Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Liberal is the new black in 2015.

Courtesy of The Wall Street Journal:  

There are signs that liberals are making a comeback — and not just because a socialist is running for president, gay marriage is spreading like wildfire and pot legalization is gaining acceptance. 

A new analysis of Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll data finds a marked increase in the share of registered voters identifying themselves as liberals, and an even bigger drop in the share saying they are conservatives. 

In three national polls conducted so far in 2015, the analysis found that 26% of registered voters identified themselves as liberals — up from 23% in 2014. At the same time, the share of voters identifying as conservatives dropped to 33% from 37% in 2014. 

The analysis by GOP pollster Bill McInturff, who looked at survey data from 2010 to 2015, found that the biggest ideological shifts came among women, young people, Latinos and well-educated voters, as well as people in the West and in cities.

 I've been telling y'all our time is now!

No more hiding our liberalness from our friends and families. We have got to stand tall and tell the world that this is our time and we are going to take back our country from those conservatives who have been attempting for decades to push it back to the 50's.

The 1750's that is.


  1. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Liberals also brought electricity to the Tennessee Valley.
    They guaranteed that my grandfather would not die in shameful penury.
    They guaranteed that my daughter could attend college with the help of a Pell Grant.
    They guaranteed that Sarah Palin's parents' medical expenses and pensions were paid for by the government.
    Etc. I'll think of many more.

  2. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Now to make them vote.

    1. Anonymous6:22 AM


    2. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Lol. And there you have it. Why not just set up a system to register an automatic dem vote when you pick up your foodstamps?

    3. Great idea! And conservative Christians can set up a system to register an automatic repub vote the first time they molest a child. Sounds like a plan to me!

  3. I think a nice bumper sticker would be "Of course I'm a liberal. I care about this country."

  4. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Awesome post to wake up to. Thank you.

  5. Anonymous5:49 AM

    I shared it with my conservative family. It will be a nice email for them to wake up to,today. Like Martha said,"its a good thing".

  6. Anonymous5:52 AM

    I never hid beng a liberal. And I tell people "Not only am I a liberal, I am a FLAMING liberal".

  7. Proud to be everything Republicans hate.

  8. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Unfortunately, this doesn't mean a damn if liberals don't get out and vote EVERY election.

  9. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Enjoy your Baltimore's.

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Dumb much?

    2. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Whats wrong 7:43, not proud of your liberal bastions of glory? Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans. All successfully run and well managed liberal strongholds to be proud of.

    3. Anonymous10:06 AM

      6:36 & 8:16 It takes a certain degree of awareness to realize ones own stupidity. You don't have it.
      Nothing will stop you from believing fox news and am radio. We give up trying. You win.
      Dumb much?

    4. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Sorry 10:06 no Fox news or AM radio... no Msnbc or Maddow or other liberal outlets either.

      Are you denying that these fine cities have not been long standing liberal havens?

    5. Anonymous12:44 PM

      When people are denied their rights and opportunities in life,they tend to resort to whatever is available. That's human nature,black,white,red or yellow.

    6. Anonymous12:50 PM

      11:07, As if cities in Fla., Texas or any republican bastion are any less ruined.
      Corruption doesn't have an idolatry or party affiliation.
      Get it?
      And, sure you don't watch fox. "Liberal havens".
      Very believable.

    7. Anonymous2:01 PM

      12:44 what are you talking about? Are you saying that people are being denied their rights in these liberal cities, run by liberal mayors and councils, including minority leaders... and their rights are being denied? How can that be?

      By the way opportunity is there for anyone, no-matter where you are from in this country. It might be easier for some than others, but it is always there.

      Yes 12:50, I actually don't watch any TV besides hulu online, or listen to any talk news radio.

      Are you denying that these are and have been highly liberal/democrat cities? Is that not a fact?

    8. Anonymous3:13 PM


    9. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Baltimore- 42 murders in May.

      Chicago- over 1000 shootings this year so far.

    10. Anonymous6:39 PM

      6:36 am 8:16am 2:01pm double yawn. how many people of color have you or your buddies employed at a living wage. How many children of color have you mentored or encouraged to go to college. Is the military the Only option you feel people of Color are worthy of? How many people of color live on your block? Would you invite them to dinner? Would you take them on vacation with your kids? Is the American Dream,for whites only?

    11. Anonymous6:49 PM

      3:39 also and 2.triple yawn.

    12. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Exactly 6:49. Typical liberal... ignore reality and facts.

      6:39, Why would you say such weird comments? Are people supposed to force themselves into certain situation just to not be judged as racist by your stupid ass? To play along slightly, I have had black, hispanic, asian, indian, white, female, lesbian, gay, all types work under my employ and supervision. In my field it is about using your brain and ingenuity combined with productivity under high stress deadlines anyways, so really people are judged (or their worth of employment anyways) by their brains and ability and not skin color or otherwise. Some of us in this world have evolved and long moved beyond race- and always using it as a 'card'. Not liberals though.

