Sunday, July 26, 2015

I think Bristol Palin just went full retard. Never go full retard. Update!

Courtesy of Bristol Palin's Facebook page, I kid you not.

As if there is any comparison between an organization that allows women of all colors to control their own reproduction, and the flag of a traitorous army that fought for the right to own their fellow human beings. 

(For those who want to get all bent out of shape about my "full retard" comment, the source.)

Update: Like daughter, like mother.

Posted by Sarah Palin on Sunday, July 26, 2015
So does this mean that Nancy French is writing both Bristol AND Sarah's Facebook posts these days.


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I agree. Bristol went full retard here. I wonder if she'll remain in character until the after the DVD commentary!

    1. Anonymous11:05 AM

      The good news is, she did not have far to go. She did not need a private jet to get there, either.

  2. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Bristol is definitely her mother's idiot.

  3. So if approximately 1 million abortions were performed in the us last year,black women are not the evil scum Bristol makes them out to be.Not that she is intelligent enough to know she did that.

    1. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Apparently she cares nothing about the 910,000 non-black babies aborted?

      Or maybe she is too dense to understand basic Math.

      Or maybe she cares about black babies all of a sudden because she is carrying one in her belly? (That would explain all the gangsta signs she's been throwing down lately.)

      Add to my list, folks!


    2. Anonymous9:40 AM

      In addition to the US figures, add in the unknown number of women going outside the US for safe, private, affordable abortions.

      In my opinion the total number of abortions does NOT change regardless of legality or affordable availability. Women who can not get an abortion through a safe place like Planned Parenthood resort to back alley abortionists.

    3. Anonymous10:10 AM

      And, wouldn't it be interesting to find out just how many abortions have been performed within the members of the Heath/Palin family members.

      Bet you they've occurred and especially by both Bristol and Sarah!

      Oh, what wonderful Christian people they aren't!

    4. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Nancy French is a dunce, only slightly smarter than Sarah Palin (which isn't saying much).

    5. Anonymous11:06 AM

      9:29 OMG you are RIGHT! This is another psych fuck to her mother!! The baby IS black!!!
      Truly the psychological gives they reveal are not worthy of a PHD degree as I have previously maintained. More like HS intro to psych and not even Honors or AP!!

    6. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Well if she thought rednecks made the women cook and clean then she's in for a rude awakening!

  4. Anonymous9:22 AM

    The Tarted reTard alleges in pikore, from the cryptic con artist also known as Bristol Palin bsmp2.

    IM asks about Todd Palin and Stoneface gives up FISHFACE for a flight, unknown date.

    July 25, 2015 8:02pm

    July 25, 2015 5:18pm

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      I wouldn't be surprised the picture in Daddy's plane was from another time...who knows she could be in Vegas with her best friend right now...

      Marina Lupas

      July 9 at 2:26pm ·

      15 days and bae and I are off ✈✈✈✈✈👑❤💯

    2. Anonymous10:17 AM

      BS mp can't convince or con anymore. Flight with Todd? When? She looks sick when she posed for that photo op.

      Can we thank Cletus the Fetus and Bristol Palin's plans of parenthood for the MIA clan?

      Willow Palin says Todd is still alive and enjoying the good life on June 15, 2015.
      "wbf_ My dad and I flying home from Dillingham, landing on the lake & pulling into the driveway"

    3. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Wait a minute!!!

      Since when does Two-Toned Toad have a passenger flying license? That plane looks like it has at least five if not more passenger seats!

      Also, too: Bar$tool looks a bit 'green around the gills'! LOL!
      AND: again hiding her belly, but seems quite big in that fishing picture (taking a clue from her mother, I guess, by wearing a thick coat when the guy is short sleeved...)

    4. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Since when does Two-Toned Toad have a passenger flying license?


      WTH is this willowpalin?

      willowpalin and for everyone who's asked... I will be posting a hair and makeup tutorial video on my youtube channel soon!

      7.16.14 Tripp's last game of the season!

      "My people." HA! Willblow Palin is in the game with Scarah.


    5. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Well I'll have you know that at least one person loves Bristol's PP post.

      This from the fishing link good, folks, sooooo good.

      ldreyer7 about 20 hours ago @_gdreyer @j_d_10d Greta have you seen her new blog post about planned parenthood?! It's so good!

    6. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Anyone else getting blank pages on the websta links? Are they the photos she's pulled off that show blank boxes on her page?

      Also, too. Who is the guy in the fish picture?

    7. Anonymous3:51 PM

      The comments are middle school level, ( oh you are so beautiful, what makeup do you use) but my all time favorite was:

      mo4briana about 20 hours ago It's so nice to see other young women who are conservative & still have morals.

      HA HA HA morals, Bristol doesn't know the meaning of the word.

    8. Anonymous4:49 PM

      A couple of the coolest people I've ever met!

