Friday, July 24, 2015

Jeb Bush wants to do away with Medicare. Does he not know his constituency?

"People hate Medicare, right?"
Courtesy of MSNBC: 

Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush appeared at a New Hampshire event last night sponsored by the Koch brothers’ Americans for Prosperity, and the former governor raised a few eyebrows with his comments on the future of Medicare. 

“The left needs to join the conversation, but they haven’t. I mean, when [Rep. Paul Ryan] came up with, one of his proposals as it relates to Medicare, the first thing I saw was a TV ad of a guy that looked just like Paul Ryan … that was pushing an elderly person off the cliff in a wheelchair. That’s their response. 

“And I think we need to be vigilant about this and persuade people that our, when your volunteers go door to door, and they talk to people, people understand this. They know, and I think a lot of people recognize that we need to make sure we fulfill the commitment to people that have already received the benefits, that are receiving the benefits. But that we need to figure out a way to phase out this program for others and move to a new system that allows them to have something – because they’re not going to have anything.” 

Remember, Jeb Bush is the ostensible moderate candidate in the massive GOP presidential field. It says something important about Republican politics in 2015 when the most mainstream candidate is also the candidate who wants to scrap Medicare altogether.

So not only does Jebbie support his brother's invasion of Iraq, but he also supports his efforts to privatize a program that works great and benefits millions of Americans.

Americans by the way that are usually elderly and who make up the base of the Republican party.

With this "phase out" talk Bush is hoping that like most GOP politicians the primary voters will have an "I got mine so screw the rest of you" attitude about Medicare.

But in fact parents want their children covered, and grandparents want their grandchildren covered as well.

As one elderly woman made abundantly clear:

Jeb Bush defended comments he made Wednesday night in which he seemed to advocate the “phasing out” of Medicare, after he was confronted during a town hall here Thursday afternoon by an elderly woman who said she was worried about losing benefits. 

“We’re not going to have adequate coverage for our children or our grandchildren without Medicare. I paid into that for years and years, just like all these other seniors here, and now you want to take it away?” said the woman, who did not identify herself and left before the town hall concluded. “Why are you always attacking the seniors?"

“Well, I’m not,” Bush responded. “Here’s what I said: I said, ‘We’re going to have to reform our entitlement system.’ We have to.” 

“It’s not an entitlement,” the woman shot back. “I earned that.”

Yeah I think Jebbie really whiffed on this one.


  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    These goddamned thugs want to get rid of Social Security, Medicare, Food stamps, Planned Parenthood, abortion, Obamacare, financial regulations, EPA, public schools, department of education, campaign contribution limits, national parks...the list is boggling to even imagine.

    If a Republican wins the White House (probably by stealing it) we are in a sorry state of affairs for a minimum of 4 years to come...more guns, more corruption, more wars, more discrimination, more theocracy, more hate and divisiveness. On steroids.

    Everything that has been accomplished during the Obama administration will be rolled back, repealed, trashed and discarded.

    If Democrats don't get out and vote EN MASS this time around, it will be an unmitigated disaster for the country.

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Name one time in the last thirty years that a republican has said "this will be vood for you" and it was.

  2. Anonymous12:13 PM

    This guy was governor of Florida. And they say he is the "smart one".

    Elizabeth 44

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    ....and we've got fourteen more months of this crap. Lovely.

    I've got five more years to go to retirement in a medium-level city government job. The rate it's going, I wonder if I'm going to be left with anything. They won't be happy until they've gutted every last one of us.

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Freedom's just another word for nothing else to lose" get peopel to that point and it will be revolution and blood in the streets.

  4. Anonymous12:43 PM

    O/T: happy Pie and Beer day everyone! And a big FU to all Mormons .

  5. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Nice try, Gryphen, if that's even your real name, which 55% of the last few remaining deadenders who still visit your defunct blog know it is probably not! Once again, you are completely wrong!

    First of all, Jeb! (no last name that I'm aware of) WILL be our next president and there are already signs that Obama is turning over the more important functions of the office to Jeb! as we speak. Why wait for the election and inauguration if it's inevitable, right? Basically Jeb! is already president.

    Second, phasing out Medicare and transitioning to "No Medicare" is good for our country and good for seniors. My elderly father is already cutting back on his medication in anticipation of the Jeb! adminstration and his own death.

    Top conservative bible scientists have proven beyond any doubt that Medicare is the single leading cause of death for American seniors because 99% of them had received treatment from Medicare within the 15 years prior to their deaths. Do you need MORE proof???

    In conclusion, a vote for Jeb! is like a day without sunshine.