    13. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Racist much?

    14. Anonymous8:33 PM your answer to the above questions would be no. Lot of dancing around there.

    15. Anonymous9:37 PM

      No, if you actually read my reply 8:33 the answer is yes for you and your little closed minded race world... I just don't need to classify people I have relationships with racially, like you do apparently. But I do surround myself with good, fun, smart people. So to be fair, I guess I could be bigoted against dumb annoying self important racist persons much like yourself.

    16. Anonymous9:54 PM

      I believe the point was reaching out to black/people of color youth. Obviously you want to redirect the discussion. No surprise your conservative.

    17. Anonymous11:11 PM

      For starters, this isn't really a discussion 9:54 is it?

      I'm not sure what you mean "reach out to black/people of color youth".

      I certainly look out for and help out if need be with any kids of any ethnicity of people I know, whether they be kids of friends, neighbors or aquaintences etc. I do try to always talk to kids or youth in a respectful and honest manner (ie I don't talk down to kids- most are more aware and smarter than people want to deal with).

      But you really seem stuck on "reaching out to black/people of color youth".... So are you implying that some random white person needs to go around and start interjecting themselves, creepily, into other random peoples lives (black youth apparently) that they don't have any idea about. Otherwise they are racist? Is that right?

      Are you implying that these black youth, simply can't make it without the great white liberal intervention?

      Are you implying that black parents aren't capable of raising black youth and instilling your proper white liberal values?

    18. Anonymous3:32 AM

      Wow. Dumb much?

    19. Anonymous5:42 AM

      11:11pm gets to pat himself on the back. Good for you. I believe the point being made is reaching out and going the extra mile to be inclusive to blacks/minorities beings our nations history and just being a decent person. That's all. But,of course he goes on the attack with name calling and degrading remarks. Must be a conservative thing.

    20. Anonymous8:36 AM

      That is right 5:42 you lost.

      And you have once again displayed the fault lines of liberals... you love to marginalize minorities, start banging it into their heads when they are kids right. You want them to believe they need additional help from their great white liberal masters, because they are lesser in your mind.

    21. Anonymous8:50 AM

      You have no understanding of Liberals or Liberalism.
      You use "Liberal" as if we should be degraded by it which is absolute proof of your ignorance.
      And stop projecting you're beliefs on us, It's transparent, as are you.
      Dumb much?

    22. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Uh huh 8:50.

      You know I'm right and you have no real response.

    23. Anonymous10:17 AM

      No response other than 'you win' satisfies you're ilk. You're simply looking to agitate.
      Republican run cities & states suck the life out of the United States as you must suck the life out of those around you.
      Oh no... still no real response to an asinine statement. What will we do?
      Dumb much?

    24. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Thankyou 8:50. x3 8:36 thinks its a contest. ha ha ha ha! U poor narrow minded thing. You're dumb.

  10. Don't forget all the Great Society/War on Poverty programs: Head Start, Food Stamps, Teacher Corps, NEA, PBS, Kennedy Center, Clean Air Act, Wilderness Act, and I could go on and on and on. Sigh.

  11. I'm a little old white lady and am proudly a liberal Democrat. I've voted in every election I've been able to vote in, and I say that unless we all vote, liberalism will wither and die on the vine.

  12. Anita Winecooler6:45 PM

    I want that on a tee shirt. Larry not only says it, he lives and breathes it. My family pitched in a bought three desks. I don't mind being called a liberal, I never did. If you notice it's the conservatives who want to gut everything. Behind every line item are people, people who need strong public schools, infrastructure, water, food, and medical inspections and testing. We had a train crash on Amtrack, and congress cut the funding. Now they're up in arms over the new airline fuel improvements President Obama's putting up. Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases need to be cut, and these fuel hogs and heavy polluters need to stop or pay a fine.

  13. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Obviously nobody fact checked. Go back and look at the voting statistics on the acts mentioned in that meme! Modern liberals are on the opposite end of the spectrum as classical liberals. Modern liberalism is about the same as any other fascist movement. Modern libs created dependency on social programs as a means to secure voters. Modern libs have torn this countries racial groups even further apart by race bating ever tiny fucking incident. Modern libs have instilled privilege through a soft ass politically correct agenda. Two faced back stabbing liars. You want to stand on the American flag in protest how horrible America is not appreciate that you have the right to do that because you are an American citizen. Modern liberalism is a mental disorder. Jim Crow, kkk, great welfare state- created by libs. Look at the voting statistics On the 13th, 14th and 15th amendment. Who dragged their toes on civil rights? Who said I'll have those niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years? A liberal said that


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