Saturday, June 27, 2015

Sarah Palin finally responds to the Supreme Court decision over Obamacare. How many days ago was that?

Courtesy of Rip Van Wrinkly's Facebook page:  

Is it too much to ask "Constitutional Scholars" to be faithful to the Constitution? 

The most intrusive big government takeover in history – the Obamacare debacle – is now step-by-step tragically enabled by a handful sitting on the Supreme Court. They, who don't understand our Constitution, are deceiving those not paying attention by acting as if the federal government is more powerful than our individual states, and worse, is greater than individual free and capable Americans. THIS is why a sincere protector of the Constitution must win in 2016. Her or his appointments to the bench WILL make or break America. (I agree with that. Go Hillary!) The purpose of the United States Constitution is to impose restrictions on government, to not feed the beast until its expansion suffocates a free people. As noted below, the Obamacare ruling just spoon-fed our obese Oval Office that is filled with those ignoring the will of the people along with our founding documents. The solution? Demand answers from candidates. Ask them: Is it too much to expect judicial appointments and the politicians doing the appointing who swear to God they'll uphold the Constitution to be loyal to the oath?

Actually yes it is too much to ask candidates to swear to any god on any topic. Remember there is not supposed to be any religious test for our public servants.

As others have mentioned Palin and her fellow conservatives certainly had no problem when SCOTUS  determined during the Citizen's United case that corporations were people and money was free speech, which totally flies in the face of what the Founding Fathers wanted for this country. Oh but that one favored the Republicans, who rely on big money donors, so why would that upset the Palin?

Personally I am more interested in what Palin has to say in response to the more recent ruling supporting gay marriage in the country, or about better yet her daughter's newest pregnancy, however the only other recent post from her Facebook page is about some religious flag in Arkansas.



  1. Janice A Soderquist2:36 PM

    Well, this time she cannot blame the lame stream media for slamming Bristol. It was reported on Fox too. Bristol spilled the beans on her websites, so Bristol is leading the charge on spreading the word. Sarah cannot blame anyone else. Dakota has a post of sorts on his page, but does not mention the baby. Dakota is sitting in his chair with a book and his pipe and looks quite comfortable. Maybe he is letting the world think he is saying, "I don't care who's baby it is". He does not look too worried. Honestly, what can Sarah say?

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      "He does not look too worried. "

      No, but he sure does look ridiculous!
      And, that is an old photo. Recycling just like the paymes,

    2. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Oh all the R's are butthurt about ACA ruling and the Gay marriage ruling. BoofuckingHoo!
      Is it too much to ask a QUITTER to STFU and mind her own fucking business like put a flippin' chasity belt on her oldest daughter?
      PalmaMama9:26 AM confirmed the DWTS baby as well as Tripp and another not counting THIS pregnancy! MYOB Sarah!

    3. Anonymous3:41 PM

      For those that missed her post here it is, also,too get in touch with Gryphen here and have a little chat with him.

      PalmaMama9:26 AM

      At 8:13, according to bristol's sister, she was not pregnant by junker at Disney or any other time. She had two pregnancy scares with him and he is now one of two possibilities concerning paternity of the current tabloidling. However, Tripp HAS seen Bristol pregnant twice- right now, and during DWTS. After DWTS when Bristol was a new mom for the 3rd time in 4.5 years and trying desperately to cling to fame, she started taking prescription "ADHD meds" which as Willow explained are basically "legal speed". She lost her baby weight quickly and then some. I am gravely concerned for this current child as my daughter tells me Bristol is still taking these pills.

      Willow also said during prep for filming for the wife swap show, Tripp repeatedly said "I have a new baby sis-tuh!" and he'd be frantically corrected with Bristol saying "he means baby cousin!" or "he means baby SITTER, he has a new baby sitter!"

      Willow claims "everyone" at E network knew what was actually going on and yet nobody moved to break this bombshell. Willow says during Giuliana Rancic's interview with Bristol, she had to stop twice and rest because she was so heavily pregnant with the DWTS baby, going up a few stairs in her home led her to have contractions.

      Now, Willow is certainly trying to get her parents' attention by spilling all this info as of late, but what I want to know is this- WHAT on earth keeps this tacky, ill informed, thuggishly greedy family so insulated and protected? WHY did two major TV networks go to great lengths to cover Bristol's DWTS pregnancy when it would have been ratings gold to put it out in the open?

      Think about another young woman on DWTS, say Shawn Johnson or the girl from that foul duck family. I believe both claim Christian/pro life viewpoints. Can you imagine if either had turned up pregnant, simulating sex on the floor of this "family" prime time show?

      Seriously, WHAT is it that protects them? The more my daughter talks to Willow and the more I find out as these past few months have gone by, the more I'm completely stunned at how this family's secrets stay cobbled together in this odd nucleus of hidden pregnancies and Christian propaganda. Willow said only that her dad "has the shit on people" when my daughter asked, but surely Todd Palin with his weasel face and ridiculous voice cannot have intimidated this many people! What IS it?! Right after Sarah announced her pregnancy with Trig, I remember everyone around Palmer saying it was ridiculous, she was going to be outed any day, etc. And yet here we are, seven years later- with Sarah and Bristol having made (and completely squandered, if Willow is to be believed) nearly fifteen million dollars based on the "we chose lieeeeefe!" schtick.

      What in the actual f*ck gives here?

      PS- I'm starting to use a name rather than post anonymously, as it seems more than just myself posts things told to them by Willow Palin, and I don't want to be confused with anyone else.

    4. Anonymous4:16 PM

      i suspect he isn't worried, because he knows it isn't his kid

      perhaps the real reason the engagement blew up was NOT because of his previous "secret" marriage,

      but because he found out bristol was already expecting by somebody else?

    5. Anonymous4:51 PM

      3:41, aka palmamamawhatniot, don't paste your old comments in new threads. We know you spent a lot of time crafting them, are proud if them, and like to reread them. Once is enough, okay?

      They aren't that good.

    6. Anonymous5:28 PM

      4:51, do you have a mouse in your pocket? You used the word 'we'.

    7. PalmaMama5:34 PM

      3:41, you can bite your face any time. That was not me who reposted my comment. I have never reposted any of my comments and IF it mattered to a soul besides yourself I would ask Gryphen to verify that via IP information. Get over yourself. I'm not trying to write "good" comments- I'm trying to share a sparse bit of information in a huge tapestry of national import.