    And a glass of delicious Florida orange juice, also too.

    1. SallyinMI1:32 PM

      Good one..Beldar, is that you?

    2. Anonymous2:47 PM

      LOL -- you did it again. Welcome back.

    3. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Wonderful, Beldar!! Love your posts...keep 'em coming. ;-)

    4. Sally, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and smells like a duck, yeah, it's probably Beldar.

    5. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Anon 12:47,

      Your comment shows just how uninformed you are, probably by believing what you’ve heard on Fox or from conservative pundits.

      Medicare is supported by deductions in your pay check and not by the tax payers. Secondly, the US government has borrowed from the fund and have yet to repay what they borrowed. Medicare also will be financially solvent for at least the next 15 years. It would be longer if the government hadn’t borrowed from it, but they are still liable for what they borrowed.

      So what you in favor of is cheating everyone who has contributed to Medicare for most of their working life. Also, you have no problem with retirees and the elderly having no medical coverage and many will have go without medical treatment because they can’t afford it. That was the major reason Medicare was started in the first place, to help the elderly get medical treatment they couldn’t afford before and had to go without any treatment.

      The Koch brothers have no sympathy for the welfare of others and are only interested in their own financial wellbeing. The sooner you realize that you’ll see just how cold hearted they are.

    6. Anonymous5:14 PM


    7. Anonymous6:11 PM

      4:19, in this case your are responding to one of our favorite posters, Beldar. Nothing s/he says is to be taken seriously. We love, and miss, Beldar these days!

    8. Anita Winecooler7:00 PM

      4:19 read you the riot act! And I, for one agree. Who'd name their kid "Beldar Duck Conehead"? Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black doubting the veracity of Gryphen's name and the now defunct blog.
      PS, Come back, we miss you when you're gone.

    9. Balzafiar5:56 AM

      @Anita Winecooler said: "Who'd name their kid "Beldar Duck Conehead"?"

      One of the Palins?

    10. @419

      Welcome to Gryphen's defunct blog that nobody reads (yet still manages to attract 5-6 million visits a year). Your comment was well written and well intentioned.

      Don't let your ensnarement by Beldar's occasional snarky tomfoolery discourage you from visiting IM daily and commenting freely. Some longtime IM visitors can attest to Beldar's generally poor disposition, cranky attitude and consistently rude faux-trollish commentary.

      Rumors that Beldar means well, has a heart of gold and supports thousands of orphans around the world have been thoroughly discredited as self-serving reputation remediation of his own authorship. He has no shame but he does have an impressive collection of decommissioned subway tokens.

      Beldar's an unrepentant rapscallion, rake, roue, scamp, scallywag, rascal, rogue and digital ne'er-do-well. The best you can say about Beldar is that his mother loves him, but even she keeps the good silverware locked up when he visits.

      As Saint Ron Reagan liked to ask when old friends came to visit "Do I know you?"

  6. Caroll Thompson12:47 PM

    Most Republicans voted against Social Security in 1935 and most voted against Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. And they have been trying to dismantle those programs ever since.

    The reason these programs are called entitlements are because that is what they are called in law. It has nothing to do with getting something for nothing as most teabaggers think when they hear the word entitlement. Yes, we paid into Social Security and Medicare and I will be damned if Jeb Bush is going to take that away.

    As to Jeb, he is more of an idiot than I thought. Everyone always said he was the smart one. I have yet to see anything smart about Jeb. They don't call Social Security and Medicare the third rail of politics for nothing. Touch our benefits and you will soon find yourself on the outside looking in.

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Most teabaggers are on social security and medicare. You should read the howling about Jeb!'s latest both feet in mouth pronouncement on the internet. They ream his ass WIDE open for even daring to touch their beloved medicare. Remember when they first started all their bagging nonsense, the keep your government off my social security and medicare? Well guess what idiots, the chickens are coming home to roost and the baggers will be the first eggs broken.

    2. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Remember the moronic teabagger with the sign: Keep the government out of my medicare. or words to that effect.

    3. Maple4:55 PM

      Repubs have turned "entitlement" into a dirty word, just as they have done with "socialism" and "liberal". In fact, it really means that you are "entitled" to Medicare and Social Security, BECAUSE you have paid into both.

  7. Anonymous12:54 PM

    jeb rigged the FL election for his evil moron brother, W, who falsely went to war after his saudi-israeli buddies bombed ny-dc to justify Iraq - Afghan invasions. jeb is a war criminal.

  8. Anonymous12:58 PM

    “It’s not an entitlement,” the woman shot back. “I earned that.”
    Good for her !!!! I hope he hears it again and again.

