Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Donald Trump, and his hair, run to the FBI after receiving threat from Mexican drug lord's son.

"Wait, who's threatening me?"
Courtesy of TMZ:  

Donald Trump tells TMZ he is contacting the FBI to investigate threats just made by a man claiming to be the son of escaped Mexican drug lord El Chapo. 

Trump is reacting to a tweet reportedly made by El Chapo's son, in which he blasts Trump for saying El Chapo is "everything that's wrong with Mexico." 

The tweet was written in Spanish, with the rough English translation, "Keep f***ing around and I'm gonna make you swallow your bitch words you f***ing whitey milks***tter (that's a homophobic slur)." 

Of course Trump goes on to say that he is not intimidated (Probably from inside of the safe room in his house.) because that would reflect poorly on his tough guy image.

Okay are they sure this is from "El Chapo's" son? After all this could be from just about every Mexican on either side of the border who was fed up with Trump's racist comments.

And by the way what kind of scary drug lord name is "El Chapo?"

It sounds like something you get while riding around in assless chaps in your El Camino.


  1. Anonymous11:35 AM

    If he was so "really rich", why doesn't he get a "really good" haircut. I believe he keeps the hair so that when listening to him you focus on the hair and not what comes out of his mouth.

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Also, why not get really good hair spray?

      And, while he's at it, a really convincing fake tan?

      That face: you just know what kind of nasty person he is.

    2. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Since he claims to be "like, REALLY rich" why not hire bodyguards? Better yet, keep his mouth SHUT. Unless he is afraid any bodyguard might start an affair with his blow up doll wife, like Marla Maples bodyguard hired by T rump did.

    3. Anonymous5:45 PM

      He wants to act like a bad ass and when he gets called out he pisses his pants and runs to the FBI which is a waste of OUR money b/c he started the whole damn thing!
      And I don't see any threat?
      Why a fucking pussy. Just like the Palins. Pussies. All Cons are fucking Whiny ass titty baby pussies!

    4. Why doesn't he just get a really good toupee.

      Sean Connery had one. Nicolas Cage has one. When you have lots of money, you can afford the very best. And it won't blow around like that faux road kill he has on his head.

    5. Anonymous12:04 AM

      Keep on running your big mouth Donnie boy. Soon enough your life won't me worth the paper that the contract is printed on. El Chapo could make mincemeat outta your ass and the thing on your head.

  2. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I know, right. From what I can find , El Chaplo means "the short one". Ooohhh, scary. If he's short and considering what he does, maybe his nickname should b Dopey.

    1. Anonymous12:43 PM

      He's been responsible for the killing of nearly 4000 people so he's rather a force to be reckoned with. If I was The Donald I'd hire a security team. Chances are we won't have to worry about Donald being around by the time the primary happens ;-)

    2. Anonymous2:20 PM

      The drug lord really is "like really rich" He could hire a hitman to take out Donald anywhere, anytime. Guys are likely lined up to take the job!!

    3. Anonymous2:46 PM

      I'd translate 'el Chapo' as Shorty. Mexicans are fond of nicknames derived from physical characteristics, or at least it's more prevalent and accepted in their culture than ours, ie Gordito = Fatty or Fatso used without malice and there are others for lefthandedness or size of one's nose.

      El Chapo is a benign nickname, but he's a really bad dude. Make no mistake.

  3. Anonymous11:43 AM

    That is one crazy looking gringo!

  4. Anonymous11:44 AM

    El chapo= the shorty

  5. Anonymous11:47 AM

    hahaha 11:35! Have you seen all the pictures of cats doing the Trump hair look. Crazy! They were on the inimitable RMS last night and it was hilarious.

    1. Anonymous12:06 PM

      Donald Trump’s Hair Gets Trolled By Cats In Hilarious #TrumpYourCat Twitter Challenge (IMAGES)


  6. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Gryphen, you left out the best part of the story. Upon hearing of "El Chapo" escaping from prison, Trump said he was going to kick his ass! That's when he received the tweet from the son. For a guy that doesn't like government why is he asking government for help with his running off at the mouth syndrome? Klown with a capital K!