    8. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Anonymous4:51 PM
      has a bee up her ass. LOL!
      And no its not "PalmaMama" re-posting her comment and it is VERY good it confirms alot we have suspected. So troll "Bite me"!

    9. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Breeze was born a year before the Wife Swap thing with Bristol and Tripp and the River's family. I can imagine since Tripp spent so little time with Levi and Sunny at that point that he was still referring to Breeze as his "new little sister". No mystery.

    10. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Anonymous4:51 PM
      Stop blogging stop blogging NoW! Bwhaahaaaa Saree & DULL you can't control the "narrative " here now can you? Must fry your ass...teehee!!!
      Thank YOU PalmaMama for clarifying a few things we have LOOOOONG suspected.
      I believe one of us had even caught a very preggo DULL in the AZ ET interview like a outtake and a double even, in a screenshot.
      I see your comment has pissed off a palin or two.
      I re-posted it because it was buried behind all the comments and its very important that the world know about this fraud that has gone on WAY too long.
      And Thank You to Willow! At least Willow is trying to make a honest living and not grifting for dollars.
      Good on you Willow!

    11. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Here's that screen cap. Insane that nobody reported this!

    12. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Willow is singing like a bird all over town.

      If this is true, what is she singing?

      Is Willow pro-life and what is her stance on a fetus?

      Alaska requires healthcare professionals to report suspicions of drug abuse or use during pregnancy.

      Legal Recognition and Protection of Unborn and Newly Born:
      Under Alaska criminal law, an unborn child at any stage of development may be considered a victim of murder, manslaughter, and criminally negligent homicide.
      Alaska also criminalizes nonfatal assaults on the unborn.
      Alaska allows a wrongful death (civil) action only when an unborn child is born alive following a negligent or criminal act and dies thereafter.
      Alaska maintains a “Baby Moses” law, which provides immunity for a parent who leaves an unharmed infant no more than 21 days old with police, medical personnel, hospital employees, emergency services personnel, or any person the parent believes will act in the infant’s best interest.
      Alaska requires healthcare professionals to report suspicions of drug abuse or use during pregnancy.
      In the case of a stillbirth, Alaska law requires that the mother and the father (if present) must be advised that they may request the preparation of a “Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth.”

    13. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Willow is a liar. Listen to the Throwdown at the Hodown APD tapes. Willow lies for family members. And if you don't like reposted comments, don't read them. Jeebus. For the record, I don't like them either especially the long winded ones.

    14. Anonymous6:34 PM

      I agree with 4:51. That reply has nothing to do with Janice's comment.

    15. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Yeah no hey look the ET interview! Or part of it! Check out:20 and the wide load!
      Also the girl at the end I think is a double.
      but hey lets revist.
      The times with baby-daddy to be GINO!!!

    16. Anonymous6:42 PM

      5:58 if that s the case, why did he get corrected to "a new baby cousin" or a "new baby sitter"?
      Huh?? Huh??

    17. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Anonymous6:23 PM

      Here's that screen cap. Insane that nobody reported this!
      AWESOME! Thanks! That's what Willow is "singing about" !

    18. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Willow ain't singing shit. She just tried to muzzle Piper over the piglet giveaway. Bristol may give birth to a black baby? Puh lease!

      I think Palmamama is full of it. Her stories are longer than the IM blog posts. She needs to write her own blog.

    19. Anonymous8:02 PM

      642, jealousy. Levi's happiness eats Bristol alive. Do you agree Bristol is jealous of Levi's happiness?
      Huh?? Huh??

    20. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Anonymous7:58 PM

      Willow ain't singing shit. She just tried to muzzle Piper over the piglet giveaway.
      Whoa, really upset aren't you? She said nothing about a pig giveaway.
      Also she said nothing about a black baby.
      And WHY don't YOU get your own blog or rather since you have so much to say Bristol WRITE your own blog!
      You seem really upset over a "comment" on a blog. Chill out.

    21. Anonymous8:37 PM

      4:16 PM

      I wish I could recall one of Dak's posts. It was about parenting. Being a parent to a child, but you did not need to be the dna parent. The love and care would be as strong as with dna connection parenting. Something along those lines. He seems to feel that way about one of Bristol's children, Tripp. An unborn child is not as apparent or real to some people. However, one might give the same consideration to the brother or sister of a child you feel a parental connection. Like Dakota would have a deep parental care for Tripp's new baby bro or sis.

  2. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Blah, blah blah. SEND ME MONEY

    Where was her problem when the Supreme Court "elected" George W ?

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Yes, I've been writing that a lot in response to the GOP who wants to ignore the Supreme Court. Fine, then George was never POTUS, Hobby Lobby ruling mean nothing, and Citizens United never happened either.

    2. Anonymous4:23 PM

      When Sarah realizes no one cares she will be all right! And they really don't!

  3. Anonymous2:43 PM

    She is such a fucking ignorant ass!

    She doesn't need to worry about going to Heaven either!!! She's so far from living the truths of a 'real' Christian! In fact, many of us think she is the devil incarnate with Hell awaiting her arrival!

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Hell is the absence of God.

      Sarah is already in Hell.

      Ask any true believer.

  4. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Sarah is being punked ... that is a butt plug on the flag.

    1. Janice A Soderquist2:56 PM

      Well, at least there are no targets on the flag.

      Sarah and Bristol are finished. Grab your popcorn. No sponsors will ever pay any of them for a reality show.

    2. Anonymous3:37 PM

      No one would want either of them for anything - anywhere - any time - any place!


    3. Anonymous4:47 PM


  5. Crystal Sage2:50 PM

    For someone who had to ask what the Vice President of the United States does, Sarah certainly thinks she knows all about the Supreme Court.

    She must be totally pissed that she can't play her Christian Family Values Card right now. She and her mini-me have become a laughing stock. Even the fundies can't support Bristol's latest Oopsey.

  6. "The purpose of the United States Constitution is to impose restrictions on government."
    No, it isn't you mind-boggling great big bag of babbling stupidity. It is exactly the opposite.

    The purpose of the US Constitution was to provide for a much stronger federal government than was possible under the Articles of Confederation, the first operating government of the newly formed United States.