  5. angela9:24 AM

    What a fucked up person Palin truly is.

  6. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Her comparison is nonsensical. What about the fact white masters raped and forced female slaves for their sexual outlet?

    The Palin family is stupid and uneducated aka "idiots".

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      That's history...that means they have to READ words in a book...

    2. Anonymous2:21 PM


  7. Neither symbol killed anyone, Barstool.

  8. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Hmmmm......a hint of bi-racial fetus? Why are you suddenly so concerned about black babies, Bristol? We know your family is as racist as they come.

    Lift up that chin implant, no one cares except your mother's base. That would be quite the black eye (pun intended), now wouldn't it? Will Mommie shuck and jive when it's born??

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      When Bristol's disappointment is born, Sarah Palin will say,"So the Bitch had a Sambo", like she said about the 2008 Democratic primaries," So Sambo beat the bitch".

  9. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Then she had the unmitigated gall to place the #blacklivesmatter hashtag on that post. She is a disgusting POS.

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Bristol is a disgusting piece of shit, but Nancy French is much worse.

    2. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Brrristol better watch her back! Those Los Anchorage homeboys and girls are not going to tolerate the Brrr for long! They might be polite - ya they got manners - but how long that lasts? Shrug...better be good to the girls Brrr!

    3. Anonymous1:06 PM

      12:13 PM

      The Russian sex vixen is not going to let Brrr down. She is loyal.

      Los Anchorage homeboys and girls aren't going to do anything. The Russian and Brrr are ONE.

    4. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Yeah, well ,I saw the AKAftaDark video on Malia's blog, and the sex vixen is a slut as well as her BAE. You are the company you keep.

      Bristol had every chance in the world to be educated, as well as that whole family, but they chose not to be. That is fine, I have no problem with that. What I DO have problem with is their pontificating morals they do not have and lifestyles they do not live. What a crock of CRAP, yet they look themselves in the mirror every day and are fine with it.

    5. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Who is her BAE?

      I detest the hypocrisy and attacks on others, esp when they go after less fortunate, those who did not have the opportunity to stay uneducated like the Palins.

      At first, I thought the sex vixen had a heart and that might open up Bristol to getting a heart. Now I think sex vixen is loyal and in it for money. She will be a slave mistress for the Palins, not out of loyalty but out of her own brand of greed.

      What happened to sex vixens heath and exercise program? She was on top of posting about that, now she is a quitter.

      Who wants to follow a quitter? The lowest of the low pervs is what she will attract.

      Not a word about how hard sex vixen is working out and how well she eats since the first week of July.

      She is not even loyal to her own well being and programs.

    6. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Is this last tweet the end?

  10. Why is Bristol suddenly concerned with the fate of black babies?

    Is there something you're trying to tell us Bristol? Something concerning the father of your baby? I think this is Bristol's "clever" way of signaling that her baby daddy is African American.

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Woo hoo, Barbara, I had the same thought above!

    2. Anonymous10:04 AM

      This is Nancy's favorite thing to post about I've noticed.

    3. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Mommy wanted to bang the President and have his with Curtis M! So Brrristol did it as good as she gets!

    4. Is there something about Dakota Meyer's heritage we don't know?

      She can't have it both ways.

    5. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Nancy has a seven year old adopted daughter, who is black. Has anyone done the math on that? How old would her dancing with stars baby be now?

    6. Anonymous2:29 PM

      12:52 PM The same age as Kyla Grace, 4 years old. DWTS baby was born in 2011, probably in Arizona. Bristol Palin must not know that she was pregnant then(2010/2011). She posed for pictures as if she was a slim model on the runway.
      Her caretaker was with her in Arizona.

    7. Anonymous2:33 PM

      I have never seen a photo of Bristol Palin with any Black people. Was she incognito like Sarah Palin in her sister's College dorm room, interviewing Glen Rice in bed?

  11. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I think she went full stupid asshole.
    What morons.
    Seriously DUMB people.

  12. Anonymous9:30 AM

    The symbol on the left killed approximately 620,000 babies old enough to wear a uniform.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      This. Thank you.

    2. Anonymous12:21 PM


    3. Just shows Republicans and pro-lifers only care about fetuses and don't give a $h¡t once they're born.

    4. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Not counting all the non-military collateral damage.

  13. Anonymous9:32 AM

    You know she thinks she is so clever--she thought she had come up with something very smart and in-your-face. The comparison is asinine and an insult. If she were one of the millions of Africans forcibly brought over to this country and she managed to survive so as to spend her life as a piece of chattel who had no right to make any choices of her own (including not to have sex with her owner who may have impregnated her), she'd have the capacity to understand what her pea brain is capable of. And the fact that she's focusing on black babies does not support black women--if she's so concerned about the lives of African Americans, then why doesn't she do something real to help. She has lived life in such a bubble. She thinks she can relate to others because of the fact that she's become pregnant out of wedlock twice, but she's had such a cushy life and will never understand what most women go through. She's a fool. And her continued attempt to establish relevancy by way of social media, much like the ignorant Duggars, is a joke. She had no desire to go to college and learn something. She has no real interaction with people different from herself. She just wants to use technology to spout off about things and try to grow an audience and find herself with a job that requires no qualifications whatsoever.

