Saturday, July 11, 2015

FBI says that Dylann Roof should never have been able to purchase the gun he used to murder nine people in South Carolina.

Courtesy of NBC News: 

The FBI said Friday that the man accused of killing nine African American parishioners at a historically black church in Charleston should not have been able to purchase a gun. 

Officials said a background check failure allowed Dylann Roof to illegally purchase a .45-caliber Glock handgun on April 11, eight days after he turned 21, at Shooter's Choice in West Columbia, South Carolina . Roof had previously acknowledged drug possession, according to the FBI. 

Law enforcement officials had previously said the transaction was entirely legal, despite his pending drug charge. The weapon was purchased at the gun store which is 25 miles from his home. 

FBI director James B. Comey called that assessment "a mistake in a matter of heartbreaking importance".

It is important to note that if Roof's admission that he was in possession of illegal drugs had been forwarded to the FBI then federally mandated background checks would have discovered it and kept Roof from getting his hands on the gun that he used to murder nine innocent people in their own church.

In other words background checks DO work.

(There were earlier reports from Roof's uncle that he received the gun used in these attacks as a gift, but that was a false statement.)

Of course the argument will now be made that there are other ways of getting a gun that do not require background checks, such as gun shows for instance, but all that proves is that we need stricter gun control laws that cover any and all purchases of firearms.

The fact is that Dylann Roof was able to kill those people, on that day, with that weapon, because there was information not given to the FBI that would have prevented it.

Everything else is conjecture.


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Don't miss the Fartknocker report, G!

    Last week, Sarah Palin waved a flag as white as Alaska’s citizenry, as she announced her plans to death-panel the Sarah Palin Channel on August 1. But she is not going down without a half-assed fight, and this week, the Sarah Palin Channel published three whole videos, which is 50% more videos than they usually publish per week.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      so ugly

    2. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Damn straight, she's ugly. Clean up your own backyard, bitch, before you telling others how things need to be on ANY level. She doesn't know jack squat.

  2. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Amen, Gryph!

  3. Anonymous10:08 AM


  4. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I'd say it would take some creep taking out white churchgoers to change things, but so many creeps have already killed white school kids that I fear the brainwashed gun owners just don't care. I think they see it as population control.

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Ok the...isn't it time for your nap?

    2. Leland12:45 PM

      10:47, I think 10:38 has made a valid statement. There is no malice in the posting, only sadness and misery. The point made about so many children being killed already is irrefutable which leads the poster to wonder if they don't see the deaths as something necessary.

      So what's your beef with it?

    3. Anonymous1:37 PM

      For every one of these mass killings that is splashed and sensationalized over media, there's always someone that says, "I can do one better and immortalize myself." And they do.

      Who shut down mental health funding and put thousands upon thousands on the street? SAINT Reagan, $arah's Jesus. 'Nuff said.

  5. Sarah's C4P --

    No mention of her running...

    Comment Policy: The Editors reserve the right to delete any comments which in their sole discretion are deemed false or misleading, profane, pornographic, defamatory, harassment, name calling, libelous, threatening, or otherwise inappropriate. Additionally, the Editors reserve the right to ban any registered poster who, in their sole discretion, violates the terms of use. Do not post any information about yourself reasonably construed as private or confidential. Conservatives4Palin and its contributors are not liable if users allow others to contact them offsite.

    OR -- if you disagree with her!

  6. Of course, the NRA will maintain this proves background checks don't work so we should just get rid of all of them.

  7. A Superfan In Atlanta12:28 PM

    O/T but not really....

    Okay, so California has just encouraged everyone doing business with the state to discontinue any dealings with Donald Trump because of what he said about Mexican immigrants. I TOTALLY applaud this swift move to taper down the vitriolic so-called free speech bullshit, HOWEVER, I question the motive on the side of the Republican Party. (Yes, I know there is Democratic leadership in California. I also know they can't do this without the GOP's blessings.)

