Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Believing there is blood in the water due to second video, Sarah Palin goes in for the kill on Planned Parenthood.

"Gotcha now Planned Parenthood."
Courtesy of Failin' Palin's Facebook page:Another video of a Planned Parenthood official bartering to sell the bodies of butchered babies for money. And we the taxpayers are STILL forced to fund this organization?

Of course the source of Palin's faux outrage is a second video released by the group "The Center for Medical Progress" that purports to show the same money for fetal parts operation that the first video failed to show.

As usual this Facebook post is really a way to drive traffic to Brancy's blog where Nancy French has her outrage dialed up to 11: 

Pro-abortionist groups told us we were twisting the words of the doctor from the first video. S he didn’t really mean to imply she was selling baby parts. Her tone was wrong, but what she was doing was right. All lies! They are selling baby parts! And this second video is proof of just how widespread the selling of butchered baby parts by Planned Parenthood really is. 

This evil has to stop! We have to call on our leaders in Washington to stop Planned Parenthood once and for all!

"This evil has to stop?" Okay no more Red Bull for you.

Of course news outlets were quick to point out that this video, even more than that first one, proves that the people behind it are outright lying about what it shows.

This from the Daily Beast:

The video has been edited to highlight specific comments of Gatter’s that make the conversation seem like a negotiation over profits—comments like, “Why don’t you tell me what you’re used to paying?” 

This time around, however, the CMP has also included statements by Gatter that debunk the idea that Planned Parenthood affiliates profit from the practice. 

“We’re not in it for the money,” Gatter makes it clear to the CMP actors at one point. 

“We don’t want to be in the position of being accused of selling tissue and stuff like that,” she says. “On the other hand, there are costs associated with the use of our space, and all that kind of stuff.” 

The CMP actors twice offer $100 per specimen but we never see Gatter commit to accepting that amount, only to “find[ing] out what other affiliates in California are getting.” She emphasizes to who she thought were biotech buyers that their “volume is so low,” referring to the fact that second-trimester abortions are relatively rare. 

In other words instead of helping to fan the outrage caused by the first video, intelligent viewers will see that it undermines the case made by those distributing it.
And here is more courtesy of Slate:  

While this new video is kicking off another round of disingenuous posturing from Republican officials and demands to "investigate" the non-crime of donating fetal tissue, the real story here is not unethical behavior on the part of Planned Parenthood, but on the part of anti-choice activists. As Eli Clifton and I reported for The Nation last week, the Center for Medical Progress shares leadership with the radical anti-choice organization, Operation Rescue, that devoted itself to harassing George Tiller until he was murdered by one of their regular activists in 2009. (Operation Rescue’s senior policy advisor Cheryl Sullenger also did time for an attempted clinic bombing in the 1980s.) These folks promise they have more videos coming, of course. That's what Live Action always promised and it's no surprise that their apparent spin-off would do the same. What would be a surprise is if any of these videos actually showed any wrongdoing.

And then there is this from Think Progress:

Live Action, a group founded by leading abortion opponent Lila Rose when she was just 15 years old, has become infamous for conducting undercover “stings” designed to discredit Planned Parenthood. Live Action typically releases videos that have been heavily edited to cast abortion providers in an unflattering light; however, upon further scrutiny, their claims that Planned Parenthood is breaking the law don’t hold up. 

For instance, Rose has previously claimed that she has evidence that Planned Parenthood employees cover up sex trafficking, lie about providing mammograms, and profit off of abortions — allegations that cannot be backed up with evidence. 

The recent videos are no exception. Though abortion opponents say they provide proof that Planned Parenthood is breaking federal laws by selling organs, fetal tissue donation has in fact been legal for decades. They’re also edited to appear more nefarious; in the full transcript of the first video, for instance, Nucatola says several times that the organization is not “selling” tissue, but rather being compensated for the cost of transporting the donations. “Nobody should be ‘selling’ tissue. That’s just not the goal here,” she says at one point.

I think it is beyond clear to critical thinkers that this whole thing is carefully edited bullshit. The problem is that those who are rabidly anti-choice and hate Planned Parenthood with every fiber of their being, are to critical thinking what Bristol Palin is to birth control.

In other words no connection whatsoever.

These videos are edited to cause low information viewers, already predisposed to be anti-choice, to fly into a rage at the thought that Planned Parenthood is selling aborted baby parts for a profit. It is exactly the kind of misinformation that resulted in the bombing of health clinics and the murder of Dr. Tiller.

And there is every possibility that we will see a similar reaction this time around.

You know I really used to think I could never think less of Sarah Palin than I did after the Gabby Giffords incident. Guess who was wrong about that?


  1. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Isn't there a word for people like palin; oh yeah...idiot is about right.

    1. Anonymous2:49 PM forgot grifter

    2. Anonymous4:47 PM

      With the "white outs" in her medical history, Hypocrite is another.

  2. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Sarah is just pissed off at planned parenthood because they didn't send anyone to Bristle's home daily to make sure she took her pill.

    1. Nope, she used the pill, it fell out

  3. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Quien es Sarah Palin?

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Good question, we should ignore the asswipe, Sarah the palin.

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      She is the village imbécil.

  4. Anonymous2:25 PM

    We, of course know Palin's narcissist disorder. And if she can incite more hatred and violence, so much the better.
    She continues to find new lows . A sewer rat if you will.
    Rat face Sarah . Best to keep eyes on her.

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      This is it exactly. She loves to fan the flames of hatred. It makes her feel powerful.

  5. Anonymous2:27 PM

    If it is not the general practice of hospitals to give tissue for medical research then Planned Parenthood should not do so either. BUT I suspect that hospitals do provide tissue but do NOT charge for storage/handling. Planned Parenthood and other smaller clinics probably run on a tighter budget than big hospitals.

