Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Iowa is granting gun permits to blind people. Okay does anybody else think this might be bad idea?

Okay well it feels like a gun. It is a gun, right?
Courtesy of USA Today:  

Here's some news that has law enforcement officials and lawmakers scratching their heads: 

Iowa is granting permits to acquire or carry guns in public to people who are legally or completely blind. 

No one questions the legality of the permits. State law does not allow sheriffs to deny an Iowan the right to carry a weapon based on physical ability. 

The quandary centers squarely on public safety. Advocates for the disabled and Iowa law enforcement officers disagree over whether it's a good idea for visually disabled Iowans to have weapons.

The "disagree"  on whether or not this is a bad idea?

WTF is there to disagree about?

This IS a bad, bad, bad idea. Did I mention how bad this idea is?

Look I am not even sure how many sighted people should have gun permits, but I am positive as to how many blind people should have gun permits.

Fucking zero, that's how many!


  1. Okay. It is now official. American lawmakers are bonkers. And so are the people who vote for them.

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      No shit! You think letting blind people have guns is bad? Today the Wisconsin asshole (Scott Walker) signed two laws into effect. The first is dropping the 48 hour wait period. So any psychopath can walk in and walk out with a gun...the second law says any police officer, former police officer and military personnel (and veterans) are allowed to carry a firearm on school premise's!

  2. FOX canned Palin4:57 AM

    Yes, it's ridiculous to give gun permits to blind people. But, funnier yet is that FOX canned Palin!!!

    1. Yup. So many gems in this article:

      The comments are priceless.

    2. Anonymous5:52 AM

      Palin’s Facebook page got a new look at midnight, including a new cover photo with a quote from her announcement speech in Dayton, Ohio: “I didn’t get into government to do the safe and easy things. A ship in harbor is safe but that’s not why the ship is built.”

      "Fox dumps Sarah Palin" That means she is running! LOL!!!!!

    3. Anonymous8:32 AM

      It's 2015 for Christ's sake....can't she come up with a new quote, LOL!

  3. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Speaking of the blind... the blind will lead the blind. Check out Wasilla Wendigo's latest!

    While the world is celebrating Alaska's Day of Release and Freedom on Friday, July 3rd.
    The cray cray family will reveal their fantasy $10 bill featuring a woman.

    It is the only distraction they could come up with for this most happy day for all Alaskans.

    Some ppl are lost in their fantasy of pretending to be in government.

    1. Anonymous6:09 AM

      If you can't see you could believe the message about the ship means Sarah Palin isn't going to stay safe in a harbor on her leaking, broken raft. She will announce her 2016 run, just ask C4P...... bwahahahahaha... in government, when was that? What was that, another fraud? How about a hoax? How legit was all that?

      She defrauds constituents and she can continually claim she is in government and is a politician?

      A fraud or fake politician does not deserve to continue to defraud the public. Not even if it is for personal wealth and gain.

    2. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Excuse me, but I speak WordSalad. Sarah means by "ship" "The Titanic", so all ships in her brain were built to sink faster than Sarah herself. No wonder she wears the flotilla Belmonts.

  4. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Well, we live in a truly crazy country so, in some ways, this does not surprise me one bit. A letter in the local newspaper today decries the "black supremacist groups." I know there have been "black power" groups, mainly back in the sixties and seventies, but looney "whites" are the ones with the "supremacy" thing. Maybe there are NRA folks who feel that Americans with disabilities like blindness have the same 2nd Amendment rights as everyone else. Of course, the rest of the time these same folks are complaining about all of the accommodations required by the ADA. How many blind people have actually gone out and bought guns in Iowa or have them registered in their names? It would be an interesting statistic.

  5. 'Niques5:40 AM

    But, what about drivers' licenses? Huh? How come blind people aren't allow to drive?

    Future historians will look on this period as the dark age of stupidity. Willful stupidity.

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Because the right to drive isn't in the Constitution, where the right to carry a boom stick is there so that makes it sacred. And what is unsafe about a blind person with a gun? Aren't they all like Daredevil?

    2. Anonymous9:46 AM

      7:12 is correct.

    3. Anonymous5:22 PM

      The constituional boom sticks were muskets, far different from the boom sticks of today. You at least had to take the time to pack the gunpowder then shove the projectile in and pack it some more before aiming and shooting.

  6. Anonymous6:28 AM

    In other news: it's now official! FOX NOOSE HAS DROPPED $ARAH PAYME!!!!!

  7. Anonymous1:40 PM

    O/T BUT:

  8. Anita Winecooler5:28 PM

    But put your shoes on a blind person's perspective. Just because they can't see doesn't mean the glock they're shooting won't hit something or someone. They just want "equal rights" as the sighted gun nuts.
    No offense to any blind people reading this, but it's a stupid idea.

  9. Anita Winecooler5:31 PM

    Thanks, he's a brave man for doing this, but he's doing the right thing.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.