever I think of assault weapons, I think of trailer parks.
    Whenever I think of trailer parks, I think of Sarah Palin. Whenever I think of
    Sarah Palin, I think of trailer trash. Whenever I think of trailer trash, I
    think of ....

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      @7:37 Well done!

      It is the song that never ends, ol' Sarah P, the Wasilla windingo (or some such awful reature that Joe McGinniss and/or Geoffrey Dunn identified on the shores of the dead Lake Lucille in AK).


    2. Anonymous8:20 AM

      dowl, if only Joe were alive to see this!

    3. Anonymous9:14 AM


  47. Anonymous7:47 AM

    It became obvious that Palin was never going to study, educate her self, to posess priority qualities in a leader or to hold political office. Pursuing reality shows was also self evident she sought to ride out the wave of being thrust on the national stage given lines, groomed and a persona to engage voters while spewing talking points. On her own she was a disaster reciting and rambling word salads of talking points she did not comprehend nor state solutions, no examples but a master as a divisive attack dog making up facts to destroy others void of a conscience.

    Recent years of her efforts to look "hot" dressing like the Peg Bundy character, backfired on her. It has been bizarre behavior she chose to act out believing she was going to gain dressed inappropriately, bizarre and often unkempt.

    I can't claim to know why she made weird choices and ramped them up despite a downward spiral. For all her promoting s'mores, big gulps twisting factual health information for informed choices as a Nanny State and government control Mrs. Obama has not been stopped.

    Palin is a pathetic caricature who bungles a fake I Can Bake video.

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Remember that Gonzo red fuzzy rob outfit she wore on Fox as a political pundit. AAhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

      That was so hilarious!!!!

    2. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Don't insult Peg Bundy.

  48. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Its likely that Fox knows some further scandal coming down the pike and wants to free of her once the feces flies from the fan.

    1. Hope the scandal is so icky that Fox has report it!

    2. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Now your getting warmer!

  49. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Any Tom, Dick or Harry can have a publishing project. Self-publishing is so easy these days and requires very little money. My bet is she will self-publish and use her PAC and get Samaritan's Purse to purchase copies in order to make it look successful. She'll also use it as fundraising...tell someone to donate $100 to her PAC and then she'll send them a book that cost her maybe $5 per unit.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      And it's even easier to SAY that you have a publishing project.

      I'll believe it when I see it. I think she's got nothing.

    2. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Didn't her brother Chuckie Jr. have a "publishing project" when he was grifting for all that free high-end camera gear?

      Did he ever get his stuff and publish his picture book?

  50. Janice A Soderquist8:00 AM

    If Sarah does get a shot at appearing on other cable or news networks, she will not go. She will have to answer all questions given her and she will not be able to make her rules. This is also why she won't run, she will not debate or answer questions.

  51. Janice A Soderquist8:09 AM

    Maybe this is why Todd bought his new big plane and Bristol bought her new house. Watch for more high end items they are all buying. They are draining Sarah Pac I bet and I hope the FEC and IRS are watching closely.

    1. Would not surprise me one bit.

    2. Anonymous9:16 AM

      They will be in federal prison!

  52. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Fox News is the lifeline to cash for conservative Kardashians like Palin. When Palin was previously dropped by Fox, she vanished off the scene completely. It got so bad that Palin went begging back to Roger Ailes and took a pay cut in order to get her media exposure back.

    Sarah Palin has been deemed irrelevant to the conservative movement by the single strongest media force that shapes the Republican Party.


  53. No education. No self awareness. No accomplishments from talent and hard work. No sense of propriety or style. No erstwhile goals or principles. No set of family or moral values. No Christian example. No known skill set..........
    Jeebus, I don't have all day.

    As they used to say about small town girls that were dead sure they were all it.
    "She never was ALL that much."

    I will never forget my first reaction to her smarmy fakey speech at the 2008 nominating convention in St. Paul. "Something is off with her, and it is not the awful granny glasses or the sister wives hairdo. She acts like a turnip truck delivered her to St. Paul."
    If she had worn a Minnie Pearl hat with the price tag hanging, she would look a helluva lot more credible!

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      I had the exact same feeling, lauren!

    2. Pat in MA10:32 AM

      same here! Smarmy fakey is a perfect description, she reeked of it! Knew right away she had no substance - her key points were derisive comments about community organizing, the lipstick on a pig BS, etc.