    What astounds me about this whole kerfluffle is no one seems to be asking what is general practice of all medical facilities concerning tissue for medical research. What precisely is Planned Parenthood doing differently that every other provider of abortions, for example? Where is "the rest of the story"?

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Sarah Palin and her right-wing-nutty cohorts don't want to know the whole story. Facts never make a difference with someone like Sarah Palin. In fact, if you politely pointed out the facts surrounding any issue you would be accused by Sarah of sounding elitist and liberal.

    2. Anonymous3:22 PM

      My experience in a hospital, they called in the Red Cross to handle matters.

    3. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Certainly patients are allowed to donate their own tissue for research (in the case of my parents, their entire bodies to a teaching hospital). I thought (although I didn't see it) the original interview was a discussion of allowing patients to donate fetal tissue.

    4. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Unless it's the teaching hospital that is going to use the donated tissues all hospitals charge for the preservation , handling of said tissues. This is such a non issue.

  6. Anonymous2:29 PM

    She is pure unadulerated, incarnate EVIL.

    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      She feeds off hate.

  7. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Isn't it shark week?

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM

      That was last week. lol Sarah, like Bristol, is always a day late and a dollar short.

  8. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Sarah Palin don't tell us this is going to be Bristol in a few months. But but Duhkota is the daddy.

  9. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Why does Sarah Palin seem to be unconcerned with Bristol Palin's pals, Marina Lupas and her AK AFTADARK crew? Has Sarah abandoned her wild daughter? Sarah Palin has not been seen with Bristol Palin since before the failed wedding. Are you embarrassed for your pregnant(Daddy unknown) whorish daughter, Sarah? Did Bristol spoil your plans to sucker an MOH awardee? Sarah Palin is jumping around to coat tail any subject that might deflect from her own family's internal problems.

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      but.. but... Sarah adores her daughter so much she tags to a blog she named for her and hired someone to write. Sarah just can't deal with a person named Bristol. Isn't that how Grizzly Mama Bears do it?

  10. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I guess Bristol is single-handedly trying to make up for all those aborted fetuses.

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Yes. I agree with that. There are to be several more babies that were possibly born. What would they do with the babies they birth? If they lived on for awhile it could be several other grim possibilities.

      Don't forget Bristol has all the signs and appearances of someone who is in a cult or some mind altering state that keeps her trapped in a symbiotic relationship.

      She can't move on and she must protect whatever the cult is hiding.

    2. Anonymous11:19 AM


  11. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Whose name is tattooed above Marina Lupas's ass crack

  12. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Just like her daddy.

  13. Randall2:47 PM

    Once again: if what they say was happening (i.e. black-market-type baby-parts sales) really was happening, then WHY would they edit the video like they did? Why not show the whole video?

    It's getting to the point where Sarah Palin has become a perfect barometer of grift: if Sarah is outraged, then it is very likely a scam (LOOK at how terrible this is! Send me money).

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      They know a lot more about the black market than we can guess.

      No one knows how or where they got Trig for certain. Todd is in a sinister business as Shailey Tripp demonstrated. He must come into a great deal of trafficking. That can be weapons, drugs, people, you name it.

      Sarah and Bristol are known to project. Nothing much can surprise me about them at this point.

      I don't think either have much of a heart. They do not show any concern for the unborn. What someone writes about abortion issues is from a religious dogma. It doesn't mean they care about it.

      Yep, it comes down to the grift.

    2. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Spot on, Randall.

  14. Anonymous2:49 PM

    If Bristol had a relationship with an Aftadark bro then why won't she admit it? Is it because mommy and daddy might disown her?

  15. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Bristol Palin pals around with pornographers. Sarah Palin has no problem with it. Does Todd Palin have a connection to AK AFTADARK or

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      I don't know if Todd has direct contact with AK AFTADARK, it is very possible.
      Absolutely, he has contact with exotixllc and the others.

      This is Todd looking like he just had a good roll in the sack with some wild sex maniac. He managed to make it to the restaurant and be in the picture for the Sims girl. Her mother is a bestie of Bristol's at Alaska Dermatology & Laser. That is the place Bristol calls 'home' and claims to have worked there for 6 years. She is saying she works there right now.

      Todd and the gang having a good old time. This was before the Bristol/Dakota romance was known. junker907 commented 'cute'. Exotixllc, the Russia, is very much with the party and the Palins.

      Alaska Dermatology & Laser have reviews like 'Worst doctor ever.' One person or one of his staff did write a nice review, said he was highly recommended. They may be nice if Sarah or someone recommends them. Most of the reviews he sounds like a terror.

  16. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Huffington Post article - this issue being federally investigated - videos - authenticity. Sarah Palin is lying as usual!

  17. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Uh oh, Sarah's buddy is about to get banned by the christianists.

    Conservatives have finally found something about Trump to hate: his religion

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      I didn't read it but either he's an Atheist or a Papist?

    2. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Donald Trump Is A Plutocrat Populist From Hell

      Seven years after the financial crisis, the Republican Party has finally found its populist champion, and his name is Donald Trump.

      Yes, Trump's presidential campaign is a racist clownshow. And no, polls from July 2015 don't say very much about who will be president in January 2017. But there's more to Trump's burgeoning popularity than immigrant-bashing alone. He's running as a full-blown plutocrat populist, and populism is, well, popular -- especially after a grinding recession. That should be concerning to his 2016 opponents, since the platform Trump has outlined on the trail has a long and successful history in American politics.

      "All I want to do is make us rich, save your Social Security, [and] stop having everyone rip us off!" Trump said to cheers Tuesday.

      He was speaking at a rally in South Carolina, where his biggest applause lines weren't the shots at Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush or Rick Perry that animated cable news. Instead, Trump's loudest cheers came for his economic policy pronouncements on trade, which serve as a racist mirror of Bernie Sanders' populist platform.

