Wednesday, July 22, 2015

In wake of Chattanooga shooting gun wielding morons decide to stand around military recruitment offices in the hopes that people will think they look tough.

Courtesy of US News: 

Gun-toting citizens are showing up at military recruiting centers around the country, saying they plan to protect recruiters following last week's killing of four Marines and a sailor in Chattanooga, Tennessee. 

The citizens, some of them private militia members, said they're supporting the recruiters, who by military directive are not armed. 

"We're here to serve and protect," Clint Janney said Tuesday, wearing a Taurus 9mm handgun as he stood in a parking lot across from a recruiting center on the west side of Columbus. "What the government won't do, we will do." 

Similar posts have been set up outside recruitment centers in several cities around the country, including Madison, Wisconsin; Hiram, Georgia; Phoenix; and several sites in Tennessee, including Murfreesboro.

You can tell this guy is a bad ass because of the backward cap. That is a sure sign of badassery.
 As it turns out the military's response to these Rambo wannabes is "Thanks, but no thanks."

Courtesy of TPM:  

But the military wasn't embracing all of those volunteers. 

Marine Corps headquarters told Texas-based TV station KLTV that while they appreciate the volunteers' support, they ask that civilians not stand guard outside their facilities. 

And an unidentified official told Savannah, Georgia TV station WSAV that there is “always some concern about safety for our soldiers and civilians when someone is walking around with weapons."

Don't you just hate it when you get all dressed up in your best GI Joe Underoos and spit shine your metal penis extender and nobody appreciates the effort?


  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Will they also be standing outside Black churches protecting the patrons from right wing Christian racists? There's been a lot more church shootings, burnings and bombings then at military recruitment centers.

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      It doesn't say if this guy is armed or just observant and ready to call cops or just what, but one guy is doing that.

      As for this article, I have to say it is refreshing to see the picture of a black carrying an AK-47 and *not* getting shot down in the street for a change. Is that progress?

    2. Anonymous3:52 PM

      how in thee fuk does one differentiate good guys/bad guys from the motley crew depicted ?!?

      must be the open carry's the dead giveaway ?

  2. Crystal Sage12:08 PM

    I like the sign: Heros Don't Brag. As the vigilantes "protect" the recruiting station. If I had any intention of joining the military, I would be instantly put off at the sight of these Second Amendment Advocates. I would be looking to move out of the US altogether. (Oh, already did that during the Reagan years. I continue to feel that I made the right decision when I see news stories like this.)

  3. Anonymous12:10 PM

    dakotameyer0317 Seek to be the person that can learn from all interactions.

    Complete thoughts.

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Why does anyone care what he says? He was awarded the MOH but none of the other living recipients from Afghanistan are pimping tshirts using the memory of dead service members as a selling point. Or any of the other publicity seeking stunts he has done.

  4. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Sometimes I just can't understand how so many people can be so pathetic. Our poor world.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      12:12, tot. agree.

  5. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Ooooh, ISIS is scared.

  6. Jim In Texas12:13 PM

    Hey, any chance to shoot a Moooslim, right? ;-)

  7. Just look at this motley crew, what a bunch of half-wits. They're trying so hard to look menacing but it comes off as more than slightly ridiculous.

    The only frightening aspect is the likelihood of an accidental shooting. Unfortunately they all look more than capable of taking out an innocent bystander or shooting themselves.

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Don't these losers have jobs?

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Notice the safety is "off" on the AK-47 the black man is carrying...

      The guy with folding AK appears to have his safety "on", but I can't see the condition of the various other weapons to know how they're being handled.

      But it certainly looks like a place where an accident could happen.

    3. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Don't these losers have jobs?
      I believe these are the folks collecting social security disability for reasons of mental deficiency that NRA is worried will lose their 2nd amendment rights.

    4. Anonymous1:46 PM

      You guys talk about accidental shootings at these sort of displays.... but they never seem to happen.... unlike all the purposeful shootings and killings in all the liberal urban cities..... which you guys never talk about.

    5. Anonymous2:16 PM

      And, "you guys" love to show up armed to the teeth, but dollars to donuts, NONE of these "protectors" will mosey inside and enlist to serve this country....

    6. Anonymous3:49 PM

      hey now, looks like we as a country have almost completely embraced third world status ... do we win anything ?!? ..

    7. Anonymous12:40 AM

      Never happens... One man in Georgia was hospitalized after accidentally shooting himself last week. Police in Ohio confiscated an AR-15 from another volunteer guard who accidentally fired a round into the pavement.

  8. Anonymous12:18 PM

    So the next determined lunatic only has to look like a badass militia idiot to blend in and get up close and personal with an assault weapon. Providing cover for crazed shooters, that's a goal any penis-challenged gun-humper should strive for.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      As long as he doesn't have brown skin. Might be an Ayrab. So if u r Hispanic, stay away, they r liable to freak out and shoot u. And I especially love the guy in desert camp (u can't see me) and the one sweating thru the army shirt while just standing there. Wonder if any of them actually served.

