Friday, July 17, 2015

Fox News kicks Sarah Palin to the curb, and then almost immediately offers Meghan McCain a new job. Probably just coincidental.

Courtesy of Variety: 

Meghan McCain, the political scion who has won public fame as a blogger, commentator and TV-show host, will join Fox News Channel as a contributor, Variety has learned. 

A representative for the network confirmed the hire. McCain is expected to contribute to the network’s primetime and daytime programming. 

Meghan McCain, who has identified as a Republican in the past, could well offer the viewpoint of a different member of that political party: one hailing from the millennial generation. She has in the past championed gay rights and come out against anti-immigration legislation, and has publicly challenged commentators like Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham. In her writings she’s expressed ambivalence about Sarah Palin, the former Fox News contributor who ran for U.S. vice president alongside her father, and admiration for Hillary Clinton, who is now vying for the Democratic nomination for U.S. president.

For those who don't remember McCain wrote a book in which she referred to Palin as a "time bomb" and called her selection as a vice presidential candidate the "line between genius and insanity."

She also expressed confusion over Palin's internet "channel:"  

“I don’t know how this is different than a blog with video posts,” McCain said. “It didn’t look like a video channel.

Hang on I'm going to turn down my TV to listen for cans bouncing off refrigerators in Wasilla. 


  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    So Meghan also sports an American flag, a very dirty looking one, around her neck. Is this some sort of clothing statement by GOP women to show how they respect the flag and what it stands for? And why is it so dirty looking?

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Ha! I was going to post the exact same question!
      There was a time when this kind of disregard of the flag would get you killed as a traitor.

    2. Anonymous3:12 PM

      It's NOT dirty, Beaglemom. It's offset is just not white - it's more of what I'd call 'tan'.

      I can't believe how pretty she is in that photo. Her loss of weight is apparent. Good for her and I wish her good luck in the new spot at FOX (even though I rarely watch FOX!).

      Love the fact Sarah Palin will be jealous as Hell of the 'new' Meghan and her job announcement at FOX!

    3. Anonymous3:41 PM

      First thing I noticed, Beaglemom.

    4. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Either they photoshopped her weight loss or her Mommy turned her onto some sweet prescription drugs that keep you both thin and alert. My guess would be choice number two. McCains are a fucked up family and they deserve the Palin yolk around their necks.

    5. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Ms McCain's always been dropdead gorgeous, past or present .. I've always liked her edgy attitude too - total absolute antithesis of the crosseyed skank ..

    6. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Meghan will be a plus for FOX. Have always liked her spunkiness especially when she has talked against any of the Palins!

      The Palins are a subject she knows a lot about due to Sarah's second position role in John McCain's run for POTUS. Thank god they lost!!!

      I'll even wager that Sarah, Todd and Bristol are very uncomfortable (as well as being pissed!) that Meghan will be a full time employee of FOX.

    7. That's Meghan McCain?

      Boy has she lost weight. And has she had work done? I don't recall her being that attractive. Nose and cheeks perhaps?

    8. Anonymous8:42 PM

      I think there's some airbrushing in that photo, but Meghan McCain has always been pretty.

    9. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Airbrush or the like, but face structure looks the same as it always has- for the last 8 years or so anyways. She always has had a pretty face.

    10. Anonymous5:01 PM

      I think the scarf/flag is supposed to have an "antique" appearance.

  2. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Ha ....Burn

  3. Caroll Thompson2:41 PM

    I don't think there is any love lost between the Palins and Meghan McCain.

    That being said, I think Meghan is a good choice for FOX. She is well educated, well spoken and well read. She is also easy on the eyes and ears. I think she will bring a great perspective to any discussion.

    But I think you are wrong on this not being a coincidence G. Sarah herself said there was no such thing as coincidence.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      since when does Faux Nooze publish anything that makes sense?

    2. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Meghan might have some degrees but damn, she is dumb as a stump. I can't believe the people here giving her a pass. Internets don't lie, do a little search and see what a terrible person she truly is, carrying the far right water, even when they weren't paying her.

    3. Anonymous4:11 PM

      3:56 Don't worry. She doesn't fool me one bit.
      ANYONE who would work for Fox news is not smart or educated. They shouldn't even be called EVOLVED when you get right down to it.