      Trump never bemoans working conditions in overseas sweatshops, human trafficking abuses or the effect of prescription drug monopolies on the global poor (Sanders' conservative critics conveniently overlook these concerns, as well). Instead, Trump points his finger at China and Mexico, and says weak, corrupt politicians have negotiated away American jobs. When he trashed Apple on Tuesday for making iPhones in China instead of in the United States, and vowed to renegotiate trade policies to bring manufacturing jobs back home, Trump was tapping into decades of deep anger felt by working-class people across the political spectrum. Since the 1990s, American trade policies have indeed offshored jobs, depressed wages and exacerbated income inequality.

    3. Anonymous4:46 PM

      >>I didn't read it but either he's an Atheist or a Papist?

      Oh no, worse, he's a PRESBYTERIAN!!! LOL! Those evangelicals just can't stand that he doesn't grovel at the feet of Jesus. They're upset because he said he had never asked for God's forgiveness. I think that is unforgivable in the christianists book. They grovel and kowtow and beg forgiveness and then go out and do bad shit all over again.

    4. Anonymous6:42 PM

      He's a Trumpist.

    5. Anonymous9:49 PM

      Yes he is. Thank you for identifyings Doaldass tRump's pseudo-chrisiany denomination.

      If he were the pope, then and only then would he be a papist.

      He can't really be a Christian, because he is not Christ.


    6. Anonymous10:17 PM

      642 funny!

  18. Replies
    1. Anonymous6:12 PM


  19. Anonymous2:57 PM

    No surprise she's in bed with these guys:

    The Groups and Individuals Trying to Destroy Planned Parenthood Are Very Bad People

    The Campaign of Deception Against Planned Parenthood

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Very good. Was just going to post this myself.

  20. Anonymous2:59 PM

    If I was Sarah, or Bristol or really any of the Heath/Palin folks I'd not utter the words "Planned Parenthood" as it places a lot of attention and shines a bright light on their failings at planning their reproduction, including Sarah's "whiteouts" that we now know about, and Bristol's at least two "oopsies" that she never got to mother because either they were late aborted or given away to other people. If there is one thing they shouldn't mention it's "Planned Parenthood" as it seems to defy them.

    I had a little hope for the DWTS baby after seeing that cute little Tripp lookalike on the "4 Johnstons" fishing trip. I sure hope that he might have been given to someone local and that Levi gets to spend time with his third kid with Bristol. (Trig, Tripp and DWTS).

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Whoever wrote for Bristol the "Big News" and the next one made sure Bristol said she PLANNED her disappointed to blessing knock up.

      They knew the 'Planned Parenthood' attacks were coming.

      They thought that covered their asses. Bristol is independent and strong, you know? Doesn't need Planned Parenthood.

      They have no idea how thy appear to those outside of their little circle. I don't think they care. It is all about grifting and getting money from their dummies.

    2. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Without unmarried unprotected sex leading to pregnancy the Heath women wouldn't be able to get husbands. There you go. Only Heather got a man to marry her because he loved her, and only Bristol had a baby and still couldn't get a husband- so she's giving it another try.

      What a family, I'm glad my family don't know them socially.

    3. Anonymous11:19 PM

      8:52 PM How about these 2 secrets?

      How about Bristol's BFF:

  21. Anonymous2:59 PM

    That has to be the lamest video I have ever seen! AKafterdark is a putz

  22. Anonymous3:00 PM

    If there's any institution that Bristol Palin needed more than anything it was Planned Parenthood, several times over and especially this sping. Insticipating a wedding isn't the same as actually being married, and he needed prophylactics until the "I dos." Otherwise, she's another single mother with a sketchy past.
    She could have learned from her doctor, Planned Parenthood, or the dispenser behind the ladies' room door for condoms. Diaphraphms and plus take a little more attention. The morning after pill works just as well.

    Summary: Bristol wanted to be another single mother, for who know what crazy reason.

  23. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Still no congratulatory baby post from Sarah. Is she hoping if she ignores the new baby it won't exist? So weird for Sarah to direct traffic to brancy's blog about abortion, but no Facebook post about how wonderful Bristol is for choosing life. AGAIN.

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Weird, no announcement but she wore the ring. She needs to be institutionalized.

    2. Anonymous8:37 PM

      You don't get institutionalized for that, or "need" to be. Or do you think this is Soviet Russia? Sometimes the ignorance on this blog is as appalling as it is on c4p.

    3. Cracklin Charlie9:51 PM

      Interesting comment, 8:37.

      Did that one sting for some reason?

    4. Anonymous10:21 PM

      As many crimes as she committed it is a likely legal agreement to avoid court!

    5. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Many times comments are from c4p, clones, sock puppets or Heath/Palin family.

      It is noticeable they don't get puns, satire, snark and such what nots. I betcha Heath/Palin are sensitive about hearing institutionalized again.

      What happened to the IRS audit that bro Chuck was so disturbed over for the old man?

  24. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Aw, Sarry Payme, even the heavily censorious New York Times was right on to that bullshit.

    But whatever, let us hear from Cletus the Fetus's unmarried mommy what Nancy think$ about it all. Please proceed, governor.

  25. Anonymous3:09 PM

    If Marina and Bristol wanted to make money then they should have sold pictures and made a video together before Bristol announced she's with child. It would be kinda weird if they did it now.

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Marina does business with the Asia market, Russian and who knows where. She or they could be selling all kinds of things. Or they may be making film to sell later.

      Todd and/or Sarah may be paying them not to produce any films they would not want out and not under their control.

      Most pregnant women are happy and thrilled to show their selfie bellies and progressions. Bristol has to keep things dark and secret like a criminal. She is nothing like a planned pregnancy. There is plenty up that we have no idea about.

      But it does look like Marina is doing fine with her businesses and what she can release in public.

      Bristol does not have a baby daddy or a boyfriend. That means her best friend has the role of significant other for the pregnancy and baby. Bristol can't deal with life alone.

    2. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Bristol did not have help with spreading her legs, she made her own decision.

