Friday, July 17, 2015

You know something tells me that the Huffington Post is not taking Donald Trump's presidential campaign seriously.

Courtesy of HuffPo:

After watching and listening to Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy for president, we have decided we won't report on Trump's campaign as part of The Huffington Post's political coverage. Instead, we will cover his campaign as part of our Entertainment section. Our reason is simple: Trump's campaign is a sideshow. We won't take the bait. If you are interested in what The Donald has to say, you'll find it next to our stories on the Kardashians and The Bachelorette.

I know it's vague, but if you read between the lines it definitely feels like they think Trump is full of shit.

Anybody else picking up on that?

Of course Trump being Trump, he just had to respond:  

Donald J. Trump Response to Huffington Post 

Mr. Trump is number one in the unimportant Huffington Post poll, along with all other recently released polls including Reuters, FOX, USA Today/Suffolk University and The Economist. 

Mr. Trump is in first place in Nevada, where he is also number one, by a wide margin, with Hispanics. He is number one in North Carolina and expects to win Iowa and New Hampshire. 

Mr. Trump singlehandedly raised the issue of illegal immigration and started a national conversation about what has turned out to be one of the most important topics of this election cycle. 

Likewise, Mr. Trump is the leader on issues such as the terrible United States trade deals, strengthening our military, taking care of our great Vets and the repeal and replacement of Obamacare. 

If you read previously written Tweets, Mr. Trump has never been a fan of Arianna Huffington or the money-losing Huffington Post. 

The only clown show in this scenario is the Huffington Post pretending to be a legitimate news source. Mr. Trump is not focused on being covered by a glorified blog. He is focused on Making America Great Again.

As you can tell Donald J. Trump also likes to speak in the third person like a cut rate villain in a D.C. Comic book.


  1. Anonymous4:35 PM

    And we thought PALIN was thin skinned....

    1. Anonymous12:36 AM


      Hahaha. I need some of that natural eyeliner bristol

      These makeup tips are fun and all, but can we get back to shooting something or making fun of liberals? I just lost about 100 points on my testosterone level reading these comments...

  2. Anonymous5:08 PM

    "Mr. Trump singlehandedly raised the issue of illegal immigration and started a national conversation about what has turned out to be one of the most important topics of this election cycle. "

    He sounds as if no one had even mentioned immigration reform for the past hundred years! He'll win Iowa? Go for it..I think they have chosen the last three losers, haven't they?

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      He'll win Iowa?
      Didn't we figure out that the "votes" in Iowa are paid for, didn't Bachman give a free concert for a vote?

      So yes, with his money he will win-free concerts, free dinners, free this and that.

  3. Anita Winecooler5:13 PM

    Yeah, you're number one, alright, you're so full of number one, your toupee stained yellow, but you'll always be number two in my book. A heaping pile of it. BTW, how many hispanic votes do you think you'll "win"?

  4. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I love how he takes credit for "singlehandedly raising the issue of illegal immigration," as though no one else has talked about it before. As well as all the other issues he says he's suddenly made public.
    What an ego. Imagine what he'd be like in the Oval Office, micromanaging his image and blowing up at anyone who offered a different opinion.

    There's so much to say about Donald Trump, but it's too exhausting. He'll fizzle out sooner or later. In the meantime, he's just making a fool of himself and the Republican Party.

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      What an ego. Imagine what he'd be like in the Oval Office
      He'll be telling the foreign heads of state how great his tv show is and will redecorate the W.H. like his tacky NY apt.

  5. Thank you for highlighting this, Gryphen.

    There are times (like the AK Medicaid expansion and this statement by HuffPo) when I have hope.

  6. He's a dick..nuff said

  7. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Republicans Are Acting Like Democrats. Democrats Are Acting Like Republicans.

    “You know the difference in Democrats and Republicans?” Bill Clinton said in a 2003 speech. “In every presidential election, Democrats want to fall in love. Republicans just fall in line.”

    Clinton’s aphorism — which he attributed to a friend — has become a part of the conventional wisdom about how the parties behave. And there was more than a bit of truth to it when Clinton made his remarks.

    ...But this year, the historical trend has reversed itself. On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton is the only candidate with any endorsements from current governors or U.S. senators and representatives. And she has a boatload of them: 88 representatives, 27 senators and two governors have endorsed Clinton, giving her 243 endorsement points, the highest figure ever at this stage of the race for a Democrat.

    Republicans, however, haven’t fallen in line behind anyone.

  8. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Republicans Want To Take Money From The Elderly And Injured To Pay For Roads

    It takes a pair of brass ones to tell the American people that some of the ways we should pay to fix our crumbling roads and bridges is to take money away from Social Security, people’s retirements and money spent on the disabled. But if you’re Mitch McConnell and the Republicans, the message for everyone not in the 1% is “Fuck you”:

  9. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Anything to do with Palin the past 6 years should have also been filed under Entertainment. The same thing goes for Barstool. What on earth was Bristol ever listed under Politics is beyond me,

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      When I was commenting on HuffPo, I frequently complained about their placement of anything Sarah and Bristol did on the politics page. I accused the editor of having a crush on Sarah. Glad to see they do not post on Sarah anymore.

    2. Sarah and Bristol should have appeared on the crime page.

  10. Anonymous6:19 PM

    He's right about ONE thing..."Huffington Post pretending to be a legitimate news source"

    AND where was HuffPo's integrity all these years while Sarah spouted all her BS and WAS NOT put in the entertainment section?!

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Remember when she had her own link at the top of their page after '08? That eventually came down when they realized what a dipshit she is, plus she has not declared she's running.

      Mention of her gets them clicks, nothing more.