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      I meant incapable of, not capable of, of course.

    2. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Sad thing is that she had stolen the graphic. She can't even come up with her own racists rants.

    3. Anonymous10:06 AM

      She's been pregnant four times. At least.

    4. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Once again. Nancy French living her little dream world that she is paid to do. Sorry, Frenchy, but what you post and what she lives are night and day opposite.

    5. Anonymous10:51 AM

      I agree with 10:06: she has been preggo AT LEAST four times!

    6. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Good points, but PLEASE next time give some air to your posting and give us paragraphs!! Hard to read like the way you did it.

    7. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Well then take her to the deep south and lets see how that works for her!

    8. Anonymous11:37 AM

      She couldn't even handle Kentucky, 11:19 AM.

    9. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Incompetents cannot raise babies!

    10. Anonymous2:22 PM


  14. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Is this an admission that her latest "oops" may be black? Why the sudden interest in black babies?

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Her "disappointment".

    2. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Bristol Palin is setting the stage for her mixed race child to be born.

    3. Anonymous10:09 AM

      If her baby is black, you can bet Sarah already has plans in the works for a "swap" on the day of birth to a family that will provide a white baby in exchange for a large sum of "postage".

    4. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Yup, 10:09! The swap is already in the making. Also, too, the fact that she has not said at all how far along she is, and that she is still trying to hide her pregnant belly are other clues. We will never know if/when/where/who she really gave birth to - all the PayMe's records are sealed, for the whole family...

    5. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Since Bristles treats her babies like "things" to be given away once they are born, this one will be no different.

    6. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Damnstraight 10:09. CBJ already is inventorying the sexually abused pregnant teens at Alaska Cares and will provide a lily white blondg blue eyed newborn for Sarah errr Bristol.

    7. Anonymous11:20 AM

      Edward Snowden needs to expose it!

    8. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Or Anonymous

    9. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Is anyone observing Bristol going to work each day?
      Have they seen her at the office at all since she returned to Alaska Dermatology & Cancer Center?

      She is a single mother, she works full time and she produces articles on Patheos and Facebook.
      How does she do it all?

      Along with all that, she has asked people to join her with her campaign to stop human trafficking and Facebook and Planned Parenthood.

      I can't believe there aren't more people asking to interview her about all the pro-life work and activity she is doing now, while she is pregnant!

      Now is the time to get an interview with Bristol Palin.

      How strange if no RW or conservatives are even trying.

      You can almost believe the Christians, RW, conservatives that are ignoring her know full well who the father of her baby is, how far along and all that her fans want to know. They are complicit with her secrets.

    10. Anonymous12:16 PM

      Don't waste your time or energy! They go back and forth so much it puts a creak in my neck! They are liars!

    11. Anonymous12:20 PM

      We will never know if/when/where

      Does anyone know if she is in Alaska right now? How hard would it be to get a picture of her leaving work, or driving her truck?

      That is, if she is in Alaska and someone in Alaska wanted some facts.

      No one has seen her?

      Malia, from Texas, did call Bristol's office. They were up to their old tricks and did a funny. They also said Bristol "DID NOT WORK THERE." Those are "the best people I know!" according to Bristol.

      Bristol, who do you work for? Is it Dr. Michael L. Cusack or Dr. Jack Meoff? Inquiring minds want to know! Or is it Enquirer wants to know?

      Bristol, the best people you know are saying you are caught in a lie, that you do not work where you say. It is time to make sense and clear up a few matters.

    12. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Actually, Bristol is free to spin any story she wants.
      We are also free to call "bullsh*t!"

    13. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Bristol is free to give up her name to Sarah, Nancy and anyone else. She is free to have them spin for her or spin for herself until she gets caught.

      I think she is free to be in Arizona now.

      Either near her due date, possibly August or she birthed her disappointing blessing.

      Why is she making such a deal about being at her job?

      Is that a distraction from where she actually is?

    14. Anonymous1:53 PM

      I don't think she can be in AZ right now - UNLESS she got permission from Levi to take his son out of state, or unless she has given his son to him for 'a while'...

    15. Anonymous3:21 PM

      1:53 PM

      Tripp has been with family. He is not with Bristol when she is working. He is possibly more with Sunny and Levi during the summer months. Also, doesn't Tripp and Trig like to go swimming a lot and they take them to Arizona in the summer?

      Tripp can travel a lot and go back and forth with the others that live in Arizona.