    Under the AofC, the federal government was very weak, and it soon proved very difficult to have a functional government.

    It would be nice if that screeching pustule of oozing ignorance would actually read the damned constitution, let alone any early US history.

    She's also still the same bag of lying ignorant shit that she has always been regarding the ACA/Obamacare. In other words, she wants to see Americans die.

    I normally don't wish for violence upon anyone, but holy cow, if anyone needed to be slapped silly, it is that stupid fucking piece of traitorous shit.

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM


    2. Anonymous3:00 PM


    3. Anonymous3:08 PM

      I dare her to run, especially now considering!

    4. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Yep, Donald Trump should ask her to run in the second position on his ticket. What a hoot the two of them would be to watch!

      Comedians would have a hay day with them! Bill Maher especially!

    5. Anonymous4:24 PM

      No one wants him or her!

  7. Anonymous2:55 PM

    unwashed skank's still curled up in a fetal sucking her thumb on her filthy bathroom floor - crosseyed useless bitch didn't write that screed ...

  8. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Hey - she wrote that one all by herself! Just love her style.

  9. So, Sarah, you know more about the Constitution than actual Constitutional scholars do?

    Alrighty then.

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      It must cream her ass that President Obama is so, so much smarter and far, far better educated than she!

      Plus, he is loved and respected by the majority of Americans - as are his beautiful wife and daughters.

      And, she's even more pissed the same isn't being said of her husband and offspring.

    2. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Plus he can sing!

    3. Anonymous4:42 PM

      And read and write independently!

    4. Anonymous7:39 PM


  10. Janice A Soderquist3:03 PM

    What I find great is that every outlet is slamming Bristol and telling Sarah to stay home and raise her kids.
    There is not ONE defending them.

  11. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Sarah would enjoy reading about FDR's attempt to "pack" the Supreme Court when it voted down some of his New Deal legislation in 1937. He failed.
    She also might try to remember that Anthony Kennedy was appointed by President Reagan, and that Chief Justice Roberts was a G.W. Bush appointee.

    They are appointed -- but the U.S. Senate, representing the American people -- has to vote to confirm the nominations.
    Several nominees, liberals and conservatives, in the past 40 years didn't make it past Senate scrutiny.

    When Sarah was asked what Supreme Court decisions she didn't agree with, besides Roe v. Wade, she could think of NOT ONE. She's not a Constitutional scholar.

    She accuses the justices of the Supreme Court of not understanding the Constitution, although they've dedicated their lives to the study of law.

    Can't wait to hear her views on the Confederate flag, same-sex marriage (now known as marriage), Fair Housing....she might also want to have a sit-down with her oldest daughter to discuss just plain old heterosexual marriage, since Bristol seems not to believe in the institution.

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      She accuses the justices of the Supreme Court of not understanding the Constitution, although they've dedicated their lives to the study of law.
      And she is lecturing them on their ignorance. I can't even breathe I'm laughing so hard.


    2. Mildred, with respect I am not laughing. Sarah Palin glorifies and prmulgates an ignorance which is staggering. And then she combines it with a massive sense of grievance and entitlement and self-aggrandizement. Her followers at C4P are posting daily now about how armed action will be necessary.

      The result of this toxic cocktail that Palin is serving to her syncophants may be more Charlestons.

    3. Anonymous4:26 PM

      She's the devil in disguise!

    4. Anonymous4:52 AM

      I would very much like to see Sarah try to pass one semester in law school. Heck, two weeks of one class. Bet she could not hack it. Too much effort.

  12. Janice A Soderquist3:05 PM

    Not ONE media outlet is defending Sarah or Bristol. All outlets are slamming them. No politician is defending them either.

    All the forums are calling Bristol a tramp and telling Sarah to stay home and raise her kids.

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      The Palins are done and have finally reached bottom!

      No one respects any of them - the Republican party wants nothing to do with Sarah Palin - Ted Cruz has replaced her as to the teabaggers - Sarah's PAK isn't getting the big bucks anymore - and, Bristol and Sarah are jokes throughout the country.

      But, we still might have to knock them upside their thick heads to get the message!

    2. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Let ME, let ME!

    3. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Yeah major news outlets carried the news and dropped it like a hot potato! Can't find it online anywhere..shrug!

  13. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Separation of church ⛪ and State!

  14. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Sooooo...if ghostwriter is just now responding to Obamacare, can we expect "I'm going to be a grandma again" on the anniversary of the brawl?

  15. Anonymous3:07 PM

    anon 2:55 you're right. lol it isn't her word salad. maybe it is nancy's husband.

  16. Anonymous3:07 PM

    That's the Pine Tree Flag. It's not a religious flag. It was the flag of the Massachusetts Navy in the 1770s. The phrase "An Appeal to Heaven" comes from John Locke, who used it to refute the Divine Right of Kings.

    In other words, it's another historical flag, like the Gadsden Flag, that's been appropriated by modern Tea Partiers as a sign of rebellion against the government.

  17. When I read Palin's ACA response, I wanted to throw something. There is so much fail in that one paragraph. "acting as if the federal government is more powerful than our individual states, and worse, is greater than individual free and capable Americans" and "the purpose of the United States Constitution is to impose restrictions on government" for starters.

    In the name of all that's unholy, I wish that Sarah Palin had had the intellectual capacity to watch Schoolhouse Rock. She might have memorized the Preamble to the Constitution, which sets forth its fundamental purposes:

    "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

    By my reckoning, Palin want to do away with the Union, with domestic tranquility, with the general welfare and certainly with justice. And that's just the beginning for Mrs. AIP.

    Then she glorifies the Tree Flag, whose "appeal to heaven" is a recognized expression of the right to revolution, as used by John Locke.

    There is no limit to her ignorance and her pandering.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      School and School House Rock failed her, otherwise, she might also be able to put together a coherent thought. And given enough study time, she might have been able to put together a sentence, and even possibly a paragraph, but alas!

    2. Anonymous4:30 PM

      She's stirring the domestic terrorism pot! Hoping for another shoot out so she can gasp! And scream blood libel! Well may be not on tv anymore...haha!

  18. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Hey Sarah, ever hear of a simple concept called, Separation of church and state?