    3. Anonymous8:33 PM

      ENOUGH already with the sexist "spread legs" crap. We've heard about it. You are not original in any way.

    4. Anonymous11:11 PM

      8:33 PM We have heard about it too many times, so when will she learn to close them? AK AFTADARK has a video part for her. She doesn't even know which sperm donor hit the jackpot.

  26. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Again, did Bristol Palin not claim she PLANNED her PARENTHOOD of Cletus the Fetus of the Unknown Color-Indeterminate Father?

    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      After she originally said she couldn't hold chin up over "this one" and so disappointed.

      No No No, Brissy, you have to do "Mother" and Nancy's talking points...and the story changed.
      As always.

  27. Anonymous3:15 PM

    So it's pretty gross, the black guy pimps out the fat russian chick; it kind of looks like he owns her, which is what pimps do. I can't imagine Bristol hanging out with these people but it looks like they like drugs and sex/orgies and that's always been right up Bristol's alley, however she usually gets knocked up when she messes around as her latest baby bump is a testament of.

    What I find so funny is that it looks like they rented a room at the local Motel 6 in Anchorage to do their photo shoot; it's definitely some low-rent joint. Couldn't they put up the bucks for a decent hotel room? Trash, these people are trash, right down to the fat russian chick's trucker hat and tramp stamp on her lower back. Yuck!

  28. At least Bristol's grifts are consistent: from advocate of abstinence-only sex education to advocate of unplanned parenthood.

  29. Caroll Thompson3:16 PM

    I have been checking daily. No FEC Sarah Pac filing yet. Nine more days until the deadline of July 31, 2015.

  30. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Hey Gryphen, you might want to know about this new poll.

  31. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Okay, so Ms. Palin provided so little content to her TAPPS Sarah Palin Channel that they cancelled her contract yet now she's doin' some face booking twice a day? If she would have displayed this amount of work ethic while under contract to TAPPS or Fox then she might still have those jobs, but no, now that no one is listening she's going off twice a day. Too funny Sarah, too little, too late, which really, is the story of her life.

  32. What's the chance that one (or more) of the AKAftaDark guys is the father of Bristol's baby??

  33. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Good grief. Someone put out a missing person alert for Bristol. Would she actually post this old thing?

    Sarah has Bristol hidden away and Nancy or someone doing her IG.

    Keep your chin up, even if you need a fork lift.

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Bristle always forgets to add that that is being said about a WIFE in the bibull, not a two time basta pusher outer.

    2. Anonymous11:40 AM

      5:19 PM

      Chances are it is Nancy French that is using that. I doubt if Bristol keeps up with what they do with her name.

  34. Anonymous3:42 PM

    What fries me, what absolutely FRIES me, is that pointy finger of hers preaching away when her life, and that of her family, emulates nothing of what she speaks! They are involved in such underhanded dealings and scams, yet she tries to portray this "savior" persona. I absolutely abhor her to the core of my being.

  35. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Brancy wrote it all up on Stacey Dash's blog as well. That woman is the world's worst ghost writer. She only sounds like herself!

  36. Crystal Sage4:00 PM

    I was reading the comments on Sarah's Facebook page and, I must say, she still has a number of people following her in lock step regarding Planned Parenthood. These are the people we must be wary of: those that follow a person or an ideology blindly and rabidly. They are the future Planned Parenthood bombers and abortion providers' murderers. Once again, Sarah Palin will have blood on her hands.

    How very interesting that she has come out so against Planned Parenthood when her children would benefit from its services. Too bad your eldest daughter didn't take her birth control pills or was too dumb to remember, but that's not the fault of Planned Parenthood Sarah.

    Accept it, Sarah. You created a bunch of losers who have become prime examples of White Trash. While you deflect from that reality with your own faux outrage, we can only hope that some day you will STFU.

    1. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Isn't a burned TWOBULL planned parenthood?
      How about the white-out?
      She's such a hypocrite.

    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Yep. It is an ideolgy she speaks for/about. A cult, a religion. She doesn't have to believe what she spews, just what is the correct thing to spew for that crowd. Typical hypocrite.

  37. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Mrs. Palin,

    I'm sorry you are so shook up over some doctored (pun intended) video. Like you I hate to fund something I don't believe in like paying my cable bill and know a few cents of it goes to fund you or your inbred family's tv shows I don't watch!. Now PP receives about $536 million a year. That is about $1.50 for every man woman and child in the US. Are you willing to refund money on my cable bill? No. Then Shut The Fuck Up!!

    1. Anonymous7:43 PM

      @4:14, that was an awesome post!

  38. Anonymous4:17 PM

    My first child was born at a large teaching hospital, affiliated with a marvelous university. All the folks were professional and kind. I donated the after-birth for study (before stem-cell banks, etc,). How will medicine advance without human tissue? Shall we revert to grave-robbing? Evolve or leave, Sarah!

    1. Anonymous10:23 PM

      Eww...that puts it in perspective! Yeah donating beats grave robbing!

  39. Anonymous4:32 PM

    GRYPHEN, I BLAME THIS WHOLE DISASTER ON YOU! YOU have been telling us for years that you 'have the goods on her', but that you could not tell it because you 'had to protect your sources'.
    For YEARS you have been telling us that 'THE ICEBERG IS COMING', that 'SHE IS FINISHED', 'SHE CANNOT GO LOWER'.
    Well, guess what, Gryphen: YOU HAVE BEEN BUSY PROTECTING YOUR SOURCES, while SHE has been BUSY DESTROYING OUR NATION! Yes, in many things, she is just a mouth piece, jumping on a departing train, but nevertheless, SHE IS ADDING OIL TO THE FIRE.
    You watched as she came out to one of the Native villages, bringing them cookies, while other villages starved.
    You watched as she put up targets over politicians and got people killed and maimed, including an innocent nine year old girl.
    You watched as she declared that President Obama was installing 'death panels' with his health care.
    Now you watch as she is fanning the flames of hatred against an institution without which many, many women would not be alive.
    WHAT DOES IT TAKE, GRYPHEN, FOR YOU TO FINALLY SPILL YOUR BEANS and come out with the goods you have on her? WHEN WILL IT BE that you finally say : ENOUGH ALREADY! I TELL ALL, privacy of my sources be damned, because THE GREATER GOOD OF THE NATION IS AT STAKE!
    WHEN, GRYPHEN???????????????!!!!!

