Saturday, June 27, 2015

Woman climbs pole to remove Confederate Battle flag in South Carolina.

Courtesy of the New York Daily News:  

A woman was arrested for removing the Confederate flag from the South Carolina Statehouse Saturday -- only to have the banner raised again less than an hour later. 

Using a harness, Bree Newsome climbed the 30-foot pole in Columbia just after dawn, organizer Tamika Lewis told the Daily News. Newsome brought down the flag as officers yelled for her to climb down, and State Police took it out of her hands when she reached the bottom. 

"You cannot get to me with hatred and oppression and violence," Newsome shouted from the top of the pole, according to video. "I come to do this in the name of God. This flag comes down today."

Now THAT is some fearless activism. 


  1. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Well done Bree Newsome! More of us need to grow our backbone.
    Thank you. Actions are heard.

  2. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Should have had someone at the bottom of the pole to burn that nasty flag. GOOD FOR HER!!!!!

  3. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I can't help but wonder why Gov. Haley hasn't brought the flag down as other governors of southern states have done? She's all talk obviously!

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Supposedly the thing was padlocked in place or something, and requires three new laws to take down. Wanna bet it isn't down for the 4th of July? Or Labor Day? Haley is a liar, just like the rest of the GOP. She wanted a nice little photo op, but she won't push her legislature on this.They're too busy cutting school funding, programs for the poor, and disenfranchising anyone not white and male.

    2. Anonymous1:28 PM

      The SC legislature voted to meet later to discuss the flag issue. I don't understand why they didn't just take the needed votes on whether or not to take it down now. Or, as Larry Wilmore suggested, Haley could just take the flag down now and force the legs to vote on whether to put it back.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:08 PM

      It should have been taken down for Reverend Pinkney's et al. funerals. Rachel had the perfect reply. "The flag CAN be taken down to repair fading and wear and tear" She then said it would have stayed with the letter of the law while respecting the man who lay in state at the State Capital. She added, "Gee, the flag seems to have suffered some wear and tear, looks a little faded, don't you agree?" Apparently, Hailey doesn't watch TRMS, or she'd have the guts of this remarkable young lady.

    4. Instead of taking it down she should have just taken a lighter with her and burned it in place.

  4. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Michael Moore has tweeted that he will post bail for her and pay all her expenses if she has to go to trial.

    Here is a guy who puts his money where his mouth is!

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Great news!

    2. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Anonymous12:31 PM
      I think he did she is out of jail. And shouldn't of been arrested in the first flippin' place!

  5. Good job Bree, and, for those who keep claiming that the Confederate flag is "heritage", and not hate:
    Confederate Vice- President Alexander Stephens:
    “Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition.”

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Patti, I have to correct you here . It is all about heritage. It is about a heritage of Army Officers like Robert E. Lee, who took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC, yet committed treason but fighting for the domestic enemies. Yet somehow they are held up as heroes and we named bases after them. It is about a heritage not about slavery, the proponents say, even though slavery is mentioned over and over in secession documents. It is about heritage, you know the one, where black women can be raped at the whim of their masters, and then those children that are produced are sold off or kept in bondage. Family values I guess. It doesn't stand for hate even though men fighting under that flag murdered black soldiers who tried to surrender in battle, simply because they were black, and how dare they oppose the white race. So if that is a heritage you want to be proud of, have at it. Just don't expect me to stay silent and not point out the bullcrap in your argument. Go preach your Lost Cause argument to someone else. And if you don't know what the Lost Cause is, simply google Lost Cause of the Confederacy. They have been trying to whitewash what happened for one hundred and fifty years.

  6. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Michael Moore has generously offered to pay Bree's bail and any legal fees incurred.

  7. Anonymous12:36 PM

    And when they re-raised the flag, it made them look even worse.

  8. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Hey Gryphen your blog roll doesn't seem to be working. Malia and I have new posts and they are not showing up on your blog roll.

  9. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Go Bree. It's about time. YOU have real guts.

  10. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Publicity seeker who hasn't helped the race problem at all by her actions.

    Anon. at 12:19, the SC battle flag can be lowered or taken down only after a vote by the state legislature to do so. Try to keep up.

    I don't care what the battle flag signifies to anyone, it was flying over a memorial. Activism? Not to me. Just a heaping helping of disrespect for the dead and a chance for 15 minutes of fame.

    Does anyone here really believe that taking down the battle flag and removing similar flags from store shelves and on-line auctions is going to make a scintilla of difference in race relations? Really????

    It's been about 75 years since the Civil Rights movement. I hadn't seen an African American until I was in my 20s. My nieces and nephews have grown up in a multicultural environment and are quite open minded. Their kids will hopefully not even notice that Some People are different. Tolerance and fairness cannot be forced on anyone.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Thank you 1:06. Couldn't agree more.

    2. Leland1:16 PM

      "I don't care what the battle flag signifies to anyone, it was flying over a memorial."