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      I hope everyone hears it! We need to get 'entitlement' out of the political lexicon. We worked for those benefits.

  9. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Jeb! needs to focus on the welfare queens buy abortions and lobsters on the taxpayers' dime. That's what the Republican base wants to here.

    1. Anonymous12:41 AM

      If he wants to eliminate welfare, he can start with corporate welfare

  10. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I guess Marvin's the smart one, then.

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Maybe it's been Doro all along.

    2. Anonymous2:04 PM

      I don't know, 1:48. Didn't she waste a year or more dating David Dreier?

    3. Anonymous3:41 PM

      There is no smart one.

      The more I see of Jeb! the more certain I am that he will never be president.

  11. Anonymous1:49 PM

    On second thought, he said he wants to replace it with a voucher program. HA, what an idiot.

  12. Pat in MA2:14 PM

    My 88 yr old Dad just had a stroke, was in the hospital for 4 days, rehab for 20, now home therapy and visiting nurse for one month and counting. He's made a remarkable recovery, and the amount he owes on every bill he receives = ZERO. Jeb Bush and his vouchers can F-off.

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      I'm glad to hear your dad is doing well.

    2. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Great news about your Dad. Hope he keeps getting stronger. My sister in the UK was in traction in the hospital for 6 weeks. Then to a facility for therapy for a month. Visiting nurse every few days. ALL FREE under the National Health Service. That is what we need here, enough of these millionaires telling us what we do not need while they enjoy their Cadillac healthcare plans. Poppy Bush and Babs have cost taxpayers plenty over the years.

    3. Anonymous5:17 PM

      VOUCHERS? ANd stupid $carah accused President Obama of death panels? WTF does $tupid $carah think will happen whne those vouchers don't cover the bill to keep Mom, dad and preterm baby alive?

    4. Anita Winecooler7:08 PM

      Continued healing and warm wishes to you and your dad. THIS is exactly why Medicare works and works well. but Senior' Exclamation Point comes from a family of wealth and privilege, if something happens, he's got daddy to run to for "entitlements".
      Something tells me he's "going rogue" and taking his advice by emulating Mr Trump. Say anything to get in the news.....

  13. Anonymous2:24 PM

    New SarahPAC e-mail...)


    The Obama Administration does not want Congress to do it’s job and stop this dangerous Iran deal! This deal only makes Iran more bold as they just announced that they will try and buy nuclear weapons.

    Conservatives must remember history. Prior to WWII, the Allies tried to appease Hitler. They gave him land and time as incentives for not invading more nations. These only made Hitler more bold as this Iran deal only makes this exporter of terror more bold! This deal needs to be killed, but only Congress has the power to kill it once and for good. Let's show Congress what the American people think of this BAD DEAL! Stand with SarahPAC and force Congress to kill the bill!

    Donate $20 so we can expose the lies the Obama Administration is making in order to appease Iran.

    Israel, our greatest and closest ally, a bastion of hope for a hopeless region has experienced the relentless terror of Iran through terrorist groups like Hamas first hand. The same Iran that the Obama Administration wants to reward. We can never allow this deal to exist, the safety of all Americans and our allies is at stake.

    Demand the Obama Administration allow Congress do their job. Protect the American people, protect the American way, protect freedom and liberty. STOP THIS DANGEROUS IRAN DEAL!



    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Gee, $20.00 for this and $15.00 for that, Sarah, you're going to bankrupt your fans!

    2. Anonymous3:43 PM

      $carah is the toothless tiger in this. She has NO POWER at all to influence anybody. Anyone sending her their money, deserves to be fleeced.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:15 PM

      Did she really "go there"? with the Hitler reference? Quick, Piper, find where I put my Jewish Star Bling necklace, or did we pawn that to pay for Bristol's weddi..... oh nevermind... find the unflippinbelievable necklace NOW!!!
      And a big shout out to "Special Olympics" also,too! Started by a democrat to show the world what people with handicaps can accomplish in sports, did I mention we're big in sports? Send 30 Dollars or your best offer, to Sarah Pac, I'll send a fridge art done and signed by Trig to support Special Olympics" You betcha!

  14. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Here is what SHOULD be phased out - pensions for millionaire politcians, with cadillac healthcare paid for by taxpayers. They get the equivelent of their normal pay, with raises EVERY year!! Since they line their pockets with lobbyist $$$$ they all become very rich while in office. Why are taxpayers on the hook for their pension, when very few companies give pensions these days. They do not work 5 days a week, have aides that read the bills and tell them what their opinions are supposed to be, according to their OWNERS such as the Koch brothers. I worked for one company for 25 years, raised 3 kids alone, took all the overtime available, and I get $400 a month, no healthcare and no raises. These politicians do not know what hard work is, yet think they should be treated like royalty. Remember McCain was asked what he considered a middle class paycheck, he said $5 million a year! That is how out of touch these useless "representatives" are. Jeb! is not smart, he is a cross eyed dumbass.