    Just LAST WEEK you said you knew 'something big'. Yet, AGAIN, you do nothing.


    But PLEASE, Gryphen, SPILL THE BEANS!!!!!! And DO IT NOW!

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      I think you need to accept the fact that Gryphen is full of sh!t and really doesn't know anything more than your average Alaskan citizen. It is really just that simple. I suspect that possibly he hit on SP years ago and she dissed him, hence his hellbent path to destroy her when she's done a great job of destroying herself.

    2. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Screaming in caps is tacky.

      And it won't get Gryphen's attention. Be respectful.

      If you must vent, do so respectfully, not screaming in all caps.

      Gryphen lives in a very dangerous place with the Palin mafia being what it is up there. Just because you are frustrated, doesn't mean he has to jump. Don't you think that he would 'spill the beans' if he could? If it was safe for him or for his source(s)? Of course he would. But when you've got a history of fires, murders, bribery and corruption related to the Palin klan, then it is wise to be cautious until you can equivocally reveal information without a huge risk.

      I deeply respect Gryphen for his integrity in how he goes about divulging what he does, when he does.

      I am equally frustrated with the damage that Sarah has done to our political discourse and our cultural behavior in the country, but I don't feel it is right to hold Gryphen responsible for any of that. He's done us a great service and continues to do us a great service in reporting on Sarah and her cohorts.

      Things tend to unfold perfectly, even though not always on the time frame that we wish they would. Yelling at Gryphen, on his blog, is like walking into his home office and screaming. You just don't do it if you have any manners.

      I take comfort in the fact that Sarah is hardly ever mentioned in any sort of news environment or main media formats. She gets attention, sometimes, on her FB posts, but less and less so. When I think back, though a long time in coming, when she blew her speech in Iowa earlier this year, there was a mass media writing off of her, lock, stock and barrel and ever since then, it's pretty much Breitbart and Examiner that will pick up her rants, and sometimes that filters out to a couple of other sources on the right, and if it's ridiculous enough, it's mocked on the left, like on Wonkette.

      Her ignorance and stupidity are often held up as a barometer with other politicians, so she gets mentioned, but no one is singing her praises, that's for sure.

      Now that Fox kicked her to the curb, and her 'channel' is days from being defunct, well, that just doesn't leave much of a footprint in the media other than FB and funneling stuff to Brancy.

      No one is asking her to speak. She's self promoting her skinny flat ass off, but most of the world is looking at her in the rear view mirror, sucking up the fumes from the cars.

      Gryphen will 'spill the beans' when it is safe for all involved. Until then, let's all respect and appreciate all he is doing for us.

    3. Okay Anonymous 4:32 is it that you don't understand how sources work, or that you don't want to know how sources work?

      If I burned a source and told all of you what I had been told, and by who, it would never get picked up by any other media, because the source would refuse to back me up.

      Not only that but any other source I was working with, or who might be considering reaching out to me in the future, would disappear in a puff of smoke.

      So if a source does not want to come out, there is very little that can be done except attempt to create an environment where they might feel safe in doing so. That is what I have tried to do, in multiple ways.

      However let me remind you that we have spilled so many beans here at IM, that we are almost literally hip deep in beans. From revealing photographs, to e-mails, to marriage documents, to audio and video tape, we have done quite a lot of work in which I personally take great pride.

      Now also consider the fact that Palin is, for all intents and purposes, finished.

      Sure she might still be able to post on Facebook, and get a few pennies from a rapidly shrinking group of blue haired lunatics, but essentially she has fallen further from the heights of her power in 2008 and 2009 than even I anticipated.

      No Fox News contract, no internet channel, no impressive book deal, nothing at all really.

      So for the most part, mission accomplished.

      Now as for Anonymous 5:02. You must be forgetting that I have seen Palin up close and personal. And trust me buddy, not even with your dick.

    4. Anonymous5:24 PM

      5:02 PM Suck on this:

      and this:

      Why did the Palins hide those 2 pregnancies? Do you know where those babies are? Tripp is not one of them, unless he was born in 2007. Gryphen has done a great job, and we appreciate him. You asshat detractors have nothing of substance to offer. You would be better off following to keep up with Bristol Palin.Freaks are attracted to freaks.

    5. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Oh sarah m.o. he wants me. Haha Gryph got turned down? Ha!

    6. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Two things: There is no longer any such thing as a "palin mafia" in Alaska. (If there ever was) The entire clan is eviled and NEVER appears anywhere in Alaska.

      Secondly: Gryphen/IM is on its way to 30 MILLION hits! So he damn well is doing something right when it comes to a global internet community that wants to see $creech et al. be taken away in handcuffs.

      Watch the IM tracker break speed records when the $arahPac filings are released on July 31! lol

    7. Cracklin Charlie8:45 PM's Gryphen's fault. Couldn't be Sarah's, could it?

      Just one question...Who has done more, with laughably little help from the national media, to neutralize the toxic effect of Sarah Palin on our national discourse than Gryphen?

      No one, that's who!
      March On, Gryphen!

    8. Anonymous10:30 PM

      Homeland security got called when those stupid mafia fucks got creative! Now it echos the sound of silence!

    9. Anonymous2:21 AM

      Marriage documents? I don't recall you posting marriage docs. I also don't recall seeing pictures here that are revealing. Or I am in the dark as to why they're considered revealing. You've had no bombshells or what I'd consider bombshells.

