Friday, July 24, 2015

It looks like Bill Cosby is finally going to have to take the stand in response to allegations of sexual assault a15 year old girl.

Courtesy of Business Insider: 

Bill Cosby lost his latest bid to fend off a lawsuit accusing him of sexually abusing a 15-year-old girl at the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles in 1974, as the California Supreme Court on Wednesday denied the comedian's petition to review the case. 

The accuser's attorney, Gloria Allred, said the decision cleared the way for litigation brought by Judy Huth, now in her 50s, to proceed, and that she intended to take Cosby's sworn deposition within the next 30 days. 

"We are looking forward to Mr. Cosby answering questions under oath at his deposition," Allred said. "It's a very big victory." 

More than forty women have now accused Bill Cosby of sexually assaulting them.

Here is the story about Cosby's 2005 deposition where he admitted that he obtained drugs to use on young women, and here is a list of those who have come out publicly.

Personally I don't know if I will be able to watch his testimony.

Like I said I was once a huge fan, and even though I am more than convinced of his guilt, I think I will still have some difficulty watching him on the stand trying to justify what he did to these women, or deny that he did anything wrong at all.

However having said that if he loses this case I don't see how I could miss the opportunity to see somebody who did such terrible things face a little justice.


  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    If he has any brains he will check himself into a hospital for dementia and stay there forever.

  2. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Former New Orleans Saints safety Darren Sharper pleaded guilty to drugging and sexually assaulting three women in New Orleans. He also plead guilty in CA, NV and AZ to additional drugging and raping charges.

    Bill Cosby should be in jail cell next to Darren. Hope he is real soon.

  3. Anonymous9:35 AM

    JJ Walker said it was common knowledge among comedians he chased women in every town they visited doing stand-up. Judd Apatow is now going back to doing standup and did a skit recently where he mocked Cosby and basically asked Camille "do you like your lifestyle"? Meaning the reason she kept her mouth shut was for lifestyle and material things. THAT also makes me sick! She's an accessory as far as I'm concerned!

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      The "Trainwreck" director and producer finished his set with a big joke about troubled star Bill Cosby.

      "Cosby is still out on the road. Isn't that weird?" the producer asked the show's audience before mocking the comedian's current dilemma in regards to rape allegations, according to the video, which can be seen below. "What do you think his act is like? Do you think he's still talking about it? You think he, like, says, 'You ever been in trouble with the wife?'" said Apatow in Cosby's classic voice.

      "You ever, like, get into the doghouse with the wife? You know, the doghouse with the wife cause of something that ya did? Like the other day, there was something about me in the paper, and I didn't want my wife to read the paper. So I got up, and at five in the morning, I snuck out to the driveway to get the paper, and I hid the paper. And the next day, I got up, and I hid the paper. And then the next day, I forgot to get the paper. And my wife, she said to me, 'What is this in the paper about the raping and the drugging and the women?' And I said, 'Do you like your life? Do you like the house and the jet? Well then, have a cappuccino and shut the floick up."

    2. Anonymous10:25 AM

      She's an accessory as far as I'm concerned!

      I couldn't agree more. Too bad there are not laws to do more to the accessories. Dottie Sandusky and others.
      The Complicated Case Of Camille Cosby

      Camille Cosby has issued only one statement since the allegations first resurfaced in November, 2014, saying:

  4. ibwilliamsi9:35 AM

    "But it was the SEVENTIES!" might not work this time.

  5. ManxMamma9:36 AM

    I agree with you Gryphen. From the moment this news began coming out I have avoided looking at his face. Pretty difficult as it seems a new story came out everyday. How can he live with himself? Apparently he has a good source for drugs, why not take the cowards way out. What a shameful legacy.

  6. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I hear you. I was such a big fan of his for so long. But I have grown to loathe the man. He deserves to be locked away for the rest of his life for all the pain he has caused.

