Saturday, July 11, 2015

Thanks to recent Supreme Court decision married same sex couples will now finally receive federal benefits.

Courtesy of HRC Blog:  

Today, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch confirmed that married same-sex couples will finally have access to full federal benefits thanks to the Supreme Court's decision affirming a Constitutional right to nationwide marriage equality in Obergefell v. Hodges. Now that marriage equality is the law of the land in every state, the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Social Security Administration – which before the decision had continued to deny full benefits due to statutory language forcing them to look to the state of residence for the purpose of some benefits – will finally extend full benefits to married same-sex couples. HRC praised the long awaited announcement. 

“From Texas to Michigan and Montana to Florida, married same-sex couples across this country will finally have full access to federal benefits that had previously been denied them,” said HRC Government Affairs Director David Stacy. “We applaud Attorney General Lynch for her leadership in working to ensure these critical programs – from social security to veterans benefits – are finally extended to all legally married couples.”

I just love news that I know will make conservative heads explode. 

Does that make me evil?

Seriously this is great news, and it is about damn time.


  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    It really is great news, especially when you remember how the previous administration was pushing for a constitutional amendment against gay marriage.

  2. Anonymous7:12 AM

    While I respect people's religious viewpoint I am amazed they are limited to that narrow point of view and misperceive their belief that marriage is a religion only based union between a man and a woman is invalidated by establishing legal equality.

    When a female has a baby out of wedlock against biblical standards they do not seem to take issue with the biological father being legally responsible to pay child support. Nor defending and singing praises of even a teen mom only because she did not have an abortion yet went against God's word.

    I will never see legal rights as taking away nor invalidating individual right to uphold a religious belief and choice.

    I confronted an acquaintance who was blaming the government for immorality. I pointed out she and her husband gave into her 18 year olds threats to not attend college unless they paid for an apartment for he and his girlfriend to shack up. Even when the economy collapsed and the mother lost her job, the parents gave up a car to keep providing a love nest. Just saying blaming the government for parental choices is what some people do denying any personal responsibility nor controlling what they can like setting limits in their family. LOL I was waiting for her to blame Obama!

  3. I agree. It's about damn time! Civil rights extend to every citizen. You need a civil license to marry (i.e., from the county clerk, who may or may not have quit their job because...icky). No religion was ever required for marriage in modern times!

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      I'm a firm believer in equal rights for all and treating others as one would want to be treated themselves.

  4. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Way way O/T but stuck in a supermarket line behind a missing register tape and my eye fell upon the headline "Sarah Palin having a nervous breakdown". Fun times.

    And yes, now my daughter will marry her longtime boyfriend because her gay friends can also marry. Holding out for equal treatment for all.

  5. If memory serves, I don't believe the word "except" came after "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

  6. This never should have been an issue in the first place. The Talibangelicals are what made it an issue. They are the terrorists in this society.

  7. Anonymous10:59 AM

    If you look at the history of humanity you will see that it was a norm in some time periods! Aristotle comes to mind! Olympics were created so they could see naked boys! So...

  8. Anonymous12:53 PM

    The Rethugs are trying really hard to circumvent this law in MI, by proposing legislature that states ONLY clergy can marry people. I am assuming they believe the major of clergy would not marry same sex couples.

  9. Anita Winecooler6:40 PM

    Get this, a catholic academy which received federal monies for educational programs, fired a good teacher because she married a woman. The parents are supporting the teacher, she was up front from the day she was hired about her sexual orientation and marital status, and was told to "share it with the staff, but not with the student's parents", something she abided by. Mrs Winters has shown tremendous restraint and held her part of the bargain, the parents have been highly supportive, the archbishop, not so much, kind of vague and ambiguous but feels the firing was necessary in light of the Supreme Court Decision.

    More here:

    Tell me again, why it's morally ok to take money from the state to help promote bigotry and discrimination in the guise of religion???

    What's not mentioned in the article was reported on the local news. Mrs Winter's spouse showed respect and hope at reconciliation, and hopes to see the Pope on his impending visit to the city, and possibly speak with him about the matter. If not, she'd like to write a letter to the Pope, whom she respects and adores for his causes of raising the poor out of poverty, and various other social issues.

    In all fairness, we need the Supreme Court to define the separation of church and state. My tax dollars are being spent to discriminate against people based on who they love and my tax dollars are going to Private Catholic Schools that don't pay taxes and helps support this site:.

    Yes, it's about time! Equality means Equality and it's a two way street. All marriages deserve the same tax advantages, the same respect and equal treatment in all areas of society. and in all definitions oft "Marriage and Family" ,

  10. Just witnessed a wedding for our gay friends last Wyoming!!! It was my 8 year old daughter's first wedding and it was absolutely perfect. Yay America! Finally doing something right.


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