      Sorry. No disrespect. Your comment just confused me.

  40. Anonymous4:33 PM

    This is for the critic of the term Cletus the Fetus:
    Cletus the Fetus Cletus the Fetus Cletus the Fetus Cletus the Fetus Cletus the Fetus Cletus the Fetus Cletus the Fetus Cletus the Fetus Cletus the Fetus Cletus the Fetus and Cletus!!
    Better hope to hell that it's not Aftadark, Granny Tundra Turd

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Cletus wants to know if gramma ugly will be nice. Haha

    2. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Poor Cleus

      No Daddy to acknowledge him
      No Grandpa and Grandma to acknowledge him
      None of his Aunts, Uncles, or cousins have made an effort to acknowledge him
      Poor Cletus :(

    3. Anonymous7:03 PM

      You sound developmentally challenged.

    4. Anonymous7:26 PM

      7:03 PM Can hear written words, how special.

    5. Anonymous7:43 PM

      You need help. Do it soon. You are losing it. Do us a favor.

    6. Anonymous7:45 PM

      7:03's observation was valid. Your writings can make you 'sound' many things. You sound juvenile.

    7. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Reading is not hearing, but if you insist check the voices in your head.

    8. Anonymous10:30 PM


  41. Frosty - no longer AK5:04 PM

    Well this just makes it clear that I'll have to change my will and leave MORE to Planned Parenthood!

    Anything to burn old Moose Turd's drawers.

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      It makes me want to donate to PP in Sarah Palin's name (and throw in a little in Bristol and Nancy French's name while I'm at it).

  42. Anonymous5:06 PM

    @anon 3:15 pm,
    Why not? Pimp Daddy Tawd raised Bristle. Why would being around another pimp bother her?

  43. PalinsHoax5:13 PM

    Is that a photo of Caitlyn? If not, sure looks like Jenner's twin, except this photo is much more mannish and rougher looking that Cait.

  44. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I suppose Sarah has ZERO clue that if she's going to rant about Planned Parenthood that the first thing people are going to do is roll their eyes because of her hypocritical unwed pregnant daughter who can't keep her legs together even though she makes vows to keep them together and tells everyone else to keep them together. Stupid can't be fixed you're a Palin!

  45. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Planned Parenthood does damage control as GOP demands answers

    The issue could move front and center as Republican lawmakers try to score political points.

    ...Republicans leaders are preparing for votes this fall to defund Planned Parenthood, which receives more than $500 million in federal funds annually. Sens. Rand Paul (Ky.) and Ted Cruz (Texas), both running for the GOP presidential nomination, have said they will push amendments to cut off funding. Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and 10 other senators - including Cruz, Paul and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), another presidential hopeful - sent a letter on Tuesday to the Justice Department and Health and Human Services Administration calling for a full investigation into the conduct of Planned Parenthood.

  46. Anonymous5:24 PM

    When 99% of abortions are done, the embryo is the size of a collar button. There are no organs to sell.

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      That's what i was thinking, aren't they very tiny.

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      There rare sad cases where the baby will never live to term. Nature usually aborts the defective fetus long before it grows very large, but sometimes, the baby continues to grow, even though its heart or lungs or brains may never function normally. There are times when the mother develops toxemia, and has a chemical imbalance with the child insider her that could kill her. Sometimes,the baby is still born. These are acts of nature, and sadly, nature is not perfect. Today, the cells of that unborn child can be used as stem cells to help living people. Undifferentiated cells can replace blood cells in someone with leukemia. When we learn how to do it, nerve tissue could be replaced allowing function to return. When my grandchildren were born, their parents "banked" their umbilical cords, so they will have their own stem cells available in the future if they are needed.

      Sarah Palin and the people taking on Planned Parenthood have framed their discussion only about abortion. How about the two miscarriages that Palin had? Those were nature's way of aborting a fetus that could not live and come to term. Sarah Palin hated the word "abortion" so she covered it over with White Out and replaced it with "miscarriage." No, it was a spontaneous abortion. Nature does it all the time.

    3. Anonymous3:04 AM

      The blood stem cells come form the umbilical cord. Let's not get the uneducated masses riled up thinking that blood stem cells come from aborted fetuses. They come from many sources: the person's own, a siblings, an unrelated donor or an umbilical cord from a related or unrelated donor, usually harvested after a live birth.

    4. Anonymous3:21 AM

      That is the disgusting, misleading purpose of her rant-"they are selling baby parts". Immediately there is an image of a full term, fully developed baby, not fetal tissue.

    5. Anonymous3:52 AM

      Of course you're right, Anon at 6:01 pm, but when are facts allowed to interfere with a Palin rant? She and many teabagger legislators across the country would just love to accuse women who miscarry of committing a crime. What's amazed me is that the national medical organizations, like the AMA, have remained so silent. It's about time that doctors got vocal about this absolute nonsense being spouted by ignorant mean and money-grubbing right-wing politicians.

  47. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Whoa. Ricky Perry is none too happy with the Trumpster. Check out this little smackdown.

    --But wait — he isn’t finished yet!

    I, for one, will not be silent when a candidate for the high office of president runs under the Republican banner by targeting millions of Hispanics, and our veterans, with mean-spirited vitriol.

    I will not go quiet when this cancer on conservatism threatens to metastasize into a movement of mean-spirited politics that will send the Republican Party to the same place it sent the Whig Party in 1854: the graveyard.

    As a veteran, I took offense to his attack on Senator McCain, and I found lacking his defense that he spent a lot of money on veterans’ parades.

    Donald Trump was born into privilege. He received deferments to avoid service in Vietnam. He breathes the free air thousands of heroes died protecting. And he couldn’t have endured for five minutes what John McCain endured for five and a half years.

    But most telling to me is not Mr. Trump’s bombast, his refusal to show any remorse for his comments about Senator McCain, but his admission that there is not a single time in his life that he sought the forgiveness of God.