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      That was the best part of the story, little big man was going to kick his ass, one tweet later and he is running to the FBI.

      Also didn't The Donald said we should have bombed Mexico instead of Iraq (can't find the link right now)

      I am waiting for someone to come forward with evidence that Trump has been hiring illegals in his hotels or construction sites. Would also be great if it comes out that his clothing line is made in Mexican sweatshops.
      Donald Trump is already doomed: Why his campaign is a bigger disaster than his hair

      The TV billionaire has only just announced his candidacy--yet he's already made enough mistakes to last a lifetime


  7. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Here's the tweet. I ran it through a few online translators and it sounds mostly like a big 'fuck you'. The 'threat' part--'I'm gonna make you'--didn't come up in any of the translations I ran.

    Joaquín Guzmán Loera @ElChap0Guzman
    Sigue chingando y voy hacer que te tragues todas tus putas palabras pinche guero cagaleche @realDonaldTrump


    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      I speak Spanish. The translation in Gryph's post is accurate.

      Sigue chingando y = keep fucking around and ...

      voy hacer que te = I am going to make (that) you ...

      tragues todas tus putas palabras = swallow all of your fucking words ...

      pinche guero cagaleche = fucking (different word but same translation into English) blonde anal froth/santorum

  8. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Ok ok ok. Let us remember that frumpy trumpy is a taker and $inherited brat and now tv hog ola. He claims to know people? people EVERYWHERE !! He says he knows how to run everything because he knows everyone and knows how to wheel and deal. He is a R. and I smell stunt and punt. As in...is trump part of that inside job? for the biggest show on earth in az? it smells like it. and looks like his hair doo.

  9. Anonymous12:14 PM

    National Examiner at the grocery check-out line has a picture of Sarah and it says she's having a mental breakdown and she's driving her kids crazy.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      That's old news. And she won't have to drive very far. All her kids are crazyass fuckups.

    2. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Lol...at least for Alaskans anyways!

    3. Anonymous2:57 PM

      That's what I have been thinking as well. And Toad has hit the road. Great that it is now being covered by Sarah's favorite newspaper.

    4. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Great news! Do not quit on this Sarah, you need a good solid breakdown from which you never recover.

  10. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Combover malfunction at 11:00 o'clock.

  11. Anonymous12:19 PM

    What does Trump think he did when accusing Mexican illegals of coming to the US and raping women? Did he think about the safety of all the Mexican men that he lumps all in as rapists? He knew the rhetoric would gain votes and support at the expense of putting Mexicans on the border at risk of being targets of angry bigoted rednecks.

  12. Anonymous12:20 PM

    The Donald is a big coward. That said, you may want to do a bit of homework on "El Chapo". He is not one to be messed with. Trump is probably on his hit list, so good for EC. And since he's sooo afraid & sooo rich, Trump should foot extra security costs himself, not run like a 5 yr old crying for the big, bad government to help him.

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Don you should be shaking. The guy knows some very bad people and, he has nothing to lose.

    2. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Also, too he is VERY RICH. Not like Donald, he is REALLY RICH. So rich he does not have to brag about it, everyone KNOWS it. He could take out a contract on Donald, and make someone else VERT RICH.

  13. Anonymous12:22 PM

    My oh my. A F'ing whitey milkshitter! That's the best one since Stewart's "FuckFace Von ClownStick".

  14. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Maybe Borowitz was thinking (mostly) about Trump when he wrote his latest satirical piece http://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/poll-palin-would-bring-much-needed-dignity-to-republican-field

  15. Anonymous12:25 PM


    n his satirical list of Trump 'facts,' Letterman said, "That thing on his head was the gopher in 'Caddyshack.'"