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      She's heard about it...was asked about it in one of her old interviews. She doesn't 'believe' in it.

  19. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Is that Taahhd in the photo with the flag? If so, he is not looking well at all, bloated and aged. Is that taken at their house, because the landing looks like the materials from the sport complex.

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Nope, that isn't Toad. That guy is wearing a wedding ring.

    2. Anonymous7:18 PM

      It's a crazy man named Dutch Sheets.

  20. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Pulled this one out of her soiled , wrinkly , arse. As she wants her dose of attention.
    Pathetic ,ugly and ignorant. Nothing new here. Also deflecting the pregnancy. Hahaha, what a clown.

  21. Does she have a law degree or journalists one? Or was it sports? I'm waiting for her to blame O for all this.

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      She has no degree.

  22. Anonymous3:13 PM

    After watching Bree Newsome and her flag take-down, the Palins don't mean shit to me anymore!

  23. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Sorry I can't even read her word salads anymore. They are meaningless. First glance at that flag looks like she's for evergreen trees and the EPA. If she meant it to stand for xmas then she should have put some tinsel and shiny balls on it. She's SO idiotic trying to come up with some bumper sticker slogan that will go viral. You know I NEVER argue on the internet with anyone about her policies or the flaws in them because I don't take them seriously and they're irrelevant rantings but I do love any chance I get pointing out her stupidity. Nobody cares about what she is actually saying. We just like watching the train wreck.

  24. Anonymous3:19 PM

    That "Appeal to Heaven" flag sports a Massachusetts pine tree, and was the official flag of the Massachusetts navy during the Revolution. The "appeal to heaven" phrase originally came from the philosopher John Locke. There's lots for Sarah to read about the origins and meaning of the flag, which was superseded by the Stars and Stripes as the official flag of the United States, under Geo. Washington -- thirteen stripes for the thirteen original colonies, and a star for each state. Alaska, the 49th state, was squeezed on in 1959.

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Alaska was squeezed in..I think we ought to sell her back to Russia.

    2. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Putin does not answer her texts anymore!

    3. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Read? Sarah read? Hahaha.

    4. Anonymous8:09 PM


  25. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Notice how $creech's last public appearance at that car show got ZERO publicity anywhere? Sadly, I missed seeing pictures of her wherever it was for laughing purposes. Gryph posted one where she had on an ugly black dress and that was about it.

    Next up... Piggly Wigfly openers!

  26. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I'd pay to see Sarah and her tight abs run that flag up a pole...


  27. The palin's have enjoyed free healthcare because Todd is part Native American and we will be paying for all their illegitimate kids but Sarah doesn't see anything wrong with that

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Exactly. Has she ever wondered how Trigg's medical care will be paid for? Nope. Or how the girls' unmarried babies will get health care? Nope again. The GOP is the party of greed. Jesus asks us to help each other, take care of each other, feed the poor. The GOP wants nothing to do with that. They are phony Christians, phony politicians who adopt bumper sticker slogans that mean nothing once they are in office. Sarah, the fiscal conservative, left Wasilla and Alaska in debt to their eyeballs when she left office. She has no idea how to balance anything except her wig on her pointy head. The ACA is law, dear. get over yourself. And who cares about some stupid George Washington flag? Are you people Americans? Or rebels?

    2. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Sarah Palin only cares about herself! Even over her kids! And, look at the screwed up lives the older ones already have!

      All Sarah has done is 'use' them with zero public love and affection ever displayed to any of them!

      All we have seen is the constant photo ops and bringing her oldest daughter, Bristol, 'out' as the pregnant, unmarried teenager!

      Now Bristol is pregnant again - in an unmarried state again - but, this time announcing it on her own and making it public.

      Her mother and father taught her horribly - especially when it comes to ethics, values and morals!! But, they don't have them either!

      Good luck Piper and the retarded one - you kids are going to need it!

  28. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I would say fuck the Palins but it looks like somebody is already fucking Bristol

  29. Anonymous3:32 PM

    The idiot palin has never had an original thought .As per normal, waits to see which way the wind is blowing, before spewing her incoherent word salad , while spitting as she opens her fangs.

  30. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Sarah Palin you and your family are the laughing stocks of America, why do you even posts things on your Facebook? You are irrelevant.

  31. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Sarah, both Houses of Congress voted for the Affordable Care Act. When the GOP took over the House, they voted almost 60 times to get rid of it. Fail. Mitt Romney ran on a platform to get rid of it. Fail. Barack Obama pledged that he'd fight for it, in 2008, and was re-elected in 2012 because people like the ACA.
    It has demonstrably saved lives and lessened the fear and uncertainty that accompanies medical bills and uncovered conditions. It is not black-letter law. There's no turning back the tide of what the people want. You're in the minority. You lose.

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      It is NOW black letter law.

    2. Anonymous5:44 PM

      I don't think Sarah gets the idea of three branches of government. She thinks the executive office can do anything it wants and determines every decision.

    3. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Its the department of law and they do what the president says! Or they are FIRED!!!

  32. Anonymous3:47 PM

    C'mon $arah, even c4p and p4a are doubting you.
    You're Queen Esther....remember?
    Sell us those family values and how you can change everything.
    You can't even help yourself. Except to free money.

  33. Anonymous3:49 PM

    And, she's been losing every issue she touches for a long, long time 3:33PM Remember folks, every thing Sarah Palin touches turns to shit! To include her oldest daughter, Bristol!

  34. Anonymous3:52 PM

    G -

    I started reading the comments and realized I just needed to post my thoughts as I need to get dinner going.
    Sarah is floundering and in a very serious way. She has spent all of her freebies and now she is out there on her own. Her fall has begun happening and it will be a very serious fall. She has nothing else.
    With that said - - I would still hope those who know what has happened with the various unnamed babies will come forward and share what they know.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous4:23 PM

      I agree. She's in a tailspin now, and I have to wonder how she'll weather the crash. I'm thinking she'll soon disappear into a rehab clinic or something similar and lick her wounds for a very long time.

    2. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Here's hoping the seditious crosseyed useless skank augers into solid granite at terminal velocity ...

      The End ..

    3. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Yep. We have the crack in the dam. Now we need it to blow open. Let's go people. The time is now.

    4. Anonymous8:01 PM

      July 3 is coming soon!