      If either of them are in Alaska, they will be seen.

      No one has a recent picture of Bristol.

    16. Anonymous4:05 PM

      No one is calling Brisdull to "get comments" on the "issues" she is backing because she is taking the lead of her mother and hiding behind social media.

      And while $arah had the "gift" of word salad spew, Brisdull can barely string two sentences together, plus she speaks in a boring monotone.

      The Chin had her chances at "reality" shows and guest appearances and she blew it badly. Dull and dumb as a rock.

    17. Anonymous5:00 PM

      I suppose Levi is the only one anyone contacted for the news about Bristol being unwed preg again?

      No one tried to contact Meyer or Junker? No one would call Sarah, the Heaths, Todd, Willow or any of them. No one said a word because no one called anyone.

      ONLY Levi Johnston was contacted.

  15. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I'd probably care more if I thought Bristol was the one who actually posted that. Looks like she's using pikore a lot more than Facebook. Not surprising considering a lot of younger folks have abandoned FB.

  16. Anonymous9:43 AM

    And magically, if there was no Planned Parenthood, every single one of those fetuses would have been brought to term. As well as many, many Hispanic, Asian and white babies.

    And Bristol and her ilk would not have done a single thing or contributed a single penny to help.

  17. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Gryph: Yesterday Jeanne Devon/Mudflats posted on Facebook that she saw Brisdull singing karaoke to 'her boyfriend' in an Anchorage bar. No more details than that, unfortunately.

    It's hard to picture The Chin, who is quiet and shy usually, singing a sappy love song out in public in AK -- unless she was lubed up with booze, as usual. Poor Cletus the Fetus!

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      I think that was a dream.

    2. She was describing a dream.

    3. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Quiet and shy? That's a new one.

    4. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Sounds more like a nightmare.

    5. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Barstool singing.. LOL!! That must have been 5 months ago when she was in heat.

    6. Anonymous12:22 PM

      I had a dream of Barstool gees almost 15 yrs ago now! I was watching Todd and Sarah yelling at each other in what looked like a garage! Barstool was standing there watching and holding a baby in her arms! It was vivid enough to recall with clarity...some dreams are fuzzy...anyways I called the folks to say hi and I inquired about them and got silence...when asked why I was asking I recalled the dream...oh boy...she got all went to sleep! Don't blame me i told her...religious nuts! :-\

    7. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Thanks for the dream clarification. I jumped to conclusions without reading Jeanne's post more carefully, I should've known: if it was true JD would've been on a Chin story like flies on stink! She's the best! lol!!!!

  18. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Bristol doesn't write that stuff...Nancy has an adopted black child! They all make me sick!

    1. And Nancy French's adopted black child wasn't born in the USA--the evangelical movement traffics heavily in Ethiopian little ones.

      Adoption is now a multibillion-dollar industry in our country. I strongly recommend Kathryn Joyce's book "The Child Catchers" for more information!

    2. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Thanks for the recommendation. looking for a good beach book...well, not that the topic is a good beach book, but ya get me!

    3. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Adoption is now a multibillion-dollar industry.... part of human trafficking rackets too.

      No wonder Nancy/Bristol wants to stop Facebook and Planned Parenthood human trafficking. Might be competition to them.

    4. Anonymous3:37 PM

      LDS social services trafficks in new borns.

  19. Anonymous9:54 AM

    It is a shame that Bristol's ghostwriter, Nancy Horse-faced French, believes all of the nonsense that she posts. Bristol the borderline retard is probably busy making an AFTADARK sex video since she can't get pregnant now, and has no clue what Nancy big teeth French is writing in her name. Nancy, David, and their ilk are religious freaks and are dangerous. They are as fanatical as Santorum. If Bristol has a miscarriage, they will advise her to take Cletus the Fetus home to connect with her family. Those Fundamentalists are some sick fuckers.

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Criticizing Nancy's looks really takes away from your message you know. Not necessary.

    2. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Yeah drop those date rape drugs in my drink...i don't want to know what I did! Except when my gut hurts real bad! May be Brrristol should wait for a bus! Oh chit I might get raped...thats cool! Yeah looong gone they have been!

    3. Anonymous12:25 PM

      The complacency that Sarah Palin took as Mayor and Governor is sickening!!! With their behaviors I think we got SET and SED going on...they need help!

    4. Anonymous2:13 PM

      10:32 AM Do you see something different? I call it like I see it. If you don't like it, don't read it. If you are her twin, oh well.

  20. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I guess we know the race of Bristol's next gift from god.
    Hypocrite, thy name is Bristol.

  21. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I agree, retard. She is not normal, she is not bright at all. She is stunted, like her mother.

  22. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Bristol didn't come up with anything. Nancy French did, I highly doubt Bristol even reads "her" blog.