  7. Anonymous9:48 AM

    oh yucky. only nasty gross people must drug another human to abuse and molest them.

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Look at him, how else could he get women to sleep with him?

  8. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I agree with the commenters above. I used to be quite a fan of his. But, I guess, you never know what lurks behind a facade.

    I hope he rots in hell for all the things he did and said to those girls who are women by now. They had to live a life in hell, because even if they said something, nobody believed them. Now at least, hopefully, there will be some justice and maybe some closure for them.

  9. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Why was there a 15-year-old girl at the Playboy Mansion?

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Wondering that myself. Was it one of Sally Heaths offspring?

      Earthymama / Chicago

    2. I was wondering that as well. Where were her parents? I know that my 15 year old daughter would never be at the playboy mansion. Perhaps they are culpable, neglent, certainly they were at least disinterested parents.
      Not to say that anybody should drug another person.

    3. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Not the first and not the last, I'm sure.

    4. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Phyllis---nice way to get in a little victim-blaming there, under the radar.

    5. Anita Winecooler6:26 PM

      There's a lot of kids left in the streets, homeless and vulnerable for any number of reasons, and they go to hollywood with dreams of getting a big break. People like pimps and pushers use them for sex trafficking, promising easy money and the chance at fame..... and predators like Cosby know that. I doubt he introduced the girl as a fifteen year old, and with his fame and ties, he was given carte blanche and a blind eye. Think people like Heffner and Flint give a crap who famous people bring with them?
      Frontline did a series following these kids, and many were used to peddle drugs because the dealers know they're minors and won't get "hard time", same with the pimps. As long as there's a demand, these lost kids fall through the cracks and get replaced the next bus that pulls up and brings a fresh crop.

    6. I am not blaming the victim. I'm blaming the victims parents.

  10. Anonymous10:11 AM

    HOORAY !!!!!!!!!

  11. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I would also like to see the bully from Ak take the stand for his behaviors.

  12. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Because it was the Seventies!

    Pay attention! /s

  13. Anonymous10:39 AM

    "We are looking forward to Mr. Cosby answering questions under oath at his deposition," Allred said. "It's a very big victory."



  15. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Bill Cosby’s own words provide scandalous details of his hidden life

  16. Otto Katz10:54 AM

    Don't watch. I'm not going to. I don't have to watch this train wreck for it to go on, the judge will be there, the jury, the lawyers...I'm not needed. None of us are. Don't watch.

  17. angela10:55 AM

    Disgusting criminal behavior from a man who made his name
    embodying the spirit of family. And he will do NO jail time
    for any of it . . . . There should be no statute of limitations on
    rape and assault.

    1. Anonymous11:44 AM


    2. Anonymous1:05 PM

      He's also spent a lot of time lamenting about what's wrong with kids today, how (especially African American) youth should be more respectful and strive for greater things. And all the time, he was drugging and raping.

  18. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Nearly 30 years ago my father passed away unexpectedly. It had been a very difficult time for my family as my sister had been diagnosed with terminal cancer the previous year, the stress of which no doubt was the cause of my father's passing.

    Although the days and weeks around that time are mostly a blur, one vivid memory is of the night after the funeral when my family, including my ill sister who had flown in from across the country, gathered in our living room. We needed an outlet for all of the emotion that we had experienced and decided to watch a video of an old Bill Cosby stand up routine. It was exactly the cathartic release we needed, although we wondered what the neighbors would think as they heard us roaring with laughter through the open windows. I don't remember a time when my family felt closer than that night.

    The revelations of the past few months have made that memory feel dirty.

    1. Otto Katz11:28 AM

      Oh 10.58, I'm so sorry for that association. Remember the love of your dad, and the closeness you all felt at that time. Please realize it doesn't matter the which jackass you were laughing at. Hugs to you.

    2. Anonymous1:37 PM

      I'm sorry. He fooled very many people though. Maybe the fact that for a time his comedy offered solace will help scrub off a teeny bit of his karma...