    5. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Yes, please, $arah.
      Announce your candidacy on the 3rd.
      We await...... :-)

  35. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Oh look! The one place that will still publish her drivel...BREITFART! Sarah speaks:

    EXCLUSIVE – Sarah Palin: An Appeal to Heaven

    ...The Bradley County Courthouse has flown an historic flag just below our stars and stripes; it features a simple evergreen tree and the phrase “Appeal to Heaven.” The ATH flag has a rich history, being first commissioned by George Washington to fly over Navy schooners during the Revolutionary War. Washington knew the colonies needed God’s intervention as they battled for freedom – they had no recourse but to call on God. The appeal to heaven ultimately granted America freedom. This is our foundation! And the few who disdain this foundation want the innocent but illustrious flag removed.

    Special friends, Pastor Dutch and Ceci Sheets, presented me with an Appeal to Heaven flag of my own. It has stirred my heart and will stir millions more once the significance of this flag attack is understood.

    The angry opposition to the evergreen-emblazoned bolt of cloth spews from those refusing to acknowledge the truth – that the patriots of old knew America’s hope for freedom was rooted in God. And unlike any other, the idea of “America” would be exceptional in that we would dedicate to God this land overflowing with the blessings of liberty.

    In Bradley County, the ATH flag has flown over the courthouse, until the Freedom From Religion Foundation – a group that spends its funds suing municipalities who don’t see as they do – demanded Judge Keith Neely take down the flag or be sued.

  36. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Griff, the real story is the two wingnuts holding the flag with palin....
    Dutch Sheets google that fucktard

  37. Caroll Thompson3:56 PM

    The media used to report on every Facebook post from Sarah. But now the media has moved on and does not report Sarah's latest tirades about whatever. Sarah wanted the media to leave her alone and now they have.........

    Better watch what you ask for Sarah, cause you just got it.

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      If you Google 'sarah palin' and search for the last 7 days, all that comes up is stuff about her getting the boot from fox and bristol's pregnancy announcement. now today is the flag story on breitbart. she is just not being covered by anyone anymore. breitbart seems to be her go to beyond her facebook page.

    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      True. This one is from yesterday. Yawn.

  38. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Introducing the Bristol Palin Pee Stick Pregnancy/ Paternity Test.

    Learn in under 3 minutes if you are :"Knocked Up" or "Another night of fucking whoever" and 24 hours to check DNA of the sperm donor through the FBI database. Now available at WalMart!

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Just think, now that the gaping useless retard's knocked up AGAIN, she can now fuk 24/7 - bring on the cream pie, DP, three way, beastiality, WTF ever ..

      HOOHAH !!

    2. Anonymous8:21 PM


    3. Anonymous8:22 PM

      She can name the baby Dented Can as that head will be from all that focking!

  39. Anonymous3:59 PM

    To people posting bogus insider claims, THIS is the blog sickness. Even when all these people are living privately like the rest of us, some sicko on a blog concocts some bogus overly tale to quench a desperate thirst for entertainment.

    I am sorry these people's lives are boring and they aren't different from the rest of the country. Is it really that bad to accept facts:

    Yes Willow has expressed happiness over being an aunt again, happiness echoed by 120+ people.

    Yes Track's girlfriends sung his praises as a father calling him the best last weekend.

    This should make a normal person happy that despite overnight fame, these people can live normal, happy lives.

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      "Living privately" doesn't mean what you think it means.

    2. Anonymous4:43 PM

      " Even when all these people are living privately..."

      Privately???? ha ha ha ha

      Too many "reality" TV, photo shoots, interviews, books, speeches etc. to rate even a tiny bit of living "privately". The Palin family are media junkies.

    3. Anonymous4:48 PM

      If they were living privately, Alicia, we (the general public) wouldn't know Bristol was pregnant at all. We would hardly know anything about her.

      She doesn't live her life privately, and you're grateful for it, you poor thing.

    4. Anonymous4:54 PM

      eh ?!?

    5. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Bullshit. I don't even know where to start so I won't.

    6. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Is that you, Sarah? If not, why pretend to be the insider that you are not? Let's see how normal and happy their lives are when Bristol's Black baby is born. Trolling is for imbeciles.

    7. Anonymous5:03 PM

      nervous? Worried?

    8. Anonymous5:19 PM

      "Bogus overly tale"??

      Help---is there anyone out there who speaks Palinese?

    9. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Oh. OK. What is wrong with me that I haven't taken your advice yet? Yours in Desperate Thirst.

    10. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Look, Alicia or whomever you are troll. I went through this 13 years ago with our daughter and I call bullshit to everything you say, every last word, it is like yesterday. Don't you start that are LYING but, by all means, keep sharing it for couch cushion change. Does ANYONE in that tribe know how stupid they look? I guess not.

    11. Anonymous6:37 PM

      What's wrong, Alicia, are you jealous that a REAL INSIDER is posting? 'Obvi' You are not a Palin Insider. You come here to have 'convos' with yourself, troll.

    12. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Hey 3:59 PM What are you nervous about? The TRUTH has a way of pissing you off,'eh? BWAHAHAHAHA, LOSER TROLL.

    13. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Is Alicia one of Sarah's personalities?

    14. Anonymous8:24 PM

      One hundred twenty plus?
      Out of 330M population in the US alone, you're right!
      We'd better start paying attention. lmao

    15. Anonymous5:12 AM

      If Sarah Palin posts an insane political rant on her Facebook page, she is doing it for public consumption. That means that there will be a public reaction. And, in the case of Sarah Palin, 99% of the reaction will include shaking of the head and laughter. There is nothing "private" in posting your life and your ignorant thoughts all over the Internet. Talk about living "privately" think of the Bush daughters or Chelsea Clinton. They all live private lives and no one interferes with them or criticizes them.

  40. Anonymous4:00 PM

    The Tree Flag (or Appeal to Heaven Flag) was one of the flags used during the American Revolution. The flag, featuring a pine tree flag with the motto "An Appeal to God," or, more usually, "An Appeal to Heaven", was used originally by a squadron of six cruisers commissioned under George Washington's authority as commander in chief of the Continental Army in October 1775. It was also used by Massachusetts' state navy vessels in addition to privateers sailing from Massachusetts.[1]

    The Pine Tree flag is shown in the opening credits of all eight episodes of the 2008 HBO miniseries John Adams and is shown being carried by colonial forces in "Part I: Join or Die".