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      In this case it's not her blog. It's her FACEBOOK page. Must be in Bristol's contract. Either she's getting paid for it or she really is as hateful as her mother & Nancy to turn it over to them.

    2. Anonymous12:55 PM

      This is what I get at her FACEBOOK.
      'Sorry, this content isn't available right now'

      I take it I'm not missing anything. Would I have to join FB and have her friend me?

      Overall does it look like Bristol has been doing her own FB or has Sarah owned it all along?

      I think she has owned Bristol all along. Sarah may need to exert her power and ownership more now.

    3. Anonymous3:03 PM

      12:55 Yes, you have to be signed on to FB to see FB pages.

    4. Anonymous3:40 PM

      It could be Nancy French husband that is so 'clever' and SICK!

  23. Anonymous10:02 AM

    We will never know what kind of baby Bristol has or exactly when she has it. If what she produces is not perfect, Mommy will buy her a perfect one. The Palins have hidden the truth so many times and this is going to just be another fairytale for them to tell the the world.

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Agreed, and I've no doubt that this baby is indeed bi-racial.

    2. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Mommy is running out of money to do much of anything - at least out of other peolple's money.

    3. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Lol...oh and she has to spend her own money!

    4. Anonymous3:06 PM

      The sad truth is that the child, bi-racial or not, is likely to be born FAS or drug addicted. And also under nourished.

      It will suffer its whole life for the "fun" that Bristol has had since becoming pregnant.

      So sad. Especially since it seems Bristol's theme is "rinse and repeat, and repeat, and repeat."

  24. Anonymous10:06 AM

    A relative that I met for the first time at a party started talking about how horrible Margaret Sanger was because she promoted birth control as a form of genocide and that's what Planned Parenthood was all about.
    What a strange conversation to have with someone you first meet!
    He said that her idea was to reduce the numbers of black children being born.
    I said that I didn't know anything about that but I thought that the promotion of birth control was a good thing to reduce the numbers of children being born to people who didn't want them or couldn't afford them and they would possibly be able to climb out of poverty.
    He said no it was just black children she was trying to get rid of.
    I asked him if he thought there should be more black children being born then. He turned very pale and started mumbling and backing away as his racism and misogyny collided.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      That's such an excellent point! I too ask people if they realize that when family planning options are taken away from women do they realize that means the multi-cultural population will grow exponentially and I then point out how the Latino birth rate is growing already at 5 X the rate of caucasian births. Then they start stammering because apparently DUH they never thought of that!!!

    2. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Your response was excellent, but if you ever need fact based refutation of such charges, read here:

  25. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Retardation runs through the veins of the Palin family. It's been proven time and time again throughout the recent years!

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Must be contagious then - and looks like the ghostwriter Nancy French caught it.

    2. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Lie down with shits, get smeared.

  26. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Hey Bristol, is Cletus the Fetus a black baby? You have never before showed any concern for Black people, in fact you were pissed about the Baltimore riots that you thought delayed your escrow check. How retarded are you? Hopefully your 3 kids have not inherited your retard and promiscuity genes. Your subliminal support of the Confederate Flag just brings out your bigotry. Fucking Black men like your Mother did does not eliminate your racism, Confederate slave owners had sex with many of their slaves and sired babies, so what makes you any better?

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Thomas Jefferson had children through a slave. Her "wannabe" Kim Kardashian is pregnant with her second child from Kanye. So what's the big deal and why so disappointed, Bristol? We all know this wasn't planned, as you changed your story to be.

      We know why.....and so do you.

  27. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Gryphen, has the resident troll taken a break, or is she in Church with the Palins today?

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Quick look that way!!!!. LOLOLOLOL

    2. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Silly... The Palins don't go to church. Remember, Sarah thinks she's god.

    3. Anonymous12:27 PM


  28. So fitting the way Bristle has segued from Abstinence spokesperson to Unplanned Parenthood spokesperson.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Isn't it though?
      How stupid do they think we are?

    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      >>>How stupid do they think we are?<<<

      Dumb enough collectively to buy them private jet rides to #vegas?

    3. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Grifting is in her DNA, she will put on any mantle that seems to work.

    4. Anonymous12:22 PM

      11:45 AM - well, that will certainly grind to a halt. Spending twice more than you take in can only last so long and, even if she did declare for 2016, she'd be laughed off the planet. She has no backing nor the stamina to launch a campaign.

  29. Theresa. New York10:23 AM

    Using the word "retard" is in incredibly bad taste and i wish you would stop. It is offensive. You don't use any other epithets why would you stigmatize people who can't help the way they were born? And yes, my grandson who died at 15 months, was retarded.

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      He knows it's the one word the Palins hate. But I too dislike the use of it.

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Deepest sympathy on losing your precious grandson. So sad to lose a baby, after just getting to know him. I hope everyone heals soon from this loss.