    4. Crystal Sage6:07 PM

      And Meghan is not pregnant either! Such a concept. A young woman who is educated and respects herself enough to avoid pregnancy without marriage. Despite her parents, I like Meghan. I wish her well in her new gig.

    5. Anonymous7:12 PM

      3:56 I agree. Paul Begala had the perfect come back for Meghan. They were on a panel one time, and she giggled and said (I forget what the subject was) "That was before my time" Begala immediately replied "Well, the French Revolution was before my time, but I READ about it". Snap!!! Then there was the time she showed up at the White House Correspondent;s Dinner, with 2 friends, and only 2 tickets for the three of them. The usher told her she could not bring both of her guests in without tickets. She snapped, loudly "Do you know who the FUCK I am?" Too bad he didn;t respond, "Yes you are the fat foul mouthed daughter of your foul mouthed father"

    6. Anonymous7:26 PM

      I don't see any Veteran wanting to hang out with Scarface and Barstool! Smirk! Infact, didn't they call em "skanks"? :-)o

    7. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Oh snap! Yes they did when the panhandlers I mean Palins crashed the party! Veterans called them names! No one cares who you are! Can't fix stupid!

    8. Anonymous10:54 AM


  4. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Wow. How much did that new face cost? A click and photo shop. It is amazing how we can change the look with the click of a button. Photo shop? or Face surgery? regardless. Lets us hope she has a voice of reason and brains. She may be the next mcnut occupying a seat at the table. Cause trumpy called daddy mcnut a DUMMIE? them be fightin words with the mcnut that stooped so low to put the loon from wasilly on the stage.

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      What's up with the obsession?

    2. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Yeah reading down someone is yiping!

    3. Yeah. I was thinking she had the fat pouches under her cheeks removed for that sunken look. Then some rhinoplasty.

      And of course the weight loss. Lipo couldn't do that alone. She's obviously got a dietician and a personal trainer.

      She probably did all this prior to her Playboy shoot.

      Before: (on the right)

      I should probably buy stock in Spanx.

    4. mlaiuppa Your before picture is Ann Coulter.

    5. It'a a double shot. Coulter is on the left and McCain is on the right.

  5. Anonymous2:49 PM


    I'm no fan of Meghan McCain, she's just another Republican hypocrite trying to have it both ways. She only got this job because of her connections, not because of her own merit. (Of course the same can be said of every political offspring getting big bucks to trade on their famous names in the media, including Chelsea Clinton.) But, under the circumstances, this news did make me snort.

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Not a fan of Megan McCain, but I have to admit that she graduated high school, went to college, graduated from that, and has no illegitamate children. She can also speak in grammatically-correct English sentences. She's head and shoulders above anyone in the Palin clan.

    2. Anonymous4:50 PM

      I will agree with that. There is no comparison!!!! Trash vs Class. Meghan wins big.

    3. Anonymous6:04 PM

      I'm with you folks. I live in the Phoenix metro area, and she (Meghan) is on a local radio news show here pretty regularly. She comes off as a bit "Valley Girl-esque," but she also seems to be up to date and well versed on political topics. Her track record on social issues is also very strong. Don't get me wrong, she is very Republican, and I'm not a big fan, but she is far and away more qualified than Mrs. P.

    4. Anonymous6:19 PM

      That's Ms. P.
      Tawd and $arah have been divorced for years.
      Business arrangement to bring in the $$.

  6. Anonymous3:03 PM

    If you want me to work at FOX then you get rid of that old fake ass piece of shit from Wasilla then we have a deal

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      I bet that was exactly how the deal went down. Also, Repub's desperately need younger voters she could help bring into the fold. PissyPalin doesn't cut it anymore with her faded looks and flat ass. A flat ass that apparently Bristol has inherited...can't help laugh about that!

  7. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Now this is hilarious! The quitter is steaming no doubt.

  8. Anonymous3:17 PM

    ANOTHER blonde for Fux Noose!

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Fux forgot to vet Palins boob's, not the inflatable ones, the pancakes. They would have known she was not Fux standards had they vetted.

    2. Anonymous8:04 PM

      The blondes have brains this time! :-\o

  9. Anonymous3:20 PM

    She seems to have lost some weight, and had some good make-up applied.