    2. Anonymous1:53 PM

      @12:59 Yes, you are right. Someone like Adam Lanza would be a great candidate for blending in, then opening fire.

    3. Anonymous4:22 PM

      One recruiter said: "These people are an embarrassment. Military on guard duty don't sit around in lawn chairs, munching snacks and sucking down Mountain Dew. The first day, I watched one of these fat-bodies down three big 2-liter bottles of pop, two big bags of chips, and I don't know how many candy bars. The rest of the time he was dozing off in his chair".

  9. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Yeah, real heroes don't brag, impersonators of heroes stand armed in front a recruiting office to protect the trained military personel inside, who are brave enough to do the job UNARMED!!! What a bunch of fuckdopes, go home, quit showing the world how stupid you are. One has a better chance of getting struck by lightning and attacked by a shark in one day than they have of being attacked by a crazy lone gunman, grow the fuck up.

    Tap Duncan USMC

  10. Anonymous12:25 PM

    LOL at Gryphen's comment of bad assert.

    Who would want to go near much less enter a recruitment center with self proclaimed Rambos on guard?

    If some psycho ambushes or does a blitz attack it is doubtful being armed would save you. Especially if they carry unlimited rounds.

    I would drive away from that shopping center in fear the Ramboettes have a hair trigger.

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Exactly, I would imagine the other stores in that mall are pretty ticked off about the dopes with guns. Hell no way would I go anywhere near that place. And I would call up the stores and the recruitment center and tell them why.

  11. Anonymous12:27 PM

    We don't need soldiers and police, we have douchebags.

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      ARMED douchebags!

  12. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Just O.M.F.G. Look where this country has descended.

  13. Anonymous12:54 PM

    >>and spit shine your metal penis extender

    This is all I can say.

  14. Anonymous1:00 PM

    That's pretty dangerous looking, but then the terrorists might just die laughing.

  15. Anonymous1:01 PM

    They better be careful they don't shoot themselves in the foot

    1. Anita Winecooler6:32 PM

      They're like Dolly Parton, haven't seen their feet in years!!! No offense to Dolly, she's always been a class act.

  16. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Muslim Man Who Wants To Build Youth Camp Shocked By Terrorism Accusations

    "These people think because of the color of your face or your religion you’re not American."

    ...A Muslim man planning to build a secular summer youth camp in Michigan says he’s dumbfounded by accusations that it could be used to train terrorists.

    David Salha wants a special use permit to construct the camp on his 150-acre vacation property in the rural town of Lupton -- a bucolic community that’s 200 miles north of Detroit, where he owns a mattress store.

    The father of seven needs the Ogemaw County Planning Commission to approve his request, but attempts to get permission have been delayed as local residents cited concerns about noise, infrastructure, environmental impact -- and terrorism.

    ...“Is there anything written on paper that says this isn’t going to be turned into a terrorist training facility?” Bob Clark asked the board during the meeting, according to The Ogemaw County Herald.

    “There are a lot of people here that are concerned [that] this could very easily be a training camp,” added Tim Reetz, the Herald reported. “That is a perfect location for a training cell.”

    This makes me so ashamed to be American.

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Well this might make you feel better.

      Hijab-Wearing Teen Wins Best-Dressed

    2. Anonymous1:17 PM

      A recently released Gallup poll found “tidal shifts” over the past 60 years in Americans’ willingness to support a well-qualified black, female, Catholic or Jewish candidate for president.

      But the study also found that 60 percent of Americans would be willing to vote for a president who was a “generally well-qualified person who happened to be Muslim.”

    3. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Gee, according to c4p, we already did! Of course, they would argue the well qualified part.

  17. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Instead of standing there, why don't they sign up and join?

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      My bet is the military wouldn't take them.

  18. Anonymous1:52 PM

    What a bunch of neanderthals. They need to go enlist.

  19. Anonymous1:54 PM

    It must burn all you liberals up that there is a black guy there huh?

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      Oh yeah, it really tears us up. Clayton Bigsby was the death knell for us progressives.

      Thanks, Bristol!

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM

      And why would that be?

    3. Anonymous2:24 PM

      As an official spokesperson for liberals, I will state that we are even more enraged by the obese Caucasians, since we want to outlaw Big Gulps and such!

  20. Yeah, when you're trying to sell discipline and training, and certainly fitness, you don't want specimens in front of your establishment who look like displaced submissions to People Of WalMart.

  21. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Wannabe be tough? FUCKING ENLIST!!!

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      So Track and Dakota are tough?

      Never thought the IMers would say that.

    2. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Trackmarks didn't enlist; he was given the choice of military duty or jail time.

  22. Anonymous2:02 PM

    FEC Releases Donald Trump's Financial Disclosure Forms

  23. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Don't these people have jobs to go to ?????

  24. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Who the fuck is going to enlist with these fucklumps hanging around their point of entry? Bunch of fatass surly drunks.

  25. Anita Winecooler6:28 PM

    Who's giving out candy? Don't these kids know it isn't halloween yet?

  26. That was the military's polite way of saying recruitment is down because these yahoos are scaring away potential recruits.

    Would *you* want to walk through that gauntlet?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.