    2. Anonymous7:29 PM

      I think the clicking stopped. I know I stopped reading anything Sarah/Bristol.

  11. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Trump is the perfect reason why no one should never shave a golden retrievers ass and teach it to walk backwards and talk,

    1. Balzafiar7:11 PM

      Have you noticed Trump has teeth? I'll bet it's the first time anyone's ever seen teeth in a horse's ass.

    2. Anonymous8:38 PM

      That was an ugly thing to say about golden retrievers.

    3. Anonymous10:15 PM

      No offense to the horse or the golden retriever.

  12. Anonymous6:56 PM

    It's been announced that President Obama will be attending an Arctic conference in Alaska next month, may even visit Dillingham.

    Yes, wait for the "Nucular" Meltdown at the Lake Lucille.

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      He should not go to Dillingham. That's where Todd's thugs hang out.

    2. Anonymous7:37 PM

      I hope the secret service keeps "that family" far, far away from our president.

    3. Anonymous8:11 PM

      I can't imagine why he would want to go to Dillingham. Word is now that he is here for an Arctic Leaders conference that begins in Anchorage on 8/31 and that he may visit the north coast where he approved coastal shelf oil drilling and Shell has begun exploratory wells.

    4. Anonymous8:41 PM

      Ol' Sarah P probably just thinks, 'He's coming to see me dontcha know, he likes me, told you so!'


  13. Anonymous6:57 PM

    2016 presidential candidates quiz: how well do you know the next leader of the free world?

    Which candidate’s personal butler is a convicted murderer? Which is a War of 1812 buff? And 79 other questions to test your knowledge of the 2016 field

    This was fun. I learned a lot. I had no idea of so much of this about these candidates.

    1. Balzafiar7:12 PM

      Which one would blow his butler if he had one?

      Hint: he's from Texas and wears glasses to look smart.

  14. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I waiting for Trump to say
    Just kidding I am not running for president
    Smile...You're on Candid Camera

  15. Anonymous7:25 PM

    I know it's vague
    Vague? it was crystal clear what they think of Trump by putting him in the entertainment section.

    Too bad they didn't put Sarah in the same section years ago.

  16. Anonymous7:48 PM

    He's right on point about HuffPo, they are a joke. That being said, they should have put him on their "sideboob" page instead of just general entertainment.

  17. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Mr. Trump is the leader on issues such as the terrible United States trade deals, strengthening our military, taking care of our great Vets and the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.
    Well goody for him, when does Mr. Trump the leader intend to tell us his plans? All I've seen from him are insults and fodder for late night comedians.

  18. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Dis turkey ain't for rills.

  19. Anonymous8:24 PM

    What if Trumps ultimate goal is to become the world's richest man? It's the only game in town for him. The only thing worth keeping score on. Eight years as CEO & President of the U.S. of .A, Inc. could go a long way towards helping him become the planets first...and only... trillionaire.

  20. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I can't stop laughing... Trump is worth $10 billion and Sarah Palin got a .99 cent slice of pizza out of him!

  21. Anonymous8:36 PM

    "in Nevada, where he is also number one, by a wide margin, with Hispanics."

    That can't possibly be true. Where did he come up with that?

  22. No one is taking Donald Trump seriously.

    At least Huffington Post is being honest and transparent about their contempt.

  23. Anonymous1:33 AM

    O/T totally...this is coming right out of left field,
    back in 1985 i owned a limo company..
    i got a call from a guy by the name of Andy Chapman asking me if i would drive him and the band around from place to place, they had a airplane but they hated it..i would have to drive from city to city, following the airplane
    i spent the better part of a month chasing the fucking airplane
    at every stop the guys would ask me to score chicks and dope, (pot and coke) just before x-mas, i told the guys i had to be home for the week, no big deal...they were going south for a few gigs, we would hook up after the new year
    well, on dec 31 1985 the plane crashed and my friend Andy died along with everyone else(Brad and the pilot lived)
    i just caught the tail end of a song on the radio, and it all came flooding back to me...
    this was Ricky Nelson and the band

  24. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Inherited moron gene. the dude is one classless azz

  25. Yes even in New Hampshire my beautiful home state there are dolts that will vote for trump, sad so very sad.

  26. Anonymous3:56 AM

    I think Huffington Post is doing everyone a disservice by not treating him as a viable candidate. He is running as a republican, very few have denounced him, he is high in the polls and the vile things he says are making republican voters happy.

    While I do think Trump is just in this for his ego and not a serious contender, many primary voters don't know this. To hide him away from independents is to give the republican party a free pass for their vile behaviors they allow.

    He is running and Huffington Post is acting like Fox news by deciding who should be in the primaries rather than letting the voters decide.

    Instead of dismissing him they should be writing articles exposing him or demanding the republican party answer about his views and comments.

    Trump is exposing the right for who they have become and now Huffington Post is helping hide that.

    1. Anonymous6:01 AM

      I tend to agree. Trump's a buffoon, but he's claiming to be serious about running. I think HuffPo should take him at his word just as it would take, say, Newt Gringrich or Allen West.

    2. Anonymous8:09 AM

      When you think about it, Huffington Post maybe giving him more exposure in the entertainment section.

      Wanna bet there are more low information voters that know more about the Kardashians than politicians or the issues.

      Totally agree there should be more articles exposing not only The Donald, but all the candidates.

  27. He is not number one in all the polls. 538 shows him number two behind Bush. Also cites post announcement bumps that have helped everyone except Christie and that Trump doesn't have support so much as name recognition for being in the news.

    538 clearly lays out why you shouldn't seriously consider Donald Trump.

  28. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Mr.Trump(the Dumpster),when speaking in third person,is a legend is his own mind. Overwhelming Hispanic support in Nev.! your Dreams.


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