    Atheists Wage All-Out War on Appeal to Heaven Flag

    Sarah Palin weighs in on the 'Appeal to Heaven' flag controversy

    ...The Appeal to Heaven flag is a historical artifact, its proponents argue, and, therefore, has a place in public spaces. The Freedom from Religion Foundation maintains that because of the religious aspect of the flag, it has no business being in any public space, due to their view of the separation of church and state. Warren, Arkansas was obliged to lower the flag to save the cost of litigation that would have ensued had the atheist group decided to sue. In effect, the Freedom from Religion Foundation got what it want merely by issuing the threat.

    Palin is clearly keen to not make this the last word in the controversy.

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      I don't know if Palin and many others are aware of the original meaning of "an appeal to Heaven". In the language of John Locke and other philosophers and statesmen of his age, the phrase referred to resorting to deciding an issue by war, the last resort of the oppressed.

    2. Anonymous5:03 PM

      There is no appeal to heaven. A last resort?
      The oppression is self-inflicted. God is not mocked.
      Think the temple, $arah, but you had one hell of a run!

  41. Anonymous4:05 PM

    "the Obamacare ruling just spoon-fed our obese Oval Office that is filled with those ignoring the will of the people along with our founding documents."

    decoding the mind of Sarah Palin:

    1. spoon-fed - Sarah was criticized for still feeding Trig this way
    2. obese Oval Office - Sarah shakes imaginary Big Gulp
    3. filled with those - Sarah did NOT win in 2008
    4. founding documents - Christian Bible is SO a founding doc

    1. Anonymous9:15 PM

      I tried many ways to understand what she is trying to say, but couldn't. She obviously wrote this herself. While high on Adderall.

    2. Anonymous5:06 AM

      Earth to Sarah. As people understand what the ACA has done for them, they like it. They'll want even more of it in the future. Sarah, do you get government benefits for Trig? Do your parents receive Social Security benefits and are they covered by Medicare?

  42. Anonymous4:08 PM

    How lovely of Palin to help pitch Dutch Sheets' book.

    He's is the NAR apostle/prophet who declared her to be 'an Esther, a Deborah, with a huge mantle from God for reformation.'

    He and NAR's Chuck Pierce had 3 months of 24/7 prayer for the 'pro-life' ticket [McCain/Palin] in 2008 and prophesied they would win. When they lost, Sheets reframed his prophecy as opinion and optimism and blamed America for failing to meet God's conditions for blessing. By Biblical standards, Sheets is a a false prophet and con artist.

    Rick Perry was his God-favored one in 2012.

  43. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Sorry, Sarah, but your Queen Esther, Queen Mommy, credentials just evaporated with Bristol's second pregnancy.
    One teenage mistake can be understood.
    A 24-year-old woman who's been on TV, "had a job," and has a six-year-old son either gets herself a husband first, or figures out a way not to produce another human into her already chaotic life. Her behavior reflects on you because you two are so entwined.
    Sorry, but your "christian" teaching didn't get through to Bristol, and she's now bringing down the whole SS. Palin.
    We'll miss you for your entertainment value, but your "channel" is on life-support, there's no Fox, no third season of Amazing America, and, frankly, no one wants to hear what you have to say. Adios.

  44. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Dutch Sheets with his wife Cici (pictured above with Sarah) and their connections to Sp

    January 7, 2009: Mary Glazier and Dutch Sheets, top leaders in C. Peter Wagner's New Apostolic Reformation, appear at Sarah Palin's central church, the Wasilla Assembly of God, where Palin was blessed, in October 2005, against "every spirit of witchcraft" by Kenyan evangelist Thomas Muthee.

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Dutch Sheets is one of those NAR prophets who have a direct line to God. God really, really talks to him. And God told him that Sarah would become the VP in 2008 and then the President of the United States.
      Hey Dutch...that's not God talking to you. He's just not that into you. It's actually your big fat ego whispering in your ear.

    2. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Memory lane:

  45. Anonymous4:15 PM

    aha! That is what the crazy theresa and polar papa were making a quick reappearance on c4p about. They were defending Sheets and his wife as "special friends" of Sarah

  46. Pat in MA4:18 PM

    "The most intrusive big government takeover in history – the Obamacare debacle.."

    The ACA is NOT a government takeover you idiot! The government is not providing insurance. Sarah, you rail against something that you don't understand in the least, you ignorant, bloviating, twit.

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      The only government takeover that is happening is BIG MONEY and THEOCRACY. That is what is taking over government. The infiltration of christianists and lobbyists, billionaires and right wing special interest groups. THAT is what is taking over our government. Obamacare is not even remotely doing so.

      And it's no debacle, you ignorant harridan, it's saving my life, and many of my friend's lives who would be destitute and suffering if they didn't have access to adequate health care, and now they do.

      I will be forever thankful to President Barack Hussein Obama and his unrelenting commitment to my well being. It's not often you can point to how directly a president impacts your most intimate self, and what is more intimate than one's personal health? It's very clear for me, if Obama hadn't pushed for this, it wouldn't exist. For much of the time he was a lone voice, with democrats ready to throw in the towel on many an occasion. But he spurred them on. And they stood tall. And I for one am lucky he did, and they did.

    2. Anonymous5:00 AM

      And then some more pluses, Pat in MA, Anon at 5:02, and TheNastyLiberal!

  47. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Fruit loops indeed!

  48. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Stupid, insipid, bigot. Sarah, you--without any question--deserve any and every form of disgrace to be visited upon your pathetic being. Pure and fucking simple.

  49. Anonymous4:38 PM

    ya i just looked...those wackjobs are having a spazz attack

  50. Our Lad4:58 PM

    To all those here who are assured that this latest insemination of Mrs. Palin's serially pregnant daughter is the camelback straw, I ask that you withhold your premature glee because I'm here to tell y'all that this is not your standard issue bubble headed tart. This is a woman who is fucking INSANE gentle readers, and she ain't jumping on the first thing smoking and heading back to her cave. She is right there and up in it until she's either dead or in jail. You heard it here, baby.