      Uh huh. I'll tell you my point of view now.

      I LIVE in SC. Spent most of my life here. And from my point of view, a memorial to hate and things of that nature should be ripped down as well - regardless of where it is or whether or not the legislature has to vote on it!

    3. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Civil Rights movement 1960-1965. That would make 50-55 years. Agree about future generations not noticing differences in people but they have to be taught to be tolerant,

    4. Oh, please. You're talking like it was flying over a cemetery. It was flying over a state building just next to the state capitol. This is not appropriate. And while I wish Haley had ordered it down and taken the legal consequences, I'm glad that Bree Newsome had the stones to do it herself. And if you want to compare bonafides, I have several ancestors who died fighting for the CSA. I can respect them without supporting symbols of hatred toward others.

    5. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Does anyone here really believe that taking down the battle flag and removing similar flags from store shelves and on-line auctions is going to make a scintilla of difference in race relations? Really????
      It's a damn good start 1:06.
      Looking at the vehemence with which it is being defended and excused as a symbol of "heritage", I'd say Bree was doing more than looking for her "15 minutes of fame".

      You're right, tolerance and fairness can't be forced on someone. Isn't it too bad that there are still people that are so lacking in these simple human traits?


    6. Anonymous2:32 PM

      That treasonous flag does NOT belong on any government property. As far as I am concerned she is a hero and the state should be blocked from ALL federal funding until it comes down.

    7. It is the flag of traitors. It does not have any place on any piece of federal, state, or local government property in the United States.

      The Confederate States of America were fighting to destroy the United States. One of their battle flags does not deserve a place of honor on any governmental property.

      Heritage? Pfft. There are many things in any heritage which do deserve to be celebrated and remembered. There are also things in every heritage which do not deserve to be remembered and honored. This flag is one of them.

      As for the act of taking it down not making a difference, really? Yet that meaningless symbolism resonated with people all over the United States today.

      Actions such as Ms. Newsome's do have meaning. Each and every such act builds on others. Rosa Parks sat her tired self down in an ordinary bus seat and is remembered for it today. People sat down at lunch counters and upset people and made them angry. Their acts and Rosa Parks' act were illegal. But they were powerful acts and changed minds and hearts. Simple acts can act powerfully on the conscience of an entire people and are anything but meaningless.

    8. Anonymous3:20 PM

      She is looking for fame. That is all. It is people like her and her actions that will reverse progress in race relations. Mark my words.

    9. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Why not fly the swastika as well. It's only a symbol.

    10. angela5:38 PM

      Anon 3:20 you don't have a clue what the hell you are talking about. Progress in race relations? What do you know about race relations? You have no clue.
      Nine people were shot in a church by a man who sat with them and thought twice about killing them because they were nice to him. He killed them anyway because they were black. How effing bad do you think that is? Reverse race relations my ass.

    11. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Angela, it is more than likely he killed those people because he is schizophrenic and his brain went hatwire over the last 6 months, he is the typical age for serious symptoms of that disease to take over his brain. And yes there was a complete racist component to his delusions. It is funny that everyone is praising this lady for her big show, and totally ignoring the picture showing a black South Carolina state policeman doing his job, employed by the state that is supposedly so racist because flag. You're an idiot Angela.

    12. angela3:22 AM

      And you are a racist apologist moron Anon 7:40.
      And by the way----I'm thinking the racist comments he continually made in high school kinda blows your klan petting out of the water.

    13. Anonymous3:39 AM

      First off she is well known in activist circles and not a publicity seeker. You also need a history lesson. The civil rights movement was not about 75 years ago. Smh It was illegal for my parents to marry due to the color of their skin and I am no where near 75 or 65 or 55 I see 45 on the horizon though. I noticed you stated that you hadn't seen a black person til you were in your 20's but then stated that your nieces and nephews are open minded implying that you are not. Somehow I doubt you are truly concerned about race relations. As fir not noticing some people are different you my darling will be the some people are different very soon.

    14. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Lots of people make racist comments in high school, before and after, thru their whole lives and don't kill anyone Angela. Crazy people go and shoot up a church like he did, because crazy. And I don't get that it blows any theory out of the water, as I said there were obviously racial delusions running thru his head (again because crazy). But this has nothing to do with a stupid flag other than the left once again using a tragedy to try and forward a political movement and label everyone. This will backfire.

    15. angela8:49 AM

      Yeah, but this one killed someone. And who do you know who constantly says racist things? I can honestly say that is disturbing. Anyway, this is pretty much how the country runs---young white male guns down nine black people, he is mentally ill. Unarmed young black males gunned down----thugs. So spare me.

  11. Anonymous1:26 PM

    She's got my respect! When I first found out the flag would have to stay up a while I was wondering how I could fire a bottle rocket or something similar up there & make it burn. That could be done over and over. Oh hey a drone with a lit match could work yeah?