    I say this because President Obama has endured seven long years of this same hate speech and racism. NOTHING like this occurred to tone down the rhetoric. My personal belief, as I posted before, is that the GOP of the Republican Party got a list together of all of the people/businesses/corporations they have in their pockets to start 1) purging the ranks of Tea Party idiots, 2) killing Tea Party/new age candidate voices and spirits by taking away their symbolic flag and 3) lumping all the crazies together to paint them as die-hard, out-without-the-sheets racist lunatics. By election time, I'm willing to bet the Tea Party Patriots will be painted by the GOP as another novelty item and a footnote in the bowels of history so they can regain control the inner workings of their party.

    It will be interesting to see how the GOP distances itself from the Tea Party going forward. I'm sure they never thought Trump would lead the pack. We are definitely witnessing the death spiral of partisan politics at its finest and in real time. I'm glued to this train wreck of history being made.

    Good thing popcorn doesn't make you gain too much weight.

  8. Anonymous12:43 PM

    O/T Sarah Palin Stars In Night Of The Living Death Panels Sequel: The Re-Dumbification

    Now that Sarah Palin has been unceremoniously jettisoned from her Fox News post, she has deemed it necessary to whip up as much controversy as possible in order to keep from becoming nothing more than a creepy memory and the reason for John McCain’s eternal damnation to Hell. That’s why she ditched her unsuccessful Internet video subscription service hoping more people would watch if they didn’t have to pay.

    To that end, Palin has posted a screed on her Facebook page declaring in all caps that “DEATH PANELS STILL NOT DEAD.” As the title suggests, Palin continues to suffer from an acute ignorance of law, facts, and common sense. Her blitheringly dumb resurrection of the Death Panel nonsense begins with the hilariously oblivious assertion that it’s the politicians who don’t get it................

    Poor little Sarah, not the attention she was seeking!!

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      She'll take any attention.
      It makes her relevant in her pea brain.

  9. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Hopefully a nine consecutive life sentences for Roof will discourage others from trying the same insanity.

    1. No. It won't. Crazies don't care. They either think they'll never get caught or they want to get caught in the first place.

  10. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I'll go one step farther. I think his family members that gave him money to purchase a weapon are responsible. They knew he was mentally unstable.

  11. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I'm wondering how often these geographical/administrative loopholes are used to fool the FBI and get illegal guns. I'd bet it's common knowledge.

  12. How about putting Shooter's Choice in West Columbia out of business? Failed to do a background check, no more gun sales of any kind.

  13. physicsmom6:26 PM

    betsy 5:27, the gun shop didn't make the mistake, the US government did. The error was on their end in transferring data from one system to another. (Begs the question why do they have multiple systems at all).

    Gryph, I take issue with your penultimate sentence. If rejected by background checks, Roof could still have gotten a gun elsewhere. So, the sentence should end "that *could* have prevented it."

    I feel sorry for the FBI folks who are heartbroken on the role they inadvertently played in this tragedy. One hopes that it motivates the organization to improve their computer systems and streamline the passing of data from one law enforcement venue to another. Of course, there is the issue of money and whether the NRA pawns in Congress will approve an expenditure for such a reviled process as background checks.

  14. Anonymous7:20 PM

    If someone wants a gun bad enough, they'll find one or get someone with a clean record to straw purchase one from another state. The gun store closest to us will trade guns for easy to sell items that are probably stolen or blackmarket items anyway. Then we have a "gun show" at a local armory (Government owned property renting tables - think flea market) And there's license plates from out of state selling guns out of the trunks of their cars/pickups. Cash only, no receipts, no paper trails, and no background checks. Everyone listens to their police scanners and scram before they get there. They advertize as "guns and collectibles" in the local papers. The local news won't cover it, the cops turn a blind eye or don't even bother showing up.
    And now this flaw in the system?

  15. There were earlier reports from Roof's uncle that he received the gun used in these attacks as a gift, but that was a false statement.

  16. Griffin, can we get this motherfucker's photo off the internet? He doesn't deserve the attention. Write the story, don't show his fucking face.


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