    His quips also included that Trump wears 10 pounds of cologne and would evict a family, rather than pardon a turkey, on Thanksgiving.

    And referencing Martin and Short's comedy "¡Three Amigos!" Letterman offered: "Donald Trump has pissed off so many Mexicans, he's starring in a movie called 'No Amigos.'"

  16. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Really. These poor victims, like Trump and Palin, whining about threats after they tear others down and stereotype. They can't shut their mouths, and then can't accept the consequences of their words. Then they complain and cry foul and demand police and government tax-dollar protection.

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      "They" should begin the physical torture of Donald Trump with the slicing out of his tongue and work from there.

      His nastiness about Mexicans is horrid and he should pay for his evilness.

      Hope the FBI doesn't really work very hard at trying to figure out who wants to murder him. Trump deserves no protection at all unless it is paid for by him! The majority of Americans think Trump an idiot - much like Palin - only worse! She's no longer on the radar or covered by the media!

    2. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Set up for free security may be? Buds?

    3. Anonymous3:48 PM

      What goes around,will always come around. Best to keep your trap shut.just ask Sarah.by the way,speaking of baby trap,when is the barstool due to calve?

    4. Just more tit tat gander saucing.

      They can dish it out but how dare anyone expect them to take it.

  17. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Are you sure it wasn't a threat from a "Mexican rug lord's son"?

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Ha ha ha!!!

    2. Anonymous2:09 PM

      12:28 Most excellent! I think you may be correct.

  18. Anonymous12:37 PM

    To all you Alaskan gringos who are just as racist and ignorant as Trump, the "milkshitter" word is the Mexican equivalent of "faggot". I hope El Chapo's army teaches the Donald a lesson.

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Hey, I'm a proud Gringo! I also don't think that all "brown" people are shiftless and bad. America is open to everyone that comes here legally and applies for citizenship, same as any other country. Sneak in, we'll send you right back to where you came from, thank you very much.

    2. Anonymous1:15 PM

      12:48 PM How about shipping back your parents to where they came from? Gringos are not Native Americans.

    3. Anonymous1:29 PM

      How about we all accept the reality that the USA is a country of native peoples and immigrants, but that it is in everyone's best interest, economically and public safety, to require that all immigrants come into this country legally? We can't turn back time.

    4. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Lol...well when one is shit out of luck...the first person to pass most likely will be asked for help! Do you really think that they are worried about the color of that person? No they need help!

  19. If it's the real deal and a threat from a drug cartel, he's got problems.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      They like to behead people so there will be no mistake whose head it is detached from the body given the "signature hair". He may have finally messed with the wrong people.

    2. Anonymous2:47 PM

      I considered that but right now he's live entertainment...see how long that lasts!

  20. Anonymous12:42 PM

    The entire Chump family better start looking over their collective shoulders because these banditos will stop at nothing to please their venerated leader, El Chapo.

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      I know, right? Donald Jr, his family, Ivanka and her family, his "buy a third world woman" wife Melania and their son little Barron Trump. I think we are going to see some interesting things happen to those associated with Mr. BigMouth. Collateral damage from being associated with this asshole, sadly. If I was in any way related to that retard I'd make a public statement that I didn't support his views or stances in order to save my life and the life of my family.

  21. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Mexico”: Donald Trump bashes Iraq war, suggests a different one: Report

    Trump's says Bush picked the wrong enemy -- criticizes Iraq call, suggests an invasion closer to home

    The LA Weekly has more details of what was said inside Donald Trump’s private address to the Friends of Abe in Hollywood — and which entertainment-world conservatives were in attendance.

    Trump, according to the alternative weekly — which sources their account to someone inside the room who wishes to remain anonymous — said that the U.S. should not have invaded Iraq. He couched his criticism of George W. Bush in geopolitics, and argued that a strong Iraq was a necessary counter-balance against Iran.