  15. Anonymous2:39 PM

    First, let's get away from the free lifetime health care that former presidents and first ladies receive. The retirement income is substantial enough that former presidents should be able to manage with Medicare and a good supplemental that they pay for themselves. Papa Bush and Babs have had plenty of hospitalizations and ongoing illnesses over the years and I don't think that all of us should foot the bill if their son, Jeb, wants to eliminate health care for senior citizens. My husband and I worked hard for many years and we've earned our retirement and our health care (not that it's free because our supplemental is pricey but good). What jobs have Jeb, his wife, George W. and Laura ever had and how much have they contributed to Social Security?

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      W is giving speeches, closed to the media, for fees ranging anywhere up to $250,000, including private jet. Laura gets $50,000 a speech! What the HELL could either of these two possibly say that would be worth paying to hear? I wonder if Poppy Bush;s last injury ocured when Jennifer Fitzgerald pushed him out of her bed?

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Because it's not true, Beaglemom, "Medical insurance[edit]
      Former presidents are entitled to medical treatment in military hospitals; they pay for this at interagency rates set by the Office of Management and Budget. Two-term presidents may buy health insurance under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program; a GSA legal opinion ruled Jimmy Carter and George H. W. Bush ineligible

    3. Anonymous5:23 PM

      They get medical services at military hospitals. As Commander in Chief - even thoguh retired, that would be appropriate. And since a first spouse can't work during the usual 8 years while a Pres is in office the $20K per year they get is fine with me. And changing times - Michelle Obama had a six figure career. She gave up her law license for her husband's career. And so much else.

  16. Anonymous5:11 PM

    That wasn't a "whiff" meaning he missed the ball. That was more like he hit a short grounder to the short stop, and then slid face first into the cow patty he mistook for first base.

  17. Anonymous6:21 PM

    I suppose Jebbie and his ilk consider things like Medicare and Social Security to be entitlement programs because he earns most of his money through investments and capital gains.

    The majority of us earn our living through paychecks. I'm 28, and I've been paying Social Security and Medicare taxes on my paychecks since I was 16. By the time I'm 66, I'll have damned well earned any benefits that I will eventually draw from these programs.

    FYI: Did you know that as of 2015, only the first $118,500 of your payroll earnings are subject to Social Security tax? Once again, tax breaks for the rich.

    And if you believe that the majority of wealthy individuals refuse to draw Social Security, you're full of shit. They paid into it, and even I believe that they should be allowed to draw their fair benefit if they want to.

  18. Anita Winecooler7:28 PM

    Poor Jeb Exclamation Point. Says anything to get his first name mentioned. I'm sure this will rate right up there with the "Are we putting food on our families?" and a plethora of Exclamation Point Isms when Jeb ! wins the election by a landslide NOT! Medicare is going nowhere. The government takes a portion of everyone's pay, invests it, and makes money off our collective "entitlement", which goes right back to medicare. It's a legal term, it's not "entitlement" in the way of "Money for nothing" Senior Jeb "thinks" it "means", and we're to believe he's the "less stupid" one compared to President George Dubaya Exclamation Point, er Bush??

    "People hate Medicare, right?" is the perfect caption!!

  19. Read this on Daily KOS: "The latest projections for Social Security and Medicare, if correct, indicate that the cost of both programs will top out at a combined 12 percent of GDP by the middle of the century and then flatten out. That's about 3 percent of GDP more than we're spending now.
    So this is what Jeb is saying: Right now the federal government spends about 20 percent of GDP. We can't afford to increase that to 23 percent of GDP over the next 30 years. That would—what? I don't even know what the story is here. . . .
    This whole thing is ridiculous. Over the next 30 years, we need to increase spending by 1 percent of GDP per decade. That's it. That will keep Social Security and Medicare in good shape. But no, let's dismantle a successful program that has kept people from becoming utterly destitute for most of the 20th century, and has provided seniors with healthcare, and replace it with a private "program" that's really a revenue-generating engine for corporate fat cats. Thank you, "JEB!" for electrocuting yourself on that fabled third rail. It's so nice of you to set yourself on fire like that.

  20. Proof positive Jeb doesn't really want to be President and Republican voters are m0r0ns that will vote against their own best interests.


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