  19. Anonymous11:23 AM

    O/T Looks like there might be one less clown on the bus

    Rick Perry Loses As Court Rules That He Must Face Felony Abuse Of Power Charges

    A Texas appeals court tossed one charge against Rick Perry but ruled that he must go to court to face a felony charge of abusing his power while governor.

    The Houston Chronicle reported:
    The former governor, who is running for the GOP nomination for president, repeatedly failed in efforts get the indictment dismissed by state Judge Bert Richardson. He took his case to the 3rd Court of Appeals in Austin.

    The 3rd Court agreed with Richardson that it was too early in the case to decide whether the first count against Perry, charging abuse of official capacity, was unconstitutional as applied to the former governor. It is a first-degree felony.

    But the appeals court rejected the second count, coercion of a public servant, saying that the law on which it is based violates the First Amendment.

    The bigger charge that Perry is facing in terms of his bid for the Republican presidential nomination is the abuse of power charge. In a Republican field that is loaded with scandal-tainted candidates, Perry is the only one who could be headed to trial while Republican voters are selecting their candidate.

    At the heart of the case is Perry’s attempt as governor to use his veto power to withhold funding from the Public Integrity Unit in order to force a county district attorney to resign. Perry’s threat and abuse of his veto power has him facing a potential prison term if he is found guilty.

    Rick Perry has gone nowhere in the Republican presidential polls, but after losing another appeal, it is clear that the former governor has a better chance of living in prison than in the White House.

  20. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I'm waiting for the day that some of the Anchorage women press charges against Todd.

    1. Anonymous12:16 PM

      He will be lucky if it is not a young friend of one of his girls. Do you think he would always ask for ID first?

  21. Anonymous11:39 AM

    He is acting like he doesn't think he did anything wrong because he doesn't think what he did was wrong.
    Sex offenders don't think what they do is wrong, ever. From child molesters, to rapists, to peeping toms.

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      The sex offences are horrible but a violation of having a chemical put in your body without knowledge or consent, that alone is a terror.

      I don't don't see how anyone could rationalize it is right to drug someone for any reason.

    2. Anonymous3:11 PM

      11:39--it's exactly the same with the Duggars. According to them, what Josh did was no big deal because, for the most part, "the girls were asleep".

      See? Nothing wrong there.

  22. 21 years later, I tried watching a "Naked Gun" movie, and as soon as O.J. Simpson's name came on the screen, I shut it off. I have no more inclination to put on a Cosby album, or any of his series episodes. I can still listen to a pop record on the old Philles label, but only because Phil Spector isn't seen or heard, and I was never a Robert Blake fan to begin with. Michael Jackson's death hasn't made me forget the 20 million 1994 payoff. Don't even get me started on Mel Gibson.

    No matter how many times the lesson is repeated, it is just too easy, again and again, to lull ourselves into the conviction that, because we admire someone's talent, we are at all informed of their morality.

    I'm glad my uncle didn't live to see this. He was an I Spy devotee, owned several of the 60s stand-up albums, and laughed with us at the filmed concerts and immensely successful 80s series. Along with those dozens of women, Cosby raped that memory too.

    1. I can't watch anything with Mel Gibson anymore.

  23. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I really hate it when people still defend the indefensible and Cosby is indefensible. He is no better than any other rapist walking the streets. Absolutely shameful.

  24. Anonymous2:28 PM

    O/T but still relating to sexual abuse...

    The Duggars are digging in for a lawsuit:

    The Duggars plan to go down swinging, a family insider tells In Touch, after the cancellation of 19 Kids and Counting. “The family fortune has taken a massive hit — and they’re fighting back against everyone. It smacks of desperation.”

    People magazine reported that Jim Bob Duggar killed the potential spinoff featuring his daughters because he wants to be back on television and did not want the focus to move away from him.