    All reasonable enough. Until this: “Instead, we should have invaded Mexico.”...............


  22. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Instead of Donald Trump shooting himself in the foot, why not just cut it off?

  23. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Perhaps Donny should spend a few nights watching, "Traffic", "Savages", " No Country for Old Men " or a few seasons of "Breaking Bad"!
    Trump may learn the hard way that these people are not going to go away and that words have power.

  24. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Donald better get ahold of his comb over because he could find himself headless.

    And while "shorty" isn't a very scary nickname Donald best remember that El Chapo has a very long reach and has many men to do his dirty work for him. And he should remember that it could be his whole family that ends up headless and dumped in different ditches.

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      I know I wouldn't miss him one bit.

  25. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Trump better be scared. El Chapo is one badass hombre.

    1. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Lol...may be Homeland security will fro him off at the border...here you go yell at them!

    2. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Perhaps they could go after his vehicle caravan and take them all to the border - offering Trump for sale to the highest bidder with the request that he never be returned to the USA.

    3. Anonymous9:51 PM

      AND PALIN.

  26. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Bwahhhhh just seen a Donald T-Rump butt plug.

    Earthymama / Chicago

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM


    2. Anonymous2:24 PM

      The “Donald Trump Plug” (h/t Dangerous Minds) is a 3D model “printed in full color sandstone,” made of “fully colored material with a coarse finish and a delicate feel,” and yes, it allows you to stick Mr. Trump where the sun don’t shine. Artist Sosa writes on the product page:

      "I usually make Butt plugs to insult dictators, homophobes and politicians. However, when I heard Donald Trump’s remarks about Mexicans and Latinos from South America I was extremely angry. You see I was born and raised in Mexico and moved to United States when I was 11 years old. So i don’t approve of what Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and the Republican Party have to say about us hard working Americans."

      Sosa continues:

      "I’m no rapist and no drug dealer. I have a college degree in 3D animation and run my own 3D printing business and guess what? I can make you into any shape I want and 3D print you and sell you to others who share their dislike of you. You can threaten to sue me like you have done hundreds of times to others. However, You are a Public figure and me making you into a shape of a butt plug is Freedom of speech."

    3. Anonymous2:36 PM

      So next time you decide to insult a whole race in order to further your political career or get yourself on TV. Remember we are engineers, we are 3D printers, we are doctors, we clean your house and we cook the food you eat so Don't Fuck with us.


    4. Anonymous9:49 PM

      sarah palin buttplug?!!

  27. Our Lad1:30 PM

    Very reckless and dangerous behavior for a man who claims to have boatloads of street smarts. Poking the sleeping tiger, this fool could wind up wearing his ass for a hat.

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      He already wears that ass for a hat. Looks like butt hairs to me!

  28. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Sarah Palin can support Donald Trump by agreeing with him and she too can be a victim. Sorry, Sarah, no U.S. Secret Service protection this time. Sarah will have to dig into her dwindling bank account to pay for a security detail. Bristol's Dillingham cousins are no match for El Chapo's Hitmen.

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Sarah Palin has not been privy to Secret Service protection for a long time now. She has to pay for her personal protection (and that of her family IF she feels it needed???).

      The eating away of her funds just tickles the shit out of me. And, knowing that she's not filling her bank accounts as she once did must be frightening the hell out of her.

      She is one evil, retarded 'has been' and would deserve every bit of physical harm that might come her way.

      She's issued enough damage to Americans throughout the past ten years or so - i.e. Gabby, etc. - and is very, very deserving of any 'tough love' coming her way now or in the future

      Wonder how she likes being the most hated, sorry excuse for a woman, in America?

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      I think she's crying...crying...crying....

    3. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Why in the world would Sarah need security detail?

      The only folks going around killing people are right wing nuts.

  29. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Wouldn't surprise me one bit that we see The Donald knocked off by one of the bad guys and he'll never know what his him - IF he is lucky!