  54. Anonymous8:22 AM

    The FB makeover about her and the ship coincides with her DVD about how she influenced politics. This is to remind supporters and get the message out there that she is still influential and powerful from her sidelines so donate to her PAC. The PAC pays for her to be on the sidelines, perks, a lawyer at their disposal, perks galore and funding self promotion. Maybe a barbecue in KY too to fight for second amendment rights lol

    As long as she can convince her supporters she is a powerful force, that she drives and controls the right people getting into office she will get their donations.

    It is a mind game to manipulate guilt so they won't quit her when she does not run again. Narcissists are convincing they are due credit for doing when in reality they barely stick their hand in something. Like 5% goes to candidates and 95% goes to sustaining the Palin's.

    She is the Wizard of Oz and can still con people she is almighty, powerful and the one to get what they want by handing over their money.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      This is to remind supporters and get the message out there that she is still influential
      Nothing from that trailer was recent, every glowing endorsement was years old. I'd love to go back to those same people and ask them what they think of her now, ha.

      It's so pathetic I almost felt a twinge of sorrow for her. Don't worry; like gas pains, it too will pass.


    2. Anonymous8:43 AM

      I think most of the people who are her Facebook friends are there to watch the train wreck that is Palin.

  55. Anonymous8:23 AM

    From the Politico article - "This week, SarahPAC is donating to over 40 candidates."

    Gryphen - you should follow up on this and see if she really does give away any money. Or is it all spent on "postage"?

  56. This is frosting on the proverbial cake. $arah knew weeks ago she was done; now comes the public ridicule and laughter,again at her expense.

    With the tidal wave of opposition to the Confederate flag and the racism it signifies and now the Wendigo's public humiliation, we are having a good day.

  57. Anonymous8:49 AM

    There's a documentary about Jackie Kennedy Aunt &Cousin Titled "Grey Garden" I see this in $arah and bristol' s future.

    1. Anonymous9:50 AM

      As they continue to live on their dead lake.

  58. angela8:51 AM

    Palin always has some other grift on deck when one grift has fallen away. Always.

    Next up----HarperCollins will be publishing some sort of ghost written idiocy from her and CNN will be questioning her about the clown car candidates. Its neverending.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Absolutely, she will never quit the grift career. I am certain when she dies she will have set up a grift that will go on to the end of time.

  59. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Can someone post that hilarious breathing video of Sarah Palin quitting the governorship? The one in which all the talking has been edited out but her crazy hyperventilating breathing is left in.

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

      It is tradition to play at the anniversary celebration.

      There must be a radio station in Alaska that broadcasts it 24/7 on that glorious day.

  60. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Not to worry. The family can live off of their star's talent.

  61. Thank god, they've finally seen the light.
    Elaine in Canada

    1. Anonymous10:59 AM

      How's that job search thing working out for Bristol?

  62. Anonymous9:20 AM

    So, is she mad about this? You know, because the government is finally looking to recognize women in history for all of their accomplishments. Nothing like putting yourself down in the process, Sarah. Also, it’s not “politicians” deciding, it was the decision of the Treasury and the decision was made back in 2013. In fact, the decision was just announced by Treasury Secretary Jack Lew. But we all know how Palin is with facts… they’re all subject to opinion.

    The second part of Palin’s post is just as bizarre, asking her followers to vote for which woman they believe should be on the $10 bill. Seems fair enough, until the link she posts to go and vote leads you directly back to Palin’s Facebook page (even though it looks like another website), and then it asks everyone to vote by filling in their name and email, and the vote just happens to be by SarahPAC — and if you’re not aware, SarahPAC has nothing to do with the Treasury.

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Her pitiful remaining bots think the Treasury, like POTUS, the Congress, the Supremes, the current GOPTP 'candidates' and the citizens of this Nation are ruled by Mrs Palin. They make absolutely no decisions or moves without consulting her first. How divine it must be living in a fool's paradise.

  63. Anonymous9:21 AM

    In the past seven years, we thought that she'd be investigated and be the subject of her great scandals and the Palin mafia exposed by all networks, including Fox.