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      For anyone that has seen Bristol Palin in current time...
      Which number is she?

    2. Anonymous6:30 PM

      22 weeks

    3. Anonymous6:34 PM

      oh we fully realize it. She is a special kinda crazy. It's gone take a few silver bullets but they are locked and loaded I presume?

  51. Anita Winecooler5:02 PM

    LOL the crazy runs deep with "Rip Van Wrinkly"., She's talking about the Supreme Court as if she's above them in experience, education, common sense, and the Law. They're bound by the parameters of the Constitution, and no amount of word salad can change their minds.
    Stick with what you know, Sarah. Which couldn't fill a thimble.
    This, from a woman who once said something to the effect of "How am I supposed to know, what exactly it is that a Vice President does from day to day if no one tells me?"

    The ACA is the law of the land, go steal free health care from Canada, What a towhead!!!!!

    1. Anonymous8:25 PM

      She thinks a few secrets are her armor! She's that insane! Don't you know who I am? Yes Marilyn I mean Sarah...

  52. Anonymous5:05 PM

    OT -

    cracks me up that the current sea-0-piss open thread has the uber kkkrystian/patriot fuk ups posting a pic of the american flag being clearly desecrated - tell me that when the breeze stops that flag's not dragging on the ground ...

    inbred dipshits ..

  53. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Once again...where's Tawd? We haven't seen any pictures of him and Sarah together for quite some time.

    1. Anonymous3:17 AM

      He bought the Franklin Graham "float plane" with his divorce settlement. He is busy flying "babes" over Alaska. He left the crazy, pregnant, uneducated mess for $carah to deal with. He has a larger plane to take young "employees" to the lodge, for clients to enjoy.

  54. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Sarah's trying to appeal to her evangelicals with that flag bullshit to distract from Bristol's big announcement.

  55. Anonymous5:38 PM

    She's just throwing stuff at the wall and see what sticks, my how the mighty has fallen.

  56. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Check out these cartoons... I especially like the top one!

    (give it some votes)

  57. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Sarah should be happy, Bristdull's chances of ever getting married just doubled.

  58. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Poor Sarah, she peeks her head out after 8 yrs and is met with the same pregnant Ho' daughter.
    Well, old timey writings are subject to change, just like Bristol will no longer be stoned to death, neither will gays.
    Throw the first stone Sarah, straight at Bristol.

  59. I couldn't read it. Did I miss anything?

  60. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Sarah's appeal to Heaven: Please God, don't let that baby be Black!

  61. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Who are the other two people in the picture?

  62. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Sarah can't give it up. She thought she was God's chosen queen Esther for these times. She isn't.

    If you are, prove it, Sarah. Put yourself in the hands of the King and risk your life by angering him? Risk your life by saving your people? Sarah is a coward. She'd never do what the biblical Esther did. All this woman does is scream and spit and sneer and condemn. All that equals is a big fat zero. Sarah could be Pharaoh, grifting and stealing from the middle class to keep her and her family rich and comfortable, lying to God's People. Yes, Sarah, lying to followers of the Lord while pretending to be a follower is a pretty dangerous situation to be in with one's soul.

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM


    2. Anonymous8:27 PM

      What goes up must come down!

  63. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Maybe Sarah should take this as a spiritual sign that she began with Bristol being pregnant and she ends with Bristol being pregnant. Her time in between, trying to hide the other pregnancies and deceiving the elect had it's season, but a new season begins and there are many prophets today that would look upon this season of false prophets and cheaters and robbers of God's people as ending. The House is being cleaned right now, as it should be the first to be cleaned.

  64. I just read that article at Right Wing Watch. Good lord, they are all looney tunes. That Dutch character reminds be of Papa Cruz.

  65. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Yikes, I've got a terrible feeling about TheresaAK and PolarBearPapa at the Sea Oh Pee . What is their religion, anyway? I see them as very evil, very creepy people. Today was a strong indication that there is worse evil in them than I thought. They are all complete whack jobs over there but those two...they are evil.

    1. Anonymous8:15 PM

      How creepy was that?
      and all instigated by SP's flag post...her 'special friend' Pastor Dutch Sheets...
      who looks a whole lot like an aged Todd, btw!

  66. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Sarah, go sit in the corner and suck your thumb.

  67. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Sarah, what's that syaing "what goes around, comes around"? Bristol has come around - pregnant again. Let's close this circle and why don't you and your family quietly live your lives vibrantly out of the spotlight in Alaska. Your time has come and gone; accept it, move on. The couontry has moved on from your hate and bigotry. Yes, we have a ways to go, but we will move forward and you and your kind will be left behind.

  68. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Sarah, It is time for you to come to terms with your money. Your PAC is drying up and you are going to have to start living on what you have in the bank. It is time for you to live on YOUR money - NOT other people's money

  69. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Sarah, It is time for a little honesty.You have supported Bristol in a very good lifestyle for keeping your secrets. Don't you think it is time to disclose how many kids she really has? Don't you think it is time for you to come clean about Trig? The American people have pretty much come to accept that Trig isn't yours. Whether he is Bristols' or not really doesn't matter, but the truth that you didn't birth him does. Do you really believe that the American pulbic who saw Bristol on DWTS couldn't see that she was pregnant - realllly pregnant? Just because you think if you keep saying a lie repeatedlly that it will become the new truth, doesn't make it happen. It may shut down the talk, but the reality is, everybody still talks about it, just more quietly. Yes, it is time for you to be honest with yourself, your family and your "fans". You will not be running for any political office ever again for many reasons, but just acknowledge you aren't so your fans can move on with their lives and put ther SS dollars to better use taking care of themselves.

  70. Anonymous7:59 PM

    That Dutch Sheets dipshit reminds me of Papa Pilgrim. As does Jim Boob Duggar for some unknown reason.

  71. Anonymous8:14 PM

    or polarbearpapa?

  72. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Sarah, The Boobs! You were born as many women are with a small frame and boobs. Somewhere along the line, you thought if your boobs were bigger, you would look better, smarter?? Sorry, but the size of your boobs doesn't improve your appearance; it simple gives your audience something to stare at. Decide what size you really want to be and what is appropriate for your body size and stick to it. If you want a boob job, go for it. At this point, it has become a game - how big will your boobs big at your next appearance. Try for a little consistency. Don't let your boob size distract from your message, although your message could use a little, no, a lot of work too.