    Trump is an ass (and a sorry excuse for an American) and would deserve everything he gets as to physical harm. He is angering the Mexican race inside and out of America!

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      And he is endangering the lives of Mexicans and Mexican/Americans by using such hateful rhetoric.

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

      I listen to and read a lot of Spanish language news. It is a HUGE story and they are REALLY pissed off.

      As they should be.

    3. Anonymous8:43 PM

      They mount heads on sticks down in Mexico. Better watch that puss,Donny.

    4. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Its the race card,Gop style.nothing gets them more excited than bringing up race.screech went áfter blacks even after bedding rice.sucker lips goes after Mexicans even tho he employs them. He considers them less than human,but good enough to scrub his toilets and mow his lawn.

  30. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Trump would say shit whether it was true or not.

    Like Sarah Palin.

    Who cares what happens to either of them?

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM


    2. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Me. Its like watching a trainwreck. More popcorn!!

  31. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I think it is THE HAIR followed by the donald. That is the way I would find an appropriate was to address this. THE HAIR is all that grabs the attention. When he is history, what will people remember? THE HAIR.

    How difficult is it for say, bad guys or terrorists, to hack this idiot?

  32. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Trump outsources stock photo of American soldiers...to Nazi-era Germany.

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      there goes the jewish vote

  33. Anonymous3:54 PM

    R.I.P. Donald Trump.

  34. Anonymous4:01 PM

    OT...the blowhard from NZ at the pond is finally done. Sorry this is so long but I can promise it is thoroughly enjoyable.

    an hour ago
    Well I thought that after Walker we might see some indication from Sarah. However, the $10 note was supposed to be addressed last week, but nothing which must be a surprise and a disappointment to all those who participated, it is not a good look imo whatever the reason for delay as a simple note could have advised followers.
    It seems to me that Sarah has developed a Christian and social focus (birthday's etc) which is wonderful and I of course wish her the best for that direction but it now appears to me that political office is not in her future. She would do a wonderful role in endorsing and populating Congress as she has in the last three elections but, given that by now some serious structural set-up should be in place,which it isn't imo it is approaching time to look to whom I would actively support for the nomination. Others of course hold different views but I am not going to "watch and wait" endlessly when better use of time might be to canvass support for a candidate.
    0 Reply

    colint M.Joseph Sheppard
    5 minutes ago
    Am surprised at you. There would not be changes in SarahPAC and (at cost to her) making her videos available free. IF she did not intend to run , I see no reason for these changes.
    0 Reply

    RUexperienced M.Joseph Sheppard
    27 minutes ago
    I think you are correct here.
    0 Reply

    StandProudNow M.Joseph Sheppard
    44 minutes ago
    Come on. Can you hang in there another month or so?? After 7 years,
    we are nearing a yay or a nay... and at this moment you are putting out your doubts? When an announcement HAS to be just around the corner.

    Let's hang in there until we know for sure!
    3 Reply

    M.Joseph Sheppard StandProudNow
    23 minutes ago
    It's a very loooong corner
    NB 3 month is far too late imo and the credibility factor (e.g. she's jumping in late to sell her book " would be under pressure
    0 Reply

    renalin M.Joseph Sheppard
    an hour ago
    it was a bad idea to begin with.
    glad she dropped it.

    obamas gonna do, what he's gonna do. and it ain't no one we would pick.
    0 Reply

    bigsun24 M.Joseph Sheppard
    an hour ago
    It certainly appears that the $10 bill thingy has been dropped for whatever reason.
    0 Reply

    M.Joseph Sheppard bigsun24
    an hour ago
    But a simple advice to readers would be pertinent I think
    0 Reply

    TheresaAK M.Joseph Sheppard
    an hour ago
    It is odd...but I didn't think it was a great idea to begin with.
    1 Reply

    M.Joseph Sheppard TheresaAK
    an hour ago
    Irrespective, if you had taken the time to make a suggestion for the contest and had followed it with interest I would imagine you would be perplexed, at least, without some explanation imo
    0 Reply

    bigsun24 M.Joseph Sheppard
    an hour ago
    yes, this is strange.
    1 Reply

    Polarbearpapa M.Joseph Sheppard
    an hour ago
    Sarah will give an answer in due time.....