    This slow drawn-out fall of her gives no satisfaction to those who were the targets of her and Todd Palin's crimes, nor to those who see right through her. She has dodged a bullet again. Her contracts are being delicately dropped, and still, no one in media will express how crazy she has been and how she's been such a negative pitiful angry hateful force that dragged down the nation. She deserves to be put in her place. We don't get the sense of justice, and certainly those people in AK don't.

    Unless many of her webs of deceit are exposed, this news doesn't stop the mean girl. But, and the big but here is, she is her own worst enemy and on her own, without a manager or agent to keep her under control, she'll make a stupid fool of herself in every way. The positive here is that we wait and watch her fall into one of her own traps.

  64. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Sarah's next book title: "Do You Know Who We Are?"

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Or Perhaps "Do You Know Who We Were".

  65. "Palin, 51, is expected to make occasional guest appearances on Fox and Fox Business, and will appear on other networks and cables. She has a show on the Sportsman Channel, does a lot of speeches, and will announce a new publishing project soon."
    This sounds so incredibly pathetic.

    "Palin, 51, is expected to make occasional guest appearances on Fox and Fox Business..." Sure she is! Because she has been appearing so often lately!

    "will appear on other networks and cables..." Sure she will! Because other outlets have been begging her to appear. Oh wait, they haven't.

    "She has a show on the Sportsman Channel... Does she really? Did it get renewed for a third year? Oh, and whoopdidoo if she does and it did.

    "...does a lot of speeches... Bwahahaha! Like the dead critters and boner guy speech? The same weekend the NRA convention was happening?

    "...will announce a new publishing project soon..." Like her stupid web "channel"? Like her last straight to the remainder table book?

    I wonder how long she will be able to keep her vicious stupid yap shut about fox dumping her? Hell's Own Harpy must be in a fury right about now. Her vindictiveness must be spewing out of her pores like Mount St. Helens ready to blow. She's known about it for a while, but today is the day it's all over the news that as a presidential election starts to gear up, her input is irrelevant and unneeded.

  66. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Fox News released this: (not really but should have!)

    "Take your ass and move it
    You ain't a working here no more
    You were hot and you got ratings
    But now look like a used up whore
    You better not ask for any more money
    Cause its not gonna come your way
    Take your ass and shove it
    You ain't a working here no more"

    Sorry, short notice! Blue girl Liz... Loving this news!

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM


  67. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Sarah "didn't get into government"; she got into politics. There's a big difference. The party of her choice is the political party that wants government to disappear. People "in" government have careers with government working in agencies, invisible for the most part, not making tons of money but helping people in spite of politicians like Sarah Palin. Remember that, in recent years, the GOP has wanted to eliminate FEMA, NOAA, NASA, the FDA, the CDC and many other essential governmental organizations that make lives around the world safer and better. Sarah should never be allowed to equate herself with someone "in" government.

  68. Suzy Q9:57 AM

    Did she lose the suit in Jersey and if so how much did she have to pay? I'm too tired and lazy to google it just thought someone on here had heard what the judgment was.

  69. PalinsHoax10:01 AM

    "I didn't get into government to do the safe and easy things."
    - - - - -
    So exactly why DID you get into government?

    After all, you let those safe and easy things be done by a specially hired City Manager when you were "Mayor" of Wasilla, cause you were incapable of doing those tasks yourself.

    And you let those safe and easy things be done by the Shadow-Governor Tawdry, while every one else wore the "Where's Sarah?" buttons, because you were too incompetent to do them yourself.

    And you did the safe and easy thing when you strapped on a faux pregnancy belly. After all, you couldn't actually become pregnant yourself, with hubbie sleeping on the couch and your TWOBULLS tied tight.

    So just why DID you get into government? Oh, it was for the perks and the gravy train, wasn't it?

  70. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I was pretty sure way back in '08 that the topic doesn't exist that what Palin knows about it won't fit on one side of an index card, and what she knows on most topics will fit on the palm of her hand. She has yet to prove me wrong.

    That could change if her next publishing project includes books on How To Scare The Shit Out Of John McCain, Gettin' Rich As A Sleazy Grifter, or Illeterasy In Rill 'Merika.

  71. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Looking forward to the next chapter of Lollapalooza Palinpanooza.

    Anchorage Police Department

    The Palin's and the police.

    Proud Mama.

    It's been a wild ride.

    Wait until you read the book!