    1. Anonymous10:51 PM

      Sarah, you are a boob.

      The End.

  73. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I would maybe have an argument against what she wrote if I could understand it. She is totally incomprehensible.

  74. Anonymous8:19 PM

    At $18k a month I guess so....and she still whines and humps anything "not tied down." as was the saying in my day, but maybe even better in Palin world.

    Go away, $arah and Bristol. You've shown the world who you are down deep, not to mention your male counterparts. Enough is enough.

  75. Anonymous8:25 PM

    This is the guy who gave her the flag...and controversy around his 'prophecies' caused a big blow up over at the Sea this afternoon...who is he and what is it all about?

    1. Anonymous3:48 AM

      New Apostolic Reformation N.A.R.

      Seven Mountains. Dominionism. Christian Reconstructionism.

      R.J. Rushdoony and his connection with Fred Koch and on and on and on....these are radical religious extremists which need more attention paid to them

  76. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Sarah, The constitution was written to support and protect all of the people, not to support your religious beliefs. It is time for you to take some time and really read the constitution and sit down with a good constitutional lawyer who can answer any questons for clarification. I would not recommend Ted Cruz; he is awfully biased in his understanding of the constitution. Todd, well, he didn't go to law school. You can do it, find somebody who is politically neutral who can explain it to you. And really spend some time on the separation of state and church. You seem to really be confused on this.

    1. Anonymous10:18 PM

      I think the McCain campaign tried to educate Sarah to no avail.

    2. Anonymous3:45 AM

      What Sarah understands and what the rest of us haters just don't get is that the Constitution was written by God to create an exceptional country which wove God's Law into every fiber of our government. The Constitution is a religious document written by God (using humans to do the actual pen on paper stuff as the Almighty always does....because being the Almighty Creator and Ruler of the Universe has its limits) If you can't see and accept that and alsotoo behave accordingly in living your vibrant life, then you're probably just bidding a bit of time here before you get to spend the rest of eternity in a lake of eternal Hell Fire and other nasty stuff.

    3. Anonymous4:54 AM

      Anon at 10:18 pm. That's why the McCain campaign was such a disaster and why McCain deserved to lose. They should have vetted Sarah Palin better. Had anyone sat down with her for ten minutes that person would have been aware of how limited she was and is. McCain unleashed her and we still have her around. Yikes.

  77. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Sarah, Really, a flag that was used in the revolutionary war belongs in a museum just like the confederate flag. Why would you want them flying in the breeze as a hurtful reminder to so many? They are simply a symbol from past history. Preserve them in a place where you can go visit them and recognize them for what they were in history. It is time to let go of the past and move forward with the rest of us to the future. You can do it - really.

    1. Anonymous4:20 AM

      Where is Sarah's AIP flag?

  78. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Sarah, wtat's a mother supposed to do? You can't hide Bristol's babies forever. It is time to tell the truth. Hey, sell the story. I am sure there is money in it for Bristol and of course, for you, because, well, you always get your cut. Right? The DWTS baby - remember the E interview with Bristol in her house in AZ? Guess what, there are shots in that video that more than confirm Bristol's state/stage of pregnancy. They aren't going to remain forgotten. What oh what is a mother to do? The past is catching up; can't stop it. Take some more medicine (;-)) and think. You need to come up with something fast.

  79. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Palin's statements at Pastor Sheets website include this:

    'The angry opposition to the evergreen-emblazoned bolt of cloth spews from those refusing to acknowledge the truth – that the patriots of old knew America’s hope for freedom was rooted in God. And unlike any other, the idea of “America” would be exceptional in that we would dedicate to God this land overflowing with the blessings of liberty.'

    Has she never studied American History?!

    1. Anonymous9:47 PM

      Simple answer is "no".

    2. Anonymous4:52 AM

      I like evergreen trees, outside and inside with lots of decorations at Christmas time. I didn't know that they were a symbol of God or patriotism. Hmmm.

  80. Anonymous10:20 PM

    I think the Sarah myths are coming undone and those who can are flying the coop.

  81. Cracklin Charlie11:56 PM

    You know what's not boring, Gryphen?

    Having a granddaughter!

    That's right, friends! Cracklin Charlie's most awesome daughter delivered to her a beautiful, bouncing, red haired, baby granddaughter early Sunday morning.

    I just climbed down off the rooftop, where I was shouting the news to the Heartland. If you think I'm excited, you are exactly right!

    Sorry to go off topic on your thread, Sarah.

    1. Anonymous4:17 AM

      Congratulations. You know how to show your pride about a newborn.

    2. Anonymous5:06 AM



  82. Anonymous12:28 AM

    or chucktard sr ?

  83. Anonymous12:42 AM

    The Palins have nothing to say. But IM keeps posting about them. Comedy bit I saw years ago, XYZ News has learned that no details are known.

    1. Anonymous4:15 AM

      @12:42 AM And You keep coming here to vent your silliness, Troll. You are a glutton for punishment.

  84. Anonymous1:53 AM

    Sounds like she's avoiding talking about the mattressback ho from Wasilla....

    1. Anonymous5:05 AM

      Love it! Head in sand approach is the most ignorant choice for her to make. Heh, Scarah, it's not going away.

  85. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Our founding documents? This dolt is done. Stick a fork in Sarah. She's one breath away of irrelevance.

  86. Anonymous4:35 AM

    And the Breitbart piece is an "EXCLUSIVE," because, you know, there was a bidding war. The NYTimes, Agence France Press, Associated Press, HBO, Huffington Post, CBS News and all of the world's most consumed media outlets are clamoring for Palin's words of wisdom now that she has broken free from the RINO confines of Fox News and is at liberty to get her message out to a wider audience.

  87. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Poor Sarah Palin. Last week was a very, very, very bad week for her. First she lost her Fox job (mostly), then the subsidies in the ACA were upheld, then her daughter announced her pregnancy blaming everyone but herself for it, then gay marriage became a right across the land, and, last but certainly not least, President Obama wowed by world by his eulogy in Charleston. I bet we're going to hear a lot more from old Sarah in the next couple of weeks - lots of ranting. She has to keep relevant and show how "vibrant" she still is.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.