    Be patient...
    3 Reply

    M.Joseph Sheppard Polarbearpapa
    an hour ago
    7 years!
    2 Reply

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      What does it matter, the blowhard in NZ can't vote in the USA anyway.

      As for the rest of them, I think they are palin family members paid to keep the lie alive so morons will send money.

    2. I took him 7 years to finally recognize the grifter behind the curtain?


      And some of them are *still* drinking the Kool-aid.

    3. Anonymous8:37 PM

      I agree. Its family trying to keep the grift going. Otherwise,they'll all be working at walmart and on food stamps. Desparate times??

  35. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Trump is a typical bully. He acts like he's a
    big tough guy ,
    but, when a really bad hombre calls him out , he runs home crying to Mommy aka the FBI.
    Trump is so dumb, he taunts El Chapo and when it blows up, he tucks tail and runs.
    Not even Palin is that dumb.
    Last night Comedy Central replayed the Roast of Trump from 2011.
    It was filthy, filthy , filthy and absolutely hilarious.

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      He's like a rat dog yapping at a pitbull. The pit turns and snarls at him and he tucks his tail and takes of screaming.

  36. Anita Winecooler6:48 PM

    Once Again, you've outdone your self with the choice of photo to accompany your post. Well done. Reminds me of the iconic Marilyn Monroe photo standing over the grate with the air blowing her skirt up, except she was a lot easier on the eyes and spoke with her "indoor voice".
    This, from a man who paid money to investigate a sitting President's old stomping grounds in Hawaii to find the REAL birth certificate. El Chapo's alleged "son" sends a tweet in the only language Trump understands, and he runs to the Government so WE can foot the bill for the FBI to investigate. Why didn't he mention he's rich? he's smart??
    BUT hey, he's now the leader of the pack!!!

    He also, too, blasted the Iran Dill. He says we should have had the four prisoners .... one a christian, one a writer..... released as part of the dill. But he doesn't realize this wasn't just America doing the dill.
    No one's seen nor read the deal, and the idiots are tripping for mic time to condemn it. Even CNN had McCain and Palin footage about "not negotiating without parameters in place with the evil doers.
    They have sixty days, wanna bet they'll ask for an extension?

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Hair plugs in the front,big old freckled bald spot on top. Mouth like a sucker fish.Moron has to Tell people he's rill smart. Poor thing sure has its panties in a wad!

    2. Anonymous8:24 PM

      I don't think Sarah or dumpster have the ability to read,much less comprehend what they've read. I think piper and bawaaan read the articals to them and do the best they can to explain the context to these dumb bells.

  37. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Everyone! Please understand that Trump is just in the race to clear the way for Scotty Walker. He's just doing the bidding of the oh so rich Koch brothers and that is to get rid of Bush. American voters are so dumb!

  38. Anonymous5:25 AM

    An innocent woman was shot by an illegal immigrant thanks to Bathhouse Obama who didn't bother to call the family and offer his condolences because she's not Black.

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      That's President Barack Hussein Obama. you homophobic racist mouth breathing dipshit.
      What are you blathering about? There aren't enough minutes in a day to write a letter or call every victim of gun violence, imported, domestic, legal or illegal, regardless of race.
      A sitting President, George Herbert Walker Exclamation Point ( who's brother, Jeb Exclamation Point is running for office), avoided the mother of a dead soldier HE sent to war, like the plague, even during one of his countless extended "Working Vacations" in Crawford Texas.

      Bonus Points if you guess his race, and the races of the dead soldier and his mother.



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