    In this context, it is possible that Duggar is both looking for a payoff and a pathway back on to television. The fact that the Duggar attorney wants to hold closed-door negotiations with the city suggests that they are more interested in being paid than going to court.

    The Duggar fame was always built on being on television. Without television, their celebrity and earning power are both severely limited. If the Duggars don’t land back on television, they are finished.

    The upcoming TLC documentary on abuse featuring the Duggars should be viewed in the context of a family that wants to get back on television ASAP.

    The takeaway here is that the Duggars aren’t showing remorse for their actions in covering up their son’s molestation. The only thing the Duggars are concerned about is getting back on TV and getting paid.

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      If the Duggers are such good Christians, why not depend on their Lord to provide? Maybe stop having children they can not afford without a TV show? Hypocrites. If TLC gives the daughters their own shows, it will be the same old same old. One baby after another for the rest of their reproductive lives. GET JOBS like others do, limit the babies to what you can afford to raise. You are NOT Bristles Palin, after all.

  25. I think he is a dirty pervert,but at the same time,what the hell was a 15 year old girl doing at the Playboy Mansion?

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      And how does that impact at all upon what Cosby did?

  26. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Just to make the whole story even more disgusting, Dr. Crosby (as he likes to call himself) had the actress that played Denise on the Crosby Show fired because she made an R- rated film.

    In the mean time he was busy drugging and rapping women.

  27. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon4:38 PM

    Why in the world is Bill Cosby wearing nearly-opaque, darker-than-dark sunglasses indoors?

    To me, that is in itself a sign of something very serious to hide.

  28. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Well the date rape drug is the Rage in Alaska bars! Especially in Palmer...some in Wasilla...a bad situation...know of a few cases...their account is accepting a drink and they don't remember anything after that! They have a public service commercial on it!

    1. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Yeah I saw that commercial! Hmmm.

  29. Anita Winecooler6:52 PM

    What galls me most is that he thinks he's somehow above the law. Just like other pedophiles, rapists and scum we've seen way too many times. I was a huge fan of his comedy, "To Russel, My Brother, with whom I have slept" was played and replayed until the vinyl was worn off, and I went out and got the cd when they first came out. I felt empathy for him and Camille when they lost their son, Ennis, to murder. And who didn't appreciate the genius of "The Cosby Show"?
    To see him fall ever so slowly to newer and newer lows to this point makes me ill just to look at his mug. It's not just the drugging and rape part, it's using his "fame" as a mask to excuse his behavior, and not wanting to hurt "poor Camille", his "long suffering" wife who's stood by him and supported him with her silence for years.
    Gloria Allred's one tough cookie, when she gets her teeth in, she's like a pitbull on steroids. I don't think he's prepared for the comeuppance she'll deliver. I've lost any shred of respect for this man, he's a user and abuser and needs to face justice, look these women in the eye while they're victimized again by his lawyer's cross examination.
    If he had a shred of decency, he'd admit his guilt and spare them further pain and humiliation. If there's any consolation, I hope the victims find some degree of comfort knowing the truth will come out.

  30. I saw guest spots on Letterman and Colbert a few years ago. He was barely coherent. I could see the fear in Colbert's eyes as he had no idea what Cosby would say nor any way to help him.

    If they are going to have him testify first it should be soon and second it should be early in the morning. If he has the type of Alzheimer's that gets worse as the day progresses, he may not be able to remember enough to give any coherent testimony.

  31. Anne In DC7:40 AM

    The people asking what a 15-year-old girl is doing at Playboy Mansion and citing her parents also need to be asking why a grown, married man of 36 or 37 at the time with daughters of his own would take two underage girls to the mansion. He told them to lie about their ages in order for them to be able to enter the mansion, and he was a very good friend of Hugh Hefner, one of the biggest enablers to his predation. He also plied them with alcohol before molesting Judy Huth. I love the way his defenders go on about how he deserves his day in court, a day he has avoided for decades with payments, bribes, and threats of legal action or threats to keep people from working in Hollywood.


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