    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Some are obsessing about face work done? WTF? She probably just lost weight...must be a critic..cough..

    2. Anonymous8:05 PM

      Cough...or a Palin...crying...crying...

    3. Anonymous9:44 PM


  10. Younger and better looking. It was time to kick Sarah to the curb. After all, she is a grandma.

  11. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Wow, she really does favor her mother, doesn't she? Certainly not her father, that's for sure. She is really beautiful.

    From the article:

    'Meghan McCain, who has identified as a Republican in the past, could well offer the viewpoint of a different member of that political party: one hailing from the millennial generation. She has in the past championed gay rights and come out against anti-immigration legislation, and has publicly challenged commentators like Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham. In her writings she’s expressed ambivalence about Sarah Palin, the former Fox News contributor who ran for U.S. vice president alongside her father, and admiration for Hillary Clinton, who is now vying for the Democratic nomination for U.S. president.'

    AND she's got a radio show starting, too.

    Meghan McCain Dishes on Presidential Politics and The Bachelorette for New Talk Radio Show

    ...So it's little surprise that when her new three-hour daily radio show called America Now debuts on Monday, her first guest will be a man running for the White House who also happens to be a family friend (Lindsey Graham 2016!)

    But since presidential candidates are almost literally a dime a dozen these days, the bigger news is that Topic 2 of her premiere broadcast on Premiere Networks – from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. ET, following their all-star lineup of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity – will be (wait for it): The Bachelorette.

    "I'm obsessed with this season! I'm obsessed with the fact that she had sex really soon and the two guys she's choosing," McCain, 30, tells PEOPLE.

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Other photos on the web of Meghan McCain don't make her look "beautiful". I think the image we see in this post has had the benefit of professional "help".

    2. Anonymous4:15 PM

      I guess it really is in the eye of the beholder.
      Short , dumpy, odd nose. Pretty eyes. I'll give her that.

    3. Anonymous4:16 PM

      She needs to beef up that upper lip also too. How did she forget that?

    4. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Wow the judgmental a-holes are out in force tonight.

    5. Anonymous6:10 PM

      No shit, 4:45 PM, c'mon IMers, knock it off.

    6. Anonymous7:16 PM

      It has been said of Meghan "She has her mother's eyes, and her father's thighs"

    7. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Probably the Palins...crying....

    8. She has her dad's jaw line. It's all in the angles. Nothing she can do about that.

    9. Anonymous8:41 PM

      She's hardly dumpy. She has very large breasts on a short frame. I'm sure lots of men find her very attractive. I can't stand that anyone would criticize her for her figure even if she was actually dumpy or fat. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it.

    10. Anonymous3:41 AM

      So she's on the AM hate stations? Good choice, Meg. No one will listen to you but the Beck/Rush haters, and they won't like what you have to say. Plus, how can they watch Fox TV at night and tune in to you?

  12. Anonymous3:30 PM

    But for now, she's reveling in the fact that her full-time job will be as a voice – not a face – on air.

    "It is awesome to come into work every day and not have to wear makeup," she says. "A huge perk of radio!"

    And one potential pitfall? No five-second delay.

    "I can't swear at all on the air! It's been the hardest thing to curb," McCain says, admitting that she's been working with a voice coach to suppress her natural instinct to drop the F-bomb.

    "I have the mouth of a trucker."

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM

      "I have the mouth of a trucker."

      and the body of one too!

    2. Anonymous6:49 PM

      4:15 Is that you, Bristol?

    3. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Oh probably...

    4. Anonymous8:37 PM

      Her body is perfectly fine. What a shame anyone would think otherwise.

  13. Anonymous3:31 PM

    What, they didn't offer Bristol the millennial spot on FOX? Don't they know what a brilliant blogger she is? Snort & eye roll

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Exactly my first thoughts. Bristol.... Sarah was so certain for all the millennials that would bring to SarahPAC donations! And nothing says winner like a blog with no comments, brilliant idea!

      What better way to tell your admirers fuc_ you?

  14. Anonymous3:32 PM

    So Fox hired a pundit with a verifiable education. Nothing about Sarah Palin was verifiable, too many secrets.