    3. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Sarah herself called Tri- G a retard.
      No offense to DS people is intended by calling Bristle a retard. She is emotionally and intellectuallt, morally and ethically retarded ... As in stunted.

    4. I work in the mental health industry.

      We call people with cognitive difficulties "developmentally delayed."

      We call people who have the ability to understand, and still do stupid shit "retards."

    5. Anonymous11:34 AM

      The word retard is in common usage and has been for far longer than it was mis-used to stigmatize disabled children. The beef should be with people like the Palins who continue to try to legitimize that definition by claiming to be outraged when they feel like it describes a child in their family. Palin herself had no problem with some of her consorts using the term and allowed that their use was 'satirical'.

      When used as an adjective for intelligence or behavior that was stopped or slowed by a willful lack of education or upbringing, it takes on a much different definition to the average person.

      btw. I can't believe you referred to your late grandson as 'retarded' rather than afflicted with whatever medical diagnosis he suffered.

    6. Anonymous12:10 PM

      A child with delayed development is not what G is talking about here. He's talking about a retard, slang for an adult acting like the proudly ignorant Bristol Palin and her "ilk."

    7. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Obviously you were not there long Gryphen! Really? Hey are you trying to be mean? Treat them as a human! Time goes faster..less incidents....dude!

    8. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Why the double down on Gryph, 12:30 PM? He knows more about all of this than we ever will.

  30. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Money Bomb at C4P for SarahPAC. Times are tough! Most will have to visit their local auto wrecking yards and lift back seats looking for lost coins!

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      And three people gave it an up vote! LOL

  31. Anonymous10:33 AM


    Bristol was born full retard.

    1. Anonymous12:33 PM

      I don't know! I recall her demeanor in HS...regular math class! When your around something strange long it becomes normal! If she were to be apart from the people that brain washed her she might get back to is possible! Anything is! Lol...and...may be it takes the Los Anchorage crew to do it? Shrug...

    2. Anonymous1:04 PM

      If your poorly written comment is an indication of the education you and Bristol's very sad.

    3. Anonymous4:42 PM

      "Regular math" casts a wide net.

  32. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Do you think perhaps that they are paid for these comments/postings? (By anti-abortion people for example) I just don't see Bristol caring much about anything about herself much less African American people.

    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Good question. I thought Bristol just told everyone to boycott Facebook because they contribute to PP. so how come she hasn't shut down her page? Must be $ coming in from somewhere

    2. Anonymous4:46 PM

      Anonymous4:05 PM

      Didn't she accuse fb of human trafficking? That is a serious crime. Why would Bristol or Sarah do business with a company like that?

      I know they have sock puppets. Most of the 'likes' and 'followers' don't mean anything except when they benefit someone on fb or fb makes money off of them.

  33. Anonymous10:39 AM

    So, how much is mommy paying her to control her FB page too?

    Disgusting women warring on all women!!

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      One need only to read comments on her latest fb post to see how racist her followers are. She's a racist as well and all the bigots recognize that in her instantly and are attracted to her like moths to a flame.

    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      11:25 So true...the comments are sickening
      and now Sarah has changed her FB to match Bristol's blog. Disgusting!

  34. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Bristol owes it to the few that put up with her to save face. Speak up brassy for all the poor babies around the world whether born or unborn to families of ignorance and shame of the brain. Speak up for the takers and the fakers.

  35. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Why doesn't this little tramp worry about her own house?

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Guarantee you that's why the wedding fell through.
      Dakota couldn't handle a bi-racial child.

    2. Anonymous12:44 PM

      @11:43 He might have, but the riots in Baltimore held up the money he was owed and once the wedding was held, he would have been up the creek.

    3. Anonymous2:00 PM

      12:44 PM - the riots held up the $$ from the sale of her house.

  36. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Fault me if you will, but I believe there to be a difference between the aborting of an unwanted fetus and the murder of a teenaged or adult black child.

  37. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Hey Barstool can Daddy keep Danny from raping you? He's bbbaaaccckkk! Just did it at gunpoint! That's cool huh? Watch your back! You will be next...drop in your drink!

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Oh great! I'll set traps for that rodent! Stay in with the homeboys Bristol! This is how they do it!

  38. Anonymous11:32 AM

    The woman and the mother are desperate for free easy money and they will say ANYTHING to "mobilize" their followers to get their free stuff, even if it means inflaming racism, heck they already lie like there's no tomorrow....what else is new.

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      If Bristol's baby is bi-racial, $arah can kiss her base goodbye.

    2. Anonymous2:02 PM

      11:51: that is why $arah already has a lily white pregnant prospect in her visors!

    3. Anonymous2:21 PM

      11:51 $arah will just double down. She'll have Barstool tearfully claim she was raped, but chose to keep the baby anyway cause rape babies are a "gift from god".

