Sunday, July 26, 2015

Bernie Sanders newest commercial.

Currently Sanders is doing surprisingly well in the polls: 

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' favorable rating among Americans has doubled since Gallup's initial reading in March, rising to 24% from 12% as he has become better known. Hillary Clinton's rating has slipped to 43% from 48% in April. At the same time, Clinton's unfavorable rating increased to 46%, tilting her image negative and producing her worst net favorable score since December 2007. 

Sanders' increased favorability reflects the broader increase in the public's familiarity with him since March. Overall, 44% of Americans are able to rate him today, up from 24% in March. Not only has the percentage viewing him favorably increased, but also the percentage viewing him unfavorably has risen, up eight percentage points to 20%.

It should also be noted that some of the conservative presidential candidates, such as Ted Cruz, are bending over backwards to praise Sanders in the hopes that he might beat out Hillary for the nomination.

However if I were a Republican candidate I might not be so convinced that Sanders represents the weaker candidate.


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    I'm still hoping for Biden to throw his hat in the ring...

    1. Anonymous7:33 AM

      I think with the recent passing of his son, Biden wants for finish his term as VP, get out of politics and enjoy life.

    2. Anonymous8:12 AM

      I have nothing but admiration for Vice President Biden. He has been through so much in his personal life yet has weathered it and served our country admirably.

      I still love this video:

  2. Bernie is way behind Hillary in Florida, while on the other side Jeb! has now surged fairly well ahead Marco and really well ahead Trump.

    Yikes. I truly hope that Florida will not be an important state to have to take to win the election next year.

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      After 2000, pardon me if I hold nothing but contempt for Florida. Totally agree, Marvin!

  3. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Bristol is feeling the bern .... oops, it was just a yeast infection.

  4. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Bernie Sanders Is The Only Candidate With A Positive Approval Rating In Iowa And New Hampshire

    Two new NBC News-Marist polls of Iowa and New Hampshire found that Bernie Sanders is the only presidential candidate in either party who has a positive approval rating in each state.

    1. As Bernie is showing in even Red states, you gather people to you with a positive message with plans to do something about issues important to the majority of Americans (on both sides in these partisan times)

      And he's even speaking about income inequality -- usually the elephant in the room in any election (thanks to Occupy).

      And he has young people hopeful again, ready to work for him.

      Bernie has gotten bills passed (with a Republican).

      He's not afraid to say Money isn't everything, that he won't be bought by Wall Street. Period.

      Fear of the Other & negativity & war mongering, in the long run, will not win out.

      But we gotta contribute what we can & VOTE! to show Wall Street & billionaires American's Democracy can't be bought. If you believe it can, and give up, we will lose.

    2. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Well said as always, Barbara!

  5. Caroll Thompson8:22 AM

    After spending years on the right, the old pendulum is finally moving left and with it the Nation. This allows the ideas that Bernie has been espousing for more than 40 years to come to fruition.

    And not a moment too soon in my view.

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      After what President Obama has righted in this country, despite all the slings and arrows thrown at him, we simply cannot afford a Republican taking the reins in 2017.

  6. Anonymous8:42 AM

    For some reason when I hear the name Ted Cruz the last thing I would think of is brilliant political strategist. If Cruz maintains his efforts to derail Clinton and remains consistent with his political strategy record, he'll be able to take credit for putting Sanders in the WH. Go Cruz!

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Yes, I don't care how educated he is. Like Palin, the greasy slime factor, let alone his association with her. And then there"s his father.......

  7. We're lucky to have so many dedicated and intelligent Democrats who could lead the country.

    Meanwhile, Republican Mike Huckabee says that President Obama's Iran deal is marching Israelis "to the door of the oven."

    Not a day passes that a Republican doesn't say or do something utterly loathsome.

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Totally agree with you, Liz I.

  8. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Gryphen, it's encouraging to me to see your personal evolution on Hillary vs. Bernie. I think it bodes well for Bernie in the coming months as more people get to know him.

  9. Ted Cruz better be careful what he wishes for.

    There are plenty of Republicans that like Bernie Sanders and have nothing but contempt for the clown car.

  10. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I'm with Bernie!

    BTW, that video clip of Trump attacking that man at the WWE. Was he arrested? He jumped the man from the back and when he was down began beating him and used his elbows to bashthe man's face. Why haven't we heard about this? Is it fake?

  11. Anita Winecooler5:37 PM

    I like Bernie's entire campaign strategy. He clearly and unapologetically lays out the problems he wants to seen addressed, and offers the answer and why he feels he's qualified to tackle them. It's still early, and I'm on the fence as to whom I'll vote for, but either Bernie or Hillary have what it takes to be commander in chief. Either can go toe to toe with any of the "contenders" in the GOP line up and win.
    BUT we've got to do our part and GOTV.

  12. Regardless of whether he gets the nomination or not, it is LONG past time that the Sanders wing of the party gained influence again.


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