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Dirty sexy politics..let's see if Megan expands on that book she wrote! ;)

    2. Anonymous9:45 PM

      Eww I forgot about that book!

  15. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I think Sarah will not like this news at all. Being canned by Faux was bad enough, but replaced by Meghan McCain?

    Sure, Meghan got her start through her famous dad, but she has continued to hone her skills in the media, not hiding behind social media. And she's not pregnant.

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      She's not pregnant and dancing with the stars like mini-me.

    2. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Meghan has a LOT more going for her than do the Palins. She IS smart, well educated and is classy vs being 'white trash' like the Palins.

      You cannot even begin to compare them because they are from the opposite sides of the track!

    3. Anonymous8:13 PM

      3:40: ".. Meghan got her start through her famous dad". If you think about it, Palin got her start through Meghan's famous dad, also too.

    4. Anonymous9:33 PM

      8:13 good one!

    5. Anonymous9:46 PM

      And who is working and who is whining?

    6. Anonymous3:38 AM

      And Meghan actually did go to college and get her degree. Plus she can write and speak real English, and probably Spanish too.

  16. Janice A Soderquist3:42 PM

    Sarah is begging for more money on her site now to get rid of Planned Parenthood for selling baby body parts. They are not doing that, they are donating stem cells for research. No money involved. Sarah is going to get herself in big trouble for lying to get money for her Pac.

  17. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Meghan had a TV show in the last couple of years and I watched because I liked it. I was surprised that I liked her.

    That said, I don't think much of her or anyone else going on FOX. Even if you were the only voice of reason, you lie down with dogs you get up with the bloodsucking fleas of Murdoch and Ailes... and having been a FOX talking blonde dummy is hardly going to impress anyone on your CV.

    "Nil interest", as they say in the business.

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Only difference is - Meghan IS smart and well educated. Plus, she's had a number of 'life' experiences being around father and the Palins!

    2. Anonymous4:54 PM

      FOX may be the only channel or 'news' organization that will have her now. I hope she can shed protecting her father from not being able to admit the Palin curse and how much that did to the bad campaign he ran. Starting with the vetting that never happened.

    3. Anonymous7:17 PM

      "Smart, well educated and with 'live' experiences" is a totally bad fit for FOX.

      I say she doesn't last long with pack of losers.

    4. Anonymous12:55 AM

      454 May be that is WHY she is on Fox?

  18. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Well, you know that $arah can't be on there, not when she's runnin' for prez and all, so they settled for sloppy seconds.

    --c4p any given day

  19. Randall3:53 PM

    I don't always agree with Meghan McCain, but she speaks her mind - and I wonder if Fox News knows what they've gotten themselves into.

    It will be quite interesting to see if they can get Meghan to toe the line.

    1. Anonymous2:51 AM

      Well, she does not need the money, that;s for sure. Her allowance was (a few years ago) $50,000 a month. Having a "cushion" like that gives a person confidence to speak out. I do not think she will last. The naturally slim "bimbos" on Fox will aggrevate her to the point her snarky side will break out. Hopefully lumpy little Johnny will lose the next election, and there will go her career.

  20. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Nice scarf MegMcHo...she's just as bad as Palin but with better tits and a bigger trust fund. Pshaw, go tell it on the mountain Meghan, oh wait, you only got a show because of your mountains, my bad. Carry on vacuous big tit republican whore.

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      The women in your family must have a lot of respect for you, clown.

    2. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Hey, I AM the woman in my family...if you think I'm bad you should hear the guys! Also too, we're all Ivy League educated, professionals with great jobs but a very tawdry sense of humor. I am terribly sorry if my comment offended you. It wouldn't even register a .02 on the "outrage richter" scale in my family.

    3. LOL, 3:54. I would have probably added "twatwaffle" to your description.

    4. Anonymous4:49 PM

      3:54 pm
      I liked your description. You nailed it!!

    5. Anonymous5:06 PM

      4:14 PM Ivy League assholes?

    6. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Damn, 3:54 could you be any more jealous?

    7. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Knock it off, jealous troll 5:36 PM, we are far from it.

    8. Anonymous6:49 PM

      4:14, that’s the moment magnitude scale now! You go! I love your moxie and brains.