  39. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Brrrristol isn't there someone you should call? Chit hits the fan? Oh you know it! Your scared shitless of it! Until you see it in action! Remember that now baby girl in a focked up world! The bears are watching and waiting!

  40. Bristol's baby may well be bi-racial. I don't know and don't care.

    I don't think her post has anything to do with hinting the race of the baby, however. She is too damn stupid.

    I think she (the ghostwriter) is just latching onto the idea that liberals claim not to like the traitor flag because it represented people who enslaved and killed black people, but liberals support PP, although PP supports abortion which anti-choicers claim kills babies, including many black ones.

    I noticed that Palin has suddenly latched onto PP and has posted any number of facebook postings and now also, too, on Bristol's facebook page. She is sticking with this meme more so than with her other various bitchy posts.

    I wonder if she is trying to re-claim her pro-life creds of the good old days of the '08 campaign in a pathetic (and doomed to failure) attempt to bring back those glory days when she was on top of the world. Pro-life, not aborting her little gift from gawd and so on.

    Because, no. one. at. all. is asking for her (Sarah's) opinion on anything, no one is circulating her facebook posts and god knows no one is asking for her endorsement or help for the 2016 campaign.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Ever since she did her Iowa speech last January, everyone has backed off her except for RME purposes.

    2. Anonymous2:38 PM

      If Bristol or her mother believe they can get Bristol back on top of the godly I stand for life and abstinence pedestal they are delusional. This second time, baby without marriage, can not be turned into an I chose life money maker. The ridiculous statement she "got ahead of her self" getting pregnant again blew her moral stance and abstinence image.

      Since she made money pretending purity, false claims she did not date even up until getting engaged to Levi a second time I am glad she got knocked up if that shows her true colors curbing her playing people for fools.

    3. Anonymous3:25 PM

      She got ahead of herself all right, and Dakota can thank his lucky stars. The perfect marriage set-up by Mommie Dearest until someone did the math.

  41. This latest Bristol blog convinces me: Trigg is the smartest member of the Palin family.

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      One G.
      Like Trisomy G.
      Like Trisomy 21.
      Like Down Syndrome.

  42. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Bristol was defending the Confederate flag and using false equivalence to do it. Black people are always wary when racists pretend to defend them. BTW, thousands of racists have black descendants. Strom Thurmond comes to mind. Most black people have slave-owning ancestors. So enough of the phony breathlessness about Bristol being pregnant by a black man.

    1. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Who's being breathless? There's a damn good reason why this is being kept under wraps and why Bristol's original statement was changed,

    2. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Why? There is a very good chance Cletus will be a biracial baby. You do know that happens don't you? Many white wimmins like to have sex with men of color.

  43. Anonymous12:06 PM

    The visual w/comment is way, way, way beyond Bristol Palin's sensibility. Way too much thinking required there. Someone else is still using her name.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      If you look at Bristol's FaceBook page (don't bother, I did and can report it so you don't have to go), you will see quite a number of back to back posts about race and Planned Parenthood.

      It appears someone has taken over Bristol's FaceBook page and turned it into a far right Christian page posting all the current calls to action.

      Definitely NOT Bristol and even distracting in that it is ALL Christian memes now. All Christian, all the time.

      Hey Sarah and Nancy, better include a few fun posts just so it doesn't seem too obvious. I'll be looking for them and know you saw this note. You're welcome. No charge this time for my advice.

    2. Anonymous4:29 PM

      3:18 PM

      How cheap of Bristol to sell out like that.
      What gets me is that no one in media cares about these scams. Scammers are going to scam. I guess it is living in a fantasy world to think we could have a media that cares.

      Someone in media, entertainment or faux politics, SOMEONE needs to point out and write about what is going on. These kinds of deceptions are not to be taken light.

      I appreciate blogs so much, but this crap needs to go viral in media.

  44. Anonymous12:11 PM

    If birth control was more easily accessible, the abortion rate would take a nose dive. If Planned Parenthood is forced to shut down, the abortion rate will skyrocket.

  45. London Bridges12:15 PM

    Ms. Bristol: When you were trying to dance and failed during your first appearance on Dancing With The Stars, you were either pregnant with child or had a fully inflated basketball implanted in your belly. Since we never heard that you gave this child up for adoption or of its birth, we have no alternative but to assume that you aborted this child, who was a gift from god. This makes us very sad.

  46. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Bristol, a politically conservative single mother and former abstinence ambassador, celebrated six years on the job by posting a pregnant Instagram selfie, hiding her baby bump under a black coat.

    "Celebrated six years working for the best people I know. This place is my home. ❤️❤️ (I actually have a job. #shocker)"

  47. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Her post about Minions and Universal/Planned Parenthood is so Sarah. I know Nancy writes for her, but you can her mommy on Fox all the way with the language choices, especially favorites like "co-opt," and intonations of phrases. It embarrasses me to think of a middle-aged woman often on her iPhone composing things to send as her daughter--who does that other than those bullying moms of cheerleaders and the like in TV movies?