    A man too arrogant, too self-absorbed, to seek God’s forgiveness is precisely the type of leader John Adams prayed would never occupy the White House.

    Adams, Lincoln, FDR – they all went before God on bended knee. They all held this office of great power with humility.

    When a candidate under the Republican banner would abandon the tradition of magnanimous leadership of the presidency, when he would seek to demonize millions of citizens, when he would stoop to attack POWs for being captured, I can only ask as Senator Welch did of Senator McCarthy, “Have you no sense of decency, sir?”

    My fellow Republicans, beware of false prophets. Do not let itching ears be tickled by messengers who appeal to anger, division and resentment.

    Resentment is the poison we swallow that we hope harms another. My fellow Republicans, don’t take the poison.

    Scripture tells us “a house divided against itself cannot stand.”

    The candidate who wins the Republican nomination for president will articulate the best vision of “a house united.”

    It will be based on a conservatism that works, that appeals to our better angels, that believes in the power of individuals, through hard work and thrift, to improve our lives.

    We need a president who rises above personal grievances, petty differences, raw partisan politics. Who puts the nation first, who inspires Americans to believe again and produce again and dream again.

    We must move past the empty calories of Trumpism, and return to conservatism.

    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Damn, in this minute in time I respect Rick Perry and almost like him.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

      And Trump said "he now wears glasses to look smart" hmmmmmm whose playbook did he rip that page out of???

    3. Anonymous7:06 PM

      It IS possible to loathe both those stinking pieces of shit at the same time. Perry is critical of Trump for one reason and one reason only... they are both running for the same nomination.

    4. Anonymous9:13 PM

      They are both major shitbags. I hope they drive each other right into oblivion.

    5. Anonymous10:33 PM


    6. Anonymous11:57 AM

      6:07 PM
      You just like when he is using the old Texas charm. It is rare now and people forget. Perry is the same idiot jerk, he is just able to use a more charming way at times. When he says something agreeable it is that much better.

  48. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Yep, this is the kind of hate she stirs up: A reply to MJShepard's comment and link to his site and a satirical article he wrote. This guy seems to have fallen for it as truthful (they never do read beyond headlines)

    famouswolf M.Joseph Sheppard • 3 hours ago
    Oh brother.
    People really still believe this crap?
    This dumb sob sure as hell doesn't speak for me. I'd 'reward' 0 with a rope and a lamp post today if I could. And every such pos sycophantic quisling like him I could get my hands on.

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Famouswolf spews a lot of hate rhetoric, some of it quite threatening and alarming. He often talks about committing suicide, as well.

    2. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Please don't bring this shit here. If I wanted to read it I'd visit her FB page myself - which I don't, so I don't!

    3. Anonymous7:43 PM

      7:08, This is not from her facebook, but rather from c4p. Please skip over any comments that are not to your liking, rather than trying to censor other IMers.

    4. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Anonymous7:08 PM
      Please don't bring this shit here. If I wanted to read it I'd visit her FB page myself - which I don't, so I don't!

      Well, it just seemed more appropriate here than the "Bunnies, Rainbows, and Flowers" thread.

    5. Anonymous7:50 PM

      I agree 100% with 7:08, and thank you for saying it far more diplomatically than I ever could.

  49. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Apologizing in advance to Gryph for the language, but would that screeching bitch please crawl back under her rock and shut the hell up?!?!?! No one gives a shit what she has to say

  50. Anonymous6:14 PM

    To Anonymous 4:32 PM GRYPHEN, I BLAME blah blah

    Like everybody else who reads Immoral Minority, I would love to see certain Palins do the perp walk in front of hundreds of cameras and all their hidden assets confiscated but I'm not going to expect or respect anybody who discloses privileged information without the permission of the source. Until then, the Palins are masters at shooting themselves in the foot.

  51. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Sarah you're too busy on Facebook, is that why Todd took off? You're not taking care of your business.

  52. Anita Winecooler6:40 PM

    Poor Sarah, guess she doesn't notice the heavy edits, can't blame her, It must be hard going through life keeping one eye on russia and the other on a fraud video.
    While you're on the topic of fetuses and trafficking, congratulations on the impending birth of your (fill in the blank)th grandcritter, and have you seen Todd?

  53. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Chuck Jr. visited the pond very briefly tonight, just to mention that AIP PALIN is very busy these days. Of course the pond dwellers interpreted that to mean that surely she is working to start her campaign. I assume she is busy searching for Todd, Track, Jill, Bristol's baby daddy, and trying to figure out how to excite her loony base to continue to support her PAC.

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Chuck Jr. is still trying to grift.

    2. Anonymous9:11 PM

      What the hell is Chuckles Jr. so busy doing?

    3. Anonymous3:39 AM

      @anon 9:11 pm

      Probably cheating on his latest wife.

    4. Anonymous7:44 AM

      "PALIN is very busy these days."


  54. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Sarah Palin’s facebook :

    Sarah Palin added 9 new photos
    10 hrs · 

    Happy Birthday (all week), Payton! My absolute favorite nephew! (Top 7 anyway.) and more bullshit

    Out of the 9 pictures Sarah Me Me Me posted, Sarah is in 6 of those pictures. So basically this facebook birthday post is Sarah's way of posting old pictures of herself so she can relive the days when some people cared.

    Out of the 9 pictures Todd is in 0. Where is Todd?

    1. Anonymous9:11 PM

      I think Todd finally told Sarah to fuck off. Maybe seeing Bristol trying to trick a guy into marrying her brought back some bad memories of Sarah doing the same thing (but successfully) to Todd.

    2. Anonymous9:57 PM

      Haven't checked the pics yet, but isn't it kind of telling that a nephew gets more pictures for his birthday than either one of her kids or her 'husband'?!

      She not only seems to be divorced from Two-Toned-Toad, but seems to have divorced herself from her whole fandamily!