    9. Anonymous7:00 PM

      @6:08 PM Can't tell by your comments. Do you have a mouse in your pocket? We? Are you posting group comments?

    10. Anonymous7:01 PM

      4:14, "also too" and you're an Ivy League grad? Wow, academic standards are slipping at those schools.

    11. Anonymous7:20 PM

      You know you're at IM and not the CofPee when...somebody mentions the moment magnitude scale.

    12. Anonymous7:22 PM

      anon@701p, take a chill pill, willya? I'm not even 4:14, but "also too" is a Palinism, long mocked in these parts.

    13. Anonymous7:34 PM

      IV leagues don't check this page! Gotcha!

    14. Anonymous8:06 PM

      True that! No offense to the Gryphen!

    15. Anonymous12:57 AM

      A Richter Investments whore may be?

    16. Anonymous6:28 AM

      Hey, Ivy Leaguer....big word of your day is "bawdy" not "tawdry"

  21. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I remember in 2008 Meghan described herself as a pro-sex Republican. Fundies will have the vapors over her openly sinful lifestyle.

  22. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Christ could that photo be brushed anymore??
    Looks like she has had some..a lot...of work done as well. I guess that is what the uber rich do for a hobby?
    Anyone who would sell their sole to work for Fox deserves any spiteful criticism they get - petty or not lol.
    Meghan, you are still short. Can mommy or daddy pay to stimulate your growth plates??

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Raising McCain? At least the vets LIKE her and WELCOME her to interview them...oh chit! Work!

    2. Anonymous9:48 PM

      Work involves Altoids with the Palins!

    3. Anonymous12:58 AM


    4. Anonymous3:35 AM

      She sold her shoes?

  23. Anonymous4:10 PM

    OT but Shailey Tripp's movie isn't happening:

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      I am so disappointed to hear about this. Maybe in the future.


    2. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Not surprised, but I am disappointed. The fact is Todd Palin was (still is?) a pimp and the world knows it. Thank you Shaily Tripp! Hope you and your family are doing well, wherever you are.
      PS I wonder how the Palin girls feel about the fact that their father pimped? Denial probably helps.

    3. Anonymous6:05 PM

      I don't think they care. $$

    4. Anonymous7:14 PM

      i wonder if her getting kidnapped, beaten and put in the hospital had anything to do with it :( how is she doing now, Gryphen?

    5. Anonymous8:18 PM

      What? Ok doesn't this criminal pattern qualify for a Criminal Mind analysis? Gryphen can post the contact information for those to contact them! Gryphen should also REQUEST that if they find evidences that you get CREDIT for having kept the heat on! That would be good for your blog! Maybe you can get Megan give you a shout out...with the diligence of the IM blogger...a time bomb went off! Shrug!

    6. Anonymous9:15 PM

      I also too (non Ivy League) think the Palin Mafia made Shailey pay, 7:14 PM. Look at the brawl audio and nothing was done. These people are thugs, nothing more, and the God and Lord crap spewed by Brancy and $arah is just that. CRAP.

    7. Anonymous9:49 PM

      Good idea! Someone needs to tell G!

    8. Anonymous12:59 AM

      What goes up must come down 915... Oh Megan! Pass it on!

  24. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Megan McCain is a rather long in the tooth Millennial

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Not as long in tooth as Nancy French, who plays Bristol the millennial.

    2. Anonymous9:50 PM

      Not as long and wide as the Palin canal!

    3. Anonymous1:00 AM


  25. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Not a Meghan McCain fan; could never respect anyone who respects John McCain. But, one thing in her favor - she manages to have a satisfying sex life without the foolishness of unplanned pregnancies. You go girl!

    1. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Not fair. That is her father. She loves him and respects him. Let's see where this goes. Could be interesting.

    2. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Thank you, 5:05 PM! Like people on here wanting tell-all books from Palin offspring. These are their parents, it's not going to happen.

  26. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Sarah I'm confused, Meghan McCain is not married, how come she doesn’t have two kids and three engagements?

  27. Anonymous4:46 PM

    "I do clearly state at the end that we did not lose because of her, and I'm speaking out now because I do have conflicting feelings about her," McCain

    Daddy probably made it clear not to blame the "c_nt". McCain's word for women he gets close to when they piss him off.