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Yep, one of those murdering nut cases that will do anything to have a winner in the family.

  48. Anonymous1:28 PM

    $arahSaysPayme pals around with Allen West

  49. Anonymous1:29 PM

    The comments on Bristol's FB page are not all positive re: Bristol. I "liked" all of those. I wionder why those negative comments were not deleted. Guess Nancy hasn't waked up yet.

  50. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Where is Bristol Palin?
    week by week

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Brissy must be about 5-6 months along.

    2. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Who is Bristol Palin? She's the immature mother of a child who lectures people about about life while getting pregnant again and again. She even wrote a blog about being such a disappointment to her family and how this wasn't ideal. That's the whole idea behind family planning, you know, like Planned Parenthood. The idea is that immature girls shouldn't be having children until they are mature,responsible adults. And Bristol still ain't one.

    3. Anonymous3:50 PM


      She must be, she even had a small bump in the photo with her mother in January in front of the private jet that SarahPAC rented to fly her and Bristol to Vegas to meet Dakota. I think Bristol will probably pop sometime around Halloween. I love it that their last ditch attempt to wrangle a baby daddy for Cletus worked out so badly :-)

    4. Anonymous4:05 PM

      My guess for the due date is September 30th, as for the baby daddy I doubt Bristle even knows.

  51. Anonymous2:38 PM

    1) Where did they get the figure of 90,000? Are they hanging around outside Planned Parenthood offices and counting off who got an abortion? Versus who went there for breast cancer screening, Pap smears, or birth control?

    2) What do either of the Palins know about the Confederacy, the Civil War, slavery, or the South?

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Nil. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

  52. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Sarah Palin what is silently being spoken through Bristol's blog?

    Is Bristol Palin who supports the racist slavery Confederate flag telling America :


    (Don't get mad at me for using the "N" word. The "N" word is something those people who support the Confederate flag uses)

  53. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Where's Todd?

    Dermatology office.

    Mystery sonogram.

  54. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Barstool seems to forget that her "cramp" pills were a form of birth control. Its her fault she was too retarded to remember to take them. And the family *whiteouts,also and too. Theres always something worse than an unplanned pregnancy and thats being a crappy parent and a lousy roll model. That would be you,barstool and screech.

  55. Anonymous3:23 PM

    We residents of Wasilla Alaska want African-Americans everywhere to know that we do not have the same beliefs as Sarah Palin and her family does. That is the reason why Sarah Palin only says she's running for office but doesn't actually follow through. We will not support a racist who supports the Confederate flag.

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Thank you.

      I question why anyone would want to go to Alaska now we are learning about Sarah Palin and her family, that think they represent Alaska. What a horrible thing for the state. I doubt if Anchorage is as awful as the Palin's have brought to the attention of the world. The corrupt police, probably fire fighters that cover arson. Recently the tragic and deadly medical situations that Bristol is showing the world when she focuses on her job and work life.

      No media in Alaska stands up to any of those things. How corrupt is the local media?

  56. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Is Sarah Palin also telling America through her allegiance with the Confederate flag that her unborn bastard grandchild aint no Niggra?

    Niggra is one of those words used by the lovers of the Confederate flag.

  57. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Which symbol.....
    Is this a quiz or a contest?

    My answer is neither, a symbol is an inanimate* object and cannot kill anything.

    * feel free to use the wordy book ie dictionary Nancy or Bristol

    Am I right, what did I win? a free hockey stick, do I get to name Bristol's latest bastard?

  58. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Everybody is questioning Bristol's and Sarah Palin’s racist actions.

    How about questioning Bristol's best friends forever friend Marina Lupas?

    Marina Lupas's son looks like his father could be an Aftadark homie. Marina associates with and works for Aftadark so how can Marina put up with this racist Palin bullshit and their love for the Confederate flag?

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM

      I think we've seen Marina's ex-husband and he's Hispanic or something like that.

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Money and publicity.

  59. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Nancy French is writing both Bristol AND Sarah's Facebook posts these days.

    YES. Sarah has been defunding herself and SarahPAC and now she will try to defund PP.

  60. Anonymous4:35 PM

    This is just a way for Bristol and Sarah to say how noble (and of course harmless) the sentiments behind the confederate flag are.

    Like I've said before, you can be certain that Sarah Palin is now the owner of paraphernalia bearing that flag. One day she'll wear it in public.

  61. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Frankly, I'd like to know who is telling us they're keeping count of race, and why.

    Why is race so important to you, Sarah Palin?

  62. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Who needs Bristol Palin breeding all over town like a dog while Alaska taxpayers pay her hospital bills?

    Pay your own bills, bitch.


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