  12. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Arrested! she should get a medal

  13. Amy in Juneau1:34 PM

    The confederate flag represents hate and violence. And news flash, the majority of Americans do not stand for, nor tolerate hate and violence. Way to go Bree!

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Unless the hate and violence are directed Muslims, right?

  14. Go Bree! Honestly, I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner. The so-called law needs to be reversed, and honestly, Haley should have ordered it down. Yes, I'm aware that she doesn't have the legal authority to do that, but sometimes you have to push legislators into doing the right thing.

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      It had to wait until someone that was willing to do so was actually in good enough shape to do the deed.

  15. Anonymous1:41 PM

    It's going to be interesting to see how the 'in the name of god' talk plays out.

  16. Atta girl! Rachel, interview this one as soon as you can get her.

  17. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Way to go Bree, and Dog damn girl you are in some kind of shape to climb that flagpole!

    1. Anonymous2:36 PM

      I was impressed by that too! And what a climber!


  18. Maybe Gov. Haley can't order the flag be taken down, but I hope that if Bree is charged and convicted of removing the flag of traitors to the US, she can pardon Bree. Over and over again if necessary.

    And I would dearly love to see a state employee refuse to arrest someone taking down the flag, as well as refusing to put the damn thing back up.

    And again, Governor, pardons for all.

  19. Anita Winecooler5:23 PM

    Hailey did have a way to take the flag down, TRMS show gave the perfect response. See my response above.

    Thank You, Bree! You saw a wrong and practiced your right to peaceful disobedience to right it. Good for her! The flag coming down is well past overdue, and a step in the right direction. Will it stop the hate and racism? Unfortunately, no, but I hope it at least starts getting people to see others as human beings and not their skin color.
    She didn't harm the flag, she took it down. The murderer burned our country's flag, on our own land, posted the photo, and visited his hatred on innocent people who invited him in their house.

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      I do believe the Supreme Court decided that burning the US flag is a protected form of free speech.

  20. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Isn't she special? The Confederate flag-pole 'hero'. Fuck you. I will be flying the Confederate flag along with an upside-down American flag (which signifies a country in distress) very PROUDLY on July 4th. Oh, and NO sodomy-perverse 'gay' flag will EVER be seen.

    You left socialists have NO IDEA what the fuck it is you are celebrating. Study history, study communism, study the Nazi regime for Christ's sake. Your special kind of stupidity is embarrassing and your ignorance will get you very much dead. And you will deserve it.

    1. Anonymous3:43 AM

      May I suggest a white flag of surrender like your confederates flew because you have lost this battle. You can thank us for dragging your knuckle dragging self into the 21st century when you sober up from the celebrating the victory of those who won the war against the south besting the British.

    2. You will proudly fly the flag on July 4th of a country which waged war on the United States? And you have the gall to fly the US flag upside down as a sign that the country is in distress?

      You are a special kind of mouth-breathing stupid, aren't you?

      Here's a quote for you:
      "You right wing theocrats have NO IDEA what the fuck it is you are celebrating. Study history, study communism, study the Nazi regime for Christ's sake. Your special kind of stupidity is embarrassing and your ignorance will get you nowhere but on the losing side of history and faith. And you will deserve it."

      What a nasty, hateful, bigoted, racist, un-American piece of shit you are.

    3. Anonymous8:37 AM


    4. Anita Winecooler6:43 PM

      Yo, Nefer, don't hold back!!

  21. Amy in Juneau10:12 PM

    It's the rage & hate filled psychos like you Anon 9:43 that need to never own a firearm. You have mental illnesses and I hope you seek help for your disabilities.

  22. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Anon at 3:39 a.m. Well known activist or no, this is not the time for this kind of activism. The SC legislature is going to take up the flag issue next month. If the legislature votes to keep the flag, then will be the time for her type of activism, perhaps.

    I apologize for the typo. I know quite well when the Civil Rights movement was. I was in DC when MLK was shot and the burning and rioting began.

    True, I grew up in a small town, and there were no blacks in my school or my church or the stores. After high school, I moved to DC. I was proud when one firm I worked for hired it's first black secretary; and when another hired it's first black professional. I was also witness to behavior by other black employees that would have had them fired, had they been white. I spent 20 years, that's correctly typed, working in and around DC, in government and in the private sector. I believe I have some knowledge of racial issues. I'm pretty much a live and let live person. The point I was trying to make with regard to my nieces and nephews, all adults now, was that they were exposed to non-white people from a very early age, so to them a person of color was almost always part of the landscape. Their children have traveled extensively and been exposed to life in multi-ethnic countries; one is already fluent in a second language. Their world view will be completely different.

    A young person committed a terrible, unforgiveable act. But I think the flag itself had very little to do with his decision.

  23. Anonymous7:11 PM

    She is a freaking idiot and now you idiots are donating tons of money to her. LMAO.


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