    3. Anonymous10:06 PM

      The Family may have finally decided to fly the coop. How much money can she provide her grifting Family now? The price of silance is expensive and the payola is drying up. Leaving a sinking ship.

  55. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Failin' Palin just trying to stir things up again. Such a worthless, irrelevant, willfully ignorant piece of shit.

  56. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Vile, evil, and ignorant cvnt.

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      When will Mini-Me have her own brand?

  57. Anonymous8:25 PM

    "We cannot let Facebook or any other pro-abortion groups silence this story! Planned Parenthood cannot get away with this!
    Please spread the word about Planned Parenthood’s human trafficking and join me in demanding that they be stopped once and for all!"

    That from "Planned Parenthood Caught Selling Baby Parts!!"

    It got me, that they make her sound like an activist. As if she is doing something. Join her! Sure. You can't even make a comment. Even her ghostwriter is too lazy to do the work.

    Later they post "Work Life". It is almost a confessional, proving she doesn't work. Just some old picture of her working her selfie routine with the lips. What a messed up con she is to let herself be used like a cheap pitiful flunky.

  58. Anonymous11:01 PM

    You know what I don't like? She doesn't even wear her bumpits any more!

    1. Anonymous4:22 AM

      Funny you mentioned that. Mayor Sarah Palin used to wear corsages along with her bumpit but not any more. Facebook Sarah now wears her fake breasts when she goes out.

  59. Anonymous4:16 AM

    I made a mistake

    Anonymous 6:45 PM

    Sarah Palin’s facebook :

    Sarah Palin added 9 new photos
    10 hrs · 

    Happy Birthday (all week), Payton! My absolute favorite nephew! (Top 7 anyway.) and more bullshit

    Out of the 9 pictures Sarah Me Me Me posted, Sarah is in 6 of those pictures. So basically this facebook birthday post is Sarah's way of posting old pictures of herself so she can relive the days when some people cared. 

    Out of the 9 pictures Todd is in 0. Where is Todd?


    "Out of the 9 pictures Sarah Me Me Me posted, Sarah is in 6 of those pictures."

    "Out of the 9 pictures Sarah Me Me Me posted, Sarah Me Me Me is in 7 of those pictures"

    Honest mistake true story:
    In one of the pictures I thought I was looking at 4 guys. After looking again to see how many of Sarah's kids were in the pictures, I noticed in the second picture there are 4 guys wearing baseball caps but one of the guys who looked like a little old hunched back man was actually Sarah Me Me Me Palin herself (not wearing a baseball cap).

    Sarah Me Me Me Palin is in 7 out of the 9 pictures
    Missing Todd Palin: Zero
    Track Palin: Zero
    Bristol Palin: Zero
    Willow Palin: Zero
    Piper Palin: Zero
    Trig Palin: Zero
    Tripp Palin: Zero
    Kayla Palin: Zero
    Jill Hadassah (Sarah's dog): Zero
    Sally or Chuckie: Zero
    Todd's parents: Zero
    Sarah's Dakota Meyer: Zero
    Bristol's unborn baby's daddy: Zero
    Bristol's porno model friend: Zero

    Does anybody see a pattern to the montage of pictures Sarah Me Me Me Palin posted on her Me Me Me Facebook on July 22 at 9:27 am?

    This montage of pictures was actually a shrine to narcissistic Sarah Me Me Me Palin reliving her old days.

    Sorry about all the Me Me Me's. Sally and Chuckie should have given Sarah that name as her middle name.UPDATE:
    I made a mistake

    Anonymous 6:45 PM

    Sarah Palin’s facebook :

    Sarah Palin added 9 new photos
    10 hrs · 

    Happy Birthday (all week), Payton! My absolute favorite nephew! (Top 7 anyway.) and more bullshit

    Out of the 9 pictures Sarah Me Me Me posted, Sarah is in 6 of those pictures. So basically this facebook birthday post is Sarah's way of posting old pictures of herself so she can relive the days when some people cared. 

    Out of the 9 pictures Todd is in 0. Where is Todd?


    "Out of the 9 pictures Sarah Me Me Me posted, Sarah is in 6 of those pictures."

    "Out of the 9 pictures Sarah Me Me Me posted, Sarah Me Me Me is in 7 of those pictures"

    Honest mistake true story:
    In one of the pictures I thought I was looking at 4 guys. After looking again to see how many of Sarah's kids were in the pictures, I noticed in the second picture there are 4 guys wearing baseball caps but one of the guys who looked like a little old hunched back man was actually Sarah Me Me Me Palin herself (not wearing a baseball cap).

    Sarah Me Me Me Palin is in 7 out of the 9 pictures
    Missing Todd Palin: Zero
    Track Palin: Zero
    Bristol Palin: Zero
    Willow Palin: Zero
    Piper Palin: Zero
    Trig Palin: Zero
    Tripp Palin: Zero
    Kayla Palin: Zero
    Jill Hadassah (Sarah's dog): Zero
    Sally or Chuckie: Zero
    Todd's parents: Zero
    Sarah's Dakota Meyer: Zero
    Bristol's unborn baby's daddy: Zero
    Bristol's porno model friend: Zero

    Does anybody see a pattern to the montage of pictures Sarah Me Me Me Palin posted on her Facebook on July 22 at 9:27 am?

    This montage of pictures was actually a shrine to narcissistic Sarah Me Me Me Palin reliving her old days.

    Sorry for all the Me Me Me's, trying to get a point across to Sarah. Sally and Chuckie should have given that name as a middle name to Sarah instead of Sarah Louise Palin

    1. Anonymous6:32 AM

      Sorry, pasted twice

  60. Minute sixteen.

  61. Anonymous8:25 AM

    How did this family get so messed up?

    Chuck Heath Sr., Ray Carter, Walter Koenig

    Mr. Creeper, a dude that trys way to hard with chicks, usually younger chicks. Also usually waits till the chicks are fucked up to take advantage of them.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.