    1. Anonymous3:34 AM

      Didn't he call his WIFE that? And offer her up at a wet tee shirt contest somewhere? No wonder she stays in Arizona and he stays in DC.

  28. I am coming around on Meghan, she has softened her tone and has brought some sanity to the younger Republicans. I don't agree with all her views, but she supports immigration reform and gay marriage, one less bigot in the bunch.

  29. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Ok, I'll take my popcorn with unsalted butter, sea salt and a cold one. Man, I would love to be a fly on the wall in the Palin's house. And I agree with some here, McCain is not the sharpest tool in the shed, damaged goods.

  30. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Sea Oh Pee folks called Meghan "chubster" and I was disgusted. I'm as far left as a person can get and I can appreciate her beauty. Came here and lo and behold...same kinds of stuff being said about her weight. Good grief, not everyone is the same size, she's a physically beautiful woman, no matter her politics, and at least she's socially lib on gay rights. Please, can't we differentiate ourselves from that pee ponders, here?

    1. Thank you. Would we even be talking about looks if this was "Insert Male Name Here" McCain? No. We. Wouldn't. We complain about the superficial pop culture but join right in body shaming. Knock it off. There are more important thing, like making sure the Palins go away for good.

    2. Anonymous7:37 PM


  31. Anonymous5:39 PM

    a little off topic

    Whale hunting in Alaska: Point Hope, the village caught between tradition and climate change
    Alaska had its hottest year on record in 2014, and for villagers in Point Hope who have hunted and foraged their meals for generations, climate change threatens their way of life: ‘It’s about more than just meat’
    Gallery: Alaska spring whaling festival blends culture with traditional eats

    "In recent years, however, the much-anticipated whale hunt has run up against a warming Arctic."

    Climate change bargains: the hottest deals of 2056 - video

    Good news for Anchorage and Alaska! ANCHORAGE -- President Obama plans to visit Anchorage on Monday, Aug. 31, to speak at a State Department conference on the future of the Arctic and Arctic politics.

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      I don't think that the natives should be able to hunt whales PERIOD. I don't care if we have to subsidize them or send them free groceries, just stop killing whales. The sickest part of the deal is that they are allowed a certain number of strikes and a certain number of kills, and yes strikes are just what you think they are whales that are hit with the harpoon, injured, killed or maimed and left to die. Disgusting. Iceland should not be grandfathered in for whale hunting either, let's protect all whales and let these people eat something else.

    2. Anonymous9:51 PM

      The few that take to eat is not as many killed by commercial fishermen....

    3. Anonymous5:13 AM

      They're not hunting for food. Don't comment if you don't understand the whale hunt.

    4. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Ok bright eyes what are they hunting for

  32. Meghan will be the total opposite of Sarah. She is educated, well versed, and speaks her mind, even if it differs from her dad. Meghan has even been on Maddow's show, something the chickenshit Sarah would never do. Sarah was just hate screech all the time, no class, and her rants are written by some pretend Christian who has no clue what "bearing false witness" is, since she does it all of the time. For seven years, all we've heard the Sarahskank say was the same old, "I hate Obama", "death panels" bullshit. She has even started recycling that same bullshit. Quite pitiful that her "postage" can't come with fresh ideas, and solutions. I may just watch FOXspews to hear what an educated young Republican has to say. Heaven knows that Sarah's baby making ho could never measure up to Meghan.

  33. Anita Winecooler6:04 PM

    Good for Meggie the thoroughly modern millione nennial Did she ever get the reality show? Did she get dragged across the dancefloor on DWTS whilst apparently with fetus? Does she have someone much older "play act" on a Blog? Did she ever worry about buying diapers? And a Louie Vuitton Diaper Bag?
    Oh wait, Megan leans left, knows about birth control and is pro LBGT rights.

    But FOX NEWS? Megan, seriously, don't force yourself to "Dumb Down" just to get on tee vee. It's ok to "dumb down", we excuse that, after all, you once said "Game Change" is gonna "Crucify" your daddy and call your mommy "Ice Princess"..... and that didn't happen, did it?
    Call Whoopi, "The View" needs someone like you to replace Nicholle Wallace. Remember her?

  34. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Anybody seen Todd? I don’t remember the last time he was seen alive.