    1. Anonymous11:50 AM

      This ^ picture is the best of her chin implant. You can actually see the entire outline of the prostheses under her skin.

  72. Anonymous10:14 AM

    THIS is exactly why Sarah Palin has been so dangerous and why she and her ilk continue to threaten this country.

    Anti-intellectualism Is Killing America

    ...America is killing itself through its embrace and exaltation of ignorance, and the evidence is all around us. Dylann Roof, the Charleston shooter who used race as a basis for hate and mass murder, is just the latest horrific example. Many will correctly blame Roof's actions on America's culture of racism and gun violence, but it's time to realize that such phenomena are directly tied to the nation's culture of ignorance.

    In a country where a sitting congressman told a crowd that evolution and the Big Bang are “lies straight from the pit of hell,” (link is external) where the chairman of a Senate environmental panel brought a snowball (link is external) into the chamber as evidence that climate change is a hoax, where almost one in three citizens can’t name the vice president (link is external), it is beyond dispute that critical thinking has been abandoned as a cultural value. Our failure as a society to connect the dots, to see that such anti-intellectualism comes with a huge price, could eventually be our downfall.

    In considering the senseless loss of nine lives in Charleston, of course racism jumps out as the main issue. But isn’t ignorance at the root of racism? And it’s true that the bloodshed is a reflection of America's violent, gun-crazed culture, but it is only our aversion to reason as a society that has allowed violence to define the culture. Rational public policy, including policies that allow reasonable restraints on gun access, simply isn't possible without an informed, engaged, and rationally thinking public.

    Some will point out, correctly, that even educated people can still be racists, but this shouldn’t remove the spotlight from anti-intellectualism. Yes, even intelligent and educated individuals, often due to cultural and institutional influences, can sometimes carry racist biases. But critically thinking individuals recognize racism as wrong and undesirable, even if they aren’t yet able to eliminate every morsel of bias from their own psyches or from social institutions. An anti-intellectual society, however, will have large swaths of people who are motivated by fear, susceptible to tribalism and simplistic explanations, incapable of emotional maturity, and prone to violent solutions. Sound familiar?

  73. Anonymous10:18 AM

    The ship quote is attributed to John A. Shedd, as early as 1928. How like SP to use it as if it was something she wrote.

  74. Anonymous10:20 AM

    The ship quote is attributed to John A. Shedd as early as 1928. How like SP to use it without attribution, making it seem it was her inspirational thought/quote.

    1. Anonymous11:05 AM

      A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not why the ship is built.

      HMMMMMM.....Juneau AK. Summer of 2007

      The MV Pacifica was docked. Owner Robert Kolvig and son Dylan who was Bristol's boyfriend. Does this spark anything?

      This party boat, yacht, caught on fire and sank at the dock. Who, what, where, and why?

      Safe harbor? Were Track and Bristol on board? Probably a better story there than the tent, camping, and wine coolers. DNA Something Does Not Add up.......loose lips, sink ships.

    2. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Isn't the boat where the sex train took place and Bristol got preggers?? Before it sunk?
      Dylan or any of a number of young men, including Track, could be TRi-G's bio father.

  75. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Bristol: "First, the media said Trig was not really my mom’s kid."

    No, they didn't. But there was a Facebook post a few years ago addressed to a Palin friend regarding Trig's birth which read:

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Was this a facebook post or a comment on IM?

  76. Anonymous11:18 AM

    She is no longer a "military expert" since she no longer has a MOA son in law.

  77. Anonymous11:18 AM

    And to add injury to insult...

    How Megyn Kelly Became the New Star of Fox News

    Remember who Palin was insulting the last time she was on Hannity? Not too smart on her part.

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      "insult to injury" -- oh, what could have been!!

  78. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I expect an announcement tomorrow:

    "The price of a subscription to the $arah Palin Channel will increase from $9.95 a month to $1000 a month...But a year long subscription will only cost $11995 a year. A savings of $5!!

    The increase is to offset the increase in my own costs, as I will be uploading a FOUR minute video once a month instead of a three minute video....and to offset the increasing cost of Meth due to Obama's disasterous economic policies.

    And somebody's got to keep my daughters in $300 sunglasses

    God Bless!
    - $arah

  79. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Sarah's next gig: Dunk tank at Alaska State Fair.


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