    1. Anonymous8:15 PM

      Isn't he fishing? The fishing just exploded out in Bristol Bay so I'd assume he has to be there.

    2. Anonymous11:04 PM

      If Todd Palin is taking a time out, good for him!

    3. Anonymous3:02 AM

      Maybe Taahhhd is there to provide "company" for the fishermen at the end of a long day??

    4. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Take a walk on the wild side...guitar....

  35. Anonymous6:55 PM

    "Did she get dragged across the dancefloor on DWTS whilst apparently with fetus"? This one?

  36. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Isn't her daddy running for re-election? we shall see how unbiased Meghan can be.

    I don't understand all the comments about how beautiful she is, have you ever heard of airbrushing photos?

    Also the dirty flag, I think it is suppose to represent an old flag, like she has been a patriot forever, but again disrespecting the flag.

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Considering whom we've seen draped in a flag before (excuse me, coughing up a hairball), enough already. Come to the table well-informed, speak your mind intelligently, and I'll listen to you. Otherwise, not so much.

  37. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Oh this is good. The younger generation, Sarah, are coming to replace you. Deal with it.

    1. Anonymous9:30 PM

      Sarah's MiniMe simply did not have the right stuff. The failed marriage to the MOH was the final nail in the coffin. Willow is too independent and Piper is too young to fill in for Bristol. Track is not the combat warrior she made him out to be. Todd is MIA. She's still using Trig though.

  38. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Wow, did all the pee ponders come over here pretending to be IM fans?

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM

      They came to the wrong place if they did. Gryph lets them have their say, unlike the home puddle.

  39. Anonymous9:31 PM

    I don't watch Fauz news and Meghan McCain will not change that.

  40. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Although I would never tune in Fox, I'd rather read what Meghan has to say than the likes of daughters Liz Cheney and one Bristol knocked up Palin.

  41. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Where is OnHer Back? I hope Bristol the Sex Pistol is not retreating since she's just reloaded with baby number 3 or 4.

  42. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Oh no....pauvre pauvre Sayree...

    1. Anonymous3:06 AM

      I am rather partial to the name the neighbor gave Bristles when the PayMe's crashed his party. On the pollice tape he said "---then Bristol Fucking Palin came looking for a fight" This from a friend of her parents!! They really got Bristle's number in Alaska, eh??

    2. 3:06 A.M., that name is quite descriptive, isn't it?

      Bristol Fucking Palin. It really says it all.

  43. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Sarah & Bristol fans + all teabaggers hate Meghan McCain with a passion. How many posters here are them posting disgusting comments about her looks?

  44. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Hey, that's the chin Bristol wanted! When will Bristol dye her hair blonde?

  45. Anonymous4:22 AM

    HAHAHAHAHA..comments are just delicious!

  46. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Looks like in order to meet minimum hiring requirements for a journalism career at Fox "'News'", Meghan knuckled down hard and made all the required preparations to qualify by visiting the plastic surgeon's O.R.

    Sorry, Sarah Palin. If it makes you feel any better, you can view your being fired not as a result of your extensive education (to paraphrase Bluto: five colleges and six years down the drain) and journalism experience on which you pride yourself, but on the fact you've gotten too old for the job. In other words, Sarah, you were let go simply because of the way you look. Hope that makes you feel better.

  47. mlaiuppa. The photo on the left that you used for a before picture of Meghan is Ann Coulter. I think even at her heaviest Meghan was a pretty girl.

    1. I clearly stated the photo on the RIGHT was the before.

      It was a double photo of Coulter and McCain. The only one I could find of McCain.

      McCain's before is ON THE RIGHT.

      Try to READ people.

  48. PalinsHoax8:23 AM

    Hey Meghan, where are YOUR pursed "fish-lips".

    Bri$$ie always has fish-lips. Hers remind me of somebody's lips that I just saw on the media. Now whose lips were they?

    Let me think, let me think. Oh yeah! Bri$$is's fish-lips look just like Donald Trump's lips!

    And both their lips look like twitching a$$holes, totally repulsive.

    It's probably a good thing, Meghan, that you don't have lips like Bri$$ie's!

  49. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Well, Meghan doesn't have a fake dirt tan or fake hair. That is a good start.

